The [Disco Chives] Misplaced Parrot Complaint Thread



  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264

    I think it's just a way to get parents to buy clothes for their kids twice.  If you buy clothes in June, I'm pretty sure most kids will have grown out of them by August.  I think kids grow fast in the summer.  Plus, the styles change too fast.  What's cool in June might be "so yesterday" by September.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,566

    We are going to McDonald's to get a free fry with purchase.  I'm afraid it will need an app.  Problem is that not everyone has a phone or a phone that can handle a a McDonald's app.  Most government phones are claimed to be smart but compared to modern technology is very stupid.


    i just got an alert that I left my iPad at my day program.  I didn't connect it to my hotspot or any Wi-Fi so how did my iPhone know that.

    I lost my wallet which had my id in it.  I need my state id to get my iPhone unlocked at a T-Mobile store!

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,566

    I think I got into trouble at McDonald's.  There was free fry with a purchase such as a drink.  I thought that the ice coffee was a dollar but I was wrong.  I didn't want soda.  I drank soda yesterday and I do not want to drink soda everyday.  I tried getting out of the order but it was too late.  I honestly thought the ice coffee was cheaper.  I couldn't figure out the amount I was short right away. I felt like I was under pressure to get the answer so my brain froze.

    now I realize I shouldn't have gone to McDonald's.

  • McGyver said:

    "Back to school" started in June this year... Who shops for back to school in June? Around here school didn't let out until the end of June and stores already had the displays out for September... which is idiotic because most parents of younger kids don't know what supplies they'll need until the end of August, when the schools send lists... plus, in many cases there are lots of things the stores don't restock by that time, because by then they've moved on three holidays down... 

    The kids here were still in school when they put out the back to school displays, too. I thought it was ridiculous.  

  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,911
    edited September 2023

    Complaint: Just at the start of sports season my cable provider (Spectrum) has lost the rights to broadcast ESPN channels.

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • The back to school message in England is: 'Dont go back to 156 schools because the roof is going to drop on your head.' But the government isn't going to say WHICH schools . Useful.
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    edited September 2023

    butterflyfish said:

    The kids here were still in school when they put out the back to school displays, too. I thought it was ridiculous.  

    It's not just ridiculous, it's traumatic... what kid wants to be facing "back to school" before the semester even ends?... Remember being a kid and summer began... it was almost eternal... it was SUMMER... the world was new again, you could do what you want, hang out with your friends, watch movies, have adventures... time was irrelevant... then inevitably in the last week or two you'd see the back to school stuff go on display and it was like "game over man"... you knew the jig was up, the clock was ticking and soon enough it was back to the learning gulag for another round of suffering...

    But you had those first few weeks of blissful ignorance, hoping maybe the school would forget to open or they'd pass a law abolishing the institutional scholastic torture of children... it was foolish, but one hoped... or in the very least could force it out of their mind as a later-them problem...

    But this?... The poor little bastards aren't even out of school and the stores are like "Nah, bro... you goin' back reeeeeal soon... reeeeeeal soon... tic-tock, tic-tock, fothermucker" (you have to read that last line in the voice of Samuel L. Jackson and switch around some letters at the end there)

    But thats just cruel.

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • Slightly baffled here. Why not be cruel to brats? It's merely a matter of getting revenge for all those nappies (diapers), disturbed nights sleep and bucket loads of vomit they create. Regards, Richard
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    ...I was at the local Safeway yesterday (31st of August) and they already have pumpkins and Halloween candy on display 

    Crikey we haven't even made it to Labour Day let alone the autumnal equinox yet. 

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,566

    Apparently I can't do laundry today.  I had my clothes and dergent ready in the washer for 3 to 4 hours or so but I'm not allowed to start laundry for some reason.  Guess I have to do laundry tomorrow!

  • RIP Biscuit the fox broken heart

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,566

    I recently dreamt that I won a huge Daz3D gift card and I was trying to find all the stuff I want.  Apparently no mater how high the gift card was, I couldn't get everything!


    I woke up realizing that I got neither the gift card nor the wonderful new content or membership, I got from that dream.

  • AgitatedRiotAgitatedRiot Posts: 4,437
    edited September 2023

    Complaint: It's too early for this; no, it's not.

    In the still of the night,
    When all is quiet and calm,
    My little feline friend takes flight,
    And embarks on a wild cat prom.

    The clock strikes three,
    And my cat's energy ignites,
    He runs and jumps with glee,
    In what we call 'zoomie' delights.

    His paws pad softly on the floor,
    As he races around the room,
    I watch him with love and adore,
    His playful spirit is in full bloom.

    At 3 a.m., my heart is whole,
    As I witness this feline grace,
    And I know that in his soul,
    It is a boundless, untamed space.

