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I find it really hard to believe any claim that downsampling makes a better image then rendering in the exact pixel size you want to end up with. if you do plan to downsample then you need to over reneder at an even multiple of the final pixel size. IE if your final will be 500x500 then render at 1000x1000 NOT 800 x 800
Thanks to everyone who answered my question about render size and downscaling. It was just one of those things I was curious about because of something I read. I couldn't really see the benefit myself, but I thought I was missing something. I figured with 3d art, if you render at the size it will be viewed, it should already be at the optimal quality for that size.
Anyway, I've been playing with fog brushes. Let me know what you think.
Nice wips so far.
Knittingmommy; My thought is it would look better if the mist was more streamy (flowy?) looking, But good atmosphere so far.
I will have to try using the layer option that everyone is talking about since it's new to me and hopefully could save a ton of time on my slow computer.
Just started on my wip today and so far I've only begun setting up a scene with no people yet and faked in snow to give me an idea where to go with it. One idea was a scary halloween scene with people (under the umbrellas) surrounding a figure on the ground and a vampire climbing the wall in the upper right side. By the way... does anyone know how to create falling snow in daz? Is it possible?
Thanks icecrmn. That worked perfectly :) Strange though, I rendered it in iRay and and it worked no problem. Looked really good too.
Found and downloaded some camo shaders for iray, and decided to try one on my hero's armor. Save it as a different file if I want to go back to what I had.
Thanks DollyGirl. I set up the specularity and in fact all the settings to match your screenshot but the blue was still there, albeit a little better. I then turned of the SSS as suggested by icecrmn and that worked. I was trying to get a bit of a glow from the warmth of the bath so I added some TopCoat and that worked well.
You are definitely making progress. I agree with nosseum that the fog needs to be softer.
If I am not sure how something should look I search for images. I am including a few foggy images that are as close as I could find to what you are trying to achieve.
You want to create the snow within DAZ? Not through postwork?
Stonemason has an option for this in one of his sets Winter Terrains. I do not own this set but apparently there are 2 options: SnowBox01 and SnowBox02.
You can create your own by applying an opacity map to a primitive box or plane. The opacity map would need to be created in an imaging program like Photoshop, GIMP, etc. Ron has some great snow brushes but might be able to find some free versions if you do not own something suitable. Here is an option that is free for both commercial and non-commercial use.
I have attached an example I used in a render. The black and white image is what I created in GIMP to use in the Opacity Map Channel and the 2nd image is DS. I applied the image to a plane.
In my render I used several planes with different images to create some variety and give me more flexibility in the placement.
Those are some great suggestions Kismet2012 thanks for the help.. I tried a test of the opacity map/planes idea first and it's showing excellent possibilites.
I've been working on mine today :)
I messed with the candle light, but it's still producing more grain in the light scatter than the Sun light that is comming through the windows.I think this is probably the nature of using the emissive surface on the candle flame, so I'm not sure how much more I can clean that up.It's also casting a glow much further than it should.There is a candle glow on the wall and floor on the left side that looks weird.
I plan to get grim back in there soon :) . This render takes around 5 hours to get 93% convergence, so testing stuff is taking a long time.
I've been working on my entry today. I adjusted my lighting and redid my latest render. I think I got the lighting on the face better and managed to actually do that inside Daz instead of postworking it in Gimp. I wasn't real happy with the color of his skin in the previous render. Tell me if the fog looks better. I actually had to use five layers and several different techniques to get it looking like this. While I think it looks like fog, and I think I blended it in so that it merges with the background, I'm going crosseyed trying to get it just right. I really need some constructive criticism.
BTW, is there a size guideline for the entry? Some of the boards here seem to have a size guideline for posting and other seem to not have any guidelines.
