Fiddling with Iray skin settings...



  • well that's the frst time i see such a perfect backscatter chin line - whatever you do...   dont delete the settings - maybe post them here...  could be that you found by happy accident the "sweet" spot..ether in sss or in backscatter or bothsmiley.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,249
    Gr00vus said:

    It's hard to tell from that settings screen capture because many of the values aren't shown, because I think you've got multiple surfaces selected. Pick just one surface to capture the settings, or maybe give us the settings for the face and then the settings for one body part (like the torso, or arms, or legs). Guessing in absence of knowing the current values - you could try boosting the bump/normal strengths, particularly from the neck down. That should break up the glossiness a bit. You could try increasing the glossy roughness.

    RAMWolff said:

    These settings might be bizzare to allot of you but I got the sunburn about gone and got the skin tone looking close to what I was imagining....

    Still seeing some unwanted gleam on the skin.  I don't want her looking sweaty but more of a soft glow.... What setting do you suggest I play with? 



    Yes, sorry about that.  I have different settings on the lips so that caused a few of the values to appear as ?'s

    I tried the raising of the Glossy Roughness and Glossy Reflectivity but made little difference.  I'm going to keep fiddling and see what happens.  For the most part I'm pretty happy right now but really would love to get that translucency back on the ears and tip of the nose.  That's something I'm aiming for the most right now. 

    Andy, I will set the Glossy Color back to pure white and post the render...


  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    I've been following, although not contributing much as I'm not that involved in skin manipulation, but I thought this document may add something to the discussion. If I have posted it before or has been posted previously then I apologies.

    Page 7 and the following pages I found interesting.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,249

    I know this all looks horrible again.  What I'm doing now is deep investigating about the dials doing test renders for EVERY dial dialed up.  I got to the Backscattering weight and tried one of the higher settings that was posted by Agent but found that it was a causitive factor in creating that glare that seems to creep up from the lower body where ever the camera is aimed (the further out the camera is the lower.  So a full view of the body rendered her with basically white ankles, very strange).  So here you see her looking sunburnt again but look at the settings. 

    Backscattering Weight set to 0.000 and then a lower setting set to 0.0049, you can see the backscattering doesn't hit her evenly but you see the under arm and chest area noticeably lighter.  I tried it at like 0.35 and it was glaring white...


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  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,249

    Another example.  Testing further.... Revisted the lighting idea, nope.  I turned down the two lights in the scene to 50% each, moved the distance light to the other side and even selected the Beauty Cam I set up and TURNED OFF the headlamp ... this was the results ... the Backscattering Weight is set to 0.49% so it's like there is this bright light being shown on her.  Here are the Luminance settings in case there is something I can fiddle with there...

    I'd really hate to think this was a glaring bug in this version of DS all this time.............. crying



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  • AndyGrimmAndyGrimm Posts: 910
    edited December 2015

    RAMWolff turn off backscattering- set weight to  zero

    Backscattering has nothing to do with subsurface scatter (sss).... two different things...

    Post edited by AndyGrimm on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,249

    So this is what I did.  I saved out my skin settings and a few other things to seperate files. Restarted DS and new file, loaded in Dawn, applied my skin settings to her, loaded in the saved hair, loaded up the swim suit and applied my shaders to it and then did a test render.  All looked good so then went down the line and set up Agents scatter settings, rendered, still looked good.  Went into Photoshop and got the glossy maps made for the body (3 maps) and redid the one for the head to make sure they matched up perfectly... set those up and rendered.  Pretty happy now...




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  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,249

    Something keeps breaking in DS 4.8.  I literally just set up the mouth settings, reposed the figure and changed the camera angle to see how my improved Translucency maps looked (wanted to check out the seam between the neck and head.  Now this pops up again............. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr HURRY UP WITH 4.9 DAZ!  Sheesh............



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  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,249

    Resaved out the new settings and other files.  Loaded up another new instance of Dawn, applied the skin and other bits to her and rendered.  See.. it's fine.  There is something very broken about this version.  I can't even trust what I'm doing at this point! 





