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Wow, that's the first I've heard about that.
I'm looking forward to the AMD Big Navi release in a few days. I mean I don't actually need a new card or have the money to buy one right now, but I'm anxious to see what they come up with.
AMD may not win on performance, but I can usually count on them to provide more VRAM at a reasonable price than NVDA.
Yep. First I heard of it was when I tried to 'wake up' CUDA by executing clinfo (if I don't before launching Daz after a reboot, Studio can't detect CUDA or OpenCL, so no dForce or GPU renders (when it's working)).
It (Clinfo) persistently returned 0 devices.
I'm not buying Nvidia again. I think while Nvidia hardware might perform better than AMD might be true for Windows, it's not true on Linux, at least for everyday desktop use. Plasma is flitchy, poor Wayland performance on Gnome, and no Wayland for any other desktop.
Well, today was the big day (the 6800, 6800XT and 6900XT reveal):
It sounds like good news for gamers, a direct competitor to the 2080ti, 3080 and 3090 at a lower price.
But they didn't mention hobbyist or compute applications at all. It would have been nice to see some Blender or Luxmark benchmarks, but I guess gaming is what gets the bills paid.
I love that all 3 cards are available with 16Gb of VRAM. I'd love it even more if DS included an OpenCL renderer, but you can't have everything I guess.
I'm looking forward to these cards hitting the streets so we can see some real world benchmarks.
Doesn't seem to be a lot of drive to get 3rd party renderers into Daz. Not since Iray was introduced. Used to be a fair few products with a Reality or Octane render in the promos as they looked better. But I'd be interested in knowing how different Firerender / Prorenders materials are from Iray.
Phoronix will have reviews of the cards with benchmarks closer to release date I hope.
Hello .. .. I tried to change the address in python but it didn't work ... blender linux doesn't recognize the file ... it says it doesn't exist
Which address and which file? The official plugin or diffeomorphic?
Yeah, as Kitsumo mentioned. We need to know what plugin you are using.
The Official Daz Bridge
The diffeomorphic plugin
Any other (e.g. mcjteleblender) if it is not one of the recent well known ones, a link to it would help.
The problem with using a bridge tool on Wine is if the bridge too program (i.e. Blender is not also on the same Wine Prefix, Daz Studio doesn't think it exists.
If the bridge utility produces a script or text readable file, you need to edit it to change the file paths in order for it to find all the files before it can be executed on the Linux side.
Look through the script, and if you find one instance of a Windows file path, there may well be others, do a search and replace and replace the c:/ type beginnings with your /home/username/wineprefix/ path and replace ALL occurances, then save and run it.
Another note: Because it's a bridge, it may expect Studio to remain open and might be looking for scene files in the program temp store which will be lost if you close Daz Studio.
I wish there was a way to make the current iray work on GPU. I've kept using the plugin from 2017 which I luckily still had and which enables GPU iray. I'm using the interactive mode a lot (a lot faster on my machine and also works better for the style I'm going for) but the 2017 iray plugin apparently does not support soft alpha in the interactive mode. Transparency is really harsh, only either on or off while the recent iray does nice alpha even in said interactive mode.
I seriously don't know wtf the problem of the current iray plugin is. I'm running Cuda 11.1 together with the 455.32 driver on Wine 5.20 staging and still, option for GPU not available. It's frustrating because as I said, 2017 GPU iray swapped-in works but the current one does not for whatever reason.
Edit: Forgot about the Wine CUDA patches and I guess a year later they're still stuck at v7.
Heya. I'm currently trying to setup a fresh installation of DAZ, but I'm stuck because of DazCentral, which won't let me log in and therefore I cannot download DazStudio at all.
I'm using wine-staging 5.21 and installed vcrun2019 and corefonts only so far.
In the past I was still able to use the DIM, but as of now, I cannot download it anymore, as it seemed to be served through DazCentral only - for whomever that makes any sense. :(
Is there any special trick to get DazCentral to work or can I install DazStudio without it somehow? The alternative would be to get back to my old 4.10 installation, but I'd really like to see what has changed meanwhile and if it is feasible to get back at DAZ again. I'm especially interested in the new Octane renderengine, as I hope it finally will get me gpu rendering on my AMD card.
Thank you very much!
Okay, I found an installable version of DIM, I was looking at the wrong package in my Product Library. Let's see how it goes...
NVM. Octane also only supports NVIDIA. Thought it would support AMD as well by now. Last chance would be the Blender Bridge...
I get the same issue with Daz Central lately. I've been meaning to report it.
If you login to the DAZ site and go to 'MY ACCOUNT' and Product Library and search for 'Studio' you can still download a manual install copy of the installer. I've always used that by preference.
The older DIM installer still works (no login issues there I've noted),
You could try changing your login password (on the DAZ site, it's under My Account), see if that clears the DAZ Central issue.
