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Great job on that, thanks for sharing !
I love the new beards! An awesome variety!
I just posted these on the IRay renders forum. Here they are again.
looking great thanks for sharing !
also for others that don't own the product here are UNSHAVEN 2 in action using Iray and 3Delight
you can see in real time how the product render and all shapes
Great way to let folks see how everything works, and how easy it is to use in both 3Delight & Iray. Thanks Cath!
I'm wondering why the metadata for Add Shine and Add SSS are set to type Material instead of Shader. Aren't they shaders? And also why they are set to be compatible only with the Unshaven 2 beard instead of Any Surface. I thought they were meant to be applied to transmapped hair that had one of the Unshaven 2 shaders applied to it.
And they should , I have no issues to apply it to any other surface , it is not material preset , at last not what it should be as the Shine and SSS was made especially for the transmapped hair in first place , I did not made the metadata for this , I use it straight from the library , only the 3Delight colors are material presets
The Iray Hair shaders are fantastic , but when I just want very small stubbles around a face, the hair don't appear on the sides's look a little like shaved.
I moved this post from the Iray Renders thread. I think it's more appropriate here.
I think I'm finally happy with the hair on this model.
I love using the color shaders from Mec4D Unshaven 2 on hair objects. But so far, I've only found one, Asteria Hair, where it looked really good. So I started playing with a hybridized use of the shaders, applying the color to the fine wispy hair of styles like Char Hair and Edwardian Hair, replacing the textures. Then either leaving the hair as is, or applying the color without replacing the texture images. That's how I stumbled on this application.
I started with Char Hair in gray and first applied the Iray Uber Base. I selected the thin strands, (BackLoose, Fine, FrontLoose, HairBShort,) and applied the Bleached Blonde shader. I then selected the rest of the hair, except for the scalp, and applied the Bleached Blonde shader using the ctrl key and "ignored" images. In the Surfaces Editor, I replaced the gray scalp diffuse image with the Char Hair blonde scalp image. And finally, I selected all surfaces except the scalp and applied both the SSS and Shine shaders.
As my character is an older woman, I'm quite pleased to have what appears to be subtle gray streaks. Although I suppose they could just be caused by the Shine shader.
Now if I could just get my hands on Mec4D's skin shaders... lol
I see they does not appear in the front also seems like do not follow the shape you used, maybe in place of the stubble try then full beard just on lower value and then use the tin tool , it should follow any shape as that is auto generated by DS , and should not sink like that unkess it dies not follow .
Not bad Anita , the most conflict is that the Iray translucent shader already create opacity level , how lighter the color how more opacity will show up, usually I just slide down the color down for different kind of hair if it looks over bleached , also you need some back lighting for hair but you managed it well .
I wonder if you plug the opacity maps into translucent channel living the color intact will not help here even more just an idea that came to my mind right now , it could define the strands even more just guessing.
I am working on a test Unshaven style scalp hair right now and the shader working cool in the one side polygons without the opacity maps and still improving the shaders mainly changing the brightness of the translucent color and sometimes the back translucent color as they both define the final result more than the base color
anyway good job , and BTW I did unsubscribed from the Iray thread as I am focusing on finalizing my projects right now
I don't have your Genesis 2 head morph but tried new chunky shapes I did not own before so it show up as it should following the surface so make sure it follow and fit G2M as well , used stubble in first and full beard in second on low values and tin hair tool on 63%
and BTW I just realized you have smile on your character , if the expression is a custom pose morph and I did not have it before it is not set to auto follow as any other custom pose morphs but it should show up under Unshaven 2 parameters the moment it was dialed up from where you can set it to auto follow and have to save it by export.. I know it is messed up but not my rules . From nature all pose morphs are not set to auto follow even the base one and the only custom one will works that was setup proper the way DAZ do .
All pose morphs awake the hidden morphs for each character , if the setup is not correct it will not trigger the auto follow
I purchased the new model Derek HD for Genesis 2, a PC+ item at a ridiculously low price, and was delighted to find it came with Iray presets for all the materials. Anyway, I put together a scene for the weekly contest, and his skin was so lovely, I put him in a swimsuit and posed him on the beach!
His beard is from Unshaven 2, of course, but I also applied the same Jet Black Iray shader to Julius Hair and REAL Hairy (except for the armpit hair. I added it later and forget to apply the shader. Doh.) I have to say, I think the body hair looks finer and more realistic with the Unshaven shader applied. And just one more way this was one of the best purchases I've made from DAZ3D.
(To see the full size render in my gallery, click on the image above. Opens in a new window/tab.)
