LuxusCore Carrara



  • cdordonicdordoni Posts: 583
    edited October 2016

    I have tried to follow along with info about Luxcore development, and there is one thing I don't understand about how it will work when its released ...

    Since the renderer is built into the plugin, how will updates to the renderer be handled? Previously, updates to Lux Render could be downloaded from the Luxrender site independent of Luxus.

    With Luxcore, it does not seem like that is possible.

    Post edited by cdordoni on
  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634

    cdordoni,  Good question.  I'm planning on purchasing LuxCore. I'd expect improvements to be no charge or a *very* low charge.. unless there would be a vast improvement... in which case I'd hope that an upgrade would be rather inexpensive... unlike buying content.

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    Updates to the main Luxrender engine,. without reciprocal updates to the plug-in,. may be the reason for combining both into a single item.

    it should, in theory, provide a simpler solution,. One application,. one installation.

    I'm assuming that the developers at Luxrender are at a point where updates to the render engine would be minimal rather than major changes,. either way, having the plugin and engine combined seems like an easier way to get new users up and running, and manage development.

    I've been using Luxus, on and off,. mostly using octane,. sorry,. but I've never updated Luxrender,.. or even thought of looking to see if I needed to,. since it works.

    probably my bad,. but,. another example of how a simplified / combined solution ,.. could be beneficial.

    just my thoughts.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725

    This one is not the Luxus the we bought, but a new IPR for Carrara. Here's an excerpt from the new unofficial manual for LuxusCore:

    What is LuxusCore?
    LuxusCore is based on the LuxCore render engine of the upcoming Luxrender 2.0 (not released at the time of writing) and is a Carrara plugin with a built-in render engine.
    LuxusCore supports GPU accelerated rendering and Interactive Photorealistic Rendering (IPR) inside Carrara.
    It works on both AMD and NVIDIA graphics cards using the OpenCL language, so you need to have updated graphics drivers.
    More about supported graphics cards can be found in the LuxCore wiki here.
    Also runs on CPU which supports more functions than GPU only.

    Important new features for Carrara users that are now integrated into Carrara: GPU rendering, Unbiased rendering, HDR/EXR with multipass rendering.

    The previous Luxus plugin for Carrara, that exports the scenes to the stand alone free Luxrender 1.x is still available from theDAZ3D store.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725

    So this is NOT an UPDATE to the Luxus we already have, but a whole new technology, being developed (I think) as we speak.

    This one seems to work more like Octane for Carrara, where we can have a realtime render preview window open in the Assemble Room as well as the Texture Room as we work.

    The unofficial manual is very brief, yet informative. Don't hesitate to give it a quick look. Joe Pingleton has kindly provided some incredible examples as well, within the manual.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725

    "Carrara hair is supported by LuxusCore from November 2015."

  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202

    Just need a new version the last timed out end of September

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725

    Yup, but he's a very busy fella! ;)

  • Sorry for leaving you all hanging for a month.  Here is a new build.  It never times out.

    Win62 -



  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202

    Thanks alot


  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634

    Mucho Gracias... I know I'll get this one installed... "no times out" cool.

  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715

    never times out?

    While that's very cool, and generous, I fear it doesn't bode well for the future of the project effort...

    Do you have a 'donate' button somewhere so that we can at least help 'fund' what you've shared with us so far?

    I'm not actively using it now, but like Fenric's plugins and the VWD stuff, I eventually get to buying these sorts of tools for my long-term plans (dreams), even if my interest is 'low' right now.

    Anyway - A HUGE thanks for your efforts so-far, and if you continue to build on this base, I for one will purchase it.

    Cheers, and best wishes,


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725
    mindsong said:

    never times out?

    While that's very cool, and generous, I fear it doesn't bode well for the future of the project effort...

    Do you have a 'donate' button somewhere so that we can at least help 'fund' what you've shared with us so far?

    I'm not actively using it now, but like Fenric's plugins and the VWD stuff, I eventually get to buying these sorts of tools for my long-term plans (dreams), even if my interest is 'low' right now.

