Some Carrara Hairstyles For the Community



  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    Holy smokes I really screwed up, somehow I managed to leave everything out of the zip file!  :)   Fixed now, just tested and saw it's now downloading the right file and comes out ok.  (Which I should have tested to see this morning, but I got too busy and thus messed up)

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738
    edited January 2023

    There's a hilarious murder-mystery send up movie from the late 70's called 'Murder By Death' which even today is one of my favorites.  In it, there's a scene where a blind butler serves all of the guests meticulously from an empty soup tureen, to their astonishment (the chef is deaf and so never heard the order and never prepared any food).  When the butler finally realizes his mistake, he storms back into the kitchen and shouts enraged at the chef (who is oblivious because she's deaf)  "10 guests for dinner, and I'm serving them hot nothing!"  :)   

    Seems like an apt description of what I just did :)  sorry everyone, fixed now.  

    Post edited by Jonstark on
  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,830

    Jonstark said:

    Holy smokes I really screwed up, somehow I managed to leave everything out of the zip file!  :)   Fixed now, just tested and saw it's now downloading the right file and comes out ok.  (Which I should have tested to see this morning, but I got too busy and thus messed up)

    We all have Bad Hair Days !!!

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    Bunyip02 said:

    Jonstark said:

    Holy smokes I really screwed up, somehow I managed to leave everything out of the zip file!  :)   Fixed now, just tested and saw it's now downloading the right file and comes out ok.  (Which I should have tested to see this morning, but I got too busy and thus messed up)

    We all have Bad Hair Days !!!

    lol, I can already foresee myself much older when I'll be experiencing 'no hair' days and wishing fervently for the 'bad hair' days to return  :)

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    Next up, here's the imaginatively names Casual Ponytail hair: 




  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,254
    edited January 2023

    used two facial and one head hair for this image to see what happens cool


    800 x 600 - 476K
    Post edited by Stezza on
  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    Stezza said:

    used two facial and one head hair for this image to see what happens cool


    :)  Nice!   Also seems like maybe the forum is finally letting us upload pics again, which is good to know.   

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738
    edited January 2023

    Also, just for a bit of fun, I was fooling around today trying to emulate this hairstyle:



    Couple of days back I was watching season2 of 'Alice in Borderland' on netflix (a s korean show based on a manwha) and I spotted no less than 4 different hairstyles I wanted to try my hand at creating, but especially this guy, who is the King of Clubs in the show.  

    Anyway, I was making decent progress, maybe about halfway there, when I realized that what I had made reminded me of someone else's style, so I did a test render for kicks to see how it came out:


    ... actually not that close lol, but you never know til you try  :)  I'll keep fiddling around with it til I get it closer.

    Whoa 3.png
    800 x 1067 - 366K
    Post edited by Jonstark on
  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    Next up is Spike hair:



    I saw a kid working the customer service desk in Wal Mart with this exact hairstyle, went home and tried my hand at replicating it and this one came out nearly identical.  A very short stylized gel hairstyle.  :)

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    More great stuff.  Thank you so much.  

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,638

    Jonstark said:

    Next up is Afro Braid hair:

    Boy this one was tough.  About as tough as the ponytails, actually.  Took a couple of days, had to give up and start over a few times too, but in the end it taught me a lot, especially using the texture density tools, and I'm pretty happy with how it came out.

    this is the one I like the most and thought would export well to DAZ studio too

    so of course it is the one Philemo's converter throws up an error for wink 

    I am trying to figure out why as all the others I tried worked albeit look like wire or raffia (I can fix that with the Blender hair tool if I have all day)

  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,977

    Wow, these are amazing, especially this Afro-braid one (but I love the ponytail, too, in fact I love them all!) ...I can't wait to get into the files and use them. Again, thank you so much for sharing your talent.  If you had a PP account, I'd donate in a heartbeat! 

    heart Silene

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    Thanks Silene, I appreciate the kind words  :) 

    And Wendy, I also tried to use Philemo's plugin on the braid hair, for my first try of using it, and it didn't crash, but it produced something that looked pretty far away from what the braid hair used to look like, proving I have a long way to go to learn to use that tool, and probably I ought to start with a simpler hair.  :)

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    So next up is Sleek Hair:



    This one is based on Ky hair but styled shorter in front and much shorter (totally different really) in the back. 


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,638
    edited January 2023

    you saw my Big Afro Hair conversion in your other thread?

    extreme settings look pretty reasonable even if the obj is just a whisker short of a Gigabyte!

    I had to increase the decimal spaces displayed in scene and make base 0.001 and tip 0.0001 if I recall, all hairs visible in viewport and it took a few hours to generate and export

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    you saw my Big Afro Hair conversion in your other thread?

    extreme settings look pretty reasonable even if the obj is just a whisker short of a Gigabyte!