    Post edited by AgitatedRiot on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited September 2023

    Complaint:  English translations of foreign language instruction manuals.  So, happy to receive my new clock.  But was unimpressed with the instructions that came with it.  eg: "When the clock walks incorrectly or stops walking, please replace the battery immediately, otherwise the battery leakage will corrosion circuit"frown  Hmmm..., I've heard of clocks running, but never walking.indecision

    Or this one: "When you are not in use, please uninstall the batteries"surprise  Oh, so that's how one gets to sleep.  Apparently I've been doing it wrong all these years, all I had to do was remove my batteries.indecision

    I understand the lack of "articles" (i.e 'the', 'an', 'a') in many languages other than English, that imply levels of noun specificity (i.e. this particular one, or one of many) but I at least expect the nouns, pronouns, and verbs to be reasonably constructed.sad 

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484

    richardandtracy said:

    The back to school message in England is: 'Dont go back to 156 schools because the roof is going to drop on your head.' But the government isn't going to say WHICH schools . Useful.

    At least 156, there are probably more, hence the possible reason there's no list. 

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067

    richardandtracy said:

    The back to school message in England is: 'Dont go back to 156 schools because the roof is going to drop on your head.' But the government isn't going to say WHICH schools . Useful.

    I think they have to identify which schools use that RAAC material... I'm guessing right off, the ones that are actively collapsing or have collapsed would be the first to go on that list... seriously, get a chap up there with a hammer and give it whack... if it scuffs deeply, it's probably RAAC, if it deflects with little noticeable damage, it's probably something else... then again if he gives it whack and the whole building falls in, it's definitely RAAC and don't go to that school/rubble pile.

    (Disclaimer: I don't know if they call that material "RAAC" in the US, but I'm pretty sure I've encountered something similar before)

    I'm kinda surprised and not surprised at the same time... I'm not sure if Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete ever really caught on in the US, but I've seen a similar material that's been removed in repair projects and it's a wonder anyone who knows concrete would ever think that's a good idea...

    It's sort of "foamy", and less dense than regular concrete, which is great if you are trying to save weight, but being that it has lots of little bubbles inside, that's were the problems would likely begin... a lot of lesser quality concretes (there are many different formulas and types of concretes) tend to "effervesce" when exposed for prolonged periods to moisture... The bubbles/voids will start to grow crystalline structures in them (gypsum/calcium?) and they will expand over time, compromising the structural integrity of whatever they are used in*... Honestly, there are very few situations, except in desert climates, where I'd ever feel it was safe to use that stuff... but then again that's in hindsight as the materials were clearly decades old already when I first came across them.

    I think there are materials you can add to a mix to lower the chances of effervescence, like whatever is the ingredient in hydraulic cement that keeps that in check... the problem is concrete formulas are often very difficult to balance, as increasing one attribute often lowers another... make one spec stronger, another is weaker... over time, it evolves and we are constantly figuring out new mixes, but despite the best intentions and testing, certain problems only can become apparent over time... but still, the voids and calcium crystals... I feel that's kind of something people knew about for decades before that material was developed... or maybe I'm not understanding the problem and timeline.

    It's kind of interesting to think that most Roman Concrete which was poured well over 1500 years ago, is still structurally sound and that scientists are still unraveling the exact science behind particular Roman formulas today.


    *Someone recently came up with a modern version of "self healing" concrete which uses a similar process, but different leeching out process and chemistry to actually strengthen the concrete over time as well as "heal" cracks, void and fissures... "Self healing" is an attribute of some Roman concretes.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited September 2023

    And on top of all that wonderful concrete information, is the situation that we're running out of appropriate sands for making concrete, & glass, & beaches.frown  Time for a new planet, we've used this one up, left the lights running too long, and pooped in our paradise.sad

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • I actually thought that was recently solved

    by adding quicklime but you cannot use rebar in it


  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,566

    It is Caturday.  Oh I have a secret about what you can find in your cat's litter box.  I am not going to tell you what right now, but actually it isn't worth much.  It is just like crap.

  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,946
    edited September 2023
    I think the biggest, and probably main, problem with RAAC is flat rooves. No flat membrane will ever remain watertight indefinitely, so you need to use inherently water resistant inorganic materials at an angle as the outer layer of the roof, so the risk of pooling is nil and the degradation rate is minimised. Then, like anyone showing due diligence, you make sure annually that it remains leak proof. Finally, when you find it isn't (as you inevitably will), you do something about it in a timely manner to keep costs down (a stitch in time saves nine.. remember that?). Four basic points that a child can understand which seem to have eluded architects, surveyors, accountants, engineers and the government for decades. I understand the design life of non-domestic buildings in the UK is 30 years, so why didn't they start saving up to replace these buildings 30 years ago? I know that is not how government budgets work, but things like this show to anyone of a positive IQ precisely why this is how it should work. Disgusted, Tunbridge Wells (-ish)
    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625
    edited September 2023

    not sure if I can share but guess will find out blush

    this is a big problem in China where many public buildings were built by contractors who skimmed profits by doing substandard construction

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260


    Once again the person in charge of posting the nightly newscast on YouTube posting has fallen asleep at the control board  This is not some small town .or fly by night news service but one of the major network ones. 

