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I feel the same. It's getting to the point where I just echo everybody else's praise. Fantastic job @Rakuda
Gotta stay young at heart @Wanderer What's left now, a broken thumb drive, a broken iPhone... doesn't sound the same!. ^_^
@themidget Thank you as well. Sometimes, I don't know why I do it. I guess it carries me along.... one project to the next.
Thank you! I played a little more with my scene and threw some figures in to test out the look of things, although I didn't spend a lot of time posing them and so they look a little stiff. But it is a rough draft and the scene is coming along.
OOps! I need to move the perimeter of my ghost lights up a bit I see so that some of the light actually hits the ceiling itself.
Now there needs to be some of those used fabric softener sheets floating around the floor. They are like sagebrush of a laundromat.
I think you did an amazing job on the Laundry Mat enviroment!!
Keep up the great work!!!
@Saphirewild I am going to work with that corner of the room. move to the left and work on the south corner and then make my way to the windows and eventually the outer facade of the building. I am loooking forward to seeing how it comes out.
Here is something completely different as sorty of a break. All-in-all turned out pretty well. I like the Heliconia.
Black and White & Heliconia
This is just a fleeting moment that I captured of something that I saw in 2 seconds yesterday and captured from memory by setting it up in DS. I love the time, and location setings in rendering with Sun and Sky. I try to estimate the light at a certain time of day. I did a little blurring post-work in Photoshop.
Scene Blurred
I just bought this model as I really like the space and am thinking to decorate it and put some characters in it like an old Hogarth painting. This is a first render of the space. I have been a bit occupied by other things the last few weeks.
That will be an intersting project for sure!
The laundromat images are great (embarassingly, I think I have that countertop you used); I really think you're doing great. But this--wow... I really like this. Well done.
Also, @Rakuda, I think your idea for that Hogarth-inspired project sounds wonderful. Keep it up.
Thank you everyone. Just bee a bit distracted and ADD lately. Big relationship changes, etc... It changes my energy around things.
@Wander Yeah, thank you for the compliments, I ike that image of the blurred scene. I just am unsettled by the shape of the head/hair shape. That is one part of DAZ figures that often needs to be camoflaged. The way the neck and head rests either works or doesn't and a subtle difference in position can make a figure lifelike, or robotic.
Here is the scene withh the addition of a lamp. I am going to throw a few of these in for light, but I think I need to change the shape of the lit wick and flame a bit to make it look better. The general effect of the light is nice though.
It is a simple detail, but I think the hanging hook that I made in Hexagon thankfully looks right for the lamp.
I am starting a scene, and it is working well, but I realized that saving my files to a USB drive, or even Dropbox is not reliable enough. I want to be able to control versions of scenes, so I am going to have to set up a repository on GitHub if possible to version control my scenes.
I got to work and realized the file that I had saved of the scene was corrupted on my portable USB disk drive. The scene is not too much to resetup, but this gives me the impetus early on to begin doing backup and version control on my .duf scene files.
I did a basic resetup and committed my base setup to GitHub. In it I loaded the Saloon interior and the exterior preloads and nested them under a containing Null which I renamed "Saloon_Collection". Then Ioaded the cameras into another Nuil and renamed that collection "Cameras".
Required products are:
Now I can move the works around via the base null and keep things organized.
From here I will start the rebuild and scene management. Next I will begin to load the scene elements and characters again and play with the basic lighting setup.
PS - Now, at this point, I want to keep things about what is going on inside the saloon environment. but the scene or environment exterior to this set may expand as this develops. Right now, this will tend to take place in this setting between 6:00pm, and 10:00pm, so the light outside will be low, I may drop in curtains to control the environment and visually contain things. I like using the sky and scene rendering environmental settings, but that doesn't tie directly to a backdrop so the light casts a certain way with no particular relationship to a background. It may be best to either have some props outside catching the light appropriately, or using some good HDRi images for backdrops. My other option is to use curtains over the windows, but from some angles there is still visible outside through the saloon door.
I re-imported the lamp and had a chance to play with the flame a bit. I think this looks better. I also set the flame value to 42 watts which seems more realistic, but I am not sure how watts relates to the size of the object/flame? I feel like it should be putting off a bit more light. Last time I had it set to 200,000 Kilocandels.
Here it is with the flame at 10,000 watts. Not sure how to calculate the luminance of a flame.