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  • Try turning Backscattering Weight to 0 or turn up the roughness to 0.90 - 0.95 and see if it solves your problem. I had my roughness at 0 which was working for my tests but isn't ideal. I'm glad to see that it's working half the time. yes

  • limitation or bug ?

    Is somebody able to get a colored shadow from a transparent sphere? Is this a limitation in Iray ? ...   that's a bad thing .. then! what about thick glas - bug or limitation ?

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  • AndyGrimmAndyGrimm Posts: 910
    edited December 2015

    limitation or bug ?

    iray standard material - float glas.. colored shadow but - has text on it now? .... lol...

    middle marble is flint glass red too.... black shadow

    right marble - a green glas material i set up in the ubershader..... black shadows.

    Ver can someone confirm my results? 


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    Post edited by AndyGrimm on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,249

    Try turning Backscattering Weight to 0 or turn up the roughness to 0.90 - 0.95 and see if it solves your problem. I had my roughness at 0 which was working for my tests but isn't ideal. I'm glad to see that it's working half the time. yes


    Seems to have worked.. for now.... lol Thanks Agent :-)


    Happy now 4.jpg
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  • AndyGrimm said:

    limitation or bug ?

    Is somebody able to get a colored shadow from a transparent sphere? Is this a limitation in Iray ? ...   that's a bad thing .. then! what about thick glas - bug or limitation ?


    AndyGrimm said:

    limitation or bug ?

    iray standard material - float glas.. colored shadow but - has text on it now? .... lol...

    middle marble is flint glass red too.... black shadow

    right marble - a green glas material i set up in the ubershader..... black shadows.

    Ver can someone confirm my results? 


    I tried the standard iRay Uber base, set base color to red, translucency color to red, translucency to 0.9, transmitted color to red, and thin walled off, got some red in the shadow.

  • RAMWolff said:

    Try turning Backscattering Weight to 0 or turn up the roughness to 0.90 - 0.95 and see if it solves your problem. I had my roughness at 0 which was working for my tests but isn't ideal. I'm glad to see that it's working half the time. yes


    Seems to have worked.. for now.... lol Thanks Agent :-)



  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    Glossy color has a huge impact on transmitted light (and the color of transparent objects).


    Which is... weird.


  • Glossy color has a huge impact on transmitted light (and the color of transparent objects).


    Which is... weird.


    On some level it makes sense. If light is being reflected equally across the spectrum, it's being absorbed equally so what gets through would also be neutral. That really should be tied to the actual translucency/transmission settings, though...

  • AndyGrimm said:

    limitation or bug ?

    iray standard material - float glas.. colored shadow but - has text on it now? .... lol...

    middle marble is flint glass red too.... black shadow

    right marble - a green glas material i set up in the ubershader..... black shadows.

    Ver can someone confirm my results? 


    I can try it late tonight. Got a render running now that's going to take a while to finish.

  • Glossy color has a huge impact on transmitted light (and the color of transparent objects).


    Which is... weird.


    Are you using a monochrome value for the glossy color, or an RGB color?

  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854

    Andy I have no clue how that text is showing up but it is on the jpg for the HDRI light. It is an overlay on one of the cement tiles in the very center of the image at the bottom.

  • AndyGrimmAndyGrimm Posts: 910
    edited December 2015

    i tried  everything (since hours - with translucenncy, whitout - IOR 1 - 1-6..with sss whitout sss.. tmc from 0 - 100,,....     example Jade green standard.. does not color shadows..... and it is not just me - i also saw other renders in the forum where i tought why is there not a colored shadow...

    i know the glossy color trick for gobos and planes - but that's definitly then not a correct material...,,

    so if somebody can DO a half transparent or full transparaent material which colors shadow AND is halftransparebt /transparent on a SPHERE - with or whithout sss - please render a sphere and upload  settings.....

    Actually i tried to finish my grape settings... but i can really not get the yellowish light which shines through grapes...  that made me start to test again....

    the ony material which colors light is IRAY standard float glas... nothing in the ubershader yet.