Wow, this has developed very nicely. I like the posing the use of the candle and the distribution of the light. The light beam right in front of the camera is probaly a bit much. other than that the atmosphere works really good. The grainyness with the candlelight now is an Iray problem, so I'm not of great help there. Iray works from Light to darkness, so the darker the more time Iray will need to make a nice clear render. If its not too much hassle you micht try to make it a 3dlight render (which works from dark to light and has a rather good way to deal with atmospheric renders) and a linear point light for the candle light with the flamit itself dialed up on ambient.
Out of curiosity, anybody using e reality renderer here?
The fog looks pretty good to me, did you use the 5 layers in gimp or did you make 5 opacity maps? Because the second is what works for me most times. I liked the light colour better in the one before but I'm no sure what you wnst to show. This looks like an outside light (or a very bright floodlight) while he seems to be somewhere inside. The direction of the light is better in this one.
hmmmm,,,ok,,I'll give it a try.I've not tried to make atmospheric lighting in 3Delight, but the tutorials make sound easy enough :)
I'll start the conversion today,,we see how it goes.
I used the 5 layers in Gimp. I built up five different layers of different fog aspects to get the effect that I wanted. I like the way it is shaping up, but I worry about using Gimp for the fog since the theme for the contest is atmosphere. How do you make fog with opacity maps and is that something I do inside Daz?
For in-render fog I use Doesn't always work the way I want in iray, but should work flawlessly in 3delight.
I've got a 3DL render going now,,it's a bit slow going :)
I'm using the free default uberfreaker shaders for the dust effect.
My first try might look a bit more like a forest fire than atmospheric dust lol :P
You make the opacity map inside GIMP and apply it to a plane in DAZ.
Open Gimp
Okay, so I used opacity maps inside Gimp to make each layer of fog. I kept the layers all separate and then just exported eveything as a final .jpg because I didn't want to mess things up if I had to go back and change anything. So, I can just take each fog layer and export each one as a .jpg and then add each of those to a plane following the steps above? Wow, I learned something new!! I'm off to give this a try.
That should work. Just hide all the other layers except the one you want to export...rinse and repeat.
This layering technique sounds like it could work for lot's of stuff other than just fog.Maybe other stuff, like plants and trees to make a forest :)
Okay I think this is finished. I made the bubbles like icedrmn suggested using the primitive sphere. The only post work I did was to paint the bubbles as I could not get them to render as anything other than either flat black or a flat lighter shade. Deleted this photo it was the wrong one. I loaded the right one in another post.
That's pretty good,.,, I like the jelly fish :)
Ooops wrong one. this is the right one with the bubbles done
ok,,my 3DL attempt is done.7 hours of rendering.
it didn't come out as well as I had hoped.
This one is going to take a bit of work to get sorted out. lol
I have to say I think the Iray was working better for you. The 3delight seems to be much harsher as far as the lighting goes.
I know what you mean, you can get the desired results in iRay with some tweaking, I use a few of Jepes products and you can get really good results with iRay using the iRay uberbase shader and applying the image to the emission channel and toy with the luminence settings.
You've done a wonderful work Sonja11, I'd like to suggest two thing for you if it doesn't bother you :
1- Try to change the point light "if you're using one" to match the jellyfish color.
2- If the bubble's meant to be coming out from the female creature mouth, I suggest to increase the hight of the lower bubble's abouve the head.
It's only a suggestions from my point of view.
Icecrmn, I'm a bit confused about the light and the camera position in you 3dlight version. There is a hole lot of light coming from the left hand side all of a sudden that never was there in the Iray version and you seem to have zoomed out by quiet a deal. The candle flame needs much more ambient (select the candle prop in the scene and go to surfaces, open the detailed list of materials and select the candle flame itself, there in the ambient dial up to 100. Maybe you have to dial up the opacity as well so that is seen better. From a distance like that flames are not soemthing to see through)
what did you use to create the light through the window (where you want the atmospheric? You don't need to fill the whole room with ubervolume, you can use the ubervolume cone coming through the windows (see the first render attached, you can see the shadows though the ornaments of the window in the dust). I even parented it with a spotlight at some times like in the second render, there are three cones with three spots in there