Carrara Challenge #62 "Clowns and Other Circus Stuff" -

Carrara Challenge #62 "Clowns and Other Circus Stuff" - animations included WIP Thread
END DATE 15TH JUNE 22 - 12.00 am daz utah time - BUT OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS :)
Entry thread here
The brief:
To make an image or animation (or both) containing a Clown or other Circus like stuff.
Any circus stuff is acceptable.
Carrara, or her render programs, to be the main software used.
Post work accepted (please post the non postworked image in the WIP thread.)
Please post at least one wip per image in the wip thread.
Once again Daz is kindly sponsoring this challenge.
The prize vouchers ($50, $50, $50, $45) are for 1) total participation 2) best render 3) , best animation and 4) the runner up for best participation.
As usual, one artist can only win one prize.
Up-to 6 images per artist and three animations per artist.
Animations are included in this challenge.
This is an experiment. I know there are some terrific animators amongst us.
To make it viable, let’s aim for at least three separate artists entering an animation.
Animations should (preferably) be less than three minutes long including credits.
But that’s flexible – the artist is always right.
Clowns and Other Circus Stuff
According to Wiki A clown is a person who wears a unique makeup-face and flamboyant costume, performing comedy
in a state of open-mindedness (by reversing folkway-norms) all while using physical comedy.
Well that of course is a narrow minded definition.
Where I live, clowns come in all disguises, shapes and sizes.
Lots of them, known as comedians, poke fun at hypocritical, self important, bureaucracy.
Here's the great Charlie Chaplin:
And of course, Isaac Asimov, in his Guide to Shakespeare stated 'that... the great secret of the successful fool (clown) – that he is no fool at all."
We’ve had clowns for a long time - think Shakespeare’s fools, think medieval jesters, jokers, harlequins and pranksters.
Think Loki in Viking legends. Think me.
We’ve all seen The Class Clown, we’ve all clowned about, and acted like a clown.
We’ve all seen Robin Williams go into a frenzy.
Then there’s slapstick.
Freudian archetypes
That said, serious students of English literature and Freudian archetypes, know that a clown’s job has always been,
not only to be a foil to the drama of a story, but to also make fun of the supposed hero of the narrative.
Of course clowns often have a dark side – a prime example is The Joker in Batman.
He is all the more scary because he has a big smile and a fixed facial expression which is just the opposite of his true character.
The Clown’s dark side is serious and I hope we can do it justice.
Food for thought:
Books with Clowns – the Scariest one I can think of is Stephen Kings ‘It.”
As far as circuses, there’s also RAY Bradbury’s “Something Wicked This Way Comes”.
Songs/Videos with clown Titles
Killer Klowns (from Outer Space)
Clown Psychology The History and Psychology of Clowns Being Scary | Arts & Culture| Smithsonian Magazine
Daz Products
If you look in Daz’ product list you’ll find a plethora of both clown and circus items.
Winners to be announced.
I am tanned, rested, and ready for some Carrara time. Well, maybe not tanned, but ready for some rendering. Here is another link for general inspiration.
RE: Animations - remember my crystal ball animation? That was my most recent attempt at animaiton in Carrara. Having the crystal ball go from opaque to a landscape scene got my channel suspended for spam and solicitation. But I will try at least one more time.
Where Are The Clowns?
A dramatic actress who has lived her life from affair to affair, reflects on the cruel irony of now being rejected by a man who, years earlier, had asked her to marry him. "Clowns" is a theatrical reference to the comic act you send in when the show isn't going well.
The first stanza of 'Send In The Clowns" by Stephen Sondheim is below. Many artists have recorded the song.
Isn't it rich?
Are we a pair?
Me here at last on the ground,
You in mid-air..
Where are the clowns?
The actress is Genesis 3. The hat and cigar are from the old Cuore de Moda outfit for V4. Several GMIC filters were used to get the NPR effect, including basic color adjustments, and small amounts of Poster Edges and Artistic Painting. The smoke was a random smoke png I found on the internet, and was inserted into the scene via a plane.
No postwork.
Glad to see you back, Diomede!
great news on the tan a, I'd forgotten about 'clowns to theleft of me, clowns to the right, here I am"
and welcome back!
