Legacy UVs for Genesis 9 [Commercial]

Update: 12 May 2023
Released today: Legacy UVs for Genesis 9: Classic Edition - Victoria 4
Update: 26 January 2023
Released today: Legacy UVs for Genesis 9: Genesis 3,8 and 8.1 Male
Update: 25 November 2022
Released today: Legacy UVs for Genesis 9: Genesis 3,8 and 8.1 Female
PDF User Guide:
Original Post: 22 November 2022
Legacy UVs for Genesis 9: Genesis 3,8 and 8.1 Female will be released shortly.
This will work in the same way as previous "Legacy UVs" releases for previous generations. The geografts with their own UVs will carry the textures that the main mesh cannot due to the incompatible inter-generational mappings. A script will load the geografts, create new Surface Selection sets so that the old surface names can be recognised by the new mesh, and select Genesis 9 and the geografts so that they are ready to take the legacy textures. Then the "Apply UVs" icon will set the appropriate UVs.
Now it looks like the majority of material presets for Genesis 3, 8 and 8.1 are Hierarchical Material presets, which means that they will not work on Genesis 9, so you will have to re-save these as ordinary Material presets before applying them to Genesis 9. Of course, once the MATs are on Genesis 9 you can save a new Hierarchical preset for Genesis 9 for extra convenience, if you wish.
I have included two separate UVs for the Anatomical Elements, one which carries the Torso/Body textures, and one which carries Anatomical Elements textures for characters which have them. The script will, by default, apply the Torso/Body UVs. If you want to use the AE UVs you will have to apply these separately and then set the UVs manually.
I should add that the Genesis 3 UVs included are for the "Base Female", not for the Daz Original 7-series characters, which have their own UVs. The vast majority of ordinary Genesis 3 characters use the Base Female UVs, but if you want to use the 7-series textures on Genesis 9 you can use the Map Transfer facility to convert them to Base Female.
The PDF includes further detailed information for further eventualities.

Can this be used to convert textures to G9 with Map Transfer? Do the geografts have the compatible UVs to make this work?
Zicon, this does not convert textures. It enables existing textures, via new UVs, to be used on Genesis 9. If, for example, you have the Monique 7 texture you can convert that using the Map Transfer facility in DAZ Studio to a Genesis 3 Base Female texture. You can then use this product to put that texture onto Genesis 9. The geografts are an essential part of this and they have all the necessary UVs for the task.
I will post a link to the PDF giving more complete details on the day of release.
Here is a link to a tutorial about how to use the Map Transfer:
Will the Genesis 9 HD morphs work on the geografts parts?
No. As far as I know geografts still do not auto-follow HD morphs, though they will follow the morph at standard resolution.
Really excited for this!
This is awesome news! I have all of your previous Legacy UV products, and they're invaluable :)
Just excited to have a reason to use G9!
Great can't wait for this
Great news - very needed.
Released today:
PDF User Guide:
Any questions, comments or observations, please let me know.
How will this effect G9 eyes?... i'd like to use this on everything but the eyes.
You can use G9 eyes in the normal way. Just select "Genesis 9 Eyes" in the Scene tab and apply the Genesis 9 Eye Material preset which will also change the UVs back to "Default UVs".
This looks great! Any plans to release an equivalent product for G8M as well?
Thank you. Yes, I'm working on the male version at the moment.
Great news! (I have at least as many "loved" G8M textures as G8F ones)
It works
I ran into an issue with Crow 8.1 that I can't explain. Other 8 and 8.1 characters Iv'e tried work just fine, but Crow has a problem with her face and ears.
I have been looking forward to this, now I just need a character converter, I hope one will be released soon, until then, and perhaps for good, I'm still at G8.1, not sure if I will move fr G8.1. Read about the texture bug above, could someone who have both this product and Albany by Mousso: https://www.daz3d.com/albany-hd-for-genesis-8-female try to see if that works w this, see if it works for G9 using this product? If someone wants to try and see and tell me I would be very grateful, I only use Albany's skin so if that is not possible to use then I have no use for this. Thanks in advance for replies!

