OUT NOW - Real Short Hair by Laticis Imagery [Commercial]



  • Laticis ImageryLaticis Imagery Posts: 488
    edited December 1969

    ruphuss said:
    perhaps as an update: a female adjustment morph, the hair goes straight down, parting options ? did I miss a real black for the hair ?

    The next one planned will be for the G2F :)

    Parting options I struggled with without it looking silly anyway. Also, longer hair that falls naturally was difficult to get right.
    The file size is massive and adding morphs on top of that really blows it out.
    This current product was the conglomeration of months of fiber test.
    File size is the killer.

    For real Black hair - use the Ground Zero texture and set your diffuse colour to a very dark grey....should give you the result you are looking for...I hope :)

  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631
    edited December 1969

    thx for reply

    I did a little monkmorph in Hexagon

    or in other words not every man is blessed with full hair

    1920 x 1080 - 790K
  • BlueIreneBlueIrene Posts: 1,318
    edited December 1969

    I felt moved to come up with a bit of male pattern balding yesterday too, as well as mucking about with a million and one other styles. My lowly machine, 1GB RAM (pause for gasps of horror and amazement to subside :) ) can't cope with the hair as well as with reasonable quality render settings and so I have to ramp them down a lot when using the hair and still need to find a happy medium between 'guaranteed crash' and 'an hour of postwork', but even at their worst (see below!) I still think the hair looks better than many of the standard offerings do at better quality settings.

    My guys are typically fairly standard looking and in the past they've spent a lot of time posing while I've tried to hide Viking plaits and warrior braids etc when I've got bored with the relatively few options there are for Daz 'guy next door' types, so they're very happy with it too. Which is the only problem with this hair - I've told them to quit with the joviality and hilarity, but there's no shutting them up now. How's a girl supposed to work with all this cackling? :)

    640 x 480 - 252K
  • Laticis ImageryLaticis Imagery Posts: 488
    edited December 1969

    ruphuss said:
    thx for reply

    I did a little monkmorph in Hexagon

    or in other words not every man is blessed with full hair

    Good going working with it in Hexagon :)

    Tell me about it, I am starting to thin on top...well not just starting ;)

  • Laticis ImageryLaticis Imagery Posts: 488
    edited December 1969

    dclane said:
    I felt moved to come up with a bit of male pattern balding yesterday too, as well as mucking about with a million and one other styles. My lowly machine, 1GB RAM (pause for gasps of horror and amazement to subside :) ) can't cope with the hair as well as with reasonable quality render settings and so I have to ramp them down a lot when using the hair and still need to find a happy medium between 'guaranteed crash' and 'an hour of postwork', but even at their worst (see below!) I still think the hair looks better than many of the standard offerings do at better quality settings.

    My guys are typically fairly standard looking and in the past they've spent a lot of time posing while I've tried to hide Viking plaits and warrior braids etc when I've got bored with the relatively few options there are for Daz 'guy next door' types, so they're very happy with it too. Which is the only problem with this hair - I've told them to quit with the joviality and hilarity, but there's no shutting them up now. How's a girl supposed to work with all this cackling? :)

    Its good to read that you are still able to (roughly ) use it though on your system.
    I have been thinking about lower res versions too, more toonish.
    I am glad you are happy with the results and your guys are too, hopefully they quieten down soon ;) so you can get back to it.
    If that doesn't work I am sure there is some 3D duct tape out there :)

  • Roland16Roland16 Posts: 6
    edited December 1969

    I have purchased RealShort Hair for the G2m males, that works very well in DAZStudio, but in PoserPro2014 there is a big problem.
    When I load the hair in the document window of Poser I get an error:
    LI G2M RSH Cap{2da33440-2d5d-4e10-798e-333f87e97c5a}.pmd is m issing please locate the file.
    If I ignore the message, the hair then loads but the while the skullcap conform to the head, the hair itself does not fit to the skullcap
    even if it is parented (and "transfer active morphs").
    I remarked that the duf file is particular both geometry files for the hair and for the skullcap are mixed, I suppose that Poser does not like.
    I reported to DAZ support because I don't know what to do?

