When to wear shorts - a flowchart for G2M



  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565
    edited December 1969

    Rareth said:
    So.. this would be a No! then?

    You are correct.

  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,462
    edited December 1969

    Rareth said:
    So.. this would be a No! then?

    You are correct.

    But these are ok?

    633 x 1024 - 395K
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  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Tough guys wear shorts in the UK, so do postmen.

    600 x 922 - 84K
  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    edited December 1969

    Havos said:

    If you want natural looking drapes of both pants and in particular dresses, then I would use dynamic clothing. I know there is only a limited selection, but there is still a fair bit around including jeans and other pants, plus numerous different skirts/dresses.

    Dynamic clothing has its own problems. I believe it doesn't scale and it is hard to pose (i.e. open or lift or wind-blown). I've tried using invisible "pegs" but gave up trying. Also, I've never been able to figure out all those parameters in the Dynamic Clothing tool but that's my issue. The Poser version seems much better - and it is not often that I would say anything in Poser is better.

  • riftwitchriftwitch Posts: 1,409
    edited December 1969

    Frank0314 said:
    In this area it's pull your pants up instead of put them on. People wear pants so low that you can see there undergarments and their even wearing belts. Just waiting to see that type clothing

    I find that annoying that the guys go around showing off what boxers they decided to wear that day.

    A few years ago I saw a young man (maybe in his early twenties) wearing a kilt pulled down like that. It looked really stupid. I don't want to see some guy's boxers, no matter what he's got half covering them.

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,404
    edited June 2015

    marble said:
    Havos said:

    If you want natural looking drapes of both pants and in particular dresses, then I would use dynamic clothing. I know there is only a limited selection, but there is still a fair bit around including jeans and other pants, plus numerous different skirts/dresses.

    Dynamic clothing has its own problems. I believe it doesn't scale and it is hard to pose (i.e. open or lift or wind-blown). I've tried using invisible "pegs" but gave up trying. Also, I've never been able to figure out all those parameters in the Dynamic Clothing tool but that's my issue. The Poser version seems much better - and it is not often that I would say anything in Poser is better.

    Actually scaling of the clothing works quite well, and you always have the option with the free plug-in of scaling the figure to fit, and then scaling the figure pack when the drape has been run and frozen. It does have wind in the paid plug-in, but you can not open the mesh. The dynamic system in DS is not trivial but once you have worked it out, it works quite well. I actually prefer it to Poser's as the drape runs faster, and imho looks better than an equivalent Poser one. Of course Poser's system is far more flexible since it can use any obj as the cloth.

    Post edited by Havos on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Tough guys wear shorts in the UK, so do postmen.

    ...here in the States it's often UPS delivery drivers.
    600 x 800 - 52K
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330
    edited December 1969

    Guy must be crazy wearing shorts int eh winter. Reminds me of my son who wears no shirt or shoes to take out the garbage in the winter. He is forever getting yelled at for it.

  • MusicplayerMusicplayer Posts: 515
    edited December 1969

    Rareth said:
    So.. this would be a No! then?

    In the UK this has been definitely sanctioned as a no ! :lol:



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614
    edited December 1969

    Rareth said:
    So.. this would be a No! then?

    In the UK this has been definitely sanctioned as a no ! :lol:


    tell our prime minister please

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited June 2015

    Frank0314 said:
    ... Reminds me of my son who wears no shirt or shoes to take out the garbage in the winter. He is forever getting yelled at for it.


    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • murgatroyd314murgatroyd314 Posts: 1,551
    edited December 1969

    Speaking as a resident of Arizona, I must say that this flowchart is completely wrong. Shorts are a perfectly acceptable option for anyone, any age, any sex, any time of year - though a significant fraction of the population wears long pants from about November to March.

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,228
    edited December 1969

    Frank0314 said:
    ... Reminds me of my son who wears no shirt or shoes to take out the garbage in the winter. He is forever getting yelled at for it.

    If you don't yell at your children, they grow up to be squirrels with Mohawks and whips.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Tough guys wear shorts in the UK, so do postmen.

