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...apparently I minimised a while back and when I brought it back up, the progress monitor was still running with neither file showing up in the Ready to Install tab yet. where they should be. I didn't know there was an issue with plugins, when was that?
I uninstalled it so I could re-download and reinstall it again as i felt something was corrupted since it won't show up in 4.21.even though the product page says it's compatible.
Not sure if anything will be screwed up if I just close it while it sill appears to be in the midst of an operation.
The logs are at C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\InstallManager - you could take a look at both and see if there's anything in the way of a clue.
...OK, I looked at the point in the log file where I uninstalled dForce Helper 2 and after that, I saw the following:
Apparently it seemed to be running though every product that was installed repeating the warning above..
After that was done it then repeated the following block of statements over and over:
It appears somehow to ended up caught in an infinite loop.
Never seen this happen before.
Some plugins will not install properly while Studio is running. DIM says installed but really it is not. Uninstall, close Studio, and restart DIM. The files will be available for installation again. They should be available in Studio the next time you start it.
The name collisions happen when a two-part product does not differentiate the two (or more) parts by not having a "1of2", "2of2", etc. in the supplement.
Those last messages are fairly new. I see them every refresh or restart. The keep-alive pings every few minutes.
...that would explain the name collision as I uninstalled both the base and version 2 of dForce Helper. I would think thought that as version 2 was an update, it would have either overwritten or uninstalled the previous version before installing.
The funny (or not so funny) part was that I didn't have Daz open at the time I uninstalled both products. I always make sure Daz isn't running when I'm using the IM to avoid any issues or conflicts as I use a custom Library/Runtime structure of my own.
If you mean dForce Companion, you cannot have both installed at the same time. The files are the same, so only one version can exist at a time. Just install version 2.0.
dForce Companion isn't really a 2-part product, versions 1 and 2 are two different products (67493 and 82365). The two name collisions that you mentioned actually do have two parts that need to be installed to function properly. It is just the name that appears in DIM is the same for both, and you can't really tell which is which at a glance. You need to hover the mouse over them to see the tool tip with the additional info. They install properly, in any case. It can be confusing when a product has DS/Poser/OBJ/etc. versions with no distinction in the names displayed in DIM, assumng the tags and filters are properly set.
...another update again? Crikey the IM seems to update more than my Android phone does..
Not sure if this is proper place to report this, but while doing an overnight install of 150 or so DIMs, the next day there were 3 that didn't finish. But I received no notification. It looked like the queue had finished. So then while I was looking at my installed DIMs, I noticed only 3 DIMs installed for the Gou Luck Bundle (ID: 71323). I remembered there were 5 DIM files for that though, so I checked and sure enough, the least two had the icon "RESUME" in the action column of the DIM. But had I not checked this manually, I would have no idea they didn't install in a sea of thousands of DIM files.
I checked my other installs and also HD Kayla remake (ID: 79989) also did not install correctly. Everything else installed correctly. I wonder if there is some connecttion, because both were by the same vendor RareStone. So maybe some glitch in those DIMS? In any case, I would like to suggest to make it possible sort DIMs by "action" status, to make it easy to see DIMs which are partially downloaded in "RESUME" status.
Also, perhaps related, I noticed a directory called "sun" was created in my public/documents folder. I know that I didn't create it. And at the time of creation the only thing happening with my PC was my DIM installations. So something in the DIMs created this phantom directory. There is nothing in it. Any idea what DIM product created it? And is it safe to delete it?
Use the filter box - Filter Menu Button > Filter By Status > Download Incomplete. See
Thanks Richard, I wasn't aware of that option. I had to install the filters though.. they weren't installed by default for some reason. But once I installed them I was able to find some more imcomplete downloads.
Is DIM or its server extremely busy or something?
I was downloading my purchases about 1:45 hours ago and the first two items went quickly, but when I saw that had two files, one 2.2GB and the other 542MB I decided to do them separately. The smaller file was kicked off but it got stuck at 23% downloaded and I just had to kill DIM as it was not responding (on my MacBookPro M1) which is unusual.
So, is there an issue with the file or should I just try again in the early morning tomorrow?