  • Laticis ImageryLaticis Imagery Posts: 488
    edited December 1969

    Roland16 said:
    I have purchased RealShort Hair for the G2m males, that works very well in DAZStudio, but in PoserPro2014 there is a big problem.
    When I load the hair in the document window of Poser I get an error:
    LI G2M RSH Cap{2da33440-2d5d-4e10-798e-333f87e97c5a}.pmd is m issing please locate the file.
    If I ignore the message, the hair then loads but the while the skullcap conform to the head, the hair itself does not fit to the skullcap
    even if it is parented (and "transfer active morphs").
    I remarked that the duf file is particular both geometry files for the hair and for the skullcap are mixed, I suppose that Poser does not like.
    I reported to DAZ support because I don't know what to do?

    Hi Roland,

    Thank you for letting me know.

    It is first I have heard of an issues with the hair and there where a few beta testers using Poser as well.

    I also got some feedback that this freebie worked with Poser and it is quite intensive. (also requires Real Short Hair )

    May I ask what version of Poser you are using ?

    Was installation manually loaded or via DIM ?

    Sorry I am not a Poser user but I did actually do trial and materials works myself in Poser 12 for this product.

    Could be worth doing an uninstall and re-install just in case, the hair has been out for quite some time now and this
    has been the only negative comment so far.

    Cheers Laticis

  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466
    edited December 1969

    I had forgotten that I had this product, and I had been so excited when I saw it in the store.

    finally worked with it last night, alas the render is not family friendly enough for this forum. But it was amazing, rendered in Iray.

    Please, do make more; and more for the guys.

    You rock.

  • Laticis ImageryLaticis Imagery Posts: 488
    edited December 1969

    I had forgotten that I had this product, and I had been so excited when I saw it in the store.

    finally worked with it last night, alas the render is not family friendly enough for this forum. But it was amazing, rendered in Iray.

    Please, do make more; and more for the guys.

    You rock.

    Well I am certainly glad you found it :)

    Thank you very much for the feedback and I am glad to hear it rendered well in Iray.
    Depends on the family ;)

    I do have plans for more...there are some free beards here if you are interested:

    At the moment though I am working toward one for the G2 Female

    Cheers :D

  • Roland16Roland16 Posts: 6
    edited December 1969

    Thank you for the Really Short Hair Addon, this item loads correctly in the poser document window. But the problem I encounter comes from the skulcap!
    When loading the Real hair (which include both the skullcap and the hair) Poser complaints it does not find the morph file for the skullcap
    LI G2M RSH Cap{2da33440-2d5d-4e10-798e-333f87e97c5a}.pmd is missing please locate the file. If I ignore the message and force to continue the skullcap fits the M6 head but the hair cannot fit the skullcap!

    I use POSERPRO2014, the product has been installed manually (I want to know what I do!)
    For the moment I I try to look at the .duf files but I didn't found where is exactly the cause of the problem.
    (Note: in Poser, the geometry files are loaded in "DSON/auto_adapted/Embedded geometry", this is curious?)

    Cheers Roland16

  • Laticis ImageryLaticis Imagery Posts: 488
    edited December 1969

    Roland16 said:
    Thank you for the Really Short Hair Addon, this item loads correctly in the poser document window. But the problem I encounter comes from the skulcap!
    When loading the Real hair (which include both the skullcap and the hair) Poser complaints it does not find the morph file for the skullcap
    LI G2M RSH Cap{2da33440-2d5d-4e10-798e-333f87e97c5a}.pmd is missing please locate the file. If I ignore the message and force to continue the skullcap fits the M6 head but the hair cannot fit the skullcap!

    I use POSERPRO2014, the product has been installed manually (I want to know what I do!)
    For the moment I I try to look at the .duf files but I didn't found where is exactly the cause of the problem.
    (Note: in Poser, the geometry files are loaded in "DSON/auto_adapted/Embedded geometry", this is curious?)

    Cheers Roland16

    Hi Roland,

    Sorry to hear you are still having troubles.

    Could you try a test for me, start a brand new poser scene and only load the Genesis 2 Male ( just the base figure )
    then apply the Real Short Hair to that figure and let me know if you get the same error message.
    If that works try dialing in M6 after.

