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that is awesome use of the plugin and M3 ...
who needs G8.1 anyways when you can do that
speaking of G8,1 ... I used Mysty's Carrara fix for this one... where R U Mysty?

Harpert at it again! and all the conversions of weight painting for the ape clothing done in DS plugin
Postwork was done in PSE2022
Ape Balled Again in Carrara
Thanks for the nice comments, Bunyip, HW, and UB.
The Carrara challenge updates just continue to blow me away. For example...
UB, that M3 clown is spectacular. Could be featured in one of those Great Depression era portraits (if color). Wow.
Stezza, the Death comes to dinner Table and the Ape Balled pool table are amazing.
This is already a very fruitful theme. Praise unto HW for the creative idea, and praise unto Carrarians for creative execution.
Stezza, neat textures and pose on the ape! The pun was just awful. :)
Thanks Stezza and Diomede, for comments on the old clown. The M3 morph was done with the help of Brom, a morph product no longer available. I'm glad that i spent my early years with Carrara collecting the old stuff first.
I just had a first play with the clownfish in a product called Ocean Wonders. The clownfish is most famous for the Finding Nemo movie (which I have never seen).
This is a WIP, not an entry. More characters to add.
Ocean Wonders is an interesting product. There is only one fish, but it has several morphs and textures. There are also some nice sea props.
The product loads fine into Carrara, but like many newer products, it tends to be laggy. I tried the Edit-Unused Masters et all, but it still lags. However, it now loads faster.
It also has normal maps, which I love. Unlike some normals which in Carrara have to be slammed at a bump amplitude of 250 or 500, these are already pretty strong at 40.
Stezza - love the Draughts Champ !!!
UB - nice skintone on the After the Big Show, interested in where your Clownfish takes you !!!
UB - thanks for the info on Ocean Wonders. Looks like the plants would go well with Dart's underwater realms.
Bunyip - Classic! Great to see the Harlequin traditional without the comic book movie mallet - although I like the mallet character also.
Here is another step on the journey, far from a final image. I am adapting a saber tooth tiger that I modeled for a previous challenge. I created morphs to reduce the teeth and make more generic big cat. This update is about the attempt to create a mane. In this attempt, I created two hair holders, one for the face and one for the shoulders, so I could have more control of differences in hair length, etc. After growing Carrara hair on the holders, I attached them to the same skeleton as the animal model. Assembly room screenshot attached to show hierarchy.
Suggestions welcome. For example, do you think I would be better off growing the hair directly on the animal model?
A standard scene used to be a performer sticking head in lion's jaws. For the final scene, I'm not sure if I will do something like this clown, or have a lion jump through a ring of fire.
One more step here. The circus needs a high wire act, to be sure. Here is another 3 fingered gal to go with the 3 fingered guys. Slightly oversized head, big eyes - you know the drill. The leotard is painted on with 3D paint with a vertex object fringe skirt. I painted the leotard as a simple opacity map so I could use it in the blender slot of a muiltichannel mixer shader. The hair cap was extracted from the base mesh so it fits the head. Carrara hair grown on cap. Figure is boned for crude posing but not weightmapped yet.
Lion - " Yum, needs more Garlic ! "
Looking great - admire your Carrara modelling skills !!!
Jester juggling his balls
Thanks for the comment, Bunyip.
Juggling jester is great jovial jocularity! Loving it.
~ y'all looking good ~
_ been working on this '"Qube Challeng" amd some for this <
That was actually my original idea. I bought Underwater Realms early in my Carrara years, but was never able to work it properly. My computer might have been too slow. At any rate, the render I did turned out to be more intimate, so I didn't need the massive scene. Someday I will pull it out again and likely have better luck.
An impressive set of circus performers you have going there.
Very crisp. I have a jester render on the way as well. (I'm trying to avoid jester balls jokes) :)
a good news an animation at last :)
in the old days when I used to model my own figures I would steal m4's (QUESTION MARK) (sorry my keyboard is zilched - I cant write capital or a question mark!) bones and use Carnegie mocaps, translate them through true space (cant r ecall why)
and then use them with the own modelled figure that had m4 bones (for animation)
kind of worked okay
EDit maybe that's not right, perhhaps I translated them into fbx with truespace and then used the imported skeleton to rig my character with.....(question mark)
Carnegie Mellon University - CMU Graphics Lab - motion capture library
EDIT that secopnd clown looks wonderful, you have some enviable modelling skills
Carnegie Mellon University - CMU Graphics Lab - motion capture library - some pantomimes :)
thanks :) I think stezza's hits the spot better :)!!!!
ha ha I love it when I laugh out loud, beaut work , love the attitude of the clown and implied Death.
I can see a few tremours there
wow that's a briliant portrait, love once again the gaze and the pose and the camera angle and that highlight that zings - really very nice
very dynamic stezza, very funny too - thanks for the explication of the daz plugin use !
nice pose bunyip02, how it leads the eye through the composition up towards the head
I think I like this one even better , the colour saturation and the limted tonal range tie it all together - as does the title hahah
ah this one tand the lion almsot eating the clown capture the theme nicely -
I've been looking at simle automatons - these figures three d printed and rigged up with mecahnicals would be superb
that's a piece of art. The normals seem to be making a huge difference.
"Z Troop"
If you remember the comedy "F-Troop" (question mark).
Well these clowns aren it.
This originally had a thought bubble coming out of the background character's head which read "
(Capitalb)ut I took it out because I didn;t want to make the image political.
It's a pita not being able to type Capitalb or question mark.
Ps couldnt figure out what year it was
can you copy paste an ? at least from elswhere?
or use character map
hey thanks yes I thought of copy and paste but was having so much fun typing quetsion mark and capital b :) But I have dosicovered the onscreen keyboard and now I can type BBB all day .... !3/? and even a ? :) or two
oh silly me, I use that with my wireless mouse watching Youtube videos on my TV all the time
Welcome to the party, ed3D. I missed the cube challenge. Looks like it would have been fun.
Thanks for the comments, UB and Headwax.
Here is another circus asset. Every circus needs some trick horse riders. I took a horse I modeled for a previous challenge and modeled some circus gear. New Bridle, blanket, saddle, reins, head plume. The colorful head plume is made with Carrara hair. I am still deciding whether to go back and use Carrara dynamic hair for the horse mane and tail. I had converted the old hair to OBj using Philemo's plugin for the previous challenge. If I use Carrara hair for the toon human models, it might make sense to use Carrara dynamic hair for the horse mane/tail as well.
Great clown face, composition and sentiment. And great non-caption. :) It is also an effective use of the surface replicator, although some guns appear to be poking through some hands.
Really enjoying this Challenge, thanks for suggesting it.