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I regularly see items in there I find interesting, but the price is still relatively high - 60% is no earth shattering bargain. Sometimes the % is somewhat higher, but I haven't bought anything from there.
Yeah, even at DAZ+ 72% off, the price is usually at least twice as much than they have been offered regularly before.
I bought something, and it was a total impulse buy, the item wasn't on my radar in any way... good job, Lightning Deals! You eked some money out of me.
Brave Life Expressions for 86% off.
I'm checking the Lightning Deals regularly these days. At first I thought the quick turnover would be stressful, but I actually don't mind. It's fun! And I don't worry if I miss a period. Most offers are not interesting but one does find some gems sometimes.
Check the cart prices. Lightning Deals have been showing up in the cart at a price higher than advertised on the Lightning page. Your only recourse is to file a ticket.
I haven't had issues so far... but good to keep in mind!
Saw an item in an earlier set today that I was Interested in. However, it was higher in cart by about $1. I wasn't willing to either be overcharged or have to open a ticket for a small amount, so I did what I always do for price issues - passed. That what I will keep doing. If Daz wants me to sell me things they can go to the trouble of getting the prices correct.
I have trouble staying or signing in these las 2 hours and my lightning deals don't load
bet they were good
Have you tried signing out and then signing in again?
I was getting the "Could not load your personal info" or something and page refresh didn't help. Signing out and in again got rid of it.
yes, had to sign 3X and tried different browsers
it wasn't even accepting my password
6 minutes it won't matter as a new selection
which are also stuck loading
So they stopped doing the lightning deals? The page is still there but no items have been on it for all of June.
No, in fact i can see the current four items. However, a number of people do seem to be having serious issues - and in at least some cases the problem is that for some reason the page is not showing them as logged in. I don't know if they will have a fix, but opening a support ticket may at least allow the web development team to build a bigger list of victims and (we may hope) figure the issue out.
Well, it finally happened! I bought a lightning deal.
I had the same problem some time ago that affected some other pages in the store too, and using a VPN made the problem go away. I was talking to the support back then, and testing on multiple browsers and devices within the house, including some that had never visited Daz site before. Another solution, an easier one, that was discussed somewhere in the forum was to add / after the address, so to have and not in the browser address. Whenever I added the forward slash and hit enter, the page would reload properly with me logged in. I don't know if it will help for the spinning circles of death... I mean of not loading, but it's worth a try.
I've found several things that I can use in the Lightning Deals, some for only a few cents. There are way to many pre-Genesis things in there that I'm not interested in, but I do see quite a lot of G8 and 8.1 things in there. Some environments or clothing items that I didn't buy because of the price. So far, there's nothing that was in my Wish List that I can reemmber. Much of the stuff I see in there I would never put in my Wish List. But I do find some little treasures that I just never picked up before.
I've found two things so far that grabbed me enough to buy - both for Genesis 8.1 and both stacking with PA Sale reductions so under $2. I was tempted by a third but just missed out as it went off sale (need to keep an eye on that clock).
I have bought many things 95% off in it the past month
I just picked up something else this morning for only $1.20.
I grabbed three nice ones today; one was the Leroy 8 Starter Bundle for $4.94.
I've bought a few during the PA sale - it's been worthwhile to check there right as I'm getting ready to buy. Historically, I had not found much - products of no interest and/or prices too high for my taste - but in recent weeks, something has changed in that almost half the time there's something that made it at least worth looking.
Achievement Unlocked!
I picked up a helicopter last week.
Well, it finally happened -- DAZ offered me a lightning deal for an item I already purchased. In fairness, the item is not showing as purchased in my product library; but it is included in a bundle I purchased in 2018. I have submmited a help ticket to have the item reinstated in product library.
As a long time gamer, I appreciate the sentiment.
but now I have to ask, why haven't I been offered a helicopter? ... cause I would buy a helicopter...
Maybe you have as many helicopters as DAZ think you need.
The number could be zero.
You may be right, it may be too many...
and I picked up twomore this month on top of what I already have, though they were just included in the ticket promotions.
Excellent for story telling.
The red rescue 'copter is the one I got in Lightning Deals.
Good choice. I liked that one too because it had a few different texture options included. Hope to find time to try rendering it tomorrow.
I look forward to seeing the render. Now that I found the PA sale render thread I am going to do 1 or 2 this coming weekend.* I bought it with no idea of what to use it for beyond "I don't have one...maybe a superhero pic?" at a time when I am alternating between the traditional fantasy and cyberpunk genres.**
Alas, I haven't been offered anything tempting in Lightning Deals since the 'copter.***
*Won't have time sooner as son is visiting and we are going to be building ACTUAL! (not 3D mesh) new door steps.
**Yes I know about the Shadowrun RPG
***The Budget says I should replace "Alas" with "Yay!"
3 of my 4 latest lightning deals were only 30% off, is this the new 60%?
did not test in cart as actually stuff I wouldn't buy anyway but still...
Same here - not exactly impressed with these "new and improved" lightning deals. Much less so with the text right above them:
Seems like you only get the 60% off when you buy ALL FOUR of them at the same time now. Big fat chance with how well "curated" the items are.
(And no indication what "differ depending on cart content" means. Thanks, but I have no interest in this new guessing game.)