    If you do, could you then let me know what files came be found in your "contentfolder/data/Laticis Imagery/Real Short Hair/LI G2M RSH Cap" it's the only error where I might see there being a problem.

    As mentioned earlier this is the first I have heard of any Poser Issues.

    Cheers Ady

  • Roland16Roland16 Posts: 6
    edited December 1969

    Hi Ady,

    I thank you very much for your prompt reply.

    These are the results of the experiments you suggested:
    I start POSERPRO2014 and bring Genesis2male base into the Poser scene,
    then, I apply the Real Short Hair to that figure and I get the same error message:
    LI G2M RSH Cap{2da33440-2d5d-4e10-798e-333f87e97c5a}.pmd file is missing
    please locate this file
    I click on "Cancel" and "do not search for missing files", then the Real Short Hair appears in the scene
    and it takes place correctly on the Genesis2male head.
    Then I dial M6 for the Genesis2male and the shape of the head is accordingly modified.
    The morphs of the M6 head are automatically transferred to skull cap in a short time
    but the hair itself (fiber set) do not change, no morph is transferred even if I click "transfer active morphs"
    The hair fibers look shifted from the head!
    I have continued the experiment and I have deleted all the figures in the scene (including M6, cap and Hair)
    I load again Genesis 2 male in the scene , and I then load Real Short Hair,
    for this second time the error does not appear (this is probably because I had cliked on "do not continue to search for missing files")
    but like previously, no morph is transferred to the hair which
    remain unmorphed while the head and the cap are morphed.
    I exit Poser, I open again Poser and I can reproduce the same thing: the error appears again when the figure
    is loaded for the first time but it no longer appears afterwards, in any case the fibers cannot be morphed.

    Another experiment: I load Real Short Hair alone in the Poser scene, the error does appear.
    I then click on "Cancel" and the Real short Hair comes in the document window,
    However, for instance, the dial "Expand all" produces an expansion of the skullcap but has NO effect on the fiber hair!
    again the morphs are not transferred even if I click on "transfer active morphs".

    The folder content/data/Laticis Imagery/Real Short Hair/LI G2M RSH Cap contains two elements:
    the file LI_G2M_RSH_Cap_2017.dsf and the directory UV sets
    this directory contains UV sets/Laticis Imagery/Base/default.dsf

    You know also that in the case of Poser DSON importer, The poser files translated from .duf by
    the importer are located in PoserContent/Downloads/runtime/DSON/auto_adapted
    it is in this directory that the previously cited missing file LI G2M RSH Cap{2da33440-2d5d-4e10-798e-333f87e97c5a}.pmd
    should have been created. As a matter of fact, a .pmd file is a binary morph file!

    I have to mention also that I have tried Real Short Hair in DAZ Studio and it works well!
    It is a pity that a problem appear for Poser.

    You mention Poser 12 but I work with Poser pro2014, I hope this is not the reason of the problem. The problem seems to
    appear in the DSON importer work in the transfer of morphs to conformed figures. However, I never encountered this type of problem
    in the other products I have already installed.

    Thank you for your help in elucidating this little mystery.

    Cheers Roland

  • Laticis ImageryLaticis Imagery Posts: 488
    edited December 1969

    Hi Roland,

    I am really regretting not upgrading the PoserPro14 myself...the upgrade had been on special and questioned if I needed it :(

    Thank you very much for your detailed and thorough testing and I am very sorry to hear you are having troubles.

    From what you have tested and commented on it is possible the conflict does lies with the DSON Created files and Poser 2014.

    For this product the Fiber Hair and Cap are not one object and the fibermesh is intentionally fitted to cap and then saved
    as a wearable preset is DAZ. Originally I had then as two separate items and next time will be providing all three,
    the cap, the hair and the wearable preset. ( Maybe this approach would separate it from other products. )

    The big question now, is what to do about fixing this issue for you and I also wonder if this an isolated event or if others are suffering from the same.

    I am going to have to ask some questions...will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Cheers Ady

  • Roland16Roland16 Posts: 6
    edited December 1969

    Hi Ady,

    Thank you for your message. Indeed, it would be interesting to know if other people encountered the same problem on PoserPro2014.
    On the other hand, I contacted the DAZ help team to get their advice, I am waiting for their conclusions.