Very nice Anita, I like how the Julius Hair turned out and the rest . nice material setup he looks very sexy :) nice skin setting too, thanks for sharing :)
Very sexy for sure! WOOFS
Thank you, Cath. While I tweaked the pose and created a higher resolution texture for the rug, I didn't do anything to the skin settings. That's the default Iray presets for Derek. I'm finding there aren't very many of the older hair items that work well with your shaders. I'm hoping new hair that comes out will be created with your shaders in mind. And I'd really love to see a short hair version of Julius Hair, Though I suppose new hair for G2M will take a back seat to new anything for G3F/V7.
Thanks. My own reaction to Derek, regardless of the pose, is HUBBA HUBBA!
Yea, Derek is in my cart too, not that I'll have any time to use him but hey for 4 bucks, can't beat that price! lol
Yes with the opacity maps they do it will not working in Iray so well , opacity maps in Iray should use only 2 colors what is black and white 255 and the middle semi transparent-opaque settings are under translucent channel , what you can try with the older set is choice the color from unshaven add the glossy only (no sss ) then change the colors as follow in my last freebie girls want to have fun shader for hair , the difference is that the base color ,translucent and back translucent color use the same color what works better with the older sets . The back translucent is the color for the shadow that the light create when passing the translucent surface
No, you can't beat the price. And Derek is an exceptional model, (in my consumer-oriented opinion.)
I will definitely give that a try. Julius Hair is the only male hair I have that works correctly with the Unshaven hair shaders. The others look so fake in Iray. Such a shame to have an image that would pass for a photograph if it weren't for the plastic looking hair. I let you know how it works out.

I really like this product but one of the problems I have is creating the individual moustache/goatee combo. This is not a connected moustache/goatee so the problem I'm having is increasing the spread/size/length of the goatee and the width of the moustache without it growing over the lips or the individual hairs becoming too seperate. Some of my characters have wider faces/mouths or bigger chins and I'm finding it difficult to grow the moustache/goatee to a size that looks right. Maybe some more morphs might help?
Sadly there is nothing you can do for now, very wide face will separate the hair attached to the polygons as the polygons separate so will be the hair, that are beard style so unless you do that yourself to match your custom morph there is not way to add length to style as it will be too huge file to handle as any morph is the same size for example mustache or wizard beard and I would have to do additional morph for each beard style what will ends in a mega monster file and it is already almost 1GB, in the future I may find way to improve it even better but for now it is the way it is .I wish I could make everyone happy but it is just impossible with so many characters and morphs , but thank you for your feedback , I may pay attention and do little longer styles in the future to match the other face features but still it will all depend of the morph and how it was modeled , I may do additional super high resolution with even more hair for the future G3 male so it will help a lot .
Thanks for your reply. The product is excellent as it is but it's just in the area I mentioned that it would be great to find a solution in the future. Maybe a morph add-on at some point?
I could create the add on only if I had the all morphs , all custom face morphs need to be set to auto follow and then the new beard morph generated and saved , the only solution is to setup right the morphs and even DAZ facial morphs are not set on auto follow as they are pose morph and don't have the functions by default and need to be set manually but G3 don't have this issue anymore :) so the future looks bright ! If everyone setup stuff the way it should we all would have less work ,,
anyway show me some screen shot and what you have in mind and I will make it for you but just need to see it so I will make it right for you .
Not that you need any more projects, Cath, but I've been working with DAZ Horse 2 this week and realized it would be really nice to have an Unshaven-like product for the mane, forelock and tail. The groom room could have several variations each for the forelock, mane and tail. (And you wouldn't have to develop shaders as the shaders from Unshaven 2 are already perfect.)
Of course, I have no idea if anyone besides me would buy it, but it seems to me like it should be a popular product... Unless DAZ is actually working on a third generation horse. In any event, such a product is on my wishlist!
That is good idea , let me see how it works with the Horse, I think will be not big problem , don't remember if the mane is separate , I think it is , did not used it for a while
Currently, the mane and forelock are one object, and the tail is another. The horse loads without either one, so it would be easy to load an alternate mane/forelock and tail.
If you decide to make this into a product, I volunteer as a beta tester...
I'd buy it! :D :D
was thinking of something no one has created yet at least I've never seen any anywhere and since you did this it might be an interesting project for you as it is knida similar just in a different location - baldies different bald hairstyles like Danny Devito, Patrick Stewert, Jason Stratham and so on with different bald spots clumps of hair
Following the same riff as the horse hair, a lion's mane would also be welcome. The one for the MillBigCat is heavily transmapped and takes forever to render.
The problem would be posing, but I don't know that it would be obvious that the hair would be intersecting itself when the head moves up or down, or side to side.
Plus, of curse the issue of which BigCat to use. The new one's feet are so awful that I'm still using the old one. Which has an awful mane.