Daz Studio and Linux



  • PsyionPsyion Posts: 9

    I'm on Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS.  It's been two years since daz3d is installed and everything works well with wine. This morning when I want to do an iray rendering, the character is pink.
    I uninstalled ds and reinstalled, reboot the computer, but always the same pink for the character or other object.
    It's the cpu that does the rendering, my graphics card is old.
    Would you have an idea.
    The hardware :
     intel® Core™2 Quad CPU Q9550 @ 2.83GHz × 4
    GeForce 9400 GT/PCIe/SSE2
    3.8 GB of memory
    Thank you for your attention

    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

    Capture d’écran de 2021-03-03 09-34-21.png
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  • Use Lutris.  For all Wine-related stuff you do in Linux. Any of you doing Wine manually, installing deb/rpm/flatpak versions, manually compiling vulkan, etc..etc.. and then double-clicking .EXE files to run them... that's so 2000's way of doing things.  Seriously, just get Lutris, and use the custom Lutris builds of wine which have pretty much the same tweaks to them that Proton does. I've run DAZ from day 1 under Lutris-managed WINE runners and it's been flawless for me (except for the lack of GPU rendering of course).  Not only that, almost all older games I've thrown at this thing work.  Every CoD up to the early 2010 games, GTA1-4, Crysis 1 / 2, and lots more. They all just WORK. DAZ works amazing. Even the Windows-based Postgres DB it installs... works.  I've never had to do the "workaround" by installing Postgres under Linux and pointing DAZ to it.  Just make sure your wine-prefix directories are on a vfat filesystem (or at least your library directory). I've run into so many problems with installing 3rd party / free content from outside of the DAZ store that doesn't have any consisitencey with upper/lowercase names in files/directories. It's a mess on an EXT4 filesystem which is case-sensitve.  VFAT isn't, so all the mismatched case stuff just works.



    Kitsumo said:

    This is a bit off topic but are there any gamers here? I've had pretty good luck with Steam+Proton on the few games I have, but I have a lot of older non-steam games that I haven't had much luck with.

    Games like Civ IV, Empire Earth, Rise of Nations, Crysis, X3: Reunion, and the Quake series I've had no luck getting them to install from CD using Wine or PlayOnLinux. Seriously I have games dating back to the 90's.

    Do I really need to repurchase games on Steam just to play them (which isn't so bad during the Winter Sale going on) or is there another option (GOG or some other platform)? I'm sure it's probably something I'm doing wrong, but all the tutorials I find are outdated or only focus on Steam (which doesn't really need a tutorial).

    I'm running Kubuntu 20.04 on Ryzen.

  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,484

    This just out NVIDIA Now Allows GeForce GPU Pass-Through For Windows VMs On Linux


  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706
    edited March 2021

    What would be the point of that though? That's just adding a bloated OS on top of a nice OS. Wouldn't it be better to just install winblows? From the thread it looks like only win10 support, so it's not like you can use a slimmed down version of win7 or xp to save some resources.

    Post edited by TheKD on
  • can somebody do a step guide for what to do now that we are using Postgres 12? it would help if we could get a central Guide for keeping it running. thanks and have a good day!

  • brainmuffinbrainmuffin Posts: 1,213

    I've tried my hand at this again using the trial CrossOver. Postgre is running locally with a created user for DAZ. DIM seems to work. Files are installed and it doesn't complain about not being able to connect to Postgres (I did update the connection string). I've only install a file items other than Studio, but the database doesn't seem to have much in it. Studio cannot log into DAZ website nor connect to the database.

