Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 9



  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911
    edited November 2016

    Still life with candle

    Bryce 7 Pro, Wings 3D. Render Normal AA.
    Lighting: Radial Light, Spotlight, Sphere Dome Light.
    The work is done a year ago. I'm not very happy with the composition, but to correct something already hardly will.


    Натюрморт со свечой.jpg
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  • c-ramc-ram Posts: 376

    @ sépales : very nice life time scene, I like it!


    While populating Horo's last landscape scene, my last render have come to end.

    Here's the image 'I've show you previously but this time we are going without the crop.

    Clairière 2000.jpg
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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,837
    edited November 2016

    Hansmar - another nice render with a Structure Synth object.

     Dave - great VW renders. Reminds me of my travels in the UK, France and Spain. We just hadn't the windows on the roof.

    Slepalex - I like this still life very much. The mirroring mirrors have always fascinated me. You could have used this scene for the render challenge.

    c-ram - beautiful photo-realistic patch of forest.

    I used Stonemason's Backstreets for this experiment. Rendered with the obscure light obscure glow method.

    Lethal Trash

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  • launoklaunok Posts: 793
    edited November 2016

    A variation of my render which I have posted here a few days back.  I have included another shop between the Gameworld and Donuts shops.  All characters used are low-poly exported via Xnalara.  

    For the complete town render I have also used only Sketchup buildings, including the terrain.  The 2 women sitting on the bench and dogs are also from Sketchup Warehouse as well as pickup vehicle.  Bushes/Trees are Bryce's.


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    town street plan38.jpg
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  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,000
    edited November 2016

    Slepalex: Very nice, as always. We call this the Droste effect, because a chocolat producer made the accompanying ad many years ago.

    c-ram: beautiful piece of woods; highly realistic

    Horo: Beautiful lights. I suppose you also used a fish-eye?

    launok: what a very nice set of renders. OK, the houses really do look a bit more plastic than Bryce houses with Bryce textures. And the house on the corner with the ladies in front appears to be just a tiny bit above the ground, but in total a very nice set!


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  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,000
    edited November 2016

    And here is my latest render of a desert scene with some touristic attractions. The people are posed and clothed in DAZ Studio and the head is a freebie from a christmas gift, I think at Renderosity some years ago (quite a high detailed loose head).

    Sky is a slightly modified standard, also used as IBL.

    Regular antialiassing

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  • launoklaunok Posts: 793
    Hansmar said:

    launok: what a very nice set of renders. OK, the houses really do look a bit more plastic than Bryce houses with Bryce textures. And the house on the corner with the ladies in front appears to be just a tiny bit above the ground, but in total a very nice set!


    Thank you Hansmar. :)  I have noticed the house not quite touching the ground but I was just too lazy to lower it a fraction.  Well, sketchup models are very low-poly but for my personal use and that I can't afford proper quality models, this has to do.  I have also built a shop in sketchup as it's easier for me at this stage.  When I have more time and know how to, I will try buildings in proper programs as Blender, etc.

    @Hansmar, you mention Bryce houses with their textures ... are there sites with free Bryce houses, also shops?  I am mostly interested in town/city scenes.  I have seen quite a lot of buildings online but I can't buy them as I am a pensioner with low income.

  • launoklaunok Posts: 793
    Hansmar said:

    And here is my latest render of a desert scene with some touristic attractions. The people are posed and clothed in DAZ Studio and the head is a freebie from a christmas gift, I think at Renderosity some years ago (quite a high detailed loose head).

    Sky is a slightly modified standard, also used as IBL.

    Regular antialiassing


    Wow, great scene.  The head is giving this an interesting effect! 

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,837

    Hansmar - thank you. Indeed, I used a fisheye lens in front of the camera.
    Great desert scene with the touristic attractions.

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited November 2016

    Launok...check out this link, which have up to 180 free houses (note there are several pages below the adverts). When downloading a house, click, obviously, on 'Download', and then right-click on 'Ok, download'...and 'Save target as...' to a file location on your comp.,.


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • Electro-ElvisElectro-Elvis Posts: 896
    edited November 2016

    @Jamahoney: Great link, Thanks a lot for it. I have downloaded a bed and a saxophone and played around with it. Saxophones improve every scene, don't they? The carpet could need a bit of work.


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  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,000

    launok: What I meant, was houses created in something like Bryce (or Wings, or Hexagon, or so) with nice procedural textures. I think it is mostly the textures that are too flat and do no have the bump maps that Bryce procedural textures have. Perhaps you can also modify the textures to also have a bump map from the original texture and then they might already look better. I know there are quite nice houses here and there, but usually not free.

    Jamahoney: Yep, there sure are houses there. But I think most of them suffer from similar issues as the Sketchup houses: photo-like textures, but no bump and therefore strangely flat looking. But I definitely get a lot of free issues from this site, such as various props, cars, etc. that look quite reasonable. I tend to find that specifically on the larger surfaces of houses, the texture makes quite a difference.

    You made a nice cosy render with these items.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,000
    edited November 2016

    New abstract. I played with the 'copy on support' options in Hexagon and got this result. Some instances, colour changes, sky, a distant light and "lo and behold", another abstract is born.

    I called it 'spheres'.

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  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited November 2016

    Slepalex – awesome still, love the mirror effects. You still renders are so stunning.

    C-ram – great forest render

    Horo – cool use of the fisheye lens, nice lights.

