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I should have said on the next log-in, or I think if you ctrl(Win)/cmd(Mac) click the refresh button.
Is there a way, or a workaround, to batch delete items from Ready to Install?
Select the items you want to delete, right-click, and click on Delete Package(s) -> All Selected.
Then, to remove clutter on the Ready to Download tab, select them again, right-click, and click on Hide Package(s) -> All Selected.
Thank you, dear sir. It seems I should adopt your moniker, for if I'd simply read the other options on the pop-up, I would've known the answer.
How can I reset DIM? I formatted a drive, confirmed it was empty, logged in to DIM, but DIM is showing the old Installed contents as being there.
Sounds like DIM is reading the old Manifest Archive (records of what was installed). It is likely in the default location if you never changed it. (Advanced Settings -> Installation)
@barbult Yes, I did. I'll switch it, quit, then switch it back.
@NorthOf45 It's an external in the F: port. I'll try changing it.
I get the impression that you are re-installing, or starting from scratch. You can leave the Manifest Archive where it is and just delete everything in it. (The super-cautious in me says to zip it all into a backup).
Thank you, @NorthOf45, that is what I'll do. Yes, I'm starting from scratch since I'm going to have to severely limit what I install, even though it's allegedly an 8Tb drive. Thank you, @barbult, once again.
I have quite a lot of duplicate products listed in DIM; one duplicate has "DS" at the end of the product name, and the other duplicate has "PS" at the end of the product name (and also has no MetaData).
As I understand it, the products with "DS" at the end are the versions for Daz Studio, and the ones with "PS" at the end are the versions for Poser.
However, these “PS” duplicates always end up appearing in my Daz content libraries, but they never have a thumbnail and never include any content. They just clog up my content libraries in Daz with a bunch of empty directories and non-existent products. And uninstalling them via DIM doesn’t remove them from the Daz content libraries.
When I'm installing products that include duplicate versions for Poser, is there a way to tell DIM to ignore the Poser versions, and only install the Daz versions? And preferably not even show them in the “Ready to Download” tab at all?
You can uncheck the Poser options in the DIM Download Filters on the Ready to Download tab.
I've encountered the same issue. I was about 3500 items down the list before I ran into it; it was the same thing bytescapes noted. As a result, I can no longer use the Product Library to identify products in sequence; so, I guess I'll download the thumbnails to try to avoid searching the Product Library to know whether or not I want to download an item.
For many older products, the Poser version is the actual product, whilst the DS file is just 3Delight materials and DS Library entiries...
My experience with the sort order on on both Win 10 and Mac OS Ventura is they are different for 'Order Date: Recent First'. Windows is now accurate if you have a new order to download, but the Mac OS versioon is wonky. Today's order had 2 new items and 11 older products, taking advantage of the sales. I had to search by product name and thankfully 5 of the items started with the PA's name V176, so I was able to find them fast.
I just don't understand how one version can be fixed and the other one broken, and then it is fixed and the other gets broken. Can't we get both fixed for good?
On a positive note, each time I open DIM, I swear the opening time is decreasing, even when there has not been an update. Is DIM remembering our libraries better or something? Or am I delusional?
And on those PS files, I often find I need them for the geometry, so don't hide them until you have opened up D|S and checked out that the older DS files work without them installed. One other thing about them, is if there was a material set was created for an old file and even if its set was updated to the new Daz file structures, the material set may need the PS file still, so they will work. (This is true for artists who have left Daz.)
Improvements have been made in that aspect.
My download from DIM on the MacBookPro today was in Order Date: Recent First! So, when DIM opens up initially, is it updating itself for things like that? Cool if it is.
Thank you but I still think it would make more sense to have an option to have it always download thumbnails or not.
I would hesitate to allow automatic thumbnails. I have been getting black/blank ones or defualt DAZ logo ones where I had good ones before or I had created ones to replace the defualt ones.
It is bad enough the great thumbnails created by the PAs are being replaced with hard to see tiny figures in the complete outfit for say 'footwear' or something so you have to open the item up to see if you want to use it when you are kitbashing.
I am just glad I keep copies of my previous thumbnails I have made in a Google file folder so I just have to download again.
If I remember correctly - before all the updates didn't we used to have thumbnails without having to specify downloading them? The ones we got then were ok for me. I have not downloaded a lot but the ones that I did were ok.
That is interesting that you make your own. I wish I had the time. I have way too many items to even think about it :).
No, the only chnage I recall is that we used to have to edit the .ini file to set the folder if we didn't want to use the default and now it is in the UI.
And a couple versions ago, they added the capability to specify a thumbnail size, within a limited range..
True, yes - I was thinking of changes a while back.
...another update...already?
So, I made a new DIM package and refreshed to install it. DIM finished in about 2 minutes, offline. Great! I thought, but I had actually forgotten to put the new file in the download folder. Refreshed again, thinking it should take a couple of minute. That was an hour ago. DAZ3DIM.exe not responding, no disk activiy associated with it, but maxed out on CPU time. Log file entries stop immediately after DIM processed my new package. According to previous activity, it should "Begin processing manifest archive..."
Yesterday I did a refresh online to download new stuff. Took about 5-10 minutes, wasn't really paying attention. Later today I did a refresh while still online to add a couple other new packages, and it took nearly three hours to get control back. I see a pattern...
ETA: Killed the process. Restarted online, took maybe 2 minutes to complete.
I noticed in the latest version of DIM, I can no longer see older versions of DAZ Studio as I used to, nor any 32-bit versions.
Am I missing something?
-- Walt Sterdan
What do you mean buy older? DIM will show only one version of any channel in Ready To Download/Ready To Install if it differs from the one currently installed). Is the 32 bit option still checked in Downlaod Filters? I see 32 bit and 64 bit versions when the options are both on.
Thanks, Richard. I had 32-bit set everywhere but under "Platform Tags". I also thought we still had access to our older versions of DAZ Studio but when they didn't show up in DIM I panicked, but I see I can still download them manually from my account.
Mini-crisis averted.
We now return you to our regular, non-panicked thread...
-- Walt Sterdan
Is anyone else having an issue where you uninstall products through DIM, but they remain installed in Daz Studio? Can't seem to narrow it down to a specific criteria, it just seems to be happening with some products and not others.
I picked up the Cave Ogre for Genesis 3 Male yesterday, and installed it through DIM. Installed fine, loaded fine, no problems with it.
Uninstalled it today to see if it was affected by this thing with DIM, and it uninstalled fine.
Installed it again through DIM not 2 minutes later, now it doesn’t appear in my library, and the only way to apparently install it is through Daz Connect.
Has my MetaData gotten screwed up or something, or is there some conflict between DIM and my Daz Connect data?