The [Disco Chives] Misplaced Parrot Complaint Thread
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Endless dance of specks,
Dusting never finds its end,
Whispers on each shelf.
+1 to this
Complaint: Went out to the Observatory (a.k.a. Front Driveway) to watch the super blue moon. It was an incredible giant moon coming up. Then I realized it wasn't blue like all the illustrations on the Internet.
It bummed me out.
Omg, was walking back home from Fizz (cute champagne bar) with my sister and we walked past a bunch of photographers with their cameras (tripod and all) pointing towards the moon. I remember reading something about a super blue moon tonight and a quick web search said it would happen at 9:35pm tonight. We go on my rooftop patio and I setup my tripod thinking the moon would magically turn blue at that time... Nothing happened. Read more and realized it doesn't actually turn blue! I'm going to blame it on all that champagne we drank.
You're not the only one!
I was joking about it turning blue, it's not my first super blue moon. I know many people were thinking it would turn blue just because of all the blue moons on the interweb.
I reckon there could be a few blue moons if pagans danced under them in chilly climes
You people would feel silly if you went looking for a "paper moon".
Moses Pray: 'Cause we're on vacation, that's why, and Miss Delight and me are sittin' in front because we are two grown-ups and that's where grown-ups do the sittin'! And little children do not tell grown-ups what to do with their lives, you understand that?
Yes, the floating blue bar is back. I don't know why but I haven't been getting my forum notifications?
Oh, "blue bar".
Now I feel silly, I've been looking for a "Bue Bar".
I didn't know what a "floating Bue Bar" was, but figured I'd recognize it if I saw one. I thought perhaps it was a misspelling of the name of a drinking establishment for ghosts or other Halloween haunt, on a raft.
But wouldn't it be silly to expect the bar to be blue just because they call it a blue bar?
.The moon was spectacular two days back, larger than usual and surprisingly bright. Sorry no complaint today.
Why does reducing password character count by one makes the password invalid? I was trying to login to a pet game, once I realized I forgot a letter I got logged in. I found a pet named Taweret. Not a typical pet name!
Edit: NVM. My brain isn't braining today. (Which could be a complaint, I suppose.)
Non-complaint: Yay, my ancient WinXP computer (Dell Dimension 2350) is back up and running again. It ain't perfect yet, but at least it's awake, and lucid, if a bit crippled. Back when this whole mess started (previous pages) its system drive had crashed. After much gnashing of teeth, and pulling of hair, and tearing apart three old computers and numerous boxes of hoarded old computer parts, everything is put back together again and the originally bad machine has had it's 160GB hard drive replaced with a brand new, old stock, 80 GB drive, and an official copy of Dell WinXP-SP3 installed. It's alive, it's alive!!!
Complaint: Some of the hardware peripherals still don't work, and need drivers. It's also missing some useful utilities like a video player.
Fortunately, I do have the official copies of drivers & utilities downloaded from Dell's website when I last rebuilt that machine in 2012 I think. And I also have some 3rd party utilities that should be installed. Also complaint that of the two DVD drives in that machine, one of them doesn't appear to be working. [sigh] more geek fun.
But, remember, I had just taken a PATA DVD drive from another machine a day or so ago, and put it back onto the shelf, but now I have found a home for it. Wheee...
A Time Complaint: My wall clock died.
Not a thing of beauty, but a dishwater plain, 10 inch round office type, AA-battery, wallclock, but I became accustomed to its presence, trusted its advice, fed it as necessary, and twice a year synced him with the universe. But lately, he looks fine, whenever I glance at him, but he slipping. Ah, needs feeding, thinks I. No, tis more than a battery. He's eating batteries like candy, yet slowly dying. Ah ha, says I, lubrication tis the need. But alas, twas not so, he's got to go. Replacement ordered.
I dunno... it looked pretty blue to me...
I swear he winked at me too...
Complaint: I had like an hour and a half sleep last night... My daughter had a medical emergency at school and I had to drive to New Haven, CT at 3am... She's okay now... sleeping at home...
I'm really pissed off at Nelson Rockefeller for never completing the Long Island Sound bridge/causeway... what could have been a twenty minute drive, is either a really expensive ferry ride (and no service past 11pm) or a very long drive through Long Island, the Bronx, Westchester county, and the rest of coastal Connecticut...
Now I'm only moving about due to the wonders and magic of caffeine... lots and lots of caffeine.
What a f***ed up past fourteen hours.
Coming home every annoying idiot on wheels had to get in front of me... I watched a guy on a motorcycle almost drive under a truck... Fun fact: Motorcycle doesn't intimidate Truck... Truck squash Motorcycle, especially if you cut over from the left shoulder, two lanes over in front of it.
Separate Observation: Window Stickers have mostly replaced Bumper Stickers... I'm assuming because people don't like looking at the past... especially if it's in your rear view mirror...