    An economics teacher at the college I attended used to pedal his bicycle in every day, always in shorts and usually bare foot. Even in winter with snow and ice around ;)
  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    edited December 1969

    TimG said:
    I am an adult male and I wear shorts whenever I want.

    As am I. And whenever I want is ... never ;)
  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    edited December 1969

    "Are you in North Africa helping the British defeat Erwin Rommel?".... Thank you, that made me snort.

    +1 :)
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    edited June 2015

    Sorry if this is beating a dead horse or everyone was done with this thread, but I saw this thread notification in my emails, and since it's that time of the week that I actually read my email, I decided to reply...


    I was thinking about the whole shorts debate when I was driving in NYC last night and saw a fellow wearing cyan shorts, a purple tail (that looked like it was made of feather boas) and a big, tall furry green and yellow "Cat-In-The-Hat" hat...
    The shorts did not go with the hat and tail, which was probably only attached with safety pins and was dragging on the ground...
    Clearly this fellow was macadam level insane, but he was happily eating a slice of pizza, (sort of the way Cookie Monster eats chocolate chip cookies) oblivious of the level of cyanity of his shorts while waiting for the light to change (to red, because he and his pizza strolled out into traffic and were almost hit by a green cab) (don't get me started on the new lime green color cabs... It's just wrong... VERY, VERY wrong)... But he seemed to be one with and at peace with his fashion choice.
    I thought about the recent call to arms against ugly shorts because of its timely occurrence and because of the fact that British shins are often mentioned in regard to this crisis (as a kid I spent time in Sorrento, Italy... You get to be able to identify British shins quickly)... (They are very bright or very red)...
    This fellow was sporting shaved or oddly hairless pink shins, while opting for the Geico caveman/Robinson Crusoe face and arms up top...
    It was quite a sight.
    Not for NYC...
    Not even remotely close, but since I almost ran him over, worth taking note of.
    There was a slight chance that his pants were the work of trouser gnomes, but most likely he just chose that whole outfit himself...
    There is an even smaller chance he was a short confused Sasquatch new to NYC, who had just stamped out a pile of burning calzones at a nearby pizzeria and the hot calzone gases singed his shin fur off, so in gratitude, the pizzeria owner gave him a slice of pizza and an old pimp cat in the hat outfit he had lying around from a failed sidewalk promotion, for helping him out... (Work with me here, there is a reason for everything and I'm not exactly Sherlock Holmes)...
    As I drove away I thought about this whole shorts debate... Actually, I wondered what if he really was a short lost Sasquatch... Should I call someone?... He could be an endanger subspecies of Sasquatch... NYC has so many help numbers there must be one for Sasquatchs... If he got run over or fell down an open manhole into a C.H.U.D. parade he'd be dead and me and the eight million other New Yorkers who glanced at him and tried to forget his bald pink shins would really be responsible for the extinction of a whole subspecies of Bigfoot... (I just remembered why I thought "Sasquatch"... he was wearing flip-flops and almost lost one when he doubled back from the bus that actually may have been aiming for him... But his huge floppy feet were very noticeable)...
    But anyway, I thought about the shorts debate and thought "if a half bald NYC Sasquatch-man can be happy with cyan trouser shorts, then who is to rob him of his happiness?"...
    Furthermore, what if shorts are something cultural amongst bigfeet?
    Sasquatch... What if weird ugly shorts are to Sasquatch, like lederhosen to Germans...
    I'm half German and I can't tell you how many times as a child my mom dressed me up in those ridiculous things...
    I even know some adult German people who actual choose to put those silly things on BEFORE or WITHOUT getting drunk, and are proud of them as part of their culture...
    Like freezing your damn pink shins off is something to be proud of...
    When I was a kid, it was mandatory to wear a Speedo in Italy... Mostly to the beach and for swimming, but as long as you kept it out of church, it was anything goes...
    I spent whole summers under the Mediterranean in Speedos, catching all sorts of exotic marine life, some of which have toxic venoms which cause you to hallucinate enough to think it's okay to wear Lycra underwear out in public.