    Cheers Roland

  • Laticis ImageryLaticis Imagery Posts: 488
    edited December 1969

    Roland16 said:

    Hi Ady,

    Thank you for your message. Indeed, it would be interesting to know if other people encountered the same problem on PoserPro2014.
    On the other hand, I contacted the DAZ help team to get their advice, I am waiting for their conclusions.

    Cheers Roland

    Hi Roland,

    I have sent out a couple of messages and will be keen to get any feedback or ideas as the the cause.

    I am very interested in finding the cause too.

    Chat soon.

    Cheers Ady

  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416
    edited April 2015

    I'm running it through the paces for you, Roland... I tested the beta version months ago in PP2014 and it worked as expected. Now I'm testing the version from Daz. (I'm running base PP2014 without any service releases 'cause they have some bugs I don't want to deal with)

    (installed to a clean test runtime and cleared the DSON cache to be safe)

    Base G2M, no pose, worked fine. (minor expand-all on the cap)
    Base G2M morphed to Gianni 6, no pose, worked fine. (minor expand-all on the cap but more than base)
    Base G2M, posed, worked fine. (minor expand-all on the cap)
    Base G2M morphed to Gianni 6, posed, worked mostly okay. (this one took quite a bit of expand-all, 0.5, might be better to use the morph brush)
    Gianni loaded from directly from Daz People, no pose, worked fine, same as above.
    Gianni loaded from directly from Daz People, posed, worked fine. (I think the morph didn't auto follow on the posed Gianni test above, 'cause this time it looked the same for a second and then it kicked in and looked good other than needing minor expand-all)

    I chose Gianni 'cause he's the most aggressive of the supported morphs and the most likely to cause issues.

    So.. seems to be working fine for me, perhaps try clearing your DSON cache (Scripts->DSON Support->Importer Preferences), close Poser, then reinstall the hair.. hopefully that will work. And hopefully one of the other testers is running the current SR (is it 3 now? or 4?) to make sure that isn't the issue.

    Post edited by Fisty on
  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416
    edited December 1969

    Color 3 with style preset 4.. it required 0.08 Expand All morph on the cap.

    (Gianni's included skin is very shiny in Poser.. I would fix that for a real render)

    600 x 900 - 271K
  • Laticis ImageryLaticis Imagery Posts: 488
    edited December 1969

    Fisty said:
    I'm running it through the paces for you, Roland... I tested the beta version months ago in PP2014 and it worked as expected. Now I'm testing the version from Daz. (I'm running base PP2014 without any service releases 'cause they have some bugs I don't want to deal with)

    (installed to a clean test runtime and cleared the DSON cache to be safe)

    Base G2M, no pose, worked fine. (minor expand-all on the cap)
    Base G2M morphed to Gianni 6, no pose, worked fine. (minor expand-all on the cap but more than base)
    Base G2M, posed, worked fine. (minor expand-all on the cap)
    Base G2M morphed to Gianni 6, posed, worked mostly okay. (this one took quite a bit of expand-all, 0.5, might be better to use the morph brush)
    Gianni loaded from directly from Daz People, no pose, worked fine, same as above.
    Gianni loaded from directly from Daz People, posed, worked fine. (I think the morph didn't auto follow on the posed Gianni test above, 'cause this time it looked the same for a second and then it kicked in and looked good other than needing minor expand-all)

    I chose Gianni 'cause he's the most aggressive of the supported morphs and the most likely to cause issues.

    So.. seems to be working fine for me, perhaps try clearing your DSON cache (Scripts->DSON Support->Importer Preferences), close Poser, then reinstall the hair.. hopefully that will work. And hopefully one of the other testers is running the current SR (is it 3 now? or 4?) to make sure that isn't the issue.

    Hi Fisty,

    Thank you very much for putting it through its paces, very much appreciated.

    Hi Noland,

    Let me know how you go, hopefully Fisty's solution will resolve the issue for you.

