The [Disco Chives] Misplaced Parrot Complaint Thread



  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Complaint, not too fond of little life forms today... First a bee flew inside my sleeve and stung, and when I went to check my mom's house, there was a snake in the vestibule and an army of large ants in her carage.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,566
    edited August 2023


    (BB Launchroller Iray.png) Failed to write file to disk

    I got this error trying to upload an image.  I resaved the image and getting no error other than "Uploading..." 


    Edit: it is a BB Launchroller with Iray settings thumbnail.  I was going to ask what product is that from?

    edit2: there is also a BB Launchroller with 3DL settings.  It was One Drive that reminded me of these "images", but I think they are all thumbnails of 3D products.

    edit3: it is from from what I can tell.  Wow! yet another product I forgot I got for a reason I forgot I had!

    Post edited by Sfariah D on
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Sfariah D said:

    (BB Launchroller Iray.png) Failed to write file to disk

    I got this error trying to upload an image.  I resaved the image and getting no error other than "Uploading..." 

    Try again after 4 and a half hours. 

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    edited August 2023

    AgitatedRiot said:

    My cat is a hoarder; I found, in the drop ceiling in the basement, all my flash drives. Jewelry, my wife, has been missing. Plus, some stuffed animals he plays with.

    Well, I thinking it's one of two things... one he's seen Die Hard too many time and he's pretending he's John McClane only either you don't have ductwork or he can't get into it... or... He's got a nip addiction problem and he's hording this stuff to sell... 

    I wouldn't have been suspicious if you had only mentioned toys, but the flash drives and jewelry are too suspicious.... I know used flash drives aren't worth a lot, but often they contain sensitive information that is valuable... you may not have anything valuable on them, but that doesn't mean your cat knows that... and maybe the jewelry isn't the most expensive, but again, unless your cat has experience fencing stolen merch, he's likely been reading stories on Meowbook or Purrer about how one can earn extra money by purloining their owner's valuables... it's a typical social meowdia scam meant to attract nip addicted felines into organized crime.

    It might be nothing... but keep alert.

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625

    I found a similar stash behind a cupboard once including my missing basin plug, a nail brush, many scrunches, tampons, a small globe of the world pencil sharpner...

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    I found a similar stash behind a cupboard once including my missing basin plug, a nail brush, many scrunches, tampons, a small globe of the world pencil sharpner...

    Thats just hoarding... it's far less likely your cat is addicted to nip... Catnip that is... I keep referring to it by its street name... it's also known as "Scratch", "Meowey Jane" and "Kitty Dust"... technically that could be cat ashes too, but generally that refers to nip with a little cocaine mixed in.

    That is an odd collection of items outside of the normal hoarding specifications... are there any missing tools?... your cat might be building something.

    The globe is a bit concerning... maybe it's just the round shape and the hole... Scrunchies are elastic, right?... Maybe he's making a tampon gun?... Well, launcher... not for tamponic purposes, but like as a stun gun... they are probably soft enough that they could knock someone out with the right velocity...

    Or maybe he just wants a Neft gun... you should talk to him about that... maybe he's too shy to ask for one.

    I wonder if that's how the nerf gun projectiles were invented... like some college kids at an engineering school got a hold of a case of tampons and started firing them at each other with various crudely fabricated launchers... I think that's how post it notes were invented... someone had a lot of unused feminine napkins and would write notes on them and hang them with the adhesive strips... 

    Maybe that was something else...

    Whatever... Good luck with the kitty and have a talk with him about the Nerf gun... the foam bullets are a lot safer than a tampon... especially if you get one in the eye.

    Thats a hard one to explain at the ER...

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067

    PerttiA said:

    Complaint, not too fond of little life forms today... First a bee flew inside my sleeve and stung, and when I went to check my mom's house, there was a snake in the vestibule and an army of large ants in her carage.

    A "snake in the vestibule" sounds like a euphemism... I don't know what for, but like maybe "I don't like that guy... he's a real snake in the vestibule"... or "Wanna a bit of the ol' snake in the vestibule?... wink-wink-nudge-nudge".