    It's not.
    Look at the traditional choice of highlander attire...
    My friend is Scottish and wore a kilt to his wedding... He has nice legs, so it's sorta okay, but that has to be a notch above shorts and yet there is a whole industry built around kilts.
    Legendary heroes wore kilts.
    I don't know any of them personally, but I know they did exist.
    I suppose if I wore a speedo or lederhosen to my wedding, people may not have understood the cultural significance of it...
    But what if to some people, horrible tacky shorts not being worn during historical reenactments of the Battle of El Alamein, are actually a cultural identity thing...
    Like cheese hats for people from Wisconsin?
    Silly looking, but a source of fierce pride ( actually real cheese hats are functional too, since in times of famine you can eat them... Trouser shorts are probably not very nutritious).
    There is the mawashi, the thong loincloth that sumo wrestlers wear... That is far, far, far, far, very far, far worse than shorts... In fact statistically huge, plump sweaty men in thong loincloths have caused more night terror dreams for more people worldwide than all of Richard Simons overly short shorts ever have.
    I'd excuse biking shorts too, but really unless you are actively participating in the Tour de France, there is no excuse for bike shorts... You must take them off the moment you get off the bike... I don't care if you are naked, those things are actually worse...
    Loony people, tacky people, confused young people, village people fans... Yes perhaps even Sasquatch pimps (I was thinking about it, maybe he was a Bigfoot pimp... It would explain the tacky Huggybear type outfit... Maybe the 70s have cultural importance to Sasquatch)... They are all sub groups of human culture...
    I'm pretty sure somewhere in the 80s I read some book by some guy who explained how some people who enjoy certain activities (like wearing dumb looking shorts at inappropriate times and places, for example) can almost be described as belonging to "tribes"... They have their own subcultures...
    So I guess, even if it's sub, it's still a sort of culture, and therefore prone to the fashion and common sense sins that many cultures commit...(kilts, speedos, cheese hats, mawashi, and lederhosen for example)...
    Except for bike shorts... I'm not passing that off to culture... My friend used to wear those to work until we asked him to stop... He actually owned the place but we still felt that it was far more important that he stop that nonsense then if he were to fire us...
    He even played the "but I biked here" card and we just tossed that rubbish... He even tried "it's part of the culture..." We nipped that in the bud too, but I'm pretty sure at least two people thought he was referring to his Jewish heritage, because one guy said "show me one instance in the Old Testament where bike shorts are mentioned"... That was pretty stupid, but did bring up a good point, because I'm pretty sure if the Israelites wore biking shorts, the Pharos would just have asked them to leave Egypt instead of making them build pyramids and stuff....
    I don't know what my point is anymore, which is probably why I'd make a terrible hostage negotiator, but maybe it's something like "If people want to look stupid or dress oddly, then let us avert our eyes in their time of shame, but respect their stupid embarrassing choices and encourage them for their bravery or pity them for their lack of common sense, for without such diversity and whatever else is going on there, we would have nothing better to chuckle to ourselves about and write long commentaries about".
    Except for bike shorts.
    Sadder and more boring would not the world be without such things as these?
    I'm not sure why I said that like Yoda, but perhaps if Yoda were not dead or if he were actually real, he'd say the same thing too.
    I think we should all ask ourselves every now and then "what would Yoda do in this situation?".
    Especially if you are confronting battle droids or saying good bye to wookies...
    Well... I suppose I've gotten bored with this whole topic or finished what I was thinking... Whichever...
    But just consider it the next time you see some pale English gent in a dress shorts suit, or some hapless Sasquatch pimp in your headlights...
    Or don't... I really don't care, I almost never wear sorts unless it's an emergency, so it's really not my problem.
    Well... Later folks.

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • WilmapWilmap Posts: 2,917
    edited June 2015

    You should see some of the sights here on the Isle of Wight. Being a holiday island a lot of men wear shorts. Most men in shorts look OK but some ......... well just don't think about it!!!!

