I'm Animated, are you? -CONTEST INSIDE! - (ceck the last post, page 8)

Ok finally the ANIMATED PROJECT is here! Are you ready to change your idea of shapes and styles?!??!
the bundle will include:
3 new genesis 2 male shapes
1 hair with 4 variant
1 poses pack ( action)
1 expression pack
Also just tell me what do you think about that project, your feedbak is important for us!
Muscleman and TheSix!!!

1000 x 1300 - 619K

1000 x 1300 - 457K
Post edited by Muscleman on
Looking good. I bet these mix in well to other shapes.
Looks really good, Vicente!
Automatic purchase, but will need a female version as well, sooner the better. ;-)
Great style, very eager.
-- Walt Sterdan
These look great, looking forward to release.
Sorry, on first cup of coffee here. Is there a possibility for adjusting the build of the torso, arms and legs separately? Just a half thought.
Sorry, on first cup of coffee here. Is there a possibility for adjusting the build of the torso, arms and legs separately? Just a half thought.
They can mix with all genesie 2 male(s) shape for new custumization, but full body morphs, you can mix with the crature creator parts, to create new shape in arms or torso.
Oh and look this is a mix with Michael6+AnimatedBoy+AnimatedGuy
Nice render. I love the expression. So no making heaver built arms then legs, or the opposite.
By the way, the link in your signature for your store, is not working. Is this the proper link?
For me work :)
oh for make the arms or legs bigger or muscular, at this moment you can use the Genesis2 male(s) body morphs....at this moment ;)
For me work :)
oh for make the arms or legs bigger or muscular, at this moment you can use the Genesis2 male(s) body morphs....at this moment ;)Sounds good, when can we expect it, and is a female set planned?
Feel free to post more teaser images at your leisure... ;-)
-- Walt Sterdan
Feel free to post more teaser images at your leisure... ;-)
-- Walt Sterdan
....follow this topic....;)
Feel free to post more teaser images at your leisure... ;-)
-- Walt Sterdan....follow this topic....;)lol. link working now. And Sold, when it is ready.
These guys are indeed different, but I really like them.
these look GREAT!!! Fingers crossed there is a female version coming soon too. :-)
What textures are you using on them?
They came with his own textures ;) Originl ones but accept all Genesis 2 male(s) textures just need the others shapes, like M6 or Gianni6
oh fantastic! I wasn't aware they come with textures too. I think this is going to be an instant buy. :-)
I love it. This looks like fun. Can't wait.
more images , i hope you like it!
Very much so, they look great! Thanks for posting 'em.
I was sold after the first image. ;-)
-- Walt Sterdan
I am curious about the skins. Will there be any skin textures included or is there a specific skin to use to get the more flat and tony look?
Oh my. Awesome. I will buy. Any idea when the female counterparts will be out?
I wanted to know the same thing :-)
Included 9 male(s) differents full textures :) (no genital)
Included 9 male(s) differents full textures :) (no genital)
Nine full male textures? Yikes, that's practically a product by itself!
Getting more eager every post. ;-)\
-- Walt Sterdan
And you can see, they wear perfect the Genesis 2 male(s) cloths!...but maybe some new will be great too no? ;)
Grabby hands!!! Want, want, want!!!
If they use the Gen2male base UV, I bet my toon style eyes and skin will also be perfect ont hem. I can't wait to try it out.
Great work guys!
Yes use the Genesis 2 male(s) UVmap base :)
why you call them animated when they are just poseable or do you sell animations also ?
It's the style of the shapes...they are ispired to cartoon style
Sold! Take my money!
Oh, and let TheSix know that the work he's shown off on deviantArt would do really well here!
Looks great! I am looking forward to buying it.