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Additional notes:
LuxusCore IPR works separately from Render room settings.
Genesis default texture set = multiple 4Ks. Super bloated (I plan to shirnk them down to a 20% weight UVset).
IPR is rendering "something" even when showing black. A classic GPU/biased behavior (for other renderers like DS Reality) is a long black pause of 20 to 30 secs before the image suddenly appear. My gauge is if I let LXC IPR continue to render default Genesis shader set in blackness for another 36 minutes or hours it will finally show the image. So far the longest I bothered with is 450sec during my coffee break. But lol why bother right.
I just got on board OR4C, but the more renderer option the merrier. More importantly, it will be nice for Carrarists to have a fast enough and cheaper-entry IPR alternative to Octane that will work seamlessly enough with Carrara shader system that is not NVidia dependent. Carrara needs an instant-entry IPR to attract users. Biased or unbiased/PBR, more an artistic call...
LuxusCore IPR output can be good enough for animation renders (main goal of most Carrara users I think) once the bugs are isolated. Joeping more than demonstrated that LuxusCore can be used for 30sec/frame.
It will take awhile for LXC IPR to get to the stage of some buttons/ options like OR4C, an excellent product. So patience... :)
I also think a more detailed and step-by-step user guide will also help to get more beta testers on board. Took me a while to grasp the concept of LuxRender, LuxCore, LuxusCore, LuxShader, IPR vs RenderRoom settings...
Have fun testing...
V5 takes about 1 GB of VRAM with the Carrara V5 shaders and the latest beta.
The set was 2 GB, so maybe I lost a few textures on my 3GB card that was on the limit with both.
I use GPU-z to check if anything renders, if the cards are downlocked to 300MHz (Windows mode) then nothing is ever going to happen, if they are at 1000MHz (game mode), then the render is on.
Having a quick play.
Using the scene from Carrara (the one being used for the lighting tests on other thread), but rebuilt the objects due to lighting artifacts/noise from the converted spline objects.
Just a default material on objects, as was testing mesh lights on scene.
"Pathocl" custom config.
approx 15min on HD7850
Thought I would post some basic settings to help speed up rendering / IPR
These are for PathOCL.
The settings are entered in the "render room > Luxcore via Luxus > Config Settings"
renderengine.type = "PATHOCL" (sets renderer to PathOCL)
path.maxdepth = 3 (sets mamimum path depth. A value of 1 will give direct lighting only. I set to 3 for IPR, and set to 4 (or possibly more, depending on scene) for final render)
path.clamping.radiance.maxvalue = 10 (clamping radiance, helps prevent fireflys. Good for indoor scenes, but can cause greyed out image if applied on outside well lit scenes if set as a low value). For indoor scenes, I usually set to 10 (as shown) and adjust as needed.)
path.clamping.pdf.value = 0 (This works in oposite to radiance clamping, and will clamp low levels. Good to help prevent noisy shadows, but better set to low value, of as example, 0.1 - 0.5. If set too high, image will be black in many areas.)
film.filter.type = "NONE" (if filtering set to "NONE", rendering will be quicker. Other types are: "GAUSSIAN", "BOX", "MITCHELL_SS", "MITCHELL" and "BLACKMAN-HARRIS"
film.filter.width = 2 (value to set for filtering when it is not set to NONE)
Steve, what did you do on the apartment besides change the material?
Looks great.
Thanks for the settings, time to update the manual again...
Hi 3drendero
I will post the other render settings if wanted/needed?This is another quick experiment with Carrara 8.5 Pro and LuxusCore Carrara. It's amazing how fast Luxuscore renders and the quality you can get without having to change the shaders. This was rendered in 2 minutes with only one infinite light and no messing around with the default shaders. I did blur the background in Photoshop. :)
Really love the results you're getting with Luxcore.
joeping I'm jealous! There I said it. I'm getting no love from luxuscore, and I so want it to work!
I load the default scene and it renders ok (no objects other than a plane)
I add a figure and either Carrara 8.5 pro crashes or renders 0 samples/sec trying to use my GPU. The whole reason I bought a GPU!
I wouldn't expect much from a beta, but others such as yourself are getting great results.
I have an i7-3770K 3.50GHz , 64bit, windows 7, 16G RAM and Nvidia 970 card (4G) so I think I should be able to get something to work.
If you read this, would you please let us know, in as much detail as possible, how you got that render?
Thanks so much!
joeping I'm jealous! There I said it. I'm getting no love from luxuscore, and I so want it to work!
I load the default scene and it renders ok (no objects other than a plane)
I add a figure and either Carrara 8.5 pro crashes or renders 0 samples/sec trying to use my GPU. The whole reason I bought a GPU!
I wouldn't expect much from a beta, but others such as yourself are getting great results.
I have an i7-3770K 3.50GHz , 64bit, windows 7, 16G RAM and Nvidia 970 card (4G) so I think I should be able to get something to work.
If you read this, would you please let us know, in as much detail as possible, how you got that render?
Thanks so much!
Global shaders are not properly applied over multiple mapping zones. You have to manually assign materials and then the missing objects come back into view. This is an example of a trick that seems fine for Carrara native, but that doesn't work well with some plug-ins. I have begun assigning shaders to each zone individually so I am certain nothing gets lost.