    Cheers Ady

  • Roland16Roland16 Posts: 6
    edited December 1969

    Hi Ady , Hi Fisty,

    Thank you very much for these tests, and the time spent on them!
    I am running PoserPro 2014(64bits) with SR5. Cleaning the cache changed nothing.
    On my side, I discovered one thing: Having noticed that the /Content/data/Laticis Imagery/Real Short Hair/LI G2M RSH Cap was the sole directory
    to do not have a morphs folder, I tried to add manually a "Morphs" folder with inside it an Expand All.dsf file containing the Expand All morph of the cap
    (created in DAZ Studio from the original product and duplicated). What happens is that now the error no longer appear, the .pmd file that Poser wants absolutely is created
    and the loading is apparently OK. I didn't found this type of error before, one has to say that the absence of "Morphs" folder is rare indeed.
    However, the main problem remains: the cap fits the head when conforming but the hair (fibers) does not fit the skullcap when conforming even if clicking
    the "transfer active morphs".
    Considering what you say in your message, I now suspect the dialogue between "SR5" and " DSON importer" ! In this case it will be difficult, I am looking rather for some roundabout by modying some detail in the dson files of the original product for obtaining that the fibers fit the cap when morphing.
    This Hair looks so pretty that it would be a pity to disregard it because of tricky detail.

    Cheers Roland

  • Laticis ImageryLaticis Imagery Posts: 488
    edited December 1969

    Hi Roland,

    Bugger :(

    The only thing I could suggest right now is to track down every file installed....
    delete them and start from a fresh base and re-install the product just to ensure that the directory files are set up okay and not corrupted.

    May in be worth downloading the package to be on the safe side, sorry I know that aint a small file either.

    If the error is due to software conflict there is not much I can do to help there unfortunately :(

    I want you to be able to use the hair too.....

    Cheers Ady

  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416
    edited December 1969

    There shouldn't be a morph folder for poser as you're used to it, the morph information is contained within the DS files in the Data folder. You shouldn't have to mess with any of the files. If you download the two files from your product library and unzip them to your desktop you get a content folder, just open that up, copy all the folders in there and paste them into the folder that contains your runtime. (not into the runtime folder itself, the one above it that contains your runtime folder)

    799 x 719 - 196K
  • Roland16Roland16 Posts: 6
    edited December 1969

    Hi Ady,

    I allow myself to ask you an additional question about your real Short Hair,
    but before I let you know what I have done now: In DAZstudio I loaded Real Short Hair in the scene and then I saved
    separately two assets: on the one hand the skullcap and on the other hand the fiber hair et also created the corresponding Poser
    Companion files.
    Once in PoserPro, I installed the two items et tried to use them, loading the skullcap parented to the M6 head et then the fiber hairs parented to the skullcap. It is necessary to click "transfer active morph" at this stage in order that the item correctly conform.
    The skulcap immediately fits the M6 head,
    the fiber hair also conform and fit the skulcap but it takes about 5 minutes per morph to transfer the morphs during this time the
    DSON importer show the information window: Projecting morph...Projecting morphs...but it is Worth waiting for completion.
    Using this two-step procedure, apparently, all is working correctly now. The only question is: did you experienced also this incredible time for "Projecting" in Poser? ( this same operation requires 2 seconds in DAZstudio). What do you think?
    No doubt that I am satisfied of the render result (see JPG image).

    Cheers Roland

    1141 x 851 - 75K
  • Laticis ImageryLaticis Imagery Posts: 488
    edited December 1969

    Hi Roland,

    I am glad to hear you got it working for yourself and you are satisfied with the end result.
    Not good though the trouble you had to go through to get it working. I hadn't heard of a single issue till now and no returns either.

    To answer your question, I didn't use Poser for any of the creation process at all except to save out compatible hair mat presets.
    Everything else was done with DAZ Studio and ZBrush.

    For me it does take about 5 mins to load the full product onto the Genesis Base in Poser Pro 2012

    I had plans to up the fiber count for the next one so it will be interesting to see how Poser handles it.

    Cheers Ady

  • 3-D Arena3-D Arena Posts: 197
    edited April 2015

    Just as an addition to this, the issue with Poser Pro 2014 is not a one off occurrence. I get the issue as well. It asks for the pmd file and if you ignore that the skull cap is a solid blue and the hair doesn't fit.

