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Whoa, that looks terrrific! I should have known you'd already have done something like this, simply excellent :)
Next up, here's Neo hair:
A short, sleek hairstyle. I like how this one came out. :)
this forum hates me
after having no luck with zips or txt tried copy paste and even source and paste and it gives me an internal error
is plain text but even a small uncompressed .car file must be too long or something
OK try this
The link works to bring me to a download site, but when I click on the actual download it says it doesn't exist.
it downloads for me but I cannot see any permissions options
guess I need to render some images for shareCG
OK up on shareCG if anyone wants to use it
Unrestricted as a starting point really
I have made a Zbrush insert mesh brush as well as a pretty awful hair and a necklace from it
I would upload the lot here if I could but not really good enough for ShareCG
I put the chain up which has a fixed UV too
That worked, got it now. I like that it's 3 different pieces (spirals sorta) that are interlocked. It loads in huge, but that's no problem. Could be useful...
I am still trying to find the thread where it was born
Selinita? has a new name and Stezza both helped solved how to get the shape needed, I know it starts as 2 cylinders next to each other and offset, a curve created and extruded
Although I've still got several hairstyles (and all the beards) to go, I realized that I haven't modelled any new hairstyles since I started posting this batch. Haven't had much time in between rendering promo pics, organizing for uploads/downloads, and of course all the holiday stuff. I puttered around with making a bald/balding hairstyle after seeing a post by Diomede linking to an interesting hair in the daz store I hadn't seen before, but didn't get far and had to put on pause.
So, realizing I was probably getting rusty yesterday I dove back in doing a super simple hairstyle that comes in 2 flavors. First, here's Slicked Back Wet Hair, Short:
And of course, next is the companion Slicked Back Wet Hair, Long:
In retrospect, this is such a basic hairstyle that I should have thought to do it first, especially as it can be a base for many other hairstyles. Also there's probably a good need for this type of hair, to give that 'emerging from the ocean' or 'stepping out of the shower' slicked back wet look.
This took me longer to make than it should have too. Getting that hair plastered right to the skull was a little more difficult than I thought, especially because for some odd reason some Frizz and Wave functions kept suddenly re-emerging into the shader for reasons unknown! Drove me a little nuts, my best guess is that Carrara was 'remembering' similarly-named shaders that had been in the scene previously. In fact in some of the promo pics you can see a bit of frizz or tiny bits of exposed scalp caused by the wave shader, but I figured rather than go back and catch every flaw I'd go ahead and post, along with a caution that if you see the hair sticking up in some way it shouldn't, check the shader room and make sure the Frizz and Wave functions are set to 'none'.
To make it look a bit more 'gel' hair than soaking wet, I'm betting that adding a clump function with a small area, and then using a 'push' tool to push the hair a bit father fromt he scalp would probably work nicely. I should have tested that rather than just musing about it now...
This is some great shtuff man, so much appreciated. Not enough hours in the day to get into them all. but I'm trying
I found the braid posts
Selinita became Person non Grata BTW
very beautiful hairstyles, thanks a lot for sharing them with us! :)
Thanks guys, no worries or need to rush, they aren't going anywhere, just want to have them available if anyone is ever interested in using them. :)
When I read that, I thought you meant that Selinita had done something awful and everyone in the forum was refusing to talk to her anymore lol, then I went to check the post referenced and realized you meant she changed her username to Persona non Grata :)
My pleasure, thanks Chris!
So here's a variation on a theme. When I looked for reference pics of wet slicked back hair I saw this one:
Now that obviously isn't soaking wet hair, but rather a gelled slicked-back look, but it hit my muse, so I fooled around a bit and now here's what I'm calling Prep hair:
You can see I didn't hit the target as it isn't super-close to the reference, but nevertheless I think it's a decent useable hairstyle. :)
Here's another new one I just whipped up yesterday, Zack hair:
It's trickier that I thought to make a hairstyle that is meant to look a bit messy and unkempt but is actually styled that way, as opposed to just being messy and unkempt in reality. If my count is right, this makes 25 hairstyles so far and I have 10 more to go, plus beards too, so it doesn't look likely I'm going to beat the buzzer and get them all up by tomorrow. Eh but no biggie, I'll just keep it rolling as quick as possible and we'll see how far into the New Year it takes. :)
Happy New Years, Carrarists! :)
Ok this one's sort of a gimme, all I did was cut the afro down nearly to the scalp, so there was zero work involved in this one. But it's obviously a very common hairstyle, so certainly I think it might be useful, so here's Afro Stubble hair:
Here's a short (about 9 min) vid I made for how to brush long hairstyles into place so that the hair won't clip through the shoulders in extreme poses of the head being turned/swiveled from side to side. Hopefully this comes through.
