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After a week of testing all combinations, these are the results:
For NVIDIA, the best driver is the brand new 350.12 release that were released today 2015-04-13, since it is the first official driver to include OpenCL 1.2 support for Kepler or Maxwell cards (but seems to work well on Fermi GTX4x0 too):
After testing all versions on my GTX460 (Fermi) laptop, the 350.12 was the only driver that managed to run all Luxmark 3.0 tests on Win 8.1. The medium scene took 40 000 ms to compile while the others are closer to the AMD compile time of 15 ms per scene, but it is better than crashing due to memory leaks.
But still, even if using the latest NVIDIA 350.12 driver, the IPR window seems to never render anything.
The render room works, but with big limitations in OpenCL/Path/Unbiased mode:
-Only SOBOL sampler is supported
-Carrara spot, bulb, and distant lights work
NOT working on NVIDIA GTX460:
-The default METROPOLIS sampler
-Luxcore Sun-Sky and Luxcore Infinite lights
To be continued...
Time to lighten up the NVIDIA problems with an animation render from Luxuscore.
This is the scene from EP's tutorial to create a foamy ocean, without the foam since I quickly changed shader to glass on the water and chrome on the ball. Light is Luxcore Sunsky.
Just a quick render to check that Luxuscore supports Carrara oceans so the quality sucks (animated GIF makes it even worse).
Took 10 minutes at 1280x960 on GPU and over an hour on the CPU only.
Orginal thread with a better Carrara internal render:
Even without the foam, that looks very good!
I've never been able to get the ocean primitive to work. Is there a way to make the primitive extend all the way to the horizon. Is there an Ocean Primitive tutorial somewhere you might suggest?
Yes, the link above or this one includes both shader and replicator magic.
Tried a few of the free Carrara shaders from Nobiax and kaz42 in LuxusCore.
Works well, with displacement maps too.
There are over 300 of them (2GB download), get them at
Comparison of the Ready 2 Render scene: Dragon Slayer.
Carrara native render with the built-in light set (left) and LuxusCore 2015-April version with the same DS lightset (right).
The lightset is made for DAZ Studio and sucks in both Carrara and LuxusCore.
Had to add Gamma correction in Carrara and lower all the lights by 50% in LuxusCore to match the light level of them both.
While waiting for the next LuxusCore beta (current one times out in a few days) with new features hopefully, I tried to do another comparison of Carrara native GI renderer and LuxusCore.
The usual Day at the Beach scene:
Victoria 6 Carrara shaders:
Free HDRI Hudson River (bottom of page):
Deleted all the default lights and loaded the HDRI in Carrara and via the Infinite light in LuxusCore.
(But I have not learned how to position the HDRI the same way in both)
Carrara had all GI functions on an maxed out to get good lighting (without black splotches of shadows) and took 10+ minutes.
LuxusCore had the default OpenCL/Path/Unbiased and took 2 minutes for 1000 samples.
(Also rendered at different gamma levels, but that is a later post.)
Take a guess at which is Carrara and LuxusCore:
Left hand image looks more like traditional Carrara render to me. You may want to set the gamma correction to 2.2 and re-render with Carrara, you should see the images looking a lot closer. It was comparative tests like that that led me to the gamma "discovery" in the first place.
Left one is LuxusCore using Gamma=2 and right is Carrara native using Gamma=2.2.
After reading you Gamma post some time ago, I usually render out in different gamma values to see what is going on, since Carrara seems to have some bugs.
Will post an overview of them all soon.
Considering that LuxusCore is a beta with almost no GUI, it is impressive, but the render is far from being realistic in both Carrara and LuxusCore...
New Win64 Build
- Updated LuxCore
- Fixed a hang on close.
- times out end of May.
Tried out the new build on my recently acquired Darius 6, not bad. I still like the Carrara native render (second image) for some things and Luxcore (first image) for other reasons. I didn't tweak anything for either render though, so I probably could compensate either way if I took the time. Carrara took 4 minutes with full indirect lighting, Luxcore too, 20 minutes. I look forward to Luxcore for Carrara having all kinks ironed out, if I upgrade to a more powerful laptop with a stronger graphics card, I can see the possibilities. Welldone Sphericlabs!
Thanks for the update.
