Carrara Challenge #61 – Iconic movie Scene - WIP Thread

Carrara Challenge #61 – Iconic movie Scene
Everybody who has ever gone to movies or watched television has its own set of iconic scenes. I’ve got plenty of them, ranging from a cartoon wolf meeting little red hood in a night club, to a light sabre fight featuring paternity talks and including a paid enforcer dancing twist with his boss wife, Australopithecus observing a black monolith, Sally having a fake orgasm in a coffee shop and plenty more (so many I don’t want to bore you with it).
So, the goal of this challenge is to create a render inspired by one of your own iconic scenes. Reference to this scene (a Youtube link for instance) might be enlightening to some of us who didn’t know it
edit: The original title "cult scene", a direct translation from French, has been changed to iconic scene to remove any ambiguities in English.
Important Information
(copied pasted from challenge 60, thank you Diomede)
Number of Permitted Entries Per Entrant = 4.
Use the Carrara render room as part of the work flow, or a Carrara render plugin like Octane or Lux. You may use another program to create an image that is inserted in Carrara's background, backdrop, or on a reference plane.
Postwork is allowed, but please submit the un-postworked image in the WIP thread.
At least one WIP post is required for each entry. It is encouraged, but not required, to include a screenshot of the scene setup and discuss challenges and successes in the image creation process. The goal is to share and learn and build a sense of community, after all.
Important Dates
WIP Thread Open - It is open now!
Entry Thread Open - February 15th
Voting Thread Open – March 1st
Sponsorship Update
Daz3D is generously continuing to sponsor the monthly challenges. No one person can win more than one category.
$50 Daz3D Original Store Credit (DOSC) - Single Image - Most Votes (and honor of first right of refusal to host the next challenge)
$50 (DOSC) - Single Image - 2nd Most Votes
$50 (DOSC) - Participant - Most Votes of All Entries Combined
$45 (DOSC) - Participant - 2nd Most Votes of All Entries Combined
In determining the results, I will count the results for most for a single image first. Then eliminate that person from further calculations of other categories. Then down the line.
Thank you, Daz3D
Note - winning entries may be used by Daz3D in marketing materials, etc.
Note - Please respect the forum TOS.
Fun theme. I will enjoy thinking about some of my favorite cult scenes. One that comes to mind is the iocane powder scene from Princess Bride.
Use the Force, Luke
Second Render
Close Encounters of the Third Kind -
Thank you Diomede, I didn't know this movie. Looks nice. I'll try to watch it.
Bunyup, I'm always amazed by your productivity :-) A render a mere hour after the challenge is launched...
By the way, I really prefer the second render.
My take on it.
From the movie Seven year itch, the famous skirt scene.
Carrara native render, GMIC plugin for vintage look, no other postwork.
Wow, bunyip02, diomede et philemo , off to a great start! Monty puthon comes to mind. What have the romans ever done for us?
Novak isn't the messiah, he's just a very naughty boy
wow.. that is a quick start...
Nice theme, Philemo! Iconic movie or TV scenes.
Your render looks excellent as well.
I had a render in mind which fits the theme perfectly, but the mods made me aware that it won't be allowed. All I can say is beware commenting on current events. :).
But there are so many classic scenes, that it should be easy to find a topic that passes muster.
Bunyip, looking good!
Looking forward to what you come up with !!!
Thanks, nice theme !!!!
Great render !!!
Thanks, Just don't do the full Monty !!!
Hope you join in the fun as well !!!
Thanks, trust your entries will be Mod friendly !!!
Close Encounters render
Looking forward to your new topic
Or use a strategically placed object
Nice lightning
So do I
I'm curious too. Not the easiest subject for a render
getting famouser and famouser Stezza, love your characters
capturing the essence nocely, there's a lot to be said for working in grey scales - amazing what beauties the depth pass has sometimes
capturing the essence nocely, there's a lot to be said for working in grey scales - amazing what beauties the depth pass has sometimes
just looking at Dart's badland set - what a brilliant chap he is!! Reckon it would sit well with a spaghetti western .... The Good the Bad and Ugly...
Havent had any time yet sorry
Ray Harryhausen tribute.
Jason and the Argonauts, 1963 version.
M4 as Jason fighting the Poser skeletons among marble ruins. I used the NPR renderer to render out the shield logos (argo ship, ram fleece, and scorpion) which enables the option of the outlines.
Scene setup attached. Vibrance adjusted with the aid of filter forge.
A lot of computer cults get bought out then go subscription only. That penguin better use sunscreen. Good one.
Excellent effects. I haven't seen 7-year itch in a while. I thought it was great. Wonder if I will think it is more funny or less funny now that I am older.
Realizing that one of the best parts of this challenge is going to be reminiscing. That is a classic scene. I like that you are emphasizing the backlighting. Such an optimistic movie, unlike most alien movies.