    I had to increase the decimal spaces displayed in scene and make base 0.001 and tip 0.0001 if I recall, all hairs visible in viewport and it took a few hours to generate and export

    Actually the forums went down for me for some time and I hadn't seen it yet, though I went over to take a look as soon as I could, looks like it converted great!  Though I'm guessing that's a scene-killer for memory though lol.  And I bet you really had to work to find the right settings for the plugin, but terrific result.  :) 

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,638

    Jonstark said:

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    you saw my Big Afro Hair conversion in your other thread?

    extreme settings look pretty reasonable even if the obj is just a whisker short of a Gigabyte!

    I had to increase the decimal spaces displayed in scene and make base 0.001 and tip 0.0001 if I recall, all hairs visible in viewport and it took a few hours to generate and export

    Actually the forums went down for me for some time and I hadn't seen it yet, though I went over to take a look as soon as I could, looks like it converted great!  Though I'm guessing that's a scene-killer for memory though lol.  And I bet you really had to work to find the right settings for the plugin, but terrific result.  :) 

    yeah Carrara doesn't handle it well

    DAZ studio is better with large polygon numbers but I still had to make it only visible in render to do the animation I just finished 

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    Since the forum is back up for the moment, let me quickly put up the next one too.  Here's Whoa Hair:



    (Yeah, I'm really terrible about naming hair.   There's really no thought process involved at all.  In this case I was going for a casual medium length, slightly messy hairstyle like you might see on a surfer.  Therefore 'whoa' was the name at first, thinking I'll rename it later.  But since I've learned it's important to save my work quickly and often as I iterate, it just ended up sticking.  So I'm not so sure it's apt, but... now it's just 'whoa' hair forever I guess :)  )


  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    Next is Belle Hair:



    A youthful long hairstyle.


  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    Last 2 on my list coming up (hopefully the forums will be kind and actually let me upload them without crashing lol).  


    First, here's Ladybug Hair:



    Maybe the dumbest name for a hair ever, since it bears no relations to ladybugs, but that's what I named it for some weird reason.  :)  As difficult as some hairstyles are, sometimes it's just... really easy.  I did like 3 or 4 sweeps with the brush tool, used the push tool to see where things stood... and stopped.  My test render came out great, I did a 360 to see it from all angles.  "Hmmm, that looks exactly like what I was going for... it can't be this easy..."  But it was.  So I restrained my impulse to mess around further, tweaked it a tiny bit with the scissors to even it out, and there we go...  

    A shoulder length medium-long style primarily parted to one side.  :)


  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    And last up (for now), here's Brad Hair:



    Although this one's pretty simple and standard, it's a personal favorite for me.  Why?  Because this is pretty much exactly the same as my own hairstyle in real life.  I think I did it unconsciously, because I didn't even think of the similarity til after I was done.  I was like 'hey, that's almost the same as my hairstyle currently, with the exception that it's parted on the opposite side'.  And then I realized I only look at myself in the mirror, therefore it's not parted on the opposite side from mine after all...  :)



  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    ... and that brings me up to present.  I think it's funny I originally thought I could post all of that up before Christmas, and we're now more than a week past New Years   :)

    So, I went back and re-counted, looks like a sum total of 

    - 5 sets of eyelashes

    - 15 sets of eyebrows

    -  36 sets of facial hair (beards/mustaches/sideburns)

    - 36 hairstyles of long, medium, and short styles

    I still have a few hairstyles I'm kicking around and working on, so I'll just keep this thread going and add to it in the future, but for now that brings things up to the present, at least. 

    I don't really imagine that having a full library of potential hairstyles will lure any newcomers to Carrara, but then again who knows?  At least someone just starting out in Carrara will have a pretty decent library of hairs for the Genesis1 figure right off the bat, so that's not a bad thing.  I still think the V5 pro and M5 pro bundles that come with Carrara 8.5 pro for free is not a small benefit, so now there's some Carrara hair to augment that.  :)


    So now taking a beat to rate my learning progress.  I actually learned a lot during this little burst of hair-modeling, changed some of my approaches, learned (at least a little) about some tools in the hair modeling room I never used before and certainly sharpened and refined my knowledge of the tools that I was already familiar with.  I'm a bit tired now, but I'll mull it over and probably give some specifics, which might be helpful to others learning this facet of Carrara.


    Overall I wouldn't rate any of my work as exquisite, and as I learn more I'll probably go back and retrofit/refine these hairstyles to a better standard, but mostly I'm pleased with them, and there are none of them that I would rate as unusable.  At least I hope not.  :)


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,638

    thank you

    I will get around to using more of them eventually

    (in Carrara heart)

    just a bit overwhelmed right now with content in general yes

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