    I'm not sure what a carage is... maybe spellcheck messed up garage... or it's Finnish slang for a car hole, which is Bostonian slang for a carport... technically the guy I worked with who used to use the term "car hole" had a lot of mental issues and the only thing I've heard other Bostonians call a garage is like "garawrge "... (those Massachusetts people talk funny)... (don't let Dana know I said that)... technically, Long Islanders (eastenders) talk way weirder, it's like a bizarre combination of a New England and Brooklyn accent... sends chills down your spine... you aren't sure if they are gonna try to bury you in a shallow grave or offer you a lobster... possibly both.

    But yeah... "army of large ants in the carage"... that definitely sounds like it could be a euphemism...

    And "a bee flew in my sleeve and stung me" sounds like something really filthy... but I'm sure you were not implying that... just that you were assaulted by a bee... (I hope it was just that)... otherwise you should probably seek immediate medical attention... 

    Also if you are allergic to be stings you should probably seek medical attention too...

    I hope you are okay either way...

    Especially if you had "an army of large ants in the carage"... geez, that's a bad one... not sure what it means or entails, but it probably requires bed rest and topical ointments...

    Either way, I'm probably blowing that all out of proportion because... that's what I do... I take information or ideas and run with them... mostly like the 1930s version of Daffy Duck... there's lots of manical laughter, hollering and bouncing off stuff...

    Anyway, feel better and sorry if anything I said could be misconstrued as implying you do weird stuff in garages with reptiles.

    And it's technically not "weird"... Its actually perfectly normal... there are entire clubs dedicated to that... probably even international ones.

    I'm going to go now... before I say something worse.

    Which is entirely probable... imminent actually.




  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    McGyver said:

    PerttiA said:

    Complaint, not too fond of little life forms today... First a bee flew inside my sleeve and stung, and when I went to check my mom's house, there was a snake in the vestibule and an army of large ants in her carage.

    A "snake in the vestibule" sounds like a euphemism... I don't know what for, but like maybe "I don't like that guy... he's a real snake in the vestibule"... or "Wanna a bit of the ol' snake in the vestibule?... wink-wink-nudge-nudge".

    I'm not sure what a carage is... maybe spellcheck messed up garage... or it's Finnish slang for a car hole, which is Bostonian slang for a carport... technically the guy I worked with who used to use the term "car hole" had a lot of mental issues and the only thing I've heard other Bostonians call a garage is like "garawrge "... (those Massachusetts people talk funny)... (don't let Dana know I said that)... technically, Long Islanders (eastenders) talk way weirder, it's like a bizarre combination of a New England and Brooklyn accent... sends chills down your spine... you aren't sure if they are gonna try to bury you in a shallow grave or offer you a lobster... possibly both.

    But yeah... "army of large ants in the carage"... that definitely sounds like it could be a euphemism...

    And "a bee flew in my sleeve and stung me" sounds like something really filthy... but I'm sure you were not implying that... just that you were assaulted by a bee... (I hope it was just that)... otherwise you should probably seek immediate medical attention... 

    Also if you are allergic to be stings you should probably seek medical attention too...

    I hope you are okay either way...

    Especially if you had "an army of large ants in the carage"... geez, that's a bad one... not sure what it means or entails, but it probably requires bed rest and topical ointments...

    Either way, I'm probably blowing that all out of proportion because... that's what I do... I take information or ideas and run with them... mostly like the 1930s version of Daffy Duck... there's lots of manical laughter, hollering and bouncing off stuff...

    Anyway, feel better and sorry if anything I said could be misconstrued as implying you do weird stuff in garages with reptiles.

    And it's technically not "weird"... Its actually perfectly normal... there are entire clubs dedicated to that... probably even international ones.

    I'm going to go now... before I say something worse.

    Which is entirely probable... imminent actually.


    laugh laugh

  • I hate this: and I hate the cat that caused this:

    At 2am I went downstairs in the dark because I didn't want to wake anyone up. Our back door was open as happens on hot nights (18C or above) and as I staggered in my pyjamas from one impact with furniture to another, I trod on something. 

