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Ok, so the updated version does not work, only for the old scenes - not a big deal for me.
Looks good. Looking closely at the new version, I see I managed to miss the spots near the armpits (I only initially noticed the back), but you obviously caught that.
My coding is very rusty and I'm going to have to acquaint myself with DazScript, but it's possible to manually reassign faces in the geometry editor, so a script that can be given a list of face IDs and what surfaces to assign them to sounds possible in theory, assuming those functions are accessible via script.
For my own holy grail, I'd want to be able to edit all kinds of things that aren't currently redistributable - new surface assignments are one thing, but being able to inject new weight maps/rigging would allow for redistributable conversions of an asset to a different base (such as the old V4 internal organs being updated to G9 without ending up with bendy auto-fit rigging).
As far as doing things manually, I have been able to achieve what I want with manual reassignment of surfaces. I updated the new version of the geograft so that it had the current G9 UV, and split up the surfaces further so I could handle things like the areas that want to use G8 body textures but G9 arm textures (the aim being to get the geograft so it could be configured to fully support both UV sets), and after that I was able to use it as a tool to permanently bake G8 textures to the G9 UV with only DS's internal Map Transfer tool.
This was my first test, a G8F character and textures to G9. (Well, the character was originally G2F, but I'd already converted her to G8F some time ago and was working from that version)
Whether I can turn that into something automated and potentially redistributable is going to be a different matter, but the core question of whether the graft can be used as a path to permanently transfer the textures is "yes". (And I realise there's a certain irony in using the geograft in order to not need the geograft, but it has its benefits when it comes to other geografts, geoshells and HD morphs).
Hi, I'm 99% certain I've found a bug in the latest release of the geograft package for G9. I'm loading some of the G9 characters which I had already re-surfaced, to remove the 'grey boxes' that result from the older version of the geografts. So I'm deleting the 'legacy geografts' then applying the new geografts, applying the G8F or G8M textures, then selecting the appropriate UV settings from the content directory in the usual manner, G8F for G8F textures and G8M for G8M textures, needless to say. Now here's the odd thing: when you examine what happens, the G8F (female) textures are incorrect - I thought it was a UV issue at first, but it's not. Examining the face texture via the 'surfaces' pane reveals that the face texture is set up to use the body/torso texture. Now clearly, that is correct for the back of the head, but not the face. I copied the correct face texture across from my legacy G8F figure onto the new legacy face surface and everything was fine again. Initially, I thought maybe I was doing something wrong, but when I came to my G8M (male) figure conversions, I followed the exact same process, except of course using the G8M UV map option, and everything worked fine first time around with no issues. So there is some sort of error in the way that the legacy face texture is applied, only for G8F females. Can't comment on 8.1 or 3 females, as I have not tried these. Despite all the above, I do find this an incredibly valuable product which works well and is easy to use, excepting these bugs. Incidentally, Mr/Ms Cayman Studios, I'm a retired programmer, so if you need me to try something, let me know!
There are some textures which use the Genesis 8 UVs, but use the 8.1 Surfaces, just to confuse us all. Earlier in this thread you will see posts by arne207 and RandWulf where they have stumbled onto this, and your situation might be similar. The solution would be to run the "Apply 8.1 UVs" script first which copies the face texture from the geograft onto the main mesh, and then the "Apply 8 UVs" script to align the textures correctly in accordance with the UVs.
If this does not work, let me know what texture you are using and, if possible, post a screenshot of the offending result.
You could be right - there is definitely something weird going on here. Changing to G8.1F UVs, using your script, changes the face to be correct, but screws up the rest of the head. The actual textures being shown are the same on both face and head surfaces - in the G8.1F case, both surfaces (diffuse color map) are the legacy face. On the G8F case, both surfaces are the legacy body texture. Screenshots below.
If this is just me then fine, I have fixed the issue for now by copying the face surface manually. But to clarify, the surface copied manually was the very same G8.1F figure from which the material was saved to a material on disk, and then applied to G9 (incorrectly). I'm unclear how you assign legacy surfaces to G9 and graft surfaces, but clearly this is doing something unexpected. The only suspicion I have regarding this is that the original face was from a 'makeup' specific texture that came with the character, rather than the base texture, so possibly a differing UV?
With G8F UVs...
With G8.1F UVs...
Just to add to the above, I went back to the original G8F character, SASE Aubrey, added the appropriate face (MU14) saved the material and applied to G9 with the G8F UVs selected. It worked perfectly. So clearly, despite being closely modelled on SASE Aubrey, something has changed to my texture set along the way which has messed up the UVs.
Attached: on the left, SAVE Aubrey 'out of the box', on the right, basic G9 with UV geografts and the same, saved material applied, G8F UV script run.
G9 looks a bit weird as a bloke with makeup. Maybe I need to get out more...
One final comment: applying the SASE Aubrey material to G9 with appropriate geografts and G8F UV script run works, as noted above. Applying my custom character material does not, however. But running the G8F UV script, then the G8.1F UV script, and then the G8F UV script again fixes everything. Very strange... clearly I have no clue how these scripts work, but certainly not how I would expect. Incidentally, I checked all the UVs on the G8F, G8.1F characters, including my custom character. They are all 'base female' across the board - i.e. G8F.
Bill, SASE Aubrey is straight Genesis 3/8, no 8.1 there, so there shouldn't be any complications at all, as your second post shows, and no need to apply the 8.1 UVs. My product can be a little pernickety, so if you omit a step, or don't run a script in the right order, or deselect a vital node or geograft at some stage things may go awry. Anyway, glad you've reached some sort of solution.
The only complication is that the Aubrey materials were applied to a G8.1F character, prior to being applied to G9. However, I've tried applying them to a base 8.1, saving, and then applying to G9. This works fine. So I'm pretty puzzled at this point. Checking the base 8.1, all the textures have been setup as base female (G8F) as one would expect.
By the way, I am generall running the setup script and then immediately the UV script prior to applying materials. Is this ok?
You should run the set-up script, then load the materials, then run the UV script. There are likely to be problems if you deviate from this order. That is why I included the toolbar option, so you can easily access the two sets of scripts without going backwards and forwards which can become quite tedious.
Well, it's good to know that my geograft can be used beyond its original purpose!
Noted - thanks for the advice.
I bought the Legacy UVs for Genesis 9: Genesis 3, 8, and 8.1 Male. I went through the steps, but for some reason, when I press Apply UV, this is the result I get:
(Currently, I tried with Ronen textures, but no matter what texture I choose (from the material preset), I always get this result. For some reason, the shoulders always look like this. The shoulders are black.)
I watched videos on how to use Legacy UVs, read the documentation, and followed everything precisely… I just don’t understand why this is happening.
Mateandor, have you converted the Genesis 8 Hierarchical Material presets to ordinary Material presets? It looks to me, from the image, that the materials on the geograft areas are from a different texture. If you then applied a Hierarchical MAT the new materials will, for one thing, not be applied to the geograft, leaving the old texture in place, and then neither will the UVs be properly applied. (Read the "Important Notes" section of the User Guide.)