LuxusCore Carrara



  • Ok i got textures working i just have to rebuild them its not auto converting for some reason i actually have to build shaders even though they are already there

  • Ok i got textures working i just have to rebuild them its not auto converting for some reason i actually have to build shaders even though they are already there

    Nope i was wrong that scene i'm desperate to render just wont render textures in lux core i can create a new scene and add a cube it works fine texture or no but a full scene goes grey every time.


    also luxmark scenes work great

  • evilkoolade, it's not you, I have the same problem, luxmark scenes work here too, my cards are fine and drivers areup to date, Iray and Cycles work fine on them too.

    It seams that, even when textures are in the slots, LuxCore simply cannot find them smiley

  • I don't know. textures are working for me, so there may be something locally related.


  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202

    I have the same issue at times and I have not solved it.

  • evilkoolade, it's not you, I have the same problem, luxmark scenes work here too, my cards are fine and drivers areup to date, Iray and Cycles work fine on them too.

    It seams that, even when textures are in the slots, LuxCore simply cannot find them smiley

    i had a new version of this problem last night a scene i saved that was working stopped on reload and i had to reload all my poser stuff in that scene to make it see textures again luckily it was a fairly simple scene.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    I really like how Rosie's hair turned out in this - I only really worked on the skin and hair and eyes somewhat - just playing around.

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148


  • evilkooladeevilkoolade Posts: 114
    edited September 2016

    Ok i figured out i need to save textures externally in the same folder as the carrara file then saves and loades keep thier textures.

    but i r an into a different problem it seams you cant have 3 diferent types of lights in a scene if you have an emmisive shader and a spot and a bulb witch ever the last type you put in wont work luxcore ignores it. you can delete one of the other types then the newest one works. you can have multiples of any type of light but if you place a 3rd TYPE of light it wil not work

    Post edited by evilkoolade on
  • Heres what i'm working on it took many tries because i need more types of light  but it looks pretty good

    1000 x 348 - 60K
  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148

    Looks good indeed - Dr Who set!

  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,586

    Ooh, a TARDIS! laugh

  • Ok this is just a test to see if you could do multiple emissives in the same scene. Single cube with 9 material zones inside a glass ball ontop of a car paint floor theres a spot light over head to avoid the no light in scene error

    1000 x 750 - 599K
  • my final peice

    4968 x 1728 - 8M
  • Ok this is just a test to see if you could do multiple emissives in the same scene. Single cube with 9 material zones inside a glass ball ontop of a car paint floor theres a spot light over head to avoid the no light in scene error

    This is sweet. Glass is what got me into to using Lux Render with the Luxus plugin for Carrara.

    ... was going to install LuxusCore, but realized the version I have times out in Sept. Anyone know if theres a new version yet extending the time?

  • cdordoni said:

    Ok this is just a test to see if you could do multiple emissives in the same scene. Single cube with 9 material zones inside a glass ball ontop of a car paint floor theres a spot light over head to avoid the no light in scene error

    This is sweet. Glass is what got me into to using Lux Render with the Luxus plugin for Carrara.

    ... was going to install LuxusCore, but realized the version I have times out in Sept. Anyone know if theres a new version yet extending the time?

    Thanks the next version hasn't been posted yet as far as i can tell

  • dot_batdot_bat Posts: 373

    is luxus being actively developed for the mac? where can i find install for mac and comprehensive beginning tutorials? i bought it from daz a while ago but see nothing for the mac being developed. what do i need for installing lxus or is it a waste of time to install for a mac? sorry for all the questions, but i need to speed up my renders

  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634

    From what I understand LuxusCore will become the replacement for Luxus/LuxRender. Did you also download LuxRender from  I just checked... in your product library type Luxus under "Filter"... both windows and mac versions of the plug-in for Carrara are listed.  Don't know about a tutorial but suspect that something comes with it... more info at

  • dot_batdot_bat Posts: 373

    thank you wgdjohn. was a little worried luxus was a deadend

  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634

    Your welcom... Happy Rendering

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726
    wgdjohn said:

    From what I understand LuxusCore will become the replacement for Luxus/LuxRender. Did you also download LuxRender from  I just checked... in your product library type Luxus under "Filter"... both windows and mac versions of the plug-in for Carrara are listed.  Don't know about a tutorial but suspect that something comes with it... more info at

    That is incorrect.

    Luxus and Luxrender are different. They are based on Luxrender 1, which isn't going anywhere any time soon, from what this thread says. 

    LuxusCore is being (actively) developed for Luxrender Core, otherwise known as Luxrender 2, which is different, so LuxusCore will be sold separately.

    I have a strong feeling that the manual has a better explanation though

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    LuxusCore contains the new Luxrender 2 - no additional renderer download/installation is required. Another difference.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726
    dot_bat said:

    thank you wgdjohn. was a little worried luxus was a deadend

    No. I've bought Luxus when it came out and works fine. Use of it is a different thread altogether though. That one does require that we download and install (well - just extract it to the Carrara installation directory is all) luxrender. 

  • @SphericLabs

    Please tell us if you intend to provide a new beta as the actual one is not valid any more.

    I reckon you've been in beta stage for a long time now. I also know it's due to the fact that luxcore itself is in beta state.But I understand you have invested a lot of time and efforts with no return so far. It appears to me it would be a good time to release (and sell) luxcore for Carrara, with the understanding that luxcore itself is not stabilized yet and that you would carry on providing a new version every quarter.

