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OK, so this seems to be a thumbnail issue - though ti does seem a very large number of products, so I suspect that it's not simply that the products temdelves lack thumbnails.
Yes, I assumed that to be true. I wonder if I engage DazCentral if THAT would fix the thumbnail issue. What do you think?
I am just trying to figure out how to fix the dead thumbnails.
Is it possible that these thumbnail issues happened as a result of my loading the User Data I exported before this last round of re-installs-- back when I had Connect and DIM installs?
To get this right I re-installed content three times. I believe the third time is the keeper, but I still have dead product thumbnails.
Earlier this yet, I finally got tired of hundreds of missing product thumbnails in Smart Gallery and Content Library that I took on the task of figuring out how to resolve the problem. I finally figured it out for my system. It may not have been the most elegant way, but it worked for me. I have no missing icons in either Smart Gallery of Content Library.
I discovered that the missing thumbnails was due to there being no metadata for the content in the Runtime/Support folder.
I finally figured out that all that was needed for a picture icon to display everywhere was that a picture file in jpg format was needed in the Support folder. By right clicking on the triangle icon in Smart Content and selecting Edit Metadata, I could see the recommended/suggested dsx file that was missing. In comparing this information with the metadata for installed content with full metadata, it seemed that a jpg file with the exact same name as the dsx file except with filename extension jpg was all that might be needed for a picture icon to display for the product.
I created such a jpg file for a product and placed it in the Support folder. It worked!!
My full comments are in the attached document.
Holy smoke! Thanks! I'll try this tomorrow! Looking forward to it.
[Edit. Closed]
"Go back and read through your old posts in this thread. Every time you chose to go back to DAZ Connect you undid all the work you did trying to fix things. Go on, you can actually read it in your posts."
"And you brought those boxes back every time you re-connected. That's why people kept telling you to stop doing so."
What you're not understanding with your comments is that it is not the install itself that I had trouble with it was the thumbnail mess that came after that. You say that people just ignore that, but I CANNOT ignore things that are broken or sloppy housekeeping. Go ahead and roll over, if YOU want to, but I simply won't do that. I pieced together a solution that I wrote up for others to try if they so choose. By the way, I was always a very good student in my classes. I did ask a lot of questions, but in the end, always got a B+ or an A. I never give up. As a lot of DAZ people know Angry John went through the same thing with the "Lost and Found" folder, although I did not write up my solution in a Forum post.