Let's appreciate/discuss today's new releases - ongoing thread
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I'm very grateful!
Thanks very much!
Mechasar, I think it IS a great bundle. I understand your calculation well and you are absolutely right: $ 41.29/58,99 is a darn good price for such a big bundle.
My problem is that I know I will never use the vast majority of the products because the genres just don't fit my themes. As far as I'm concerned: It was a great idea to give Caryn and Tobyn new morphs. I also like the morphs for Zuna and for Slime Attack. Just today I bought Zuna in the hope that the elements of the bundle will eventually be available for purchase individually... Because that would be my suggestion: Just offer the add-ons individually a n d in a bundle (puppy eyes)...
I have to admit I didn't take a close look at this bundle as almost all of the items are outside of my genre, but with all the conversation about it on this thread, I revisited.
I will buy this just for the Tobyn/Caryn add-ons.
A have a question about this bundle. Gladys the Gamer is listed as required product but there is no promo shot of a morph of her. Is she maybe a requirement for Bryana along with Beverly? Bryana's promo shot says nothing about it.
There is, but it's not obvious which one:
Ah, not what I expected. Not exactly my cop of tea either. :/
I'm wondering, if you bought the bundle, is it possible to install only parts of it?
I am one of the people this pack was meant for. I was on the fence about some of the original products, but the morphs are fantastic and I bought the morphs and about 6 original products.
I also had a problem with DIM, Evil Pumpkin Add-ons won't download. Everything else (says) it installed perfectly. Thank you for such fun products!
I don't own very many Mechasar products, but this pack gives me a lot of incentive to start collecting them. For example, I like Otto, but probably would never have bought it on its own. Octo, however, is far more appealing.
Me too, I was sooo excited to get the Mechasar Mega Add-Ons Pack 1! So many cool additions to already cool models. I do have a missing download for one item in the pack but I already submitted a ticket and see it's also been reported here but other than that, I couldn't be more happy to see something like this pack and wish more vendors would offer such things. I cannot wait to play around with it this weekend!

Each add on is a seperate file, only two were showing for me in DIM but it's possible to download the zips off the bundle page, stick them in the dim downloads folder and install that way. Bundle and the parts I installed show in smart content ok.
I almost missed it entirely - I was skimming past the G9 items, a bit sleepy and distracted, and stopped because I noticed "G8" in the product name. I've adopted a small number of G9 characters - mostly toons - into my library, and I've made rare exceptions for things such as Empire Outfit, but in general out-of-box G8 compatibility is often the difference between "buy" or "skip/wait for a deep discount" for me. Much appreciated - and purchased!
Ruins of Emerald Hill. Stonemason. Nuf Said.
For everybody's info re the Mechasar pack: As of 5 pm Eastern on 14 June, I fired up DIM and all the sub-items were listed correctly as available for download. So if you were also having problems, check again now!
Thanks for the heads-up :) Just fired DIM up again and they are there and have started downloading.
The Personal Electric Transport has a manifest issue--the files under /Vehicles/ don't actually install because the path in the manifest and the path in the zipfile aren't the same, so unless you installed it completely by hand, those files are missing.. If you got this product and you'd like to repair it without waiting for them to notice it and fix it, send me a private message here and I'll tell you what to do.
Oh dear. I assume it's "Daz Originals" folder missing from the path name?
EDIT: Did you raise a ticket for that? I tried to fix my copy of the package but DIM doesn't like my re-zip :(
Yeah, I think they decided to move the load files under a "Daz Originals" directory at the last minute and didn't change the manifest. (The data files, textures, etc are fine, only the parts that would install under /Vehicles/ are affected.)
Joe Quick's little broomstick man is adorable, I love ideas like this: https://www.daz3d.com/belladonnas-broomstick-brigade-enchanta-broom-original-figure. Seriously grumpy-cute. Got him for 5.70 with a spotlight and 2 friends of the sale and 6 tokens I think, which feels very reasonable to me.
Yeah, hopefully they get to your ticket and fix it soon for everyone. I managed to sort my re-zip issue (was an operator error) so my local copy is fixed atleast :)
I agree, broomstick man was an easy buy for me too.
His novice witch outfit has so many reusable parts, outside of the witch scene, that it was a must buy for me also.
I would like to point out the lovely Borgia's bundle by The Management that includes not only an Iray update to the existing set, but new Iray and 3Delight materials on all the other items in the bundle. I had 6 tokens and Stonemason's set from yesterday because I had not checked out. I decided to fully enjoy myself and added the Witch outfit, textures, and broomstick for fun, along with more Merlin's older items.
Thank you to PAs who put their hearts into their products so they last over the years and continue to bring joy.
Oh, I had missed the fact that there were 3DL materials! Now I'm even more interested...
Thank you, it looks great, and it's wishlisted! I had to make a decision, and bought Medusa first...
I really like the new https://www.daz3d.com/retro-aviator-outfit-for-genesis-9 but I'm loath to get it till I find out if it has those button thingies that fall off when you fit it to G8. If anyone has bought it, could you please let me know?
That outfit definitely looks good.
If you mean rigid follow nodes, judging from the file list in the readme I'd say no as I don't see any separate geometry files for the buttons in the list. I might be wrong though.
Regarding today's new releases, I rather like BW SteamPunk Cogwheeler too. But then again I've always had a soft spot for that type of vintage cars.
I have been busy in meetings the whole day so far, but when I saw that in the email, I started fearing the worst... But it is with standard licence anyways
I never thought of doing that
Thanks for looking
I think I'll pop it in my wishlist for now.