So in the last 2 installs of DS Pro 4.15 goes in application folder why...?

foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485
edited October 2021 in Daz Studio Discussion

So installing Daz Studio it automatically goes in this path..."C:\Daz 3D\Applications\64-bit\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4" now when did this change as a developer you would think we would have been notified of the path change so we could fix our plugins...My ParticleFX 4.5 now works after 5 years of path changes between Win 7/8/10 And now DS changes...why why why...? Granted the first few years was my fault because I had a stroke and it didnt dawn on me the paths changed so welll once I finally decided to install on a new computer that never had Daz Studio installed that is how I fixed it my bad didnt even think about a VIRGIN computer...But I did it and now I know...

1920 x 1080 - 550K
Post edited by foleypro on


  • OmnifluxOmniflux Posts: 389
    edited October 2021

    This is not the default DS install location, you must have installed here manually at some point.

    I just installed DS on a clean system that has never had DS before and the default location is C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4


    Note that this location can be changed by the user at installation time, and you must NOT hard code it anywhere.


    To install a plugin with a setup program (as opposed to copying manually), you need to look in the registry for the correct installation path at install time.


    On a default install, the value of this key will be C:/Program Files/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4


    Append /plugins to this value, whatever it is, to get the correct installation path.

    C:/Program Files/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/plugins


    I just realized that maybe you installed with DAZ Central? It could choose a different default path, I haven't tried it...

    Post edited by Omniflux on
  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485

    Omniflux said:

    This is not the default DS install location, you must have installed here manually at some point.

    I just installed DS on a clean system that has never had DS before and the default location is C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4


    Note that this location can be changed by the user at installation time, and you must NOT hard code it anywhere.


    To install a plugin with a setup program (as opposed to copying manually), you need to look in the registry for the correct installation path at install time.


    On a default install, the value of this key will be C:/Program Files/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4


    Append /plugins to this value, whatever it is, to get the correct installation path.

    C:/Program Files/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/plugins


    I just realized that maybe you installed with DAZ Central? It could choose a different default path, I haven't tried it...

  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485

    Yes installed thru DC...

  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485

    it is sooo annoying my Source code for PFX didnt change just the paths...Funny thing is the old plugin works in DS4.15 pro I have a new compiled plugin that I havent installed yet soon next day off or a few hours..

  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485
    edited October 2021

    foleypro said:

    Omniflux said:

    This is not the default DS install location, you must have installed here manually at some point.

    I just installed DS on a clean system that has never had DS before and the default location is C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4


    Note that this location can be changed by the user at installation time, and you must NOT hard code it anywhere.


    To install a plugin with a setup program (as opposed to copying manually), you need to look in the registry for the correct installation path at install time.


    On a default install, the value of this key will be C:/Program Files/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4


    Append /plugins to this value, whatever it is, to get the correct installation path.

    C:/Program Files/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/plugins


    I just realized that maybe you installed with DAZ Central? It could choose a different default path, I haven't tried it...

    Yup and that is where everything goes..New install an the last 2 computers...same place...Crap crap...


    Post edited by foleypro on
  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485

    well it is working I will figure it out later when my brain kicks in...

  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485
    edited October 2021

    Omniflux said:

    This is not the default DS install location, you must have installed here manually at some point.

    I just installed DS on a clean system that has never had DS before and the default location is C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4


    Note that this location can be changed by the user at installation time, and you must NOT hard code it anywhere.


    To install a plugin with a setup program (as opposed to copying manually), you need to look in the registry for the correct installation path at install time.


    On a default install, the value of this key will be C:/Program Files/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4


    Append /plugins to this value, whatever it is, to get the correct installation path.

    C:/Program Files/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/plugins


    Yes DC on 2 installs on 2 different computers..? same place..

    Post edited by foleypro on
  • You need to make sure that your paths are not hardcoded. You should be able to get the current paths for everything from the application.

  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485
    edited October 2021

    Richard Haseltine said:

    You need to make sure that your paths are not hardcoded. You should be able to get the current paths for everything from the application.

    You would think so but it is not happening that way...when I instal DS 4.15 thru DazCentral it puts it in that weird place...why I have wiped out and reinstalled windows...


    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485

    Then why can I put my plugin folders where they need to go and the plugin works like it is supposed to..I havent changed the hardcode since 2016...

  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485
    edited October 2021

    Sooo looks like I need to come up with a NON DS installer that will put the files where they are supposed to go..this is why I scratch my head because it makes no snse it works awesome on mine if I put the folders and .dll in the right places...