I tried to open DIM twice now on the MBP and each time the little icon bounced up for a period of time and then just stopped and never opened. Does this I may need to uninstall DIM on that computer? Or try to manually download and drop the problem file in the Download folder and see it that wakes up DIM? Any ideas or suggestions where on an Apple OS I could trake down the DIM log to see what is happening?
Edit to add: I had to reboot the computer, DIM now opens. Found an update for the Beta. So holding in place preparing to download that then will get back to the problem file later.
Timing is everything. Installed the new Beta and other files no issues, and the shader pack went after went without a hitch.
I'm actually having a smilar problem to whet memcneil70 described two posts back. Went to launch DIM, and... nothing happened. Went to launch it again, and... nothing. Went to Task Manager and noticed there are two DIM tasks running, with 0% disk activity, and 19.8 MB memory in use for each. And I can't kill out of them. Haven't tried rebooting yet, though. This is on WIndows 10 Pro.
Try rebooting.
Yeah, the machine started getting wierd and flakey later, with drag-and-dropped web-page shortcuts taking a minute or two to finish saving, and with renaming them then taking a minute or two to complete, also trying to open a particular drive within Explorer just hung indefinetely. Eventually, as I was exitting out of programs and preparing to issue shutdown, the desktop crashed out, taking away the Start bar along with it, and I had to issue shutdown via the Ctrl-Alt-Delete pane... So, yeah, something under the hood of Windoze apparently had crashed out or got mangled in memory earlier. I suspect DIM was getting trampled on by whatever under the hood of the OS wasn't working right.
After a cold restart, everything went back to working right, and DIM behaved like normal.
64 previously purchased and installed products showed up in DIM Ready to Download today. None of the packages are later than June 2023. The oldest package in the list is dated 2012. Since they aren't updates to the version I already have installed. why are they appearing in my Ready to Download tab suddenly? I did not change my download filters.
I ignored those 64 ready to download items and now they have disappeared from that tab.
DIM reports that I have DS 4.22 installed, but that's not correct - I only have 4.21 installed. Same with the public beta. Both are also listed on the Ready to Download tab. Same with Decimator, GoZ etc..
If you are working online then the name of the package will be the one that is on the server for that SKU. If offline then it will be the one for the current package, as set in the manifest.
Is there a way to browse by large thumbnails in DIM? I don't keep everything installed at any given time for obvious reasons, but have been relying a lot on DazCentral's large thumbnail view when looking for specific clothing or hair assets I have. It looks like 90s software vs DazCentral so I'm not too thrilled with DazCentral's abandonment..
You can edit the size of the thumbnail in the tool tip, but not the size of the thumbnails in the list view.
Tooltips are not useful at all when searching for an asset by look and not by name. I have hundreds of hair assets for example
This view is useful to find / install what you're looking for at a glance quickly.
This one.. not so much.. the initial thumbnails are way too tiny to do a quick survey and the mouse-over details are not useful when looking for something. And then you have to also cycle between Ready to download / install / installed sections to see everything.
The product library on the website is more usuable at this point, although still a downgrade compared to DazCentral for this use because it's paginated, and I have ~15 pages of hairs over there.
If DIM had a large thumbnail view as an option, it would be a much more usable tool.
Another DIM update...
Why does DIM refresh (still takes several minutes), then update the software, then refresh all over again, with all the accompanying disk thrash? Seems like lots of wasted effort.
It needs to repopulate your entire library and purchase history.
Undoubtedly, but why could it not just update the application, then refresh after? The app has to be updated anyways, so why refresh before? That data will be replaced when the new version is started. Just trying to save wear and tear on the disk drives...
Then it would do that on every launch, so there would be a delay before it did start to populate the lists - which is likely to be a lot more annoying in the long run. Howeveer, I don't believe it waits on the profuct list request either - they are asynchronous.
But, it does a refresh every launch, online or offline, and when switching between the two (like the connection timeout). It already is annoying, but I see no choice there. DIM updates are relatively rare, compared to how many times I have to start it, or change mode.
I seem to have noticed that the second refresh after the app has updated is shorter, but can't say for sure.
Memory/Disk cache. If I do another refresh soon after, it always takes less time, regardless.