    I will try the route that worked above when I have time, but to be honest I think it should be updated or marked as not for the current PP2014.

    Post edited by 3-D Arena on
  • Laticis ImageryLaticis Imagery Posts: 488
    edited December 1969

    3-D Arena said:
    Just as an addition to this, the issue with Poser Pro 2014 is not a one off occurrence. I get the issue as well. It asks for the pmd file and if you ignore that the skull cap is a solid blue and the hair doesn't fit.

    I will try the route that worked above when I have time, but to be honest I think it should be updated or marked as not for the current PP2014.

    Hi 3-D Arena,

    Sorry to hear you are having troubles too but thank you for taking the time to post and back up the issue with PP2014.

    Will see what I can do to get the description modified.

    Fisty was using PP2014 during recent test with the issue, just need to ask if you have a service pack installed ?

    Cheers Ady

  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416
    edited December 1969

    One wonders.. if this service update breaks something as simple as a skull cap what else did it break?

  • Laticis ImageryLaticis Imagery Posts: 488
    edited December 1969

    Fisty said:
    One wonders.. if this service update breaks something as simple as a skull cap what else did it break?

    It surely does.

    I regret not upgrading to Poser Pro 2014 just for simple test purposes, will do the next time it's on special though.

  • 3-D Arena3-D Arena Posts: 197
    edited December 1969

    I don't have the latest update but I have all the others. Poser users will tend to update. I'll do the latest update and see if that helps. I usually wait until they are out for a bit before I update because I prefer to make sure there are as few kinks as possible.

    This is the only product for hair that has done this though. It's odd, it's not that it's breaking the skull cap but rather that there is no pmd file (if there is I couldn't find one but I may have missed it) and yet it's asking for it. When pmd files are missing poser that causes sizing and even hidden objects.

    Laticis said:
    3-D Arena said:
    Just as an addition to this, the issue with Poser Pro 2014 is not a one off occurrence. I get the issue as well. It asks for the pmd file and if you ignore that the skull cap is a solid blue and the hair doesn't fit.

    I will try the route that worked above when I have time, but to be honest I think it should be updated or marked as not for the current PP2014.

    Hi 3-D Arena,

    Sorry to hear you are having troubles too but thank you for taking the time to post and back up the issue with PP2014.

    Will see what I can do to get the description modified.

    Fisty was using PP2014 during recent test with the issue, just need to ask if you have a service pack installed ?

    Cheers Ady

  • Laticis ImageryLaticis Imagery Posts: 488
    edited December 1969

    I think the reason there is some trouble with this particular hair was due to my workflow/product creation.
    All I can do for now is mention compatibility issues with Poser Pro 2014 (with any updates)

    Cant see my workflow changing for the next product either.

    3-D Arena said:
    I don't have the latest update but I have all the others. Poser users will tend to update. I'll do the latest update and see if that helps. I usually wait until they are out for a bit before I update because I prefer to make sure there are as few kinks as possible.

    This is the only product for hair that has done this though. It's odd, it's not that it's breaking the skull cap but rather that there is no pmd file (if there is I couldn't find one but I may have missed it) and yet it's asking for it. When pmd files are missing poser that causes sizing and even hidden objects.

    Laticis said:
    3-D Arena said:
    Just as an addition to this, the issue with Poser Pro 2014 is not a one off occurrence. I get the issue as well. It asks for the pmd file and if you ignore that the skull cap is a solid blue and the hair doesn't fit.

    I will try the route that worked above when I have time, but to be honest I think it should be updated or marked as not for the current PP2014.

    Hi 3-D Arena,

    Sorry to hear you are having troubles too but thank you for taking the time to post and back up the issue with PP2014.

    Will see what I can do to get the description modified.

    Fisty was using PP2014 during recent test with the issue, just need to ask if you have a service pack installed ?

    Cheers Ady

  • Laticis ImageryLaticis Imagery Posts: 488
    edited April 2015


    Just wanted to let you know a note has been added under notes for the product in relation to potential issues with Poser Pro 2014 with Updates.

    Sorry to those who are experiencing problems.

    Cheers Ady

    Post edited by Laticis Imagery on
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