Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Pa…
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Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 9
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Mermaid - you're welcome. You can find the maximal values for every parameter if you enter a very high value. It gets limited to the maximum available. For example, enter 99999999999 into the Materials Bump parameter and it displays 9999.99 (+ and -) and that is the maximum value, not the one you get with the slider (100.00).
Another render with an inverted terrain, actually the same I used on the last two pictures above.
Horo – thanks for the additional info. Another great render.
Still playing with adding a photo sky, but this time as a background image, not a great render because the image is low resolution.
@Horo: You've been on Mars? Great render.
@mermaid010: the vagueness of the background does work to give the render depth. So I think it is a good experiment.
Nothing new and revolutionary from me... Just a simple landscape with one of Horo's excellent HDRIs providing a good sky.
nicely done!
Mermaid - very well done mixing in of a backdrop. The blurred backdrop looks as if you had used DOF to get the flowers focused.
Hansmar - thank you. Yes, a few LGM (little green men) are missing.
Dave - really great vista. I like the details.
When I looked at the series of saved files for the Birch Copse below, I noticed that out of a sudden, the saved file increased from 65 MB to 95 MB and the next saved was already 136 MB. There are 3 terrains, a 4096, a 2048 and a 1024, 4 trees instanced about 100 times, a small 800 px diameter HDRI and the low-res boat. 64 MB is about right, memory usage 460 MB.
For some adjustments, I set render quality ect to low noted the changes, reverted to saved, included my changes, plop rendered and saved the file: 94 MB. Loading this file takes 964 MB of memory, more than double, without adding anything. The next iteration took 1650 MB and brought the file size to 136 MB.
If you have a scene loaded and load a new scene, Bryce does not free the memory but adds the new file to memory. If you make a modification and Revert to Saved, the old part stays in memory and the previously saved file you revert to is added to the memory. Memory is only released when you quit Bryce and restart it.
@Dave Savage: Good use of the HDRI in a very nice scene.
@Horo: Very important message indeed. Nice render, still.
Dreamy landscape ...
Hansmar – thanks
Dave – beautiful render
Horo – thanks, you are correct I used DOF to blend the foreground with the background. Great render, I agree with Kerya, dreamy landscape
Thanks all.... Still playing with coastline scenes... This one has been through so many iterations now, but I've arrived at this one. Going to have to have a change of subject now though.
Copse looks good Horo... Not sure I've noticed the memory issue you mention... Maybe it's different on the Mac?
@Dave Savage: Highly realistic coastal scene. Well done.
I keep following the path of surrealism. Now combined with some enthousiasm for the metaball-modelling tricks. The 'trees' and 'birds' are made with metaballs and multireplication. The 'crabs' are made using the Konstrukt example in Structure Synth.
Title: confrontations.
Dave- another outstanding render
Hansmar – very nice surreal render,
Another Experiment - Spring cleaning my folders, I found a Spherical Cloud tutorial by Gendragon and the result.
Not uploaded anything for a while, so I thought I'd do a car for a change.
Hansmar - thank you. Confrontation is strange but it is very well done. I like it.
Kerya - thank you.
Mermaid - thank you. Nice clouds, landscape and flowers. Horse looks a bit huge.
Dave - thank you. That ruin on the hill looks great, whole scene does.
Stuart - great beetle render. Not very fit for a ride at the moment, it appears.
Another landscape for which I used a terrain with 16 tiles, actually 7 of them.
I've been for lurking in the Bryce forums for awhile, of and on. I'm fascinated with all of the cool landscapes everyone does in Bryce. I've been watching tons of David Brennan tutorials and trying some of the really basic techniques. I think I'm starting to get an idea of how to use the software, but I have a long way to go. I thought I would share my very first fairly decent Bryce render. Nothing too complicated, just some islands and water.
@mermaid010: Thank you. Sky is great, ground and flowers not so convincing.
@StuartB: Great render. But you should spend some time with repairs, I think?
@Horo: Wonderful terrain and good lighting.
@Knittingmommy: Welcome to the forums. I really like the clouds and sky. The terrain is a bit dark for me. Maybe add some additional light?
Thanks! :) Um, yeah, I probably would have, but I haven't quite figured that out yet. Next image! I'm working on it.
Knittingmommy - very nice Bryce render, good start. As Hansmar mentions, a bit on the dark side but if this was intended to be a late evening or early morning scene, it's not actually too dark.
Hansmar - thank you.
Thanks Horo and Hansmar
StuartB - Great render.
Horo: Lovely terrain and lighting.
Knittingmommy: Welcome to the forum, Cool 1st Bryce render, looking forward to more of your work
Good morning, all! Been trolling the forums and haven't stuck my head in to say hello or post anything new, but I have been busy "abstracting". Holy cow, I'm addicted to abstracts again. It was the reason I originally got into Bryce and I'm trapped. Is there a support group for someone with my condition?! LOL
Lots of great work being posted. Welcome to Knittingmommy. I've seen your work on the other Daz forums and we're glad you stopped by our corner of the world to share your Bryce work.
Here's just a few of the many abstracts I've done. I'd post more, but I really don't want everyone to know how bad I'm hooked!
Mermaid - thank you.
Fencepost - beautiful abstracts, Art. I "hate" abstracts because there are so many permutations and i find it so difficult to decide which one is the best. Once I start with one, I cannot stop, so I know exactly what you mean.
An island made from a deep space nebula as shown in the video that comes with the Space Construction Kit. Triple stacked with materials from the Hi-Res Terrain set 4 and a sky from the HDRI Enhanced Skies set.
Art – awesome abstracts, I can relate to your addiction, thanks for sharing your file with me, but I’m not posting any here yet, as I may use one of them for my 3rd entry in the current challenge.
Horo- fabulous landscape, perfect materials and lighting.
Another spherical cloud experiment this time combined with David’s Anisotropic reflections tutorial.
@Fencepost52: Yes, very addictive, but very nice. I agree with Horo. It is so difficult to decide whether it is OK and finished, or whether another view is even better. In normal painting, it is very similar.
@Horo and mermaid010: Lovely islands. Nice sky, mermaid. Maybe play a little with the colours in the clouds? Now it is all blue, maybe what you really want, but you could try something else.
Nice work from everyone. My trial with stacked terrains.
All excellent but this one is absolutely stunning!
I've been working on materials again... This might be useful for Stuart's old VW Beetle.
The objective was to create a shiny paint with rusty bits (using curvature).
Here it is applied to one of Rashad's Additional Primitives.... Sadly, the mesh is visible but I'm now applying the same material to a more suitable subject... That render will have finished in about 30 minutes.
Here we go.... Rendered in 38 minutes.
Loads of excellent images since I last looked in.
Been really busy lately, not had much render time, apart from the VW Beetle.
@Dave. Thats a really nice material and probably would look good on the old VW. Looks really natural on the Buddha
Interesting material on the statue there.
Mermaid - thank you. Very nice island and clouds.
Electro-Elvis - great looking terrain.
Dave - this curvature controlled material looks very good.