Lightning Deals

in The Commons
Anyone know if these Lightning Deals are a permanent thing for just a temporary sale? The four items come up at random, because my sister gets totally different offerings from that I get. It's sort of fun to see what comes up every three hours.
I wish they knew what curated means
I put more thought into which tissue I grab to blow my nose than the totally random choices they offer
nearly all requiring content I don't own
I actually just had a wishlist item in the lightning choices as I was wrapping up today's selections. I had been checking at occasional random all this time and never had anything interesting until that.
Basically, this sale is a good idea. It would make much more sense (in terms of sales figures) if there were a general option in the shop to tick off items that you definitely, definitely never want to buy. It's a bit annoying when you're shown things again and again in every sale that you just find 'awful' or not interesting at all.
I found a total of two or three inexpensive items in this sale, which I also bought
Or if there was an option to show only wishlisted items in a sale promo...
Oh, wait...
- Which generations of figures interest you? (checkboxes)
- Are you more interested in bundles or individual products? (radio buttons)
- Are you interested in sci-fi clothing and accessories products? (Y/N)
- Are you interested in everyday clothing and accessories products? (Y/N)
- Are you interested in intimates/swimwear clothing and accessories products? (Y/N)
- Are you interested in fantasy clothing and accessories products? (Y/N)
Etc. That or just skew the selection to prefer wishlisted items.
I like the Lightning Deals and hope they continue. I just wish they would offer more of the type of things I'd buy and not so many old ones. Doubledeviant has a good point, if they knew what we'd buy maybe we'd get things we want and Daz would make more sales.
I only looked once, for me curated means things on the wishlist.
Where are you finding these deals?
*edit* Oh nevermind...found them. Nothing on my wishlist or anything I'd be interested in...
Few people - including me - have found something they are interested in, from what I have read here. At best, I have seen 2 or 3 things I was interested in but decided the discount wasn't enough given the age of those items, and increasing frequency of G2 in the Weekly-ish Freebies. Granted, I have missed sets, due to work, sleep, weekly RPG, etc.
lighting hit me today
got for $11.20
is it just me, or do the items not show up 2/3rd of the times the page is loaded?
Same here. I guess this have something to do with the items being random for everyone?
I think, in this case, "curated" just means a bunch of items they've collected to present to us. None of the things that have come up in mine are in my wish list. As for the items coming up in mine, I've found a number of things that I bought. A lot of them coming up in my selections are for Genesis 8, so they're not all really old things. I've gotten several pretty nice things from it. Some are useless, but there are a fair amount of good things in there.
So far I've been lukewarm about Lightning Deals, but today has me convinced that they're actually pretty cool. The lightning discount stacks with other discounts and I got really good prices all day.
I got a hair for $2 today 95% off
I've picked up a few things here and there and it changes every three hours so chances are there are a lot of items many of us have missed may have wanted think there was some g8 things too. One thing though some of the products listed aren't really on that much of a discount to what they normally are and often on discount for like some clothing items that get seperated into seperate products - still there have been a few on really good savings that are almost giving them away just like any other flash sale
I mostly ignore it now - it's only 60% off, and so far all I've seen is Gen8 stuff... until today, when there was finally a M3/M4 hair, that at 60% off is vastly overpriced, even for me :-)
well there is potential for getting at least something I want 80% off today
with the PA discount stacking
my first draw is 4 relatively recent (genesis 8) things) I didn't
it's stuck now
Not once has it had anything I'm even remotely interested in.
Most of them are ancient stuff at 72% off (DAZ+ member), but during weekends the discounts have been 89-92% off and I have picked up one or two, Current selection included at $2.46, which came down to $1.33 with the tokens.
Noticed something interesting also with the Tokens... If I wait until my morning (6AM) which is at 9PM Daztime before pulling the trigger, I get one more day before the Tokens expire.
It's still Sunday at DAZ HQ, but the tokens I earned an hour ago expire at the end of DAZ Friday.
I've bought a few things from it, but I'm seeing mostly a lot of really old stuff for pre-Genesis characters. I am finding a few useful things, though.
The deals don't look that great, and I;ve never had a single token. So, no idea. Somebody is using it or it wouldn't still be there.
I'm not sure they have the correct dictionary definition for the word "curated". Because these ain't
Hard agree. I've never seen anything there that I would be interested in buying at the prices offered. But then, I'm not Daz+ so maybe the prices are better for them.
I check the deal regularly, and there's rarely something of interest (old stuff or addons for things I don't know), but I bought a few items from the deals (mostly when the discount overlapped with some other discount). I had a few from my wishlist or textures/addons for an item I owned. I also had a few G8//8.1 bundles, and I'd have been very tempted to get one or two of them, but I usually owned several items from them already, so the discount without "for the price of items you don't own" didn't feel as attractive.
All in all, it doesn't hurt to check them when I remember, and sometimes I find something useful. But I agree that if they were actually curated, I'd be more likely to spend the money.
Well, lightning deals are definitely worth it when paired with other ongoing promos. I just had Staff Picks Fantasy Mega Bundle pop up in mines, bringing it down to $120.39/72% off. Adding an Oasis new release (from yesterday) to the cart brings that bundle down to $12.04/97% off (plus the $12-15 price of the new release).
The only reason I'm hesitating is that I already own half of this bundle, and from the remaining half many items don't interest me that much. I suppose I have about 2 hours to decide.
Yesterday I had Millawa 8 for just over $5 in my Lightning thingy. It was an offer I couldn't refuse.... ;-)
Well, a lot of the deals show bundles where I already own a part of it or old items (pre-G3) that I'm not interested in. Nevertheless, I will look at the deals from time to time.