  • KitsumoKitsumo Posts: 1,216

    chris_9413c754 said:

    Use Lutris.  For all Wine-related stuff you do in Linux. Any of you doing Wine manually, installing deb/rpm/flatpak versions, manually compiling vulkan, etc..etc.. and then double-clicking .EXE files to run them... that's so 2000's way of doing things.  Seriously, just get Lutris, and use the custom Lutris builds of wine which have pretty much the same tweaks to them that Proton does. I've run DAZ from day 1 under Lutris-managed WINE runners and it's been flawless for me (except for the lack of GPU rendering of course).  Not only that, almost all older games I've thrown at this thing work.  Every CoD up to the early 2010 games, GTA1-4, Crysis 1 / 2, and lots more. They all just WORK. DAZ works amazing. Even the Windows-based Postgres DB it installs... works.  I've never had to do the "workaround" by installing Postgres under Linux and pointing DAZ to it.  Just make sure your wine-prefix directories are on a vfat filesystem (or at least your library directory). I've run into so many problems with installing 3rd party / free content from outside of the DAZ store that doesn't have any consisitencey with upper/lowercase names in files/directories. It's a mess on an EXT4 filesystem which is case-sensitve.  VFAT isn't, so all the mismatched case stuff just works.

    Thanks, I'm going to have to try that. Sorry for the late reply, I haven't been to the forum in a while.

  • brainmuffinbrainmuffin Posts: 1,213

    I must be going something wrong. I'm no joy with Lutris.

  • CauriBCauriB Posts: 101

    deanetruelove said:

    can somebody do a step guide for what to do now that we are using Postgres 12? it would help if we could get a central Guide for keeping it running. thanks and have a good day!

    I still use the guide from amyaimei on deviantart with a few modifications https://www.deviantart.com/amyaimei/journal/Install-DAZ-Studio-4-9-0-63-32-bit-on-Linux-593421068

    I am running DS on Ubuntu 20.04 with Wine-Staging 6.4, versions 6.5. and the new 6.6 will break dforce simulation, GPU rendering still doesn't work on the newer versions. I use Blender for rendering with the Diffeomorphic plugin.

    This is how it works for me, it might not work for you.

    0. Use winetricks to get the followings: vcrun2005, vcrun2010, d3dx9 I never do these steps, as they get autoinstalled if needed. My first step is to install DS via DIM.

    1. Install PostgreSQL

    sudo apt-get install postgresql-12

    2. Setup DAZ Studio Content DB
    sudo -u postgres psql


     WITH OWNER = dzcms
     ENCODING = 'UTF8'
     TABLESPACE = pg_default

    \c Content

     SCHEMA public
     VERSION "1.4";

    ALTER ROLE dzcms
     SET search_path = dzcontent, public;

    3. Modify PostgreSQL configuration to allow dzcms logon without password.
    sudo gedit /etc/postgresql/12/main/pg_hba.conf   
    Change "md5" to "trust" for both IPv4 and IPv6 local connections:
    # IPv4 local connections:
    host    all             all               trust
    # IPv6 local connections:
    host    all             all             ::1/128                 trust

    4. Restart PostgreSQL
    sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart

    5. Install DAZ Studio 4.9 by using wine as "Windows XP."  It is VERY IMPORTANT, I spent days to figure out why the CMS is not working just because I installed it by using wine as "Windows 7."

    AFAIK it doesn`t matter, I always install DS before Postgres using wine as Windows 7

    6. Setup DAZ Studio CMS connection before starting DAZ Studio.
    Create the file .wine/drive_c/users/<your_linux_user_name>/Application Data/DAZ 3D/cms/cmscfg.json with the following contents:
      "Port" : 5432,
      "ConnectionURI" : "postgresql://dzcms@localhost:5432/Content"

    7. Start DAZ Studio, the database Content should be populated after that.  

  • brainmuffinbrainmuffin Posts: 1,213

    CauriB said:

    deanetruelove said:

    can somebody do a step guide for what to do now that we are using Postgres 12? it would help if we could get a central Guide for keeping it running. thanks and have a good day!

    I still use the guide from amyaimei on deviantart with a few modifications https://www.deviantart.com/amyaimei/journal/Install-DAZ-Studio-4-9-0-63-32-bit-on-Linux-593421068

    I am running DS on Ubuntu 20.04 with Wine-Staging 6.4, versions 6.5. and the new 6.6 will break dforce simulation, GPU rendering still doesn't work on the newer versions. I use Blender for rendering with the Diffeomorphic plugin.