Remember how Sherlock Holmes would look at a person and read them... every line on their face, mote of dust on their clothes, scar on their hand, or stain on their cuff told a story... People nowadays are like, that's too much work Sherlock... here's everything you need to know about me, including my family size and make up, my blood type, total number of pets, including species and size order, favorite color and the name of my imaginary friend when I was three years old... in sticker format.
I feel awkward looking at some people's cars... it's like I found their personal diary and I'm looking through it... TMI bro... What the hell happened to "Keep On Trucking" level information?... Dead Head stickers or "Honk If You Like Boobies"... granted that last one didn't age well, but I could read it... now when there is a bumper sticker, it's half the size of an old one and has six paragraphs of poetry or misattributed wisdom in 7 point, Arial Light font...
If I was a foot away, I probably couldn't read that.
The caffeine is making me crazy.
If you like the clock that much, you can just get a new motor, and maybe even a new set of hands to change it's appearance a little bit. Not expensive. Some of the new ones are tick, tick, tick...unless, of course, you like the ticking.
Yeah, but I wasn't desperate enough to repair & keep a cheap, bog common, 10 inch clock. I figured I only live once, why not live it up and get a better clock. No more black plastic with pure white face with black non-serifed arabic numerals & straight hands. I'm gonna get the brass ring of clocks (sarcasm) and get a woodish looking one with gold trim metal frame, antique looking off-white face, black curly hands & black serifed arabic numerals.
So, tomorrow when it arrives it will go in the place of honor and actually look like it belongs there.
I had wanted to get Roman numerals but that put me up in the 12 inch category & over $50 category and I couldn't see spending that much for a clock that isn't at least real wood and chimes.
Here's what I got:
[Sigh] I miss having a late 19th century pendulum mantle clock ticking in the background. Use to have two. The older I get the more I appreciate & understand my great grandfather's house, with its dim light, dark woods, Victorian clutter, and earthy smells. Ah, memories. car in front of a blue bar.
That will do.
The bar is cyan or a wierd aqua. More specifically, RGB 153/255/255.
The car is guluboy-ish (голубой).
I was told by a housemate that it is now October first. What happened to September? Also why is Halloween candy out now?
Your housemate is slippin', slippin', slippin' into the future.
Complaint: I miss my wall clock. I don't know how many times I've glanced into its spot and had to pause for a moment to realize (again) that the clock is gone, nothing there except a blank spot on the wall where it used to be. Doesn't tell me the time at all.
An observation: The "glancing at the clock" habit is strong. My parents always had a clock over the refrigerator but it was visible from other rooms as well. But 50 years after I moved out of that house, and the clock had been removed for 40 years, my brother now owns the house and I still glance for the non-existing clock over the refrigerator when in that house.
Non-complaint: My new wall clock is "out for delivery" and should be here within the hour. Yay!
Because you already missed Christmas, and Valentine's Day and the 4th of July are next week... I think we are approaching a point where we are just going to alternate between Halloween and Christmas every other week for the sake of perpetual commercialism.
Around here Lowes puts out the freakin Christmas trees in the first week of August...
Who TF buys a Christmas tree in freakin AUGUST?...
Just like with cigarettes, there should be a law that requires a warning on the Christmas tree box... "WARNING: The Surgeon General has determined that if you are purchasing this tree in the month of August, please seek immediate medical attention."
"Back to school" started in June this year... Who shops for back to school in June? Around here school didn't let out until the end of June and stores already had the displays out for September... which is idiotic because most parents of younger kids don't know what supplies they'll need until the end of August, when the schools send lists... plus, in many cases there are lots of things the stores don't restock by that time, because by then they've moved on three holidays down...
Why is retail in such bad shape?... Gee... I can't imagine... it couldn't possibly be because you have to buy snow shovels in May and Bathing suits in December or you SOL...
I think I mentioned this a long while back, that I went to buy some pool supplies for my kids' temporary pool (the kind you take down at the end of the summer)... it was the end of May and I was setting it up and need a couple of things and went to Walmart and the summer section was ransacked (which around here is pretty much every section at Walmart)... I asked the guy working there when they might get the items I was looking for and he said they probably wouldn't, some items they only stock once and when they are out you either have to buy them online or wait until next season, which in this case was February when they put the pool stuff out...
February... Pool stuff... and I thought I was a clown because it was still too cold in May to use the pool, but I had some free time and figured I didn't want the kids to miss out if I set it up too late.
Yeah... To someone a bunch of empty shelves sitting around for a couple of months makes more sense than restocking.
Its like a math equation someone only understands a quarter of and only remembers how to write out a third of it, yet can't for the life of them understand why the answer they get is different from the correct answer... "I wrote out the part I remember and it adds up to 72... I don't see why the correct answer is 56,238... I carried the triangle and divided the sideways circle... there's no way... the textbook must be wrong."