    If I were the boss, that individual would be sacked. 

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    not sure if I can share but guess will find out blush

    this is a big problem in China where many public buildings were built by contractors who skimmed profits by doing substandard construction

    Of course things like this would never happen in the UK. Look at a place called Grenfell nothing to do with cutting corners. 

  • scorpio said:

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    not sure if I can share but guess will find out blush

    this is a big problem in China where many public buildings were built by contractors who skimmed profits by doing substandard construction

    Of course things like this would never happen in the UK. Look at a place called Grenfell nothing to do with cutting corners. 

    well I was sharing it as an example of the same issue

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,566
    edited September 2023

    I think I need to take my computer off my bed so I can sleep soon!

    oh I got a hair cut!

    750 x 1334 - 2M
    Post edited by Sfariah D on
  • Complaint: Skip Intro on some streaming sites doesn't work. That ruffles my feathers. Skip Recap has the same effect—mostly Amazon Video.

  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,939

    AgitatedRiot said:

    Complaint: Skip Intro on some streaming sites doesn't work. That ruffles my feathers. Skip Recap has the same effect—mostly Amazon Video.

    If I'm wathching the show "Evil" on Paramount pus, trying to skip the intro just starts the intro over so you can create an endless loop by clicking on "skip intro" every time. They, along with other services, have this nice little feature where they show you ads when you pay for the ad free version. Apparently all the streaming services have agreed that it doesn't count as an ad if it's an ad for another show on the same service. 

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited September 2023

    Non-complaint:  Friend called up last night and invited me for a ride around the lake, and lunch today (Labor Day).  Wheee... a mini-adventure.  And if we're going around the lake (about a 60 mile trip), I'll get her to stop at the little cheese shop up at the far end of the lake.  It's a private farm and the lady keeps a small cinderblock building on the side her driveway for her amazing supply of domestic and foreign cheeses.  I'm assuming she'll be open on Labor Day, because of all the ancient people going for rides around the lake on Labor Day.frown  It's probably one of her busiest days.  I'm particularly looking for a couple pounds of various good Blue Cheeses cut from a wheel in my presence. Mmmm...  

    Last time I went up there (about a year ago, on Labor Day now that I think of it), she had no foreign cheeses because of Covid shipping issues.frown  I'd walked into the shop and said "I'd like a couple pounds of Blue Cheese."  To which she replied "So would I."sad  This place is about 25 miles north of me.  The next closest place to get a good selection of cheese is the "Cuba Cheese Shoppe" in Cuba, NY about 50 miles east.  But even that big commercial cheese shop doesn't seem to carry as many interesting cheeses as the farmer lady on the lake.  I hope she's actually got some this year.  

    I don't know where we're going to have lunch, every ancient person in the area is out on the road looking for lunch spots around the lake.  And as far as I'm concerned, the best spot for lunch on the lake burned down a few years  Regardless, I have an opportunity for a ride, a lunch, and cheese.  Wheee...smiley

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264

    LeatherGryphon said:

    Non-complaint:  Friend called up last night and invited me for a ride around the lake, and lunch today (Labor Day).  Wheee... a mini-adventure.  And if we're going around the lake (about a 60 mile trip), I'll get her to stop at the little cheese shop up at the far end of the lake.  It's a private farm and the lady keeps a small cinderblock building on the side her driveway for her amazing supply of domestic and foreign cheeses.  I'm assuming she'll be open on Labor Day, because of all the ancient people going for rides around the lake on Labor Day.frown  It's probably one of her busiest days.  I'm particularly looking for a couple pounds of various good Blue Cheeses cut from a wheel in my presence. Mmmm...  

    Last time I went up there (about a year ago, on Labor Day now that I think of it), she had no foreign cheeses because of Covid shipping issues.frown  I'd walked into the shop and said "I'd like a couple pounds of Blue Cheese."  To which she replied "So would I."sad  This place is about 25 miles north of me.  The next closest place to get a good selection of cheese is the "Cuba Cheese Shoppe" in Cuba, NY about 50 miles east.  But even that big commercial cheese shop doesn't seem to carry as many interesting cheeses as the farmer lady on the lake.  I hope she's actually got some this year.  

    I don't know where we're going to have lunch, every ancient person in the area is out on the road looking for lunch spots around the lake.  And as far as I'm concerned, the best spot for lunch on the lake burned down a few years  Regardless, I have an opportunity for a ride, a lunch, and cheese.  Wheee...smiley

    Have a great day! 

  • NylonGirl said:

    AgitatedRiot said:

    Complaint: Skip Intro on some streaming sites doesn't work. That ruffles my feathers. Skip Recap has the same effect—mostly Amazon Video.

    If I'm wathching the show "Evil" on Paramount pus, 

    If it is renewed, I'm waiting for the book of Angels, which is coming in season four. 

This discussion has been closed.