    This is how it works for me, it might not work for you.

    0. Use winetricks to get the followings: vcrun2005, vcrun2010, d3dx9 I never do these steps, as they get autoinstalled if needed. My first step is to install DS via DIM.

    This looks interesting. I'm gonna use it to double check my current Linux install try. DIM can get to the locally running Postgresql without issue, but Studio doesn't seem to be able to get into any network services, localhost or the world.

  • GafftheHorseGafftheHorse Posts: 567
    edited April 2021

    CauriB said:

    deanetruelove said:

    can somebody do a step guide for what to do now that we are using Postgres 12? it would help if we could get a central Guide for keeping it running. thanks and have a good day!

    I still use the guide from amyaimei on deviantart with a few modifications https://www.deviantart.com/amyaimei/journal/Install-DAZ-Studio-4-9-0-63-32-bit-on-Linux-593421068

    I am running DS on Ubuntu 20.04 with Wine-Staging 6.4, versions 6.5. and the new 6.6 will break dforce simulation, GPU rendering still doesn't work on the newer versions. I use Blender for rendering with the Diffeomorphic plugin.

    Interesting what you note about Wine-staging 6.5 and 6.6. On my Archlinux system, Studio won't even launch with 6.5. Launches ok with Wine 6.5 though ( but it lacks the libs for OpenCL). Haven't had issues like this since the 5.1* line, where I was getting problems with evey odd/even release number (one or the other, I forget which).

    Post edited by GafftheHorse on
  • TBorNotTBorNot Posts: 370

    It's funny, but the same arguments about "market share" were made by app developers for the Blackberry smart phones.

  • PauloCoePauloCoe Posts: 34

    So after finally managed to get Daz3D to work on Wine, since I am a mac user with BigSur I realized that I can't simulate DForce clothes. Guess it's to the OPEN CL problem.

    But please could anyone guide me on how to install those patches or whatever is needed to get it to work? I read back and forth but it seems just really advanced tech users are able to get it work. 

    mork said:

    Taking the knowledge gained with AMD, we can also make it work for Intel CPUs. I did not test to make it work for Intel GPU yet.



    Download these files:

    [1] http://registrationcenter-download.intel.com/akdlm/irc_nas/11396/SRB5.0_linux64.zip
    [2] http://registrationcenter-download.intel.com/akdlm/irc_nas/9022/opencl_runtime_16.1.1_x64_setup.msi

    If you have beignet installed, consider to uninstall it.

    If you don't have it installed already, install clinfo:


    sudo apt-get install clinfo

    sudo pacman -S clinfo


    1. Install CPU OpenCL (Linux)


    Please note:

    You should do this step only if you don't already have Intel OpenCL drivers installed for linux.
    If you do, please skip this and proceed to step 2. You can check it with clinfo

    Also, chances are high that you don't need this step at all, you can try with doing step 2 only and if that fails, come back to step 1.

    Create a temporary folder, open the file [1], extract the file intel-opencl-cpu-r5.0-63503.x86_64.tar.xz to your temporary folder.
    Extract the file intel-opencl-cpu-r5.0-63503.x86_64.tar.xz
    Copy the contents of the extracted opt folder to your systems opt folder:

    open up a terminal and navigate to the temporary folder you have extracted the file to. There should be an opt folder within.
    sudo cp opt/intel/ /opt/ -R

    Create the vendor file at /etc/OpenCL/vendors:

    sudo echo "/opt/intel/opencl/libintelopencl.so" > /etc/OpenCL/vendors/intel.icd

    Run clinfo and check that you have at least 1 device listed.
    clinfo might segfault, no idea why it does, but that should not stop us. :)


    2. Install CPU OpenCL within Wine (Windows)


    Copy file [2] to your DAZStudio wineprefix, e.g. to drive_c.

    Run the installer (please adjust the paths to match yours):

    WINEPREFIX=/media/Volume/daz4.10/ wine64 msiexec /i opencl_runtime_16.1.1_x64_setup.msi

    Install that thing, should work without problems.


