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I've reduced the blur and changed some Items shaders using Iray materials, also I've added some facial hair to the horse rider, I think it's better now..... ??
This looks great now habash. Just my opinion
Okay, here goes - need to do some catching up after a weekend wihout my PC!
@TrixterMatrix - Absolutely loving how your render is coming along - the change in background and other bits you did really bring out the silouettes of the chasers - looking really good.
@icecrmn - There is something really quite mesmerising your render, I'm loving the lighting and the emissive spheres are icing on the cake!
@h_habash - I preferred the sharp focus on your main character in your first render, it seemed cleaner somehow, I think if you can get that focus back for the main character and maybe a little more blur than your 2nd (but still less than the first) - still shaping up really well and I'm liking the amount of detail in the background too.
@JayJay1970 - Very nice scene - from your description though I might suggest making the explorer the sharp focus element? My reasoning for this suggestion is you've described the stone head as something the explorer is yet to discover, if you switch the focus from the stone to the explorer we can get drawn into the scene as the explorer and in a similar vein discover the civilization ourselves after the initial pull..? Hope that makes sense, it kinda did in my head!!
Here's my first draft for this months competition, I remember a nightmare from when I was little where I knew something horrible was behind me but couldn't turn around to see what it was as I was frozen to the spot, this is based on that!! I'm not sure Lucy's expression is showing the terror sufficiently at the moment - feedback and thoughts greatly welcomed and appreciated :)
Some great renders so far, keep up the good work folks.
Hi KA1,
apart from the fact that I will never be able to unsee that monster you used sitting in that coffee mug (its somewehre here in the galleries), this looks very good and the DOF is used nicely.
About the expresstion, as you are using a toony character I would think you could dial up the panic in her face a bit more, but thats just me. Where I think you need to change a bit is her Bodylanguage. While the arms express nicely the tension, she has a more or less sexy stance with hip out and the legs apart. When you are in panic you don't stand on one leg, you try to stand on no leg at all, with a rather shaky balance. Best thing to do is to try it in front of the mirror, You'll know when the feeling is right.
I've still got mine rendering.Those light streaks are starting to look more like fireflies the longer I let it cook.They are slowly, but surely, disappearing.Here is a screen shot of the render still in progress.
Thanks KA1 for your comments and suggestions, I'm working on enhancing the scene as better as possible, wait for the next render
Your scene is great, a minor suggestions from me:
- try to light the candles and see how it will look. (The Two candles at the door side)
- Move the girl a little bit down to touch the ground.
- and for the expression : see Google photos with fear expression ( try this link : ).
This is only my opention..
ok,,I stopped my render after 24 hours running,It reached 25,672 itterations, and the fireflies are still there :(
I think I'll need to do something with the lighting to get rid of them.
Sounds good Kai, I will move the focus back to the explorer. In regard to your post, I agree that the little girl is not nearly scared enough! Should she be running or does she only suspect that their is a monster behind her?
hey guys, I try to improve quality of this picture. Do you have any ideal for render setting to improve quality? When I zoom it, It have a lot of tiny white blank in picture (sorry I don't know how to call it), and I want to make the render look smoother. So if anyone know, please tell me
Thanks you guys.
There may not be enough light getting on to the models face? You may need to add something to throw some light that way.
Do you mean on the object that is in focus, on the black rings? That is caused by the surface being too shiny I think. You can select the surface in the Viewport by using the Surface Selection tool (Alt+Shift+M), select the surface and then lower the Reflection (maybe change tyhe colour from White to darker) and Specular reducing the Specular Strenght.
It's the whole "knowing something scary is behind you but being petrified to the spot" kind of nightmare :)
Thats a very nice one.I love it :) Very well done KA1
Lost Teddy
I've been playing with this one as maybe a second entry.
After taking on board some feedback I started making some changes and then..... it all went a bit dramatic... so here is Lucy's nightmare v2 (only 92% rendered as not enough electric left to leave rendering overnight and not sure if I still have a long way to go to get my finished scene?!?!?)
No, that's not a problem JimmyC. I mean, when I zoom it in, It have a lot of tiny white hole, and you can see it every where. I have mark it in picture below, just take a look. My english is not good, so I don't know what should i call this problem. Hope yall can understand
unfortunately, my previeus scene crashed and coudn't get it back, I had to re-build the scene again from beggening but this time I've done my best to enhance the figures and other props and render I hope it's better than the old one, your openion and suggestions if you don't mind please....
I'm posting both scenes for compareson.
Ouch! I've had that happen before, I really should do the odd save throughout!! I prefer the camera angle from your first render rather than the straight on camera in 2nd, it's coming together nicely though, I see you've gone for a different lighting approach too?
Yes, very dramatic, but none the worse for that in my opinion. A striking image.
I love the new one, he looks like 'a man on a mission', this image says a lot more to me about the story.
I am not seeing tiny white holes, just out of focus pixels in the are whcih is outside of the DoF area.
Increasing the number of iterations in the render may help to make some of that look much better, but it will still be out of focus of course. How many itertaions did you let the render run for?
In the render Settings pane, there is an option under Progressive Rendering called 'Max Time (secs)' and that is set by default to 7200 seconds which is 2 Hrs. You could try increasing that to get more iterations, and the image may clear up slightly. Also increasing Max Samples from the default of 5,000 might make a change too, I think the render stops when the limit for either of these has been reached.
There is a great deal to learn about Iray, but for now, you should try adjusting some of these settings, and possibly using Spot Render (Alt+Shict+C) on just one of the areas that is worrying you to see if that helps any?
I like that one as well, pulls at the heartstrings a bit :)
Here's what I've got so far.
Thanks, I'm glad to see your comments.
Thanks jimmyC, I ll try what you told me. About Spot render, What is it, I saw it on general tool, but I don't know what to use it for
You should really have a look at this tutorial by SickleYield on DA :
She also recommends (in some instances) setting the Render Converged Ratio to more than the 95% is it set to by deafult, to perhaps 98% which may result in a better image.