Character Building
Xu Ping
Interestingly, some of these characters were like less than a megabyte in their .duf files, and others were 10 or 20 Megabytes. What accounts for this? I assumed that the file structure would be constrained by linking to content in my library versus storing the geometry directly in the .duf file. What controls this? Is there a way to minimize the size of my scene files like this? This knowlege is important for managing my backups and file control in general.
I will be watching this with much interest!
I also sent you a message about M4, not sure if you got it or not, but since you are a bit distracted I thought I would mention it lol.
@iceDragonArt Awesome sauce! I didn't see the messages or any alerts, so I will have to just periodically check my forum inbox. For anyone interested, I will be comitting some hexagon and obj files that I create to the repository on GitHub, so aside from sharecg freebies, you might eventually access some files by downloading the GitHub repository or zip. That is if I can learn some more about managing file sizes. I am beginnning also to ceate my content in a stuctured way and properly story them in my library, so things will improve in that regard versus creating content willy-nilly as I had before.
Update Coming
Yeah, so I am going to try this thing out... Because, why not?!! Hope the mods are ok with it, otherwise, I can link to it from my other sites.
Hair problems solved by rendering in three parts and composing in Photoshop.
Before with hair intersecting figure:
Final Image
Just had to post a note. Got my first Patreon follower! Pretty chuffed LOL.
Looking forward to posting the next update to the 3D project. The first post over there was some public notes on sketching ideas.
I have two distinct 3D projects going. One will be published publically here, the other will only be posted over on Patreon.
Anyhow... on to make some updates.
You should link your patreon in your signature. Great stuff you are working on.
Thank you @Worlds_Edge I will. I have been quiet whilst I work on that stuff over on Patreon, but I thought I would stop back to post a random render. I am looking to post an update on Patreon tonight or tomorrow.
Now, for the render. I was playing with the geo-location settings in Iray Sun & Sky environment. I was looking out my window and trying to match the light that I was seeing. Here is a little cat in a courtyard. I was pretty well pleased with the outcome of the light. I would like too know how to influence the color temperature a little bit however. The light seemed a bit warmer outside in actuality.
Environment Settings
What needs to be understood is that if your longitude setting is meadured west, then the number is preceeded by a negative and if it is east it is a positive number. Also, the UTC offset is also very important to get correct light/time settings.
Example settings for Chicago/USA are:
So in DS, you would set as follows:
The golden hour for Chicago on 6/28/2018 is 19:48
Tokyo/Japan however the settings are:
So in DS, you would set as follows:
Here is a related image playing with the sun in the same setting.
Isn't light a wonderful thing?
Have you been frustrated that you are posing people interacting in ways that just don't seem natural? If you don't understand weight and balance which is important, that can happen. I am going to post a tutorial over on my Patreon page after lunch today with some ideas and some examples of posing, and will take several examples that believe it or not I have seen, and try to come up with a better pose.
For example, you may see this pose from a beginner and I will discuss how to improve it and become better at posing.
Bad Example:
An improved pose might look something like this:
Good Example:
As a bonus, I will add some wrestling poses to accompany the tutorial and download the poses for use.
A question that I have also that somebody might know something about.... Is it possible to apply an influence map to an area that would be effected by a shape morph? For instance, say I want a model flexing to lift something and I want only part of the body to be flexing like the bicep, sholder and side, pectoral, but I do not want to have that bulk flexed look elsewhere.
I am not sure if this is possible, or if shape morps are symmetrical and general. It would be interesting if it doesn't exist to have a muscle flexion kit that would allow localized flexion and relazation or (lengthening/stretching) morphs.I may be ignoring some obvious technique.
I do however see many characters posed with say their abs, or back muscles in an obviously relaxed position and yet they are flexed like mad. This ends up looking awkward or unintentionally comical.
A pose based on the classical greek wrestlers
I am beginning to see why so many people do one-off renders versus narrative comic stuff. That comic work is very involved and takes a lot of my time. So, here is a one-off test render from the weekend. This was made with Pierrette, Room Creator 2, Chinoiserie, and The Tarot Set.
Here is one more render for the day of a girl standing in two sources of light. The dress is something from Wilmap, which nicely simulated dynamically. Obviously, I like light and the way it effects a scene.
Below is an image of the setup and trying to get the angle of light just right.
Building from a dream
Just getting caught up. You have been busy! Congrats on the Patreon thing! The characters you are working on, are they dial spun or are you taking them into something like Hexagon or Zbrush?