    3. Start DAZ Studio 4.10 and test


    At this point you should have CPU OpenCL for linux and your wineprefix.
    Start up WINE and D-Force should recognize your CPU this time.

    GL&HF! :)

    Speed-wise this performs much better than my AMD at home, but I need to say at home I use Xubuntu and this Intel version is installed on Manjaro (Arch).
    Also my Xubuntu OS is quite old and I messed with it A LOT over time.

  • PauloCoePauloCoe Posts: 34

    Alright I was now able to open the file 2 via win, but then I just get this window open and can't do anyhting. Probably I should open it with wine.

    I could start crying. I have no clue what I need to do.

    Screenshot 2021-04-30 at 14.55.07.png
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  • CauriBCauriB Posts: 101

    PauloCoe said:

    Alright I was now able to open the file 2 via win, but then I just get this window open and can't do anyhting. Probably I should open it with wine.

    I could start crying. I have no clue what I need to do.

    Which wine version are you using? Dforce simulation stopped working in wine staging 6.5, until then it should work straight out of the box. 

  • PauloCoePauloCoe Posts: 34

    I am using version Wineskin-Winery-

  • PauloCoePauloCoe Posts: 34

    and this is the wrapper version

    Screenshot 2021-04-30 at 15.35.01.png
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  • brainmuffinbrainmuffin Posts: 1,213

    Seems I need to try again from WINE instead of Crossfire.

  • PauloCoePauloCoe Posts: 34

    thats by the way my imac


    Screenshot 2021-04-30 at 15.47.16.png
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  • CauriBCauriB Posts: 101

    PauloCoe said:

    thats by the way my imac


    Sorry, I can't help with wineskin, I am on Ubuntu. 

  • PauloCoePauloCoe Posts: 34

    Ok thanks. I really hope someone will be able to. Cause if I don't get this solved I want be able to simulate DForce and then the program becomes useless for me. :(

  • GafftheHorseGafftheHorse Posts: 567

    PauloCoe said:

    I am using version Wineskin-Winery-

    Wineskin-winery : the github page notes it packages wine versions as engines to be used with wineskin-winery.


    The architecture of PlayonLinux, another Wine wrapper, allows multiple Wine versions to be installed, perhaps wineskin-winery does too. The Wine versions should be in the preferences of wineskin-winery settings or in the settings of each 'bottle' (wine prefix*). There may be a dialog in the wineskin-winery ui that allows you to download other and newer wine versions.


    * Each prefix (or bottle) acts as a fresh install of Windows, similar to a virtual machine. You can run a prefix against one wine version one day, and try another later (leastwise, wrappers like PlayonLinux allowed it).


    Also important to note, the community packaged Wine does not currently carry the libraries for OpenCL. The alternate, Wine-staging, does, along with a host of experimental patches for games. In all probability, you'll need to be running against a wine-staging wine version, not the plain wine.

  • Kyan001Kyan001 Posts: 75

    chris_9413c754 said:

    Use Lutris.  For all Wine-related stuff you do in Linux. Any of you doing Wine manually, installing deb/rpm/flatpak versions, manually compiling vulkan, etc..etc.. and then double-clicking .EXE files to run them... that's so 2000's way of doing things.  Seriously, just get Lutris, and use the custom Lutris builds of wine which have pretty much the same tweaks to them that Proton does. I've run DAZ from day 1 under Lutris-managed WINE runners and it's been flawless for me (except for the lack of GPU rendering of course).  Not only that, almost all older games I've thrown at this thing work.  Every CoD up to the early 2010 games, GTA1-4, Crysis 1 / 2, and lots more. They all just WORK. DAZ works amazing. Even the Windows-based Postgres DB it installs... works.  I've never had to do the "workaround" by installing Postgres under Linux and pointing DAZ to it.  Just make sure your wine-prefix directories are on a vfat filesystem (or at least your library directory). I've run into so many problems with installing 3rd party / free content from outside of the DAZ store that doesn't have any consisitencey with upper/lowercase names in files/directories. It's a mess on an EXT4 filesystem which is case-sensitve.  VFAT isn't, so all the mismatched case stuff just works.