Yep, Octane is Nvidia only (still - doesn't seem the best strategy when it comes to Daz Studio - Octane for Studio because it had massively better renders than 3Delight, you'd often see at least one promo or two in Octane for products, since iray, not as obvious - might be an attractive alternative for more users with a non-nvidia graphic base).
I know at least one Linux Daz user whose mostly usung Blender Cycles recently. Results are getting better and better too.
Thank you, I finally found the DIM installer and got things set up again. :)
As for the DAZ Blender bridge, I unfortunately found it very underwhelming and it needed some hacking of the Blender scripts to set up the materials - yet it failed to set up materials for e.g. hairs, eyelashes and the shaders were very basic. I've used Teleblender in the past, which was a great way to get things into Blender, but it also requires some hacking of the exported files and also needed some work on the shaders. But I just found this super nifty script here on the forums that will export scenes to blender and import them very easily, even on linux. So far the results of the renders are very satisfying to me, but I'm still experimenting with it.
Ah, yes. The Diffeomorphic. I've been meaning to get into Blender more, I keep getting distracted.
I've used Teleblender, I found it mostly easier to get good renders, at least at the time, using the Blender engine, Cycles results were sometimes good, sometimes weird - it was prior to Eevee release. Usually involved a couple of search and replace actions on the load script before running it. Never ran with it enough to work out an easy fix-all script.
I think it's probably still early days for the Blender Bridge
I can really recommend the Diffeomorphic plugin. It's the first time I actually spend more time on lighting and tweaking stuff than trying to get things into blender and make them look nice. Once set up, it's a couple of button clicks in most cases to get the model into Blender and have it ready for a render (with Cycles, don't know about Eeveee). I'm super happy with it.
There was an update to the Maya bridge recently, so I think the Blender Bridge will get some additional work to it in a little while.
In the meantime, I think the diffeomorphic still has the edge over alternatives.
Unfortunately I don't think the bridge will ever work on linux without manually patching the importer and/or assets on linux. Pretty sad, but I think that's the way it is.
I've actually patched the importer but there are quite some issues with it, like: unable to handle different library paths, special characters in asset paths, linux being case-sensitive, only importing G8 models. If not on an english OS, it also will write the export to the wrong documents folder (which can be adjusted in the DAZ script by parsing ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs on most systems I think).
If someone is interested I can share a git patch for the importer, which doesn't fix everything but makes most things work. I'd need to put some more effort into it, but since I don't use it anymore, I doubt I will, sorry.
Well, Big Navi is finally out. It looks like this generation has better Linux support than we've seen in over a decade. Sadly, if you didn't get one this morning, you probably won't get one for weeks unless you're going to sit at your computer hitting refresh every 30 seconds until you get lucky.
On the bright side, looking at the gaming reviews, the 6800XT matches up pretty well with the RTX 3080 and costs $50 less. So things really are looking up for team Red. I just wish there were Youtubers doing PBR rendering benchmarks.
I don't think I'll be able to buy one in the foreseeable future, but it's nice to dream. Cheers.
There was an update to the Maya bridge recently, so I think the Blender Bridge will get some additional work to it in a little while.
In the meantime, I think the diffeomorphic still has the edge over alternatives.
Well, it is a bridge. I think they envisaged all the bridges as transfering objects between different softwares to take advantage of certain tools in each, not entire scenes per se. The Linux problem might be better solved by having a copy of Blender on the wine prefix, then saving on wine blender and loading the blender file on linux native. Maybe? I've not tried it with the windows blender
You couold also set up a soft link in the name of the expected Documents folder pointing to the existing one. I've done that in Daz Content to keep Readmes in the one location, as opposed to whatever folder the PA dreams up - Not even sure readmes are read by Smart content. Now everything is in Readme and Read Me, ReadMe, README etc. all point to it.
I expect Daz will further work on the Blender Bridge in due course, you could submit your work as a bug report as a suggested improvement. I know a 3D user who says the c4d bridge lacks a fair bit to make it usable from his perspective too. I've suggested he post his review to the Daz Forums in the c4d bridge thread, but he'd rather post it to the c4d site....
There was an interesting post in the Diffeomorphic thread;
Apparently when Daz first contacted Thomas Larsson (the author), there was a miscommunication which led to them not using his plugin. Hopefully they can work something out.
The bridges were all released under Open licences, so at least the source is not forbidden.
No, I didn't expect the bridges to work on systems using Wine, at least not with the 'to' program on Linux while Studio is on Wine as the latter is in a 'sort of' sandbox. If you were to install the Windows version of Blender in with the same prefix as Studio, that should work - Then you could save the scene in Windows Blender and reload on Linux Blender.
I think...
Curious how Filament will turn out. Does it work for you guys? So far it generally works but I always get a complete freezup of the program sooner or later, especially when moving some sliders that have a big impact on the scene like for example the environment strength. And since this is all highly experimental with Wine and the render engine itself in very early stage, probably no one can really say if it's a Wine problem or a Filament problem (don't know if Windows users also encounter these freezups with Filament). It is a ton of fun to play around with though and looking SOOO forward to be able to use it without freezing problems.