Some settings for BiaspathOCL.
renderengine.type = "BIASPATHOCL" (set to BiaspathOCL)
tile.size = 32 (Biaspath renders in buckets/tiles. This setting sets the tiles size. In earlier builds of Luxcore, the size of the tiles could affect render times. That, it as been stated, does not now matter. During testing I have found that making tile size smaller can cause a crash, and making tile size bigger can use a lot more graphics card memory. So would suggest leaving that setting at 32 for now).
tile.multipass.enable = 1 (enables (set to "1") multipass rendering. If set to "0" only one pass made.)
tile.multipass.convergencetest.threshold = 0.04 (controls quality of render. Lower values give better quality(less noise). Default = 0.04, which for well lit scenes is probably OK. For scenes with lots of shadows or indoor scenes, it will probably need setting lower. I set usually between 0.1 - 0.2 for final renders. Render will stop when threshold reached)
biaspath.sampling.aa.size = 3 (Scene total max aa sampling)
Sampling for materials can be set separately for "diffuse", "glossy" and "specular". These settings are for scene defaults:-
biaspath.sampling.diffuse.size = 2
biaspath.sampling.glossy.size = 2
biaspath.sampling.specular.size = 1 = 10 (Scene total max path depth)
Path depth is also set separately for "diffuse", "glossy" and "specular" These settings are for scene defaults:-
biaspath.pathdepth.diffuse = 2
biaspath.pathdepth.glossy = 1
biaspath.pathdepth.specular = 2
Note: Path depth default for diffuse is set to "2". That currently is insufficient to give good indirect lighting(certainly for indoor scenes). I suggest it should be set to at least 3: = biaspath.pathdepth.diffuse = 3)
Clamping can also be set as shown/explained in above post:-
biaspath.clamping.radiance.maxvalue = 0
biaspath.clamping.pdf.value = 0
Thanks for the info Steve, will update the manual.
What lighting are you using?
When I had my nVidia card installed, I was seeing that issue when I had an .hdr / .exr map for lighting. I did not try to find the cause of the issue as my nVidia card (GTX580 3GB) runs too hot under openCL, so installed my AMD card which does not show the same problem.
Try using sun/sky lighting, or just use some mesh lights to see if same problem.
Another Build
Win64 ->
Global shader should now work.
Carrara's own spot, bulb, and distant lights are currently translated into luxcore. Although it looks like it is not responding to changes during an IPR render. You will have to stop and start the render to reflect changes.
Mesh lights have to be done via the luxcore materials and work great. Make anything a LuxCore Matte material and turn up the power on the Emission channel. Here is a screenshot. As a heads up if you make a plane and make it emit, it will emit out of one side of the plane, not both.
OK, I was able to get a scene to render with a single Sun-Sky light. I wanted to add a light source for the stove but no success. I finally just tried a plane in the middle of the room with the identical settings that Spheric provided,but no luck. I tried anything glows, environmental lighting, to no avail. Is there any way to add a light to simulate a lamp/fire etc?
Thanks again.
OK, I was able to get a scene to render with a single Sun-Sky light. I wanted to add a light source for the stove but no success. I finally just tried a plane in the middle of the room with the identical settings that Spheric provided,but no luck. I tried anything glows, environmental lighting, to no avail. Is there any way to add a light to simulate a lamp/fire etc?
Thanks again.
Can you post a screenshot of the shader tree with the Emission Channel of the LuxCore matte material showing?
Due to default settings, the sun will wash out any light from mesh lights.
Please try:-
In the assemble room, select the "Luxcore Sun-light". In the settings panel for that light, you will see entries for "Gain R" "Gain G" and "Gain B". LMB on the value next to those entries (default set to 1.00). When you LMB click on those values, you can then enter a custom value. Enter 0.001 then press enter for each of those gain values. The value will show as zero, but ignore that, the value will still be what you entered. Now use a mesh light in scene.
OK, I was able to get a scene to render with a single Sun-Sky light. I wanted to add a light source for the stove but no success. I finally just tried a plane in the middle of the room with the identical settings that Spheric provided,but no luck. I tried anything glows, environmental lighting, to no avail. Is there any way to add a light to simulate a lamp/fire etc?
Thanks again.
Can you post a screenshot of the shader tree with the Emission Channel of the LuxCore matte material showing?
First off, thank you Steve athome
The gain values did the trick.
So, I was able to get the fire going in the stove by applying Spheric's shader to a small sphere. Thanks Spheric.
I needed to reduce the power of the emission down to 5.
I've attached a test render (10 min ) and the fire sphere shader settings.
A few things:
1. Is there a way to hide the sphere itself or at least to have the white core be red like the light?
2. I tried a different sphere with environment lighting added (roughly 500 anything glows lights) but nothing would glow. So I still need to learn how to do mesh lights.
I'm very encouraged by the potential of unbiased rendering within Carrara!
If you just want the light, then use a Carrara "bulb"(point light), the bulb will not show in render but will emit light.
