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For actual shaping, there's a distinct lack of ethnic noses, especially on the female side of things, and it would be nice to see some laughlines and eye crinkles that aren't as extreme as those in the aging morphs. More variation in eyebrows is another thing that's needed, and what about things like swollen eyes, split lips and acne scars? And I'm not sure if this fits in with your vision of that product, but it would be nice if there was something that picked up where some of Tongue Control left off. An expanded ability to move the lips in ways that no one is covering, like realistic drinking and eating shapes and the much coveted "lollipop in the cheek" and "blowing out the candles" effects.
What about chipmunks?
Monks sounds more esoteric; chipmonks, well they're cure and my cousin's cats love em... Dead usually. :( We don't have em this side of the pond. Which means that is one form of small-furry-animal my little furry serial-killer leaves alone.
I'm looking forwards to this... always liked your morphs :)
Thank you:) Another addition I added is a split muscular morph. So now you can dial in the muscle detail on different areas to your liking. Will show the full list of morphs once I finish saving all of these.
/Getting excited. :)
Here is the morph list. This product will also be a merchant resource for those who are not aware that it can be used as such.
How are you splitting morphs? I always wanted to learn how to do that. In ZBrush you just take the full morph in, set the default shape as a morph target and then brush in the morph. Time consuming. I remember in Poser there was a script a koons age ago that did an auto split of morphs. Be nice if DS had that capability! :-)
Basically the same way you mentioned, except I do it the other way around. I erase areas from the morph I don't want and set the rest to default shape. Even then you have to make sure the part where the morphed area and default shape meet is a smooth transition, so you test how it blends in with other morphs, and refine more until you are happy. I only split certain morphs to save time when I am lazy, so I will do a full sculpt, then break it down. Normally I just do specific morphs instead of full body.
Issue, I've found with ZBrush is that when you bring back in a new morph to split up though, you loose the default morph target and have to load that back in too. Or is there a trick to keeping that in memory? Anyway, great list you have so far.
I save it as a .zpr, where the base is memorized so whenever I need to use the base shape to reset areas I just load that file and bring in my morph.
Hmmm, OK. Never used that so time to learn to use that save option! lol So much to that program.... I've barely scraped the top.... seriously!
PS. Thanks! :-)
It's a lot of fun once you get used to it:)
Great selection Zev.
I've been considering the trial of zbrush as I'm a student (again) I can get it with the student package - still expensive, but I can at least eat again this year if I get it that way; I'm not planning on doing anything commercial for some time, so will have time to save up if I do decide to go that way.
For figure & clothing modifications it is my go to tool:) And with the GoZ plugin, makes workflows a joy:)
looks good see at least one of my asks with the spine looks like aq few new ones added too or just new naming? to be honest haven't even scratched the surface with using all the morphs yet in the g2 packs great to have so many options oh just noticed you also did feet too wasn't sure if that was practical ask cause of shoe fitting but if that's not a problem that'd be great and more realistic. Arm flab is that a new one? Haven't noticed in G2. And belly fold. Will there be hands/finger morphs? Any others your adding/working on for this set? looks great and do you have a rough tme frame on release I'm guessing at least another month or two at least
Lol so many questions. Going to answer in point format:)
-The spine morphs has the same options offered before when it was part of the Aging Morphs package. They have just been refined.
-The foot width morph doesn't really impact shoes as long as smoothing is enabled. I wanted it there because feet are normally a lot wider than what we get on these characters.
-Arm flab is a new addition.
-Belly fold was there before in Belly Control.
-Hands, I might add one or two morphs.
-Product is pretty much finalized, might add in one or two options I still have drafted.
-Release date? Well, it was aimed at next month, so we will see if it gets a release date:)
Looking forward to this, the list of morphs looks very impressive. I use your Aging, Growing Up and Shape Shifts a lot on Gen1 and 2, so I'm sure this will be must-have too.
neat I have the previous belly, aged and shape shift stuff love them though like I said haven't fully explored everything in them just so many options :) and it is great to see these coming back for gen 3 and in one pack no less :) and comin soon :) going to be good and of course looking forward to the gen3 versions of breast control, head, skin builder and age morphs
Arm flab eee! And stuff to get rid of Victorias scelerosis!
Also for face shift might I request some eyelid morphs? I'm lazy and don't want to make them myself, but something like raise inner/outer/center eyelid, would be invaluable. ooh and a brow de-arch morph.
/sigh :(
Awesome to see morphs for the Spine, Ribcage and Knees ! Defining morphs for the bone structure much appreciated, was really hard for G2s for instance to get a very slim character to look correct without using a full FBM which didnt always work well, since was changing everything drastically. Some folks have much more pronounced structure, like David 5 for instance, and it has great artistic value such details
Also very thrilled to see the morphs of Belly control in this, I use them on like every G2F/G2M character I make!
About the "Face Shape" package I am hearing about just now hehe You may recall this one long time ago? That is still quite an issue for G2, without using full head morphs... Up to you if interested, would be crazy happy if you tacked the eyes like that. Mind you I am already extatic to hear you are working on a face morphing set!
Lol yes I remember that thread:)
Hello, still around between here and life. In regard to 'Androgynous Shape' along with the rest... Where is the 'Buy Now' button, lol.
'Abdomen Size', is that the former G2F 'UAbdomen Size'?
Yes it is the same as UAbdomen Size, with minor refinements. Basically I removed the word upper because G3 no longer has a lower body and an upper body section. So all is just named abdomen now. A lot of restructuring had to happen to match the new G3 grouping. In a way, this structure is simpler because more of the morphs are now clusted in one place.
Sounds good, and explains quite a few things I was originally looking at in the G3F shaping tab a few months back. I'll let you get back to work, as I'm sure your near the front line as the phrase goes. I have a few test renders to do, even tho I'm already sure how they will turn out from all my former tests of non-daz G3F figures vs G3F cloths (another topic in another thread), lol.
Due to this fantastic set by my buddy Dogz, I have decided that Face Shift will be cancelled. It pretty much covers what I was going to include anyways lol. If you're a morph junky like myself, I highly recommend it:)
aaaww bugger that's a pity don't think you can ever have to many options in morphs to creating are own unique characters but if you think this one really does cover pretty much all the bases in creating unique new faces/heads than it must be really good and a must have looking forward to shape shift and breasts on a side question will you be doing some age morphs even though some are in shape shift?
Aging Morphs will still be released. The only things I took from it was the Spine morphs:) If all goes to plan the new Aging Morphs will have a new feature I am experimenting on. A bit ambitious but if I can pull it off, will make it really cool.