    I would be more than happy to support your efforts for this great product (and, having some experience in plugin development, I have a very precise idea of the value of your efforts). I also believe I would not be alone in that support. We need some kind of assurance in order in incorporate Luxcore for Carrara in our workflow and getting out of beta stage would give us a nice signal in that direction.


  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634
    wgdjohn said:

    From what I understand LuxusCore will become the replacement for Luxus/LuxRender. Did you also download LuxRender from  I just checked... in your product library type Luxus under "Filter"... both windows and mac versions of the plug-in for Carrara are listed.  Don't know about a tutorial but suspect that something comes with it... more info at

    That is incorrect.

    Luxus and Luxrender are different. They are based on Luxrender 1, which isn't going anywhere any time soon, from what this thread says. 

    LuxusCore is being (actively) developed for Luxrender Core, otherwise known as Luxrender 2, which is different, so LuxusCore will be sold separately.

    I have a strong feeling that the manual has a better explanation though

    I soo confused. Is Luxus/luxrender going to eventually be "old school" which is how I interpret it since it will no longer be developed.. Both will still work AFAIK. However LuxusCore is very different in that it works differently than Luxus + Luxrender... I assume that LuxCore also renders better than Luxus.

    LuxusCore is better in that anyone only will need 1 single program unless that changes in the future... I don't think it will. I was hoping that LuxusCore, known as Luxrender 2, would be sold as an upgrade from Luxus... also by Spheric Labs.

    What do I have "incorrect"?

    LuxusCore contains the new Luxrender 2 - no additional renderer download/installation is required. Another difference.

    This is very good. I've yet to install LuxusCore. I'm looking forward to a final version. Perhaps I'll get the next Beta version installed before it expires.

  • dot_batdot_bat Posts: 373

    ok i am confused. what is the latest version of luxus for mac, luxus render and luxus plg in? i am on a mac. i bought luxus for carrara thru daz C8_Luxus_1.0.0.1_Mac64 is this the latest version for mac? where is luxcore? i guess the most simple thing to ask is- what should be installed for the mac and what is the latest version 1.00.1? what is the plugin called? thanx

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726
    edited October 2016

    LuxusCore is here - this thread. There are links for downloading it in this thread, but it needs to be updated because the latest one to date is expired - so it doesn't work.

    C8_Luxus is different.


    So to confuse. But this is NOT an upgrade nor is it an update to Luxus for Carrara. This is a totally new plugin for Luxrender 2.

    Try not to look at them as 'this one is better than that one' but rather: "This one is Differnt from That one"

    When finished, this will be sold as a separate Plugin - as it should. It began from the ground up for an entirely different render engine. 

    I think it explains all of this stuff in the unofficial manual


    I don't know the answers to your questions. Spheric Labs does, so maybe he'll chime in. However,

    Luxus (the one you and I bought) is not in Beta, it's an official release and it works really well! It's not related to this thread, and I don't have time (right now) to find the right thread for Luxus for Carrara. But it just requires that we download and install Luxrender. In Windows, we just make a folder for it where Carrara is installed (at least that's what I did according to suggestions made in the right thread) and extract the Luxrender engine into it.

    Then when we're in Carrara, we set up Luxus to 'know' where Luxrender is installed. 

    Luxus for Carrara (the one you and I bought) is really powerful! We can now render to 32 bit OpenEXR format, among all of the wonderful things that engine does. There's also a whole forum discussion at the Carrara Cafe about it too.

    Perhaps when I get home I can try and find the thread for it.

    Oh... I did find these threads in my Forum Help Links list:

    Luxus for Carrara released!
    Luxus: IBL and Background 

    Unofficial LuxusCore for Carrara manual

    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • dot_batdot_bat Posts: 373

    thank u dartanbeck, that answers some ofmy questions. ok so there are 4 apps called-luxus for carrara, luxcore, luxrender and luxrender(2) the carrara plugin? or is luxrender the plug in also just version 1?  that initself clears up a lot of my confusion. thanx for links also. looking forward to trying it out

  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634

    So to confuse. But this is NOT an upgrade nor is it an update to Luxus for Carrara. This is a totally new plugin for Luxrender 2.

    Try not to look at them as 'this one is better than that one' but rather: "This one is Differnt from That one"

    When finished, this will be sold as a separate Plugin - as it should. It began from the ground up for an entirely different render engine. 

    I think it explains all of this stuff in the unofficial manual

    Dart, Thanks for straigtening me out. I understand "different", example DAZ Studio vs Poser, but had not realized LuxCore had been written from the "ground up".  LuxusCore is an entirely different render engine... I'll want it in addition to Luxus in order to decide which one to use... which I prefer.   Please correct me, I know you will. :)  LuxCore is one entire application/plug-in which contains Luxrender 2.  On the other other hand Luxus is is a plug-in but requires Luxrender in order to work.  Luxrender2 comes with LuxusCore so both are encapsulated as one program?? and is different than Luxrender.

    Below are 2 more Luxus links that I just found.
     ♦  Luxus discussion II started by SpericLabs - the fist entry is for Luxus discussion started by AndYourLittleDogToo

    I'll try to stay On Topic which is LuxusCore from now on.


  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    ..HI dot bat :)

    Luxus is the current plugin for Carrara,., it Needs to have Luxrender (the (free) render engine) installed on your system,. so that Luxus (the plugin), can access Luxrender,(render engine) from within Carrara.

    Luxcore,. will have the render engine built into it,. when it's finally avaliable to buy.

    So the user will only need to install the plugin,.

    Hope that makes sense.

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