Seems to have the same problems on my NVIDIA GTX460 with the latest 350.12 driver that works in Luxmark, works with OpenCL/Path/Biased, but black screen with unbiased.
Biased takes 20MB of VRAM (and renders wrong colors) on the simple test scene, while unbiased takes 500+MB and renders nothing.
Time to learn the Blender, luxcore basics and see if it also has the same problems...
First results on the Geforce GTX460 and Win 8.1 rig with the latest version:
Blender 2.74 and Luxrender 1.4 (both latest official downloads), set to LuxCore 2.x.
Test scene Layered mat demo from:
CPU: OK (Glass is not glass)
GPU: OK (Glass is not glass)
Carrara 8.5 Pro/Luxuscore 2015-May, test scene
GPU: NOK Black screen
CPU: NOK crash (BEX64/Carrara.exe/ntdll.dll)
GPU: OK, but wrong colors
/EDIT Added SOBOL info, seems to not work with the latest version.
Hi 3drendero,
Not a good comparison.
Luxrender 1.4, although you can access openCL it is not fully accessing the new 1.5 code/API (1.5 includes micro_kernels + embree)
If you want to compare current Luxuscore and Blender, for Blender look at either:-
Luxrender 1.5 dev build + use this blender exporter
>Use this current build(latest source) with its exporter<</a> (although I am not currently sure about the blender exporter being fully correct)
Thanks Steve
I tried Paolo's latest build (20150502) and ran into a lot of new issues, for example the test scene I used got a material problem at load, so I need a new test scene or need to learn how to build lux materials in Blender...
The simpler test scene did load and I did manage to crash Blender like Carrara in Biased Path CPU mode....
Not sure which exact version LuxusCore is running, to run a proper beta test with correct versions on both the NVIDIA and AMD rigs to flush out the NVIDIA problems.
Off to find a better test scene...
Hi 3drendero,
I am not seeing that.
For Biased Path, that now uses "Stratified Sampler", but I do not think that is accessible via the blender exporter from the daily builds.
What I would suggest for blender, is to use the daily builds, but use the blender exporter from this thread:-
That exporter can be set to "Luxcore API(experimental)" and will give you access to the various new render/material settings for that core.
As you are using nVidia GPU, what drivers for openCL are you using for CPU? I only ask, as when I used the intel openCL drivers along with nVidia, I was getting various errors/conflicts/crashes.
Thanks, will try that too, since only 4 of the official test scenes worked with yesterdays build. Most were missing a light, some had wrong material names.
Using intels opencl 1.2 driver which I believe is the latest for my Sandybridge CPU. Will try without it, but then there is no OpenCL CPU mode to test...
I have checked openCL on CPU(using the runtime from AMD) running in both Carrara and Blender and OK (Note:- when running IPR in Carrara, you will see a window appear for AMD openCL, just ignore it, it goes away on its own).
If you want to try that runtime:-
Download the "AMD APP SDK v2.9.1" from this link:-
When installing SDK, uncheck the 5 sub_options(see pic), so it will install minimal for runtime.
Will try the AMD APP SDK again. Last time it kept failing on installation, but maybe I gave up too soon.
Make sure you download the 2.9.1(as shown above), the full installer. It installed OK on my setup (win7 sp1 -64)
Success, installed the AMD APP SDK 2.91 and it worked this time.
Luxmark renders all CPU benchmarks with the AMD driver and both Blender and Carrara now support the Biased Path OpenCL in CPU mode.
Also seeing the same problem of the GTX460 GPU not rendering anything in all test scenes in Blender (as in Carrara), except the simplest one.
Thanks Steve!
Lasy day of the month for the LuxusCore beta.
Assuming that it must be uninstalled on 01 June for Carrara to start properly.
New Win64 Build
- Times out last day of July
- Won't crash Carrara when it times out.
Works as usual.
Any guess on what feature will be included next?
LuxusCore.mcx failed to load!
Could be cause I'm running Windows 10 ??
Did you just download and install the latest version from today?
Have not tried Win10 yet, is there a Compatibility mode to test?
Yes, the latest version of LuxCore.
Just tried Luxus and it throws errors as well. But it doesn't crash Carrara like LuxuxCore Does
Well, less than 2 months until a Win10 release, guess we will know then if it is the Windows beta or a new bug...