I'm back from a six week surf trip living in a caravan and walking 20 kilometres a day - I am finding it hard to fit into my 'real' life again.
Sorry to here about the suspension - another example of trigger finger bureaucratic stupidity
Call in the clowns!
Looking forward to your next animation :)
that's Tom Terrific - the long distance gaze works superbly.
The painterly effect is just that - perfect painterly.
And a nicecrop.
You are becoming the master of these portraits.
I forgot to mention The Flying Circus and Circus Maximus
Appreciate the kind words, UB and HW.
Wow, UB, that is a fantastic portrait. The smoke, the embers, the eye glint - all terrific. What a way to start is off!
One more video of general inspiration. Here is an old clip of the self-described 'Clown Princes of Basketball.' Loved them as a kid and happy to say the Harlem Globetrotters continue performing with humor and skill. This video is from the old days.
Thanks HW and Diomede, for the good words. I do enjoy attempting intimate portraits. Closeup humans are such a challenge. In some ways it is easier to do a more distant (and impressive) big production scene.
I am far from a master. Much learning ahead.
Woohoo, Diomedes back, we missed you !!!
Nice start UB !!!
Thinking caps on .....
all the titles have been taken already... waow, quick as!
great image @UnifiedBrain as usual .... I was going to use that title for mine... I still might as it's the clown thing to do..
good to see you back @diomede
Used Harpet the clown and G2 with a retextured suit.
Used Carrara's duplicator to duplicate Harpet all over the place using random settings and also used Carrara's hair tool
Carrara 8.5 Pro version
the toon house is a freebie from ShareCG
I modelled the paper bag.
Send in the Clowns
I'm scared already!! Oddly I just rediscovered the hair caps that come with carrara - they even have one for Apollo!
hehe, I thought it was a great joke, a song without sound, until I realised my laptop was on mute :)
now your image doesnt have to have a song title as a title
but I'm sure tjhere's plenty left :)
more scaryness, the colour of that eyeshadow reminds me of that movie Beetlejiuce,
really liking the colour tones and atmopshere of your recent renders - not sure what it is - they seem to have more depth?
I'm standing at my kitchen bench using the surface pro just downloaded carrara on it and M4 and the realized that it comes with hair caps
had a play with artrage and painted some textures and added hair to a hair cap, oddly enough the default settings suit a clown
should have a play with carrara paint for the next face
just for fun here's an old video with a clown - everything modelled in anim8or and carrara (except the guy who gets pushed off the balcony - spoiler alert)
it's blushworthy - all the clown movements are with morphs
a rehash of another image I done in a different challenge not long ago
added Malini, Dr Pitterbull, Harpet & Genesis
Clowning Around
aha... I new it was a movie
I've been using depth of field set at 35 for a few lately just fora change .. maybe it's that
beautifully adapted
bring in the clowns - hold on, they are alreeady there!
thanks for the hint on the 35 depth
Stezza - two great renders. beetlejuice, beetlejuice, beetlejuice !
Bunyip - I love the circus. They used to drop the elephants off the train along my route to work. Once a year people would gather by the overpass to watch the elephants prepare for the parade up 7th street. Now no elephants. Guess its for the best, but less joy for the kiddies. Cool toon elephant in your tent made me think of it.
Headwax - nice make up job. Inspires me to give Carrara paint a deeper look.
Here is my WIP. Clown/Circus seems like a perfect theme to make some claymation characters.
First I made a new base figure, 3 fingers, slightly oversized head, hands, and feet. Then I made my first clown from the base. This one is slightly overweight and has a clown cannon. Have not UVMapped the clown yet so just used solid color shaders based on the shading domains. Created a hair cap and grew some frizzy/kinky hair. Clown needs to be boned and posed.
gotta love 3DU toons
great image @Bunyip02
Great modelling @Diomede... was thinking of same but you'll do it heaps betterer than me .. awesome
Opt In
using G1 and clown suit retextured and used Carrara Earth and I modelled the crown hat & phone, and brushes for smoke & fireworks in PSE22
very nice = like the circus of my childhood :) Except the clowns were scarier
ah love how you start from scratch - I'm proud of myself if I model a sphere ;)
looking forward to the cannon shot!\thanks for commenting on the clown texture too - yes we should revisit carrara paint