Can One Find Characters by RACE ?
in The Commons
Can One Find Characters by race? I am often in the position of wanting to see all the Black characters, or all the Indian characters, or all the Japanese charaters. Is there some way to search the store for that? Or is there a list somewhere of characters catagorized by race?
If I need a middle-aged black female character, it is a nightmare trying to find it in the store. Maybe I'm not searching correctly.
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No, too, too much controversy...
Race is just an outmoded concept.
Especially when one mistakes nationalities for races.
There is only one race of humans on earth.
...or nationality for ethnicity.
Again, that gets into the difference between ethnicity and nationality. Someone's nationality tells you absolutely nothing about their ethnic makeup. A French national is simply someone who is a citizen of France, regardless of their background. Who are the French people ethnically? The Germanic Franks conquered the region inhabited by the Celtic Gauls (which was at that time already part of the Roman Empire), and even if we assume that both of those groups were entirely homogeneous, any number of other ethnicities blended into the population in the ensuing millennium and a half, including from France's overseas colonies.
Only on dedicated racetracks, not on public roads.
No, they never have explicitly classified race like that.
My DNA analysis confirms I'm 100 percent, Homo Sapien yes it can tell me more from where I came from on this planet. Still confirms only one race of Homo Sapiens lives on this planet.
Do they still ask that question when applying for a visa to the US?
Didn't understand why they were interested in that hobby and not for example "Do you play the fiddle?"
zoom zoom
My wife wants to race me she has a Challenger and I have Focus. I tell her she'll be there faster, but I'll use less gas.
Something that has helped me is to search by connections- for example Daz has several Black characters (Monique, Darius, Jinx, etc) and most of the characters based on them are too. So if you search for Monique, Darius, etc you will find even more Black characters. Then if you check out threads like "Black is beautiful' you will find a lot of characters there too and most people are friendly and either have already mentioned what character they used or will tell you if asked. Another way is to find PAs that are making more racially diverse characters (Mousso, redzstudio, SdebStore/Samsil, Rarestone/Ravenstone,etc) because they may have more of the character types you are looking for. That's usually how I 'search' the Daz store, that and just coming to the forums- so many helpful and kind people here trying to help people find what they are looking for :)
Sunnyjey, that is probably the most elegant and least offensive suggestion that i have seen. I think I will send Fauvist a PM to explain some of the complications later today i.e. actress/athlete Gabrielle Reece and actress Halle Berry both are biracial (Black father, White mother) yet their appearance is very different.
Part of the problem with even trying to implement something like this in the store is that, when ethnicity is mentioned in the product, they tend to be a bit vague about it. I imagine it is in part because they are not creating one specific person and have multiple references who may be of different ethnicity as well. As mentioned here, for the kind of searching you are looking for one of the better options does seem to be asking in the forums for recommendations.
"...RACE?.... Really Archaic Classifications of Ethnicity?... I was hoping you humans would be over this by now... don't you realize that's all just exterior pigments, fur color and surface contours... what is really important is the soft squishy thing in your middle that keeps you creatures going... and the other squishy thing in your heads... all the other stuff is just a distraction..." - Noonooboluk of Braraakna 1887 EC
You really sure about that? No (usual) up to 3% Neanderthal DNA included? Or the possible about up to (afaik) 2% Denisova DNA? Or any of other DNA traces from the one (or more..) different "Pre-Human" races (!) which our (You, mine and probably everyone's) ancestors enjoyed a cosy dinner and a night of lovemaking?
And don't forget the Homo Florensiensis, although You're probably right as much as they aren't probably around anymore, and were a sub-species of Homo Sapiens, which makes that "one Homo Sapiens race" a didactic question.
We're a tossed salad
Presumably one with a lot of nuts in it...
Humanity that is... I don't always know if I interpreted the previous comment as I thought it was meant.
In the same vein as @sunnyjei's post, I'd also crowdsource the task by looking into the Daz Gallery where folks tend to mirror their own ethnicity in the Daz figures they showcase. It's certainly self-selecting, perhaps due to familiarity or personal preference. If you're lucky they've linked in the corresponding entry to the Daz store. In the absence of any references, copying a gallery image link and posting it to the forum, along with a question about the Daz asset, usually yields the right answers.
I think you got that right.
Formula 1 isn't so much racing as it is a glorified parade.
I said it.
American sensibilities on the topic of racial identity have swung around so much over the past couple years, there may be a time where we go back to categorizing by race... which also applies to the Daz store, for precisely the questions like this one: Shouldn't it be easier to find Black characters in the store when they do exist?
(Of course, Search is still kind of bad for everything, so... you know, it is what it is.)
Since I try to use only a small set of PAs (if only to limit my spending & the impact to my morph library even though there's a lot of great work there), I also use the "by PA" search, myself.
If I don't see what I want in the PAs' work that I collect, then it doesn't exist.
Combining Normals from other characters is another way I sometimes extend my existing library, especially now that character-specific UVs are almost entirely a thing of the past.
Using an older figure's Normal maps on a younger figure can change the character of a... err, character. It can help invent some lines and wrinkles that aren't there in the existing figure's textures. Since Normals are sometimes a separate Materials button, they can be the easiest way to adapt one figure's wrinkles & lines onto another texture set. It's not an exact science, though.
Canada is the most ethnically diverse country on the planet, and we buy into the concept of multi culturalism and respect of heritage and we're all just Canadians who get along. Go figure. Mutual respect goes a long way.
I suspect the indigenous people of Canada might have a slightly different view on the matter.