Not used Filament much - just turned it on and played about with it - no scene render attempts.
Not seen any more freezeups than usual, so far. But I'm still in the habit of switching render previews on when needed and off before scene manipulation.
Interesting... I usually only have Studio freezing when loading a scene with characters that have morphs related problems (loading takes a long time and then may freeze but even the most stubborn projects usually load after a couple attempts) and well recently when using Filament. Otherwise Studio is running rock solid I gotta say.
Regarding the switching between preview and iray rendered, I have mine setup in a way that I have the Iray-render always on in the viewport tab and off/normal OpenGL in the Aux-view tab. This has the advantage that it's almost instant to switch back and forth while switching between render modes in the same view usually takes a short while to process the scene again before the render process even starts.
Hi all,
I've just run the updates on my Arch Linux install (including wine) and now my DAZ is going crazy (see below). The symptoms involve the following:
1. The universal tool shows those very long colored bars
2. Perspective view rotator is shifting and not rotating around a certain object, even when you first go to the origin
3. "Old" (really, like two days old) files with D-forces clothes or parented objects twist the character's poses, hands and scale the objects randomly
Issue reproduced in my regular DAZ 4.12 install AND in a clean 4.14 install. Anyone having recent issues?
I'm on Arch Linux, newest build, wine 5.22.
I don't have those exact issues but Wine 5.22 caused all sorts of other shenanigans for me like some flickering in the Studio viewport, random umlauts when you just want to type "v" and my gpu not getting recognized anymore as computing device for the physics. So it may be a bit buggy, I don't know. I'm running 5.7 staging and so far it still seems solid.
Just checked the available wine staging version: and it's 5.22 somehow, just like the main version. Both are "flagged out of date" early december on the AUR server.
Anyone an idea how to forcefully upgrade or downgrade a wine package in Arch, without breaking dependencies?
UPDATE: Managed to downgrade to 5.21, and now it's working again.
This is a bit off topic but are there any gamers here? I've had pretty good luck with Steam+Proton on the few games I have, but I have a lot of older non-steam games that I haven't had much luck with.
Games like Civ IV, Empire Earth, Rise of Nations, Crysis, X3: Reunion, and the Quake series I've had no luck getting them to install from CD using Wine or PlayOnLinux. Seriously I have games dating back to the 90's.
Do I really need to repurchase games on Steam just to play them (which isn't so bad during the Winter Sale going on) or is there another option (GOG or some other platform)? I'm sure it's probably something I'm doing wrong, but all the tutorials I find are outdated or only focus on Steam (which doesn't really need a tutorial).
I'm running Kubuntu 20.04 on Ryzen.
I've searched for a while now and can't find a good awnser to the problem: "DAZ works through WINE but GPU does not show up".
So my setup is that I've installed DAZ through the DIM in WINE and I launch & manage them through lutris. I can start DAZ perfectly fine, I can do things in it, but the rendering is only CPU bound because the CUDA cores are not detected; mind you, the GPU is detected or so the logs say:
I've tried multiple "sollutions" that can be found online, like purging and reinstalling nvidia drivers, installing wine-staging (according to lutrix that is what I'm running, but according to the internet this is the way to solve this so I might have done something wrong here? according to Lutris wine version i'm using is: `WineHQ Staging (6.2 (staging))`, ....
Blender recognizes the GPU and so does the `nvidia-smi` command:
(these are the latest driver updates as of the time of writing).
I'm hopeing someone has had this problem and found a fix for this already.
Any ideas of what I might be doing wrong?
ps: I use DAZ 4.15 pro, this version recoginises 30xx series cards officially, could render with them when I was still on windows.
pps: I'm running ubuntu 20.04LTS, awseomeWM (windowmanager). but even in the default gnome desktop env. it doesn't work either.
ppps: I've ran games through wine & lutris perfectly on the GPU already
edit: formatting & style
Nope, that's pretty much what everybody's getting. The last version where GPU acceleration worked was 4.10. I've tried WINE, PlayOnLinux and even Proton, no luck with any of them.
I started exporting to Blender last year for rendering. It was more work, but got decent results.
In the past, some users have had luck with the commercial forks of WINE (Cedega, Crossover, etc) but since DS/Iray has been updated so much recently I don't know if they still work.
The problem is that there's no enduser solution to this yet. Wine technically supports CUDA for years now but there's one part of it that hasn't been updated for years for some reason which makes programs that depend on recent CUDA not recognize it. I wish there was a quick fix for this but at the moment all we can do is asking devs involved in Wine if they could take a look at this.
Oh wow, look at that!! Good news!
Didn't try it yet but that really is something! Maybe this will actually make CUDA work with the latest Studio!