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MBAIRD, well I know that I don't know how to do what you want but good luck in your search for the answers.
I did some reading on that while I wait for my render..
Isn't that the same thing as using a beauty canvas?
The world pass lets you seperate things in your render so you can use them as layers in photoshop.
The beauty canvas does this.I think it was Richard that posted a tutorial showing how to do it in another thread.
Thank you DollyGirl! I did learn a lot, especially about lighting and underwater. No bubbles in the set I got but I will see if I can find some freebies somewhere. I'm hoarding my budget for the PC sale, there are some basics that I need that I am hoping will go on sale.
You could make some bubbles with primitives :)
make a new primitive sphere, a small one, about bubble size :)
Select it in the Scene tab.
On the menu at the top of Studio , select Create > New Node instances (please note that one is plural and one is singular instance for single instances for many)
a window will pop up asking you how many you want to make, I don't know how many bubbles you would like so choose some thing good :) 20 or 30 might be a good place to start.
This wil make a group of spheres the same size and shape as the origianl.You can move them around individually to place them.
Apply a water or glass shader to the original and it should apply it to all the copies in the node.
This is how I made the glowy orbs in last months contest in my "playing with magic" render. :)
Awesome thank you Icecrmn! Its getting past my bedtime tonight lol I have to work all day tomorrow so I will give those a try as soon as I have some more free time! I haven't even explored half the stuff available and had no idea what primitives were or how to use them. Can't wait to try it.
Added a node-instance of the teminator, which I placed in the lab's office, and moved the origional terminator closer to the end of the landing and turned it's head in the general direction of the hero.
In reguards to the hero, I gave him some hair, and a HUD. I also turned his head in the direction of the terminator above him on the landing and tried to convey his thoughts on his situation.
I also made changes to the lighting.
The terminators look really cool in these now. I got a chill looking at those spooky eye! I honestly am not qualified to give any advice but I am liking it better with the changes. The only thing that really stuck out to me is that half of him is brightly lit and half of him is not. Which pulls my eye directly to the bright spot on his face.
Adam Thwaites has a free blowing bubbles prop that might work (3rd from the top). You would need to turn the opacity on the bubble maker and the bubble blowing out from the wand to 0 but then you would have some bubbles of various sizes.
Thanks for your feadback sonja11. The light on the hero is being cast through a window, resulting in the play of light and shadows on him.
I've made some adjustments to the textures on the teminators, and the hero's HUD and armor.
For me this works better! The bright white on his face was pulling all the attention. Now you can see the light and shadow but it fits more with the overall scene.
Thank you! I will give that a try as well. Going to do both because I want to learn as much as possible lol.
I like this one :)
The terminators look pretty evil in that lighting.
I've been working on mine as well.
on this one I tried to use DOF in addition to the SSS cube that made the "haze".It took for ever to render LOL ,, I actually stopped it early, I sorta liked the way it looked as it was.,,,,anyway,,here is what I got so far.
Nice work so far icecrmn, and thanks for the feadback.
Thank you :)
edit: you're welcome
btw,,I'm starting to like that sci-fi theme a lot.
Icecrmn, I like the rays you have going in the background. comming along real well. The one issue I have with it is that the whole scene doesn't 'read' as night time. just looking at it, it looks day to me. IMO there are a couple of things you can do about that. one is to go to a deeper blue on the scene, the other is to increase the densety in the shadows. (make it darker overall.) just some thoughts. like where you are heading with it.
OH, FYI I got the world coordinate pass thing worked out. (but not in DAZ) I can't make heads or tails of the shader builder and there is no decent documentation or tutorials for the newbie so I found a way to export the scene and MOST of the camera settings to Lightwave and I can render the XYZ World Coordinate pass there and bring it and the beauty render from DAZ into Fusion for the final composite.
Rendering atmosphere takes a while! Lotsa time to look through tutorials etc :)
I have a question regarding the SSS Direction, in the tutorials I'm reading/watching, they're saying to make it positive to move the effect away from the light... I'm trying to understand why and what this means? I tried a render with it as positive and then as negative and I liked the negative better.
Okay, so I've been working my entry. I think it is beginning to look more like the picture in my head. DollyGirl, I tried putting my image through all of Gimp's auto correcting filters and didn't like any of the outcomes better. I may not be finding the same type of filter as you have in your program. A more detailed description might help me figure out exactly what you are talking about when you say "an adjust lighting pass". Anyway, I think I have made some improvements, at least I like the results better. So, I have three pictures to upload: my original (for comparison), my current render, and my current render with minimal post (my Gimp skills are somewhat lacking). Thanks, DollyGirl for the heads up on the Rule of Threes grid in Studio. I had no idea it was there. It came in very handy.
Here are some things I changed. Using the grid, I adjusted his head tilt to follow to fall in line with the grid more, I think it made a big difference to the pose. I found the cane and managed to import it (another first for me), I didn't like the textures after hitting it with the IrayUber shader so I replaced the shaders with Iray gold for the handle and a nice wood grain. I would usually have gone with silver, but, you know, Vampires don't usually do silver. I fixed his snarl with more snarl in the lip so he actually looks vicious instead of just surprised and added a little more squint to his eyes. I made some slight adjustments to his skin settings so no more plastic looking skin. At least, I hope I accomplished that. I added a cube primitive ala Sickleyield's video tutorial. She is my hero! What a difference that made. I added a light to the background because I wanted to lighten the background up without putting too much light on my character as I wanted him more in the shadows. I'm not sure if that works or if it is too much. Finally, in the third picture, I went into Gimp and tried adding a slight layer of fog to sort of blend in with the fog in the cube so I didn't just have a layer of fog in the background that was perfectly squared off and brought just a little bit into the foreground. Again, I'm not so thrilled with my Gimp skills, still learning those, as well.