    Anyway - A HUGE thanks for your efforts so-far, and if you continue to build on this base, I for one will purchase it.

    Cheers, and best wishes,


    Agreed. I have a feeling that, even though this one doesn't time out, it likely isn't quite as polished as the final release which gets sold? I hope so... you certainly deserve to be paid for your considerable efforts. Not just building the thing, but helping us all out has been a wonderful thing!

    Cheers and Best Wishes from me too!


  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634
    edited October 2016

    I'll donate and have not used it yet.  I do hope it is further developed and plan to buy it, hopefully with more cool features being added all the time. I'll also upgrade it as more features are added.

    John ~Wilson Gralphic Design~

    Post edited by wgdjohn on
  • Thanks SphericLabs smiley

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725
    wgdjohn said:

    I'll donate and have not used it yet.  I do hope it is further developed and plan to buy it, hopefully with more cool features being added all the time. I'll also upgrade it as more features are added.

    John ~Wilson Gralphic Design~

    Oh Man!

    Hesitate no longer! Check out the temporary Manual (it's not long), download the sample scene, and try it out! It's really a cool thing!

    Unlike Octane and Iray, this one works with ATI as well as nVidia cards and/or the cpu!

    This thread might also be essential as you delve deeper, figuring out how to create new shaders, for example, but it's definitely something to dig into!

    Have fun!

  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634

    Cool Dart,  I've seen/glanced at the manual but I neglected to download that sample scene... gotit now, thanks.  Can't find ATI via google... is that a graphic card.  I have an AMD Radeon 6700... somehow I get the idea that ATI and AMD are one in the same maybe?

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725

    Sorry about that. Yes, AMD bought ATI. I didn't realize that they've changed the name of their graphics to AMD - shows how much I pay attention, seeing as that I own one! LOL

  • JoepingletonJoepingleton Posts: 746
    edited November 2016

    When I download the latest version and try to install it I get an error that it didn't load and crashes Cararra.  Any tips to get it to work?

    636 x 504 - 32K
    Post edited by Joepingleton on
  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202

    I down loaded it and it fires up no problem. Remove all three of the new files from the extentions foleder and try redownloading incase they got corrupted.

  • Thanks Chickenman,
    I have tried redownloading it and erasing anything luxcore several times and still get the error.  I am running Carrara (the same version I was using before this version of luxcore) and the lasted update of Windows 10.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725

    Are you grabbing this one?

    Sorry for leaving you all hanging for a month.  Here is a new build.  It never times out.

    Win62 -



  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202

    I tried it last night and can render the test scene no problem.

    Latest win 10 update and latest LUXCORE update.

  • Thanks Dartanbeck, I was using that link (just tried it again, same error)
    Not sure why it's not woking for me chickenman

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725

    I have an idea... forgive me if it stinks! LOL

    Look inside your extensions folder. Did you have one installed in a subfolder and another straight into the extensions folder - in other words - more than one installed?


  • JoepingletonJoepingleton Posts: 746
    edited November 2016

    not sure why it's not working either, I searched and removed anything that had luxcore before trying to install it, never had any problems with the other versions

    Do I need to install anything else?  I don't remember having to do that with other versions

    Post edited by Joepingleton on
  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715
    edited November 2016

    possible that one of your remnant settings from the previous version is conflicting with the update? maybe copy your current settings for this toa backup and see if the default settings file works better? (if not there, it should create one?, or does one come with the installer?) Might be under your user-apps (hidden) folder like carrara's preferences.



    Post edited by mindsong on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725

    Nope. Just what's in the above link is all. 

    Oh Man! We need this working on your machine... you've been our Pioneer!!!

  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202

    There are only 3 files and they all get placed in the Extensions folder.

    I just copy them there and let them ove write the ones there already.

    I want to try to take the IRAY shaders and figure out which channels in the LUXCORE shaders they would match.

  • JoepingletonJoepingleton Posts: 746
    edited November 2016

    I just tried a reinstall of Cararra and unforntunately I still get the same error :(

    Post edited by Joepingleton on
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