1940's inspired suit for G8M - new higher res version out now!
This labor of love took weeks to model in Hexagon, and survived a catastrophic computer crash! Thank you to @AOBB for feedback and for making me even more of a perfectionist than I already am!
Now on DeviantArt and soon to be on Renderosity:
As it says in the download post:
It includes trousers (which have a belt built in), shoes (with socks built in), a button-up vest, a sweater vest, a shirt, a tie (1 for the vest, 1 to wear just with shirt), a jacket, and a handkerchief. The jacket, suit vest and pants have morphs to help fit better.
There are 4 different shirt colors, 3 different suit textures, 3 different sweater vests, 2 different belt colors, 2 different shoe colors, simulation settings, and some utilities to hide for poke-through.
Some caveats - first and foremost, read the readme! I write these things to help you get the best results possible.
Second - this is not 100% historically accurate. It is inspired by the 1940's.
Third - it isn't perfect. You may get poke-through or explosions with extreme poses. This is what Photoshop is for!

Just downloaded it and thank you so much for including the male side of fashion. It looks great, can't wait to try it.
Thanks, I grabbed them from your deviantart page.
They look great.
You worked hard! Thank you!
Thank you for sharing! It looks beautiful, like the other freebies you did! Just downladed !
Very nice, I didn't have a chance to play too much with it, but I experimented with adding some actual buttons to it and it seems to work well with the simulation, I'll post an add-on if everything works well.
Also I wonder if some thickness can be added to it.
You can try messing with the settings in the dforce surface adjuster, that might help with the fabric thickness.
I've added the buttons, unfortunately they need to be hidden before every sim and then slighly adjusted, it's a bit of pain to work with them.
Yes, but it looks sooooo cool.
I'm working on a set of suspenders for the outfit. I'll post when done. They're not the best, there's definitely a learning curve, but modeling is so much fun :-)
Are you using Rigid Follow Nodes?
Yes, they follow the sim properly, but some end up inside the mesh. Could the low poly mesh of the jacket be the cause?
Perhaps, yes.
I could make the jacket a much higher poly count if you want to try it. Let me know, @ioonrxoon
The entire outfit would benefit from increased poly count; it would not only improve the simulation and smoothing, but it would also fix the blocky shadows you can see well on the pants in my render.
I tried adding subD, but it ruined the belt.
I must admit that I rarely make images containing males, but it's one I am going to have available. Thank you very much for it. I wish I could model like that too.
When it comes to dForcing cloth, my limited experience is that cloth with facet size around 2cm seems to provide a reasonable compromise between drapability, number of facets, chance of explosion and level of detail. Look at most of Arryn/Onnel's dresses and that seems a reasonable rule of thumb that works for them. Much smaller than that and you start running the risk of bumping into the proximity limit setting (which is 0.2cm by default), and when you do that, the probability of explosion seems to increase considerably.
I will release a high poly count version!
That is, if I can do it without Hexagon crashing. I am sad I am too brain-impaired to learn another modeling program :-)
Now available to supplement the suit, low-poly bowtie and suspenders: https://www.deviantart.com/perlk/art/40s-Suit-Suspenders-and-Tie-959948154
@ioonrxoon - Would you be interested in testing the higher poly jacket and trousers models before I release? I feel like the fabric is too slippery which is why I went with lower poly counts, but maybe you have more ideas to have high poly count but a lot stiffer fabric.
Sure, I'ld love to give it a try.
I've been thinking about thickening this and I tried an idea to create a fake thickness by only adding thickness to the edges. This should simplify simulation and decrease risk of explosions and the inner mesh going through the outher mesh. Would something like this work / affect rigging? If you want I'll do the vest and the pants, then you can see if you can rig it and if it's feasible for the entire outfit.
This is just an unpolished hackjob and I only fully closed the right arm side, the end result should be much better.
The jacket will be trickier, I think full thickness will be better there due to the collar, but that would also bring the advantage of having an a new material zone on the inside.
It would absolutely mess up the UV mapping if you added thickness to the whole thing. Would that be better than adding more polygons, you think? I think I'd be concerned about explosions.
Still, let me send you the OBJ of the jacket and you can see what you think about it. If you'd rather the .hxn file let me know.
Some small alterations to the pants.
This is amazing. I can't wait to look closer. I'll re-release them with your updates!
An attempt at the vest.
I expect you to be releasing a textures pack for this
@perlk - I don't even know if I can leave comments about renders that are in the Contest Entries Thread ("Sweet Music" namely), so I am posting praise here, but I love your "Singing In The Rain" render - wonderful take on an iconic scene!
The suit looks great (with shoulder pads!!!) and I am tickled pink that you used the Debonair morph! 

Your morphs add authenticity to these sorts of renders... such good stuff. <3