    Any chance to use Nvidia-Iray rendering with closed-source drivers?

  • brainmuffinbrainmuffin Posts: 1,213

    I've recently been able to run several Windows games via Steam on Linux, so I'm hopeful for Studio.

  • Kyan001Kyan001 Posts: 75
    edited July 2021

    Update -> Neither a chance to get it run on last Ubuntu version. Not with CrossOver, not with Playonlinux. (with proprietary drivers)

    It's really frustrating, since when Daz crashes on Windows it returns something ".cpp" related in the log file.

    Which mean is made with C++, so a simple light edit would be needed to the source code to make it runnable on linux.

    And if they achieved MAC, they could achieve Linux too. Really, this is sad. Plus W10 is coming out with a new update day by day, and I'm really starting to hate this OS.


    Post edited by Kyan001 on
  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,484

    Kyan001 said:

    Update -> Neither a chance to get it run on last Ubuntu version. Not with CrossOver, not with Playonlinux. (with proprietary drivers)

    It's really frustrating, since when Daz crashes on Windows it returns something ".cpp" related in the log file.

    Which mean is made with C++, so a simple light edit would be needed to the source code to make it runnable on linux.

    And if they achieved MAC, they could achieve Linux too. Really, this is sad. Plus W10 is coming out with a new update day by day, and I'm really starting to hate this OS.


    Going to get worse Win 11 is on its way. Hearing October

  • Kyan001Kyan001 Posts: 75

    Robert Freise said:

    Kyan001 said:

    Update -> Neither a chance to get it run on last Ubuntu version. Not with CrossOver, not with Playonlinux. (with proprietary drivers)

    It's really frustrating, since when Daz crashes on Windows it returns something ".cpp" related in the log file.

    Which mean is made with C++, so a simple light edit would be needed to the source code to make it runnable on linux.

    And if they achieved MAC, they could achieve Linux too. Really, this is sad. Plus W10 is coming out with a new update day by day, and I'm really starting to hate this OS.


    Going to get worse Win 11 is on its way. Hearing October

    "Casually" benchmarks on insider preview say that's "a little" slower than 10. I'm not surprised.

  • brainmuffinbrainmuffin Posts: 1,213

    Kyan001 said:

    Robert Freise said:

    Going to get worse Win 11 is on its way. Hearing October

    "Casually" benchmarks on insider preview say that's "a little" slower than 10. I'm not surprised.

    I remember the claim Vista was a "little slower" than XP. On my "mobile desktop" HP laptop for work, it was 20% slower. Good times.
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    brainmuffin said:

    Kyan001 said:

    Robert Freise said:

    Going to get worse Win 11 is on its way. Hearing October

    "Casually" benchmarks on insider preview say that's "a little" slower than 10. I'm not surprised.

    I remember the claim Vista was a "little slower" than XP. On my "mobile desktop" HP laptop for work, it was 20% slower. Good times.

    Since W3.11 there hasn't been one MS OS that had not been "a little slower" than it's predecessor(s) when used on the same hardware. On the other hand, if you keep the OS and update the hardware you get to enjoy the full benefits of the upgrade wink

  • brainmuffinbrainmuffin Posts: 1,213

    Kyan001 said:

    Update -> Neither a chance to get it run on last Ubuntu version. Not with CrossOver, not with Playonlinux. (with proprietary drivers)

    It's really frustrating, since when Daz crashes on Windows it returns something ".cpp" related in the log file.

    Which mean is made with C++, so a simple light edit would be needed to the source code to make it runnable on linux.

    And if they achieved MAC, they could achieve Linux too. Really, this is sad. Plus W10 is coming out with a new update day by day, and I'm really starting to hate this OS.


    My understanding it is simpler than that. The library used for the UI works on Windows, Mac, and Linux. It should all compile and run. I'm not sure how true that is, but I'd be surprised if it wasn't close.
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