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Thanks :)
and i'm just about to finish my rea-render which will be alot less darker :P
ok,I got my next wip ready.The lighting is a bit better.I have noticed that my renders look great in the render window,but after I save them and then open them in the Windos Picture viewer, they look much darker.
No postwork on this one.
I try to change rotation it, but it seem i can not do anything about this. Only two option left, i have to change weapon or change angle of camera. Anyway, Thanks for your helpfull advice, I didn't note that detail until you told me. :D
where i can find "Rons Bokeh" effect" Trix?
Hey guys :)
I've done my rea-render :P
I was working on it for like 2 hours on some programs and then suddenly random pc shutdown and I kinda forgot to save.... so yea ;-;
I took it as a sign for me not to post-work it so here's a clean version,
Please Tell me what do you think of it or how can I improve it ^^
@Gun I don't have the staff you got in your render, but many items have "children"
In the scene tab,look to see if the staff has a small arrow in front of it , like the characters have.If it does, then it has "children" and you maybe able to keep opening them down until you find the the little tassels and from there on the Parameters tab you might have more movement options.I have a few cars and houses that do this with the doors and windows.I can't move the doors or windows on the car unless I get them selected in the scene tab and then it shows in the parameters that I can open/close them.Maybe your staff has the same options.,,also lot's of the clothes have these "hidden" movement options so you can move the hips, arms, chest, ect,,ect,,separately from the rest of it.
I think if we think fantasy way, it can be accepted. The Dof is good, but the female skin is a little to shine ( or too white), I mean, it's make your rendered don't have a balance about dark and light. I think you can reduce a intensity, made it a littel darker or between dark and grey. This is only my opinion ^^ hope its helpfull
This almost looks like a fantasy novel cover like the ones I read while I was in High School,Very nice.My favorite was by Steven R. Boyett called "Ariel"
Hi Trix, this is much better, the riders can be recognized and the way is not to dark. The spellcaster is overexposed at the leg and the cloth behind her, I would tr to reduce the contrasts in whole as the background seems to be very lit as well. The way I usually proceed with lights is that I put up alle lights I think I might need and reduce the intensity to 30% for all of them (I work in 3dlight, so if you use Iray things might be different), From there i start dialing up the main light to 50 or 70. Often I have the backlights at 70% as well. Only with full bright daylight I use the 100%. The rest usually stay somewhere between 30 an 50%
I like the lights here very much, for me this is not to dark. I'm not sure what it is but there seems to be something strange with her skin on her right side of the face and neck, (are these the feared fireflys Iray produces?)
I would do something about the surface of the bedding. The struckture in it refleckts the light coming from the window, which is no problen in itself, but it look a bit to much like plastic or something solid, not soft and plushy
I don't really find a way to do it.. Any clue what to do?
Thanks ^^
I was trying to create that mysthical enviroment :)
well, you click into light that you use, and click on parameters. It have general, display, light, shadow. click light, it will have lumination, intensity, and shadow intensity.
I think I got the blanket fixed.
The weird light streaks I'm not sure about.I'll have a look at the skin surfaces and see if its coming from there or if its coming from one of the lights.
The staff, when you download Daz studio, it's already have it, and I already try the way you told me, but it don't have any parent or children branch. So I can not paramenter it, but can't change the color for each detail on the staff @@
Greetings to all, I've completed my scene and finally I've come out with this render, I hope it's as good as other renders posted.
Please tell me your openion on it.
I don't know if I blurred the back scene too much ....
It will be madness to render it again ;-;
Its a 8 hour render with the qualities I use there, the amount of figures and that 4k resolution (and i'm using Nvidia gtx 980 with second card gtx 870 and intel core i7-4800mq)
mine took 10 hours to get 48% :)
I don't have an Nvidia card, I've got an AMD.
other specs:
AMD FX-8350 8 core 4.2GHZ
32GB 1600 Mhz Ram
Studio lives and works on an 112GB SSD drive
so yeah,,,these DOF renders take forever
8 hours @@. My rendering only take 2-3 hours to finish. I don't know the reason it's took too long to rendered, but I can show you the way how to rendered fast. First, because you still not sure your rendering is ok or not, so you have to reduce your quality rendering, so it will takee 15 to 30 minutes per render. Second, when you feel your rendered is ok, this time give a shot high quality, and keep ask opnion your high quality render from forum. finally, give the last shot for your perfect render, and win the event.
Ik about all that stuff :P it usually take me about 15-50 mins to finish most complex scenes,
Its just here that i setted some crazy settings :P
I can't tell you if your card is sufficient, but I can say that mine (which is NVIDEA but a smaller version) is not enough. That is my reason to keep working with 3dlight, render times are still reasonable, and the results are fine by me. You do have to tweak your light by yourself but the can be an advantage as well.
Damm ;-;
For my render, I want to make it higher quality. What should I need to do with render setting guys?
Do you have 'Raw Energy Effects'? That's what I've started using for my explosions, along with 'Real Lights for DAZ Studio Iray' for my lighting.
Here's an example of both being used in one of my more recent renders.
Hope this helps, and best of luck this month.
yeah, my AMD can't be used for iray, so I'm CPU only.I hvae Reality, which is an exporter for the Luxrender render engine, which can use my card.I'm just to spoiled with the viewport workspace in iray, so I've not spent much time in luxrender lately.I don't know if I'll every go with a high end nvidia card though, I think I would go with a mutliple CPU board and lots of ram instead.Maybe something with 4 CPUs with 6 cores each and 256GB ram for my next build :)
This is very good, but yes I agree its be little bit too much
Thans Linwelly, I'm working on reducing it to 50%, the render takes around 5 hours.
Hi Habash,
My opinion only... Maybe you should reduce the blur on the woman near the door (her mother?), so that you can make out more of her features. The other person to the back of the scene is fine to be blurred.
Hi folks,
So here is an iray render of my space explorer scene for this month's competition. Any suggestions or advice is welcome. The rock at the front is an ancient head from some lost civilisation that the explorer is yet to discover.
Thanx JayJay, I will see how I can implement this although I didn't master DOF thing but it worth trying.