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    Post edited by AndyGrimm on
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    I'm neck deep in trying to render some f(%*$(*TYGHng clouds, but I'll take a poke at it later. ;)


  • AndyGrimmAndyGrimm Posts: 910
    edited December 2015

    well clouds i tried too....   actually there i started tonight .....   then i tought grapes are more easy smiley.... i am back there where i was 6 months ago...  thought it is just a problem in the beta of 4.8 then devil

    it must be possible just with refraction and tmc to color light! or it is definitly not right implemented in iray or daz iray....a colored glass with colored shadows where i can turn in sss should be a basic material for a PBR engine !


    Post edited by AndyGrimm on
  • pearbearpearbear Posts: 227

    Hi Andy, colored glass is working for me on a sphere. I'm using a 1 foot diameter sphere with the Glass - Solid - Light Green shader, and the only change to it is that I made the transmission color a vivid blue instead of light green.

    Here it is lit with an HDRI, and then on a white plane with sun/sky for light. The third image is the same as the second, but with the sun enlarged to soften the shadows and the blue projection. Also, here are the settings for the blue glass shader, shouldn't be anything surprising there though.

    These tests are with default render settings. I tried turning the "Caustic Sampler" option on and was disappointed that it didn't look any different to me.

    Have you tried getting the effect you're looking for with spotlights, and the colored shadow projected onto some actual geometry (instead of the DAZ ground shadowcatcher)? My only guess about what's going on in your renders is that it's a problem relating to the lighting HDRIs and ground/shadowcatcher rather than the shader.

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  • Khory said:

    Andy Ich habe keine Ahnung, wie dieser Text angezeigt werden, aber es ist auf der jpg für die HDRI Licht. Es ist eine Überlagerung auf einer der Zementplatten in der Mitte des Bildes an der Unterseite.

    thx - that was definitly a glitch/bug - that's why i ask if somebody else can confirm that it is not possible to create volume which colors light the right way.... or is my system somehwere buggy (ram or what else),,,, however rebooted card and system and the text is gone. smiley

  • ok -...thx pearbear...   must be my system then.. maybe overheated....  if i get text from HDRi on my material something is definitly strange :-)

  • AndyGrimmAndyGrimm Posts: 910
    edited December 2015

    pearbaer does green jade standard, color light  in your setup ? and which version of daz are you using ? 44 or the newest one? 

    Post edited by AndyGrimm on
  • pearbearpearbear Posts: 227
    AndyGrimm said:

    pearbaer does green jade standard, color light  in your setup ? and which version of daz are you using ? 44 or the newest one? 

    The tests were in DAZ 4.9. Here's the default green jade material, first in 4.9 and then 4.8 (they both seem to work the same). With the green jade it took about 100 render iterations before the green color started showing up, and as you can see it is relatively faint even on a white surface.

    Just for fun, I did another version of the blue glass with the Octane Render DS plugin on PMC Kernel. I didn't try too hard to get the material and environment to match the Iray version, but thought it might be fun to make a rough comparison.

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  • AndyGrimmAndyGrimm Posts: 910
    edited December 2015

    i think the light output of transparant//glass materials in the ubdershader is not correct! Way to low light goes through colored glass...  

    i use 2cm thick glas now..  the iray standard float glas red (iray shader)  as reference, looking ok - same plane - with red glass in the ubershader = black shadows....   we dont need spot's in daylight through glass for this effect... !

    i also dont want spots in the vine yard to render my grapes smiley...

    something is fishy with tmc or refraction in the ubdershader or my system crying

    Post edited by AndyGrimm on
  • AndyGrimmAndyGrimm Posts: 910
    edited December 2015

    yours looking ok to me - thank you pearbear... i had similar problems 3 weeks ago allready with roughness/glossiness then....  your uploads saved me from 1 week frustration with wrong tests and conlucsions...  

    i need a new card i think.  i let it cool down now for a while....   had again the text from  pixar HDRi in my render....   dsoent make any sense right now.. thx.

    Post edited by AndyGrimm on
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