Wow! This will be great for my massive collection of G8 models when we get the opposite. I need the G9 UVs transferred to the G8 models and I am set. Any plans for doing the reverse so I can use any G9 UVs on my G8's?
Are the odd areas on Crow geoGrafts on the original?
Jay, it looks likes the Crow Face transfer is carrying the "Head" texture alone. I explain in the PDF ReadMe on page 4 that for Genesis 8.1, it is best to run the "Apply Genesis 8.1 Female UVs" script (rather than setting the UVs manually) because this will specifically copy the "Face" texture from the geografts back onto the Face itself. I hope this helps.
Thanks for the suggestions guys!
@Cayman I've used the script like the PDF suggests, and you're quite right only the Head texture is loaded, not the Face. The script isn't loading it. Rosa Maria and Victoria 8.1 don't have that problem, only Crow so far. Here's what I'm doing: Load G9, run the Prepare Script, run the G8.1 script (purple), then apply my material preset. I've tried it the other way round too (load mat preset first, then load the purple script), but it didn't make a difference.
@Richard, good call - Crow doesn't seem to have any geografts I can make out.
@tombraider4ever You can follow my video for converting the character shapes. Together with this product, you can have your old characters running on Genesis 9 in no time. I'm sure we'll see a shape conversion product pop up soon, so these are the manual steps all inside Daz Studio.
Jay, you must run the Apply UVs script after loading the MATs. I have tried it with Crow 8.1 just in case there is something I have overlooked, and here is the result, Crow 8.1 on Genesis 9:
Perhaps at some stage you inadvertently deselected the geografts in the surface tab before applying the MATs or running the script. The script itself contains code which specifically seeks out the Face surface on the geograft in order to copy it onto the main mesh.
Thanks for looking into it! It just wasn't happening for me, now after a Windows restart it works just like it should.
@Cayman Studios - I know you were helping, so my question got eaten in the posts, but I was curious if you have any plans for doing the reverse so I can use any G9 UVs on my G8's?
I don't know yet. There will be one or two more of the UV conversions to G9 first, and those take some time. Perhaps - I will have to sound out opinion on this, but it will be a little further down the line if I do decide to do it. (And you're right - I did miss that nuance in your earlier post! Apologies.)
This is my attempt at Freja 8.1s textures with following the instructions. I had to save the materials as a preset as well as the lashes and the tear to get them to load at all. I used "Apply Genesis 8.1 Female UVs" at the end. I get these seams, and the eyes are zombiefied. Did I miss something?
I had that too, I ended up hitting the 8.0 UV script then the 8.1 UV script. Hitting both seemed to clear it up.
Arne, Freja is Freja 8, not 8.1. Might that explain the problem? The UVs for the Head, Eyes and Lashes are radically different between Genesis 8 and 8.1.
Works great.
Genesis 9 Female with Aiko 8 skin.
Thank you so much for replying
, I will look at your video and see, but I'm thinking it could be problems with they eyes and mouth, right? since they are separate. I have issues w the eyes on all my characters for G8.1 and older as I mixed morphs fr different morph sets, so any more issues and it will be even more hard than it is allredy. So hard to pose the eyes separately and try to judge for myself: what is normal and what is an eye disorder, very hard I think. So I'm thinking I'll wait for the store product for it and hope that is done so I don't get any more issues w the eyes. I'm not sure I will move to G9, but I'll buy the store conversion product when it comes and this also and try and see if G9 is worth having a lot of the stuff I bought be useless. Footwear w heals, geografts, geoshells, expressions ect.
Hey there, Freja comes as 8.0 and 8.1 - with individual buttons in the menus. The trick described above helped, clicking the 8.0 and 8.1 UVs a couple times until things were ok. Will try out a little more.