This won't be so much an issue for the short and medium hairstyles which are above the shoulder (unless someone wants to add styling to emulate gravity effects). Of course this could also be done with a hair sim, but honestly for most still shots this is the way faster method. Most of you guys already know this because it's pretty basic, but nevertheless I thought it might help.
(2) How to brush Carrara hair into place to match poses - YouTube
Well here we are, now in 2023, hope it's a good year for everyone :)
As far as Carrara hairstyles, next up is what I'm calling Cindy hair:
A medium-long casual hairstyle with the majority of the hair tucked behind the ears but still falling loose from that and hanging forward:
This one was a layup, but it was needed. Flat Top Afro hair:
Basically I finished the longer Flat Top and realized it was a good and valid hair, but less common then the shorter flat top style, so this was just groomed down to a more common size, some work done on the sides and front, and presto. :)
And next, here's November hair:
A simple long hairstyle without bangs, hanging forward partially over the face.
Thanks - looks like another download and render session coming up !!!
:) my pleasure, thanks. Coming towards the end of my hairstyles at this point, only a few more to go before I'm all caught up. Though I'm sure I'll make more, since I'm still learning the process and find the process of creating to be kind of satisfying, so I'll just keep adding to the thread over time.
When I started, I was really just organizing all of my existing Carrara hairsets that I had bought from the daz store to be more useful - all the V4/M4 ones I rigged to conform to Genesis, and put them all in one library with a folder each for all the short, medium, and long hairstyles. But I realized as I was doing it that most of them I had to do some extra modelling to make them how I wanted them, and then I thought to myself "hey what's keeping me from making my own, too?"
I still have a lot to learn, but I feel I now have the basics mostly down. :) So I'll just keep adding as I go.
Ok next up is beards, mustaches, and facial hair galore:
Each of these is designed to be used directly on the Genesis 1 figure, so it's not a separate conforming figure but a hair that gets dragged and dropped directly on the Genesis 1 actor. It's also designed to be used with M4 UVs. Some might work with other UVs, I don't know because I didn't test for that, but usually using other UVs will give poor results.
There are actually a lot of different hairstyles included in this one, 36 in all. That's really 18 different styles, but 2 versions of each, one with stubble and one without. That's way too many to have renders to show them all, so here's a few examples:
Van Dyke:
Mustache, elegant:
Beard, neatly trimmed:
Muttonchops beard, full:
Soul patch, neatly trimmed:
Beard, full:
Mustache, standard:
Although there are no shaders included (except the standard brown pictured above they all come with) changing colors to any other shader is as simple as switching out the color channel as needed to match hairstyle/eyebrows. In total here are all the included facial hairstyles:
- Amish Beard, Full, with stubble
- Amish Beard, Full, no stubble
- Amish Beard, Neatly trimmed, with stubble
- Amish Beard, Neatly trimmed, no stubble
- Standard Beard, Full, with stubble
- Standard Beard, Full, no stubble
- Standard Beard, Neatly trimmed, with stubble
- Standard Beard, Neatly trimmed, no stubble
- Muttonchops Beard, Full, with stubble
- Muttonchops Beard, Full, no stubble
- Muttonchops Beard, Neatly trimmed, with stubble
- Muttonchops Beard, Neatly trimmed, no stubble
- Chin Beard, Full, with stubble
- Chin Beard, Full, no stubble
- Chin Beard, Neatly trimmed, with stubble
- Chin Beard, Neatly trimmed, no stubble
- Goatee, Full, with stubble
- Goatee, Full, no stubble
- Goatee, Neatly trimmed, with stubble
- Goatee, Neatly trimmed, no stubble
- Van Dyke, Full, with stubble
- Van Dyke, Full, no stubble
- Van Dyke, Neatly trimmed, with stubble
- Van Dyke, Neatly trimmed, no stubble
- Mustache, elegant, with stubble
- Mustache, elegant, no stubble
- Mustache, standard, with stubble
- Mustache, standard, no stubble
- Sideburns, full, with stubble
- Sideburns, full, no stubble
- Sideburns, neatly trimmed, with stubble
- Sideburns, neatly trimmed, no stubble
- Muttonchop Sideburns, neatly trimmed, with stubble
- Muttonchop Sideburns, neatly trimmed, no stubble
- Muttonchop Sideburns, full, with stubble
- Muttonchop Sideburns, full, no stubble
hopefully I can get around to rendering them too
I downloaded the zip but it is empty ...
Whoops, it's not outside the realm of possibility that I screwed up. Let me check...