    Launok – very nice set of renders.

    Hansmar – wow lovely tourist attraction desert render. The abstract "Spheres" is awesome.

    Electro-elvis – very nice cosy room.

    A render inspired by an image I saw online and using one of Horo's Sunless Hdri Skies




    the rock.jpg
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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,837

    Electro-Elvis - nice bedroom. Yes the sax does improve the scene.

    Hansmar - great particle spheres, cool idea, very special.

    mermaid - thank you. Very nice look through the arc of a bridge (?).

  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911
    edited November 2016

    Slepalex – awesome still, love the mirror effects. You still renders are so stunning.

    A render inspired by an image I saw online and using one of Horo's Sunless Hdri Skies




    mermaid010 thanks. Though in this scene there are no mirrors at all.
    Beautiful landscape with water surface.

    Post edited by Slepalex on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,837
    edited November 2016

    It often happens that whatever you begin looks simple enough but the more it progresses, the more details pop up. Like the answer to a question may bring up five more. That's the idea of the abstract. HDRI and camera with the GWL attached (ca. 340° view) within an Alien Artefact by MatCreator.

    Simply Tricky

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  • Awesome renders everyone!! It's a rainy day  so I just might play around with Bryce today. These are two recent ones. The space scene, I made the "Dark Matter" extractor lol in wings 3d. I was just messing around. I couldn't get it lit properly so I just gave up lol. I wanted everything to be shiny and reflective. The ship was a freebie i got a while ago and I jsut applied different textures in bryce. It was solid brown just about.

    Space heads 2 final.jpg
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    Frozen Tropics Alien Minerals no frame.jpg
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  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644

    Horo- thanks, I don’t know if it is a bridge or rock, I set the scene as the reference picture, unfortunately I don’t have it now. The abstract is awesome.

    Slepalex – amazing, a no mirrors- mirrors effect. Thanks for your comment.

    ArleneS – both renders are great esp the Frozen Tropics

  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911

    Slepalex – amazing, a no mirrors- mirrors effect. Thanks for your comment.

    mermaid010 here can read about this technique:

  • c-ramc-ram Posts: 376

    @ Horo Hansmar and Mermaid : Thanks for your comments.

    I really like the town scene from Horo, the point of view is interesting.

    @ Electro elvis : beautiful lightning result with your room, it's giving a realistic touch to your render..

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited November 2016

    Due to copyright issues here is a render of some generic building blocks. laugh

    Modelled in Bryce.

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  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,000

    @Horo: I like your abstract. Very much the type of thing I like to dive into once in a while too, but your's looks very fresh and colourful.

    @ArleneS: Great renders. The ship one makes me shiver. It's about that cold here, today, I think.

    @Dave Savage: Looks very good. Good use of DOF. I wouldn't know what kind of blocks you are talking about. They don't look familiar to me at all. But then, I'm not from Denmark, that must be the explanation! angel

  • vivienvivien Posts: 184
    edited November 2016

    Nice to see so many great renders... Love the landscapes, some of them look so realistic they could pass for photos.also the lighting of still life has always managed to amaze me... I had a bit of free time and thought I make something Christmasy... Hope not to soon.

    christmas 2016.jpg
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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,837
    edited November 2016

    ArleneS - The Dark Matter extractor looks great. The icy place with the ship is also a great render.

    Dave - you made those bricks in Bryce, cool work. I once used LeoCAD ( to build a scene.

    vivien - cute render with the snow men.

    I've been experimenting with CEL, using a Dragon from the Stanford Scanning Repository and created a terrain by rendering a Distance Mask. With and without material on the terrain and once transparent with negative HDRI Effect to suck off some light from the parallel light. All render in around 5 seconds.

    CEL Experiments

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  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644

    Slepalex - thanks for the link

    Dave - wow great modeling

    Vivien - cool winter render.

    Horo - interesting results, I like the effects.

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited November 2016
    Horo said:
    Dave - you made those bricks in Bryce, cool work. I once used LeoCAD ( to build a scene.

    Yup, modelled in Bryce... Though I did mess up the measurements on the 8 block... I forgot to take into account the thickness of the plastic block so their is an uneven space between 2 sets of the round extrusions.

    Great work on the dragon... Did you see the thread about someone (sorry can't remember who) was wanting info on cell rendering maybe for annimations?


    Thanks Mermaid and Hansmar... Yup, I think on The Simpsons cartoon, they call it Blocko. laugh

    Vivien: Well done on the snowmen scene.

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  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723
    edited November 2016

    Terrain and the other two objects created in Blender, exported from it as .obj and imported to Bryce.

    In Bryce, just changed the materials and added the water. I really like reflections on the water, so the title is:

    Just add the water


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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,837

    Mermaid - thank you.

    Dave - thank you. Yes, difficult to answer since he got almost everything I know.

    Artiny - nice render with the Menger sponge and the column.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,000
    edited November 2016

    Vivien: what a nice winter scene.

    Horo: I don't really think I understand what exactly you did, but these are interesting renders.

    Artini: That is a nice set of reflections indeed.

    I made a whatsit in Hexagon. I originally thought it would be a caterpillar, but not now. Still playing with the 'copy on support' option. I have to find a way to only copy on a part of the supporting object to make it more useful. But, it does present a quite nice form. Light is an abstract IBL + three spotlights (in different colours) + a very weak fill light and there are two sphere lights in the object.

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This discussion has been closed.