    Post edited by Wilmap on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    edited December 1969

    If you ever visit a beach in Italy or Greece, you'll find that the horror of the speedo brief far outweighs any horrible silly shorts on any portly old gent.
    I really don't get the Russians wearing speedos in the middle of winter either...
    Just google something like "Russian bulldozer sinks in lake" and you'll probably find at twenty different YouTube videos each with at least three guys wearing speedos standing atop some form of construction equipment sinking in a frozen lake...
    What the hell is going on over there?
    There is just no rational context to that.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614
    edited December 1969

    I did not vote for this man
    is that getting too political or just understandable?

    500 x 667 - 137K
  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453
    edited December 1969

    I spent whole summers under the Mediterranean in Speedos, catching all sorts of exotic marine life, some of which have toxic venoms which cause you to hallucinate enough to think it's okay to wear Lycra underwear out in public.

    Actually, this explains a lot. :lol:

    Personally, if I wore shorts anywhere in public, I'd get arrested for frightening dogs and small children. :red: With skin like mine, sunscreen on outdoor adventures is not optional. I tan like a lobster...

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited June 2015

    I'm not a resident of NYC but I'm not unfamiliar with NYC and have seen my share of "unusual" people and their attire there. At first I just laughed and thought "crazy". However, it was quite neatly explained to me by a lifelong friend who lives there. He is a brilliant and quiet undangerous person who sometimes has to walk unquiet and sometimes not undangerous streets. His survival tactic when he feels threatened is to turn around and start animatedly talking to the wall. His explanation is that dangerous people generally don't bother the crazies.

    To me, lordvicore's description of the caveman/bigfoot/pimp fashion statement sounds like a man who has to wander NYC's more dangerous streets much of the time and it's just his survival tactic. Or possibly, he had loaned his brain to an alien temporarily.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • EtriganEtrigan Posts: 603
    edited December 1969

    Interesting discussion.

    It's June, in Phoenix, Arizona; it's 110F (43C). It's called survival to wear shorts, but I'm at work and it's not an option. I've often envied (though not to the point of emulation) women who can wear dresses and skimpy tops (and get away with it).

    I didn't, however see a definition of what "shorts" were except for the speedo references (NO ONE with greater than 0.005% body fat should own speedos).

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    I'm not a resident of NYC but I'm not unfamiliar with NYC and have seen my share of "unusual" people and their attire there. At first I just laughed and thought "crazy". However, it was quite neatly explained to me by a lifelong friend who lives there. He is a brilliant and quiet undangerous person who sometimes has to walk unquiet and sometimes not undangerous streets. His survival tactic when he feels threatened is to turn around and start animatedly talking to the wall. His explanation is that dangerous people generally don't bother the crazies.

    To me, lordvicore's description of the caveman/bigfoot/pimp fashion statement sounds like a man who has to wander NYC's more dangerous streets much of the time and it's just his survival tactic. Or possibly, he had loaned his brain to an alien temporarily.

    500 x 628 - 129K
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited June 2015

    Like cheese hats for people from Wisconsin?
    Silly looking, but a source of fierce pride ( actually real cheese hats are functional too, since in times of famine you can eat them… Trouser shorts are probably not very nutritious).

    ...actually the foam ones are rather practical.

    For one they are an approved flotation device in the event of a water landing.

    Second, they provide extra safety cushioning to prevent head injuries. Case in point there was a fellow on s flight home after attending Packers away game when the plane he was on hit severe turbulence. Were it not for the fact he was wearing his Cheesehead at the time, he would have fractured his skull when his head tit the overhead luggage rack (this is a true story).

    Third, when turned upside down they make great beer bottle/can holders for three people during tailgate parties.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • Eustace ScrubbEustace Scrubb Posts: 2,707
    edited December 1969

    The Beauty and I took a years-belated honeymoon to DC at the end of February, and in our stroll back to the car the first afternoon we passed a trio of young men in coats and ties just crossing the street ahead of us. Two of the fellows included slacks which matched their coats. Their pal wore boxers which matched his loud Old-Glory print necktie. Beautiful and I smiled at each other and wondered aloud what bet he'd lost-- or if it was his bachelor party.

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