NOTE:- One small issue. As before, the bulb light will be washed out by sunlight, and due to amount of light emitted by the bulb(which is less than a mesh light), the sun/sky "gain" will need to be lowered more. For the sun/sky gain, enter a value of 0.00001 (for each gain value).
is there any option for shadow catch inside luxcore?
Hey everyone,
One more thing I noticed;
I "rolled" the camera (rotate about the y axis) but the Luxcore render did not change. I then rendered in photorealistic and the view was rotated.
Another Build
Win64 ->
Camera can roll and bank.
I am not sure what shadow catch is. LuxCore is physically based, so everything casts and receives shadow similar to real life. I guess I don't understand your question.
A shadow catcher is a lighting model in Carrara's Texture room. It is used primarily as a compositing tool. As an example, if you had a video or still image\ of a real street and you wanted to composite something into that still image or video, such as a fantasy character or spaceship, or whatever.
You would add an object or objects to your scene to correspond with things in the video where shadows would fall. So if it's in the middle of the road and the sun is high, you may just need a simple plane matched up to the position of the road in the video. When the shadow catcher is applied to the object, it catches any shadows that land on it, but it is otherwise invisible to the camera. When the scene is rendered, it is rendered with an alpha channel and then composited in editing software.
A shadow catcher can also cast shadows and it acts as a mask. So for example, the figure is in the middle of the road, the sun is at a lower angle, and there's a post or kiosk that casts a long shadow that would land on the figure. You would generally insert a simple geometry that matches the size and shape of the post or kiosk, apply a shadow catcher to that, as well as the road, and the post or kiosk will cast a shadow while being invisible to the camera. If the figure passes behind the post or kiosk, then the portion for the figure that is behind it is masked out during the render.
Here's an example of a shadow catcher in action:
1) I videotaped my back pasture and I wanted to add dinosaurs to it. Once I had my footage captured, I added a still from the video to the Scene's Backdrop, and in the Interactive Renderer, I enabled the option to view the Backdrop. I did this to frame the shot and match the lighting.
2) I added a plane primitive, added a shadow catcher shader and matched the perspective to the terrain. If I had wanted to get fancy, I could have used a vertex plane and tried to match rises and dips in the pasture video.
3) I added and animated my dinosaurs.
4) I created animated spline grass and used a shadow catcher on the grass and put them in a surface replicator. I did disable casting shadows. The shadow catcher allowed the grass to act as a mask where it was in front of the dinosaurs, and at the same time, because it's invisible, it looks like the color matches the grass in the video. Because this is standard res, I can get away with this little trick. If I had it in HD, probably not.
5) I set the renderer to render an alpha channel and composited the background plate with the rendered scene.
Shadow catch is a compositing thing its a shader that catches only shadows with alpha so you can add 3d onto live footage.
Shadow catch is a compositing thing its a shader that catches only shadows with alpha so you can add 3d onto live footage.
No fair! You used less words than me, and still got the point across! ;-P
I'm impressed!
My wife can't get me to take out the garbage as fast as you can make upgrades!
Now, the only thing that would keep me from considering this great plug-in is the following:
When I select path in order to take advantage of the $300+ 4G card I just bought, the render goes black for all but the smallest scenes!
This is after I eliminate and consolidate shaders. If the scene renders in bidirectional should it not be able to render in path?
Also, when I can render in path (i.e. the default cube and sphere) the render time is much faster (yay) but my machine grinds to a halt for other things, say web surfing. Is there a way to reserve the GPU for rendering and the CPU for everything else? If not is there a way to reserve a small amount of GPU to handle web browsing? I realize that these last questions are not related to the plug-in but maybe someone here knows of a solution.
Thanks again
I would recommend to NOT use a modern web browser while GPU rendering, even if you disable the GPU acceleration, it is still used and most importantly, still uses 150-250MB of precious GPU RAM.
Short overview here, check conclusion:
If you have an NVIDIA GTX970 4GB card, it is actually 3,5GB and while browsing only 3,2GB is free for Luxcore.
You can use the older Opera browser, but that has security problems, you can also run VirtualPC or similar or just get a separate Android tablet...
This is another quick experiment with Carrara 8.5 Pro and luxusCore Carrara. This time I converted the textures of the inside of the plane to luxusCore shaders. I also experimented with using Lux mix shaders to combine the surface with a mirror so that I could adjust the reflections.
Lordghoul- I got my previous render by importing the figure, adding a luxusCore infinite light with am image as a map. Then I render with luxusCore. I didn't do much other than that. I am unsure why other people are having problems. I get a crash every so often, but I save a lot. :) You might try using the CPU instead of the GPU
Something I've been wondering about while reading through the Octane and Luxuscore threads but haven't had the opportunity to test for myself; from my experience with web graphics, I know that, for example, a 1000 X 1000 image can vary greatly in memory size based on the complexity of the composition of the image. An all black image at that dimension is dramatically smaller than a highly detailed image of the same dimension.
As such, would the GPU memory usage drop significantly if all of the skin shader areas, that are covered by clothing, were painted a single solid color? There seems very little point in loading so much detail that is just getting covered up by even more memory hogging detail.
Great render!