    Post edited by foleypro on
  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485

    And the Plugin was actually coded for Daz Studio 3 sold thru the store back in the day...

  • OmnifluxOmniflux Posts: 389

    I am not clear on the problem. Is the issue with installing the plugin in the correct location, or with the plugin working after the files are installed in the correct location?


    If it is with installing, then what is your current installation method?

  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485
    Omniflux said:

    I am not clear on the problem. Is the issue with installing the plugin in the correct location, or with the plugin working after the files are installed in the correct location?


    If it is with installing, then what is your current installation method?

    I used Daz Central in order to package the plugin For beta testers I am going to have to make 2 installers I know where the files go so for me it is not a problem but testers just need to open DAZSTUDIO and play.. It is figuring out the multiple paths that DS is using for installation...why is it different if you install ds thru DIM or DAZCentral....? Or just from the site?
  • If you have it set up for Daz Central/Install Manager then you just specify which release channels it goes to and the installer takes care of the actual location.

  • OmnifluxOmniflux Posts: 389

    If you can share the code for your installer, I may be able to help you automatically detect the the correct path no matter where it is set.

  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485

    So I havent made an installer yet because there should be no other path then what DIM of DC would do...Thursday I will be installing DSPro thru DazCentral again to see why it puts it in...C:\Daz 3D\Applications\64-bit\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4...on my beast same thing...C:user\username\Daz 3D\Applications\64-bit\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4...

  • That is the correct behaviour for Daz Central - in order to simplify the process of installation it takes a single setting, for a base path, and places everything (including the applciation) in a specific sub-folder of that.

  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485
    edited October 2021

    Richard Haseltine said:

    That is the correct behaviour for Daz Central - in order to simplify the process of installation it takes a single setting, for a base path, and places everything (including the applciation) in a specific sub-folder of that.

    But why would it place it in Application:C:user\username\Daz 3D\Applications\64-bit\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4...         why in applications... and why is the 64 bit folder there...?

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • In one case the base location was let at C:/Daz 3D/, in the other it was set to C:/user/username/Daz 3D/. Within those folders, or whatever is specified, it then uses /Applications/64-bit/ for 64 bit applciation and /Applications/32-bit/ for 32 bit applications.

  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485
    edited October 2021

    So since the plugin was compiled against the DSSDK4.5 then my plugin will find the right daz installations right...? then I am not to worried because I can drag and drop the folders into the right folder and it works it did take me 5 years to figure out why...Now if I wouldnt have had a stroke 3 years ago...Anyways tomorrow I uninstall DS on my beast and then re-install...Need to find out where DazStudio puts the runtime folder used to be in documents yadda yadda yadda...

    also Richard why do I not get email notifications there a new setting in my account I need to click...?

    Post edited by foleypro on
  • The SDK has nothing to do with installation, it is about making the plug-in work once it is in the correct place. This is the drawback with using a custom installer.

  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485

    No custom installer needed just drag and drop right now...Will find out if it works on the beast today later..I am wanting to know why DAZ CENTRAL puts the main daz folder in apllications...? I am going to try today get the plugin working then make some IRAY presets and see if it works in filament...just want to know why DC is putting main program in 3d applications....must be new...?

  • Because the whole point of Daz Central is to provide a simplified experience for new users, so they make one choice (where to put the Daz 3D folder) and everything then goes into sub-folders of that - the Applications folder is used for applications, with sepaarte sub folders for 32 and 64 bit versions. In Install Manager you can set the individual locations for differnt types of content. Your plug-in should have no occasion to refer to the application folder directly, any associated content or settings should go elsewhere (e.g. AppData/Application Support for settings and other non-user files, or a content directory, or the registry) and you can, as far as I know, acess all those through methods in the SDK.

  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485

    Richard where is the runtime folder for DAZ Studio located...?


  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485

    on this machine plugin works on my beast I cant get it to work because i need to find where the runtime folder is so I can paste my plugin textures into that folder


  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485

    We do not have any reference other then DS SDK reference...should not be this hard so...since this HD has had many instances of DS installed even alpha versions of DS...I am going to format this c drive and start all new..Have ParticleFX saved so no big deal...My beast gets formatted tommorrow...


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,908
    edited October 2021
    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485
    edited October 2021

    ok stop..That isnt helping other then if I knew what it means then yes....I JUST need to know on a virgin install of Daz Studio what is the path to

     the runtime folder..

    Post edited by foleypro on
  • foleyprofoleypro Posts: 485

    Richard on this machine here is the path to my library on this machine...on the beast it doesnt find my library...




    C:\Users\username\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\Particles\effects\dragonfire

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