I would really appreciate some feedback. I like my current render. I'm not quite so sure about the postwork image. I may have to play around with Ron's Fog brushes a little more.
Sonja11 - I really like the latest version of your render. Nice caustic lighting on the water and the jellyfish is a definite improvement without all of that pink hitting the ocean floor.
Sinji - I liked what you did in the second picture, Oct2015f, then when you changed the lighting slightly in Oct2015g, wow, that worked much better. I like that you kept it dark enough that the red eyes are glowing and that light hitting the second terminator was much better. I think taking some of the focus off of your soldier and more onto the 'threat' really makes the render more dynamic.
Icecrmn - I think I agree with whoever said the light coming from the window is too bright for a night scene. If she is going to hold a candle, the room needs to be darker. I like the pose idea that DollyGirl posted, but if you use it, I would bend the elbow of the arm holding the candle. No one is going to hold a candle with their arm perfectly straight out like that. Even when a person holds out their arm straight, there is still a tendency to keep a slight bend in the elbow.
okay, here is what I have so far with my experiments with using volumetric fog. I am not thinking of using this scene. this was just a throw down shot to see if I could get it to work. the process was to render the beauty pass in Daz and export the whole thing to lightwave (including the camera) and shoot the XYZ world coordinate pass there. then combine them in fusion (That is the software shot you see.) there are some obvious 'registration' problems likey due to the cameras in LW and DAZ not matching exactly, but it is good enough to show that it works. Now, thanks to some solid advice in the nuts n bolts thread, I am off to see if I can create a shader that will do the XYZ pass in Daz.
After a few tips from DollyGirl,
The godrays are dramatic. :) One thing makes me wonder though when I look at this picture. What is that to the left? It's obviously a moon but with the light coming from the other side of the picture it makes me think of a Death Star from Star Wars rather than a moon.
Just an observation from a newbie. I'll let the experts give some real advice :)
You are right, I pointed a spot light to the moon, but tried not to get cross the ubervolume. Writing this I get a idea that might work, bud indeed some advice is always welcome off course
yeah,,that is starting to look more like day than night.I'm using 3 spotlights outside the windows to make the lights.I'll try with the sun-sky and see if I can get something a bit more night-ish.I used one of the poses from the haunted house set that dollygirl linked.I just lifted the arm holding the candle a bit, and bent the feet to look a bit more normal, though they can't been seen really.The rest of the pose is mre or less how it came.
lucasdestoop- Thats a pretty cool scene you got going there.Once you get the moon sorted out it's going to look pretty awesome :)
knittingmommy- there are some fog/rain props for free over at renderosity called DNA weather (sorry can't link to those sites, but they are easy to find).They would probably get you closer to what you where looking for in your WIP11 with the postwork.They don't work very well in iray, but they do work good in 3Delgiht.
MBAIRD- Good to see you got some help on that one.I got a couple questions. What does a world coordinate map do that the beauty canvas doesn't? What would one use a map like that for? It would seem that letting iray do all the work would be easier.
The technique we using here to make the fog is basically just a cube primitive that's been scaled up, iray uberbase shader applied, then the glossiness turned off, and the SSS turned up really high.Fairly simple, but it works.I'm not sure how efficient it is though.My renders using it take ages on CPU only.I don't mind the wait so much, the results are pretty good.
edit: oops those fog/rain props are actually over at runtimedna :)
Icecrmn, yeah, I have those, but haven't actually used them yet. Since, I'm determined to figure out Iray, I haven't tried setting up this scene in 3Delight. I may yet, if I can't get the look I'm going for. Although, I think I'm pretty close, just not quite there yet.
right on
I'm working out my lights,,I think ,,,here's a screen shot of what I got going on..I'm having some trouble getting the "sun" pointed where I want it.I tried the sun-dial, which became an exercise in futility lol :)
I'll keep fidling with it until I get something :)
Much improvement, Shinji Ikari 9th, as Sonja11 points out the image with the new textures and softer light is better balanced. I would go in and soften the specularity on the suit just a tench to help soften the transition between the high light and suit color. That will kind of play more on the dusky atmosphere a bit more and makes the viewer think the dust is in front of the hero as well. You can do that by making the glossiness a smaller number not much maybe 1 percent and see how that looks.
Well it is starting to look very good, icecrmn. That blue light was just the ticket and I like that you have balanced your figure with the windows. Makes the eyes go back and forth. I think you have successfully gotten you sense of expanse intergrated into the image this time. The god rays are the connection between left and right sides of the image and there is now a nice flow through out the image.
With regards to your question about SSS Direction, Sickleyield indicates that: "Adding a higher SSS amount will make your atmosphere more dusty. I used an incorrect value of SSS direction at first. According to DAZ's docs, "Negative numbers (-) backscatter to the direction of the light source. Positive numbers (+) forward scatter away from the direction of the light."" So depending on your settings for density of the dust prop and the amount of light you have in the scene you will see different results. But what she is saying is that for "real" type rendering you follow the rule of thumb. Bottom line though you are the artist and it is what you see and feel looks good that counts.
If you can't point the sun the direction you want, you can parent things to a null or create a group and spin everything else. I find that I have a finer level of control doing that.
I didn't think to do that ,,that's clever.I'll give it a try after this render get's done.