    That gurgled and squished under my toes.

    It turned out to be a dead rat left in the middle of the Dining Room floor. A present to us from our cats.

    Deep Joy.




  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264

    McGyver said:

    (those Massachusetts people talk funny)... (don't let Dana know I said that)...

    That's awlrightcheeky  Actually, I was once told that I sounded like I was from Maine.  I'm not typical, I guess.  Considering where I grew up, it's surprising I don't sound Portuguese or Cape Verdian.  Not multilingual, though, except when considering computer programming languages. 

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625
    edited August 2023

    was a previous car CAT at my previous house, don't have any use for tampons now, I ran out of eggs quite a few years ago

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited August 2023

    I had a cousin from Ohio (not far from here), who would say the name of her brother as "Tawme", instead of Tommy.surprise  Where'd that come from?indecision

    Non-complaint: Geek fun:   Wheee..., one of my two ancient XP machines (Dell Dimension 2350) didn't want to wake up this morning.yes  I'd been letting him sleep for the last six months or so.  In fact I'd disconnected him from the network and power, and had set him on the shelf for a long sabatical rest.  But today, just for jollies (and to break the boredom, of barely adequate fixed income isolated life), I pulled him from the shelf and set him on my test bench to see if he had any leaky capacitors (I'd just watched a YouTube video about leaky capacitors in ancient machines)  No obvious capacitor leaks, but when I hooked him up to my testbench keyboard, mouse & monitor it failed to POST.  Wheee..., yay..., something to fix,  happy, happy, joy, joy!smiley

    So far I've found at least two problems that just materialized from the void over the time it's been sitting on the shelf.  One of the two optical drives was causing it to not boot.  Don't know which one or why yet, but when they are both disconnected (two PATA drives connected by one PATA cable connected to the motherboard) the system boots.yes  However, after logging into either the Admin or User account the system blue-screens after a couple minutes, complaining about an error in non-paging space.indecision  The memory itself (1GB DDR2) checks out OK.  The machine wouldn't stay up long enough to run a filesystem check and surface scan when fully booted.  After many attempts I finally remembered how to boot that ancient machine into SafeMode (F4) and was able to initiate a filescan & surface check from SafeMode.  So far, so good.  Oy, this machine is sloooooow.frown 


    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    edited August 2023

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    was a previous car at my previous house, don't have any use for tampons now, I ran out of eggs quite a few years ago

    That was very confusing if I let myself get hung up on "car"...

    Which I will...

    So cars in Australia run on tampons... so why were they fighting over gasoline in the Mad Max movies...?

    That Mel Gibson guy is really weird, I bet he had something to do with that... but as far as the eggs, we had a problem with that a few months ago... they got really expensive because the chickens were refusing to share and the farmers used that as an excuse to charge more, but it wasn't the farmers because there are only like five actual chicken farmers left in America... I think they are Steve, Fred, Brenda... maybe Stan and Hank...or Henry... or Harry... or Ezekiel... some name that starts with an "H"...

    They were all chill, it was the corporate robot farmers that jacked up the price because every time there is a crisis the synthetics get all exploitative and charge $60 for a dozen eggs or a cup of coffee, citing supply chain issues, invasive Beatles or volcanoes...

    They probably aren't real chicken eggs anymore... probably mutant owl eggs or cave pigeons... either way, they might not be regular eggs from authentic Australian marsupial chickens, but I could send you some if you ever get the hankering for a good chickeroo omelette... I'm assuming Chickeroo the local name for marsupial chickens... those big yellow bids with pouches that hop around teaching kids to spell and not be sociopaths... There's one on the educational program they have in the US, called Sesame Street... they employ a lot of talking mutants and monsters which teach children valuable lessons like spelling, manners and that vampires are good at math.

    The last time I shipped eggs in the mail, I learned that envelopes are not sufficient protection, so this time I'd probably use a box or something.

    Also I'm not sure if marsupial chickens are a real thing or something I just made up because I confused platypuses with Big Bird or if I'm confusing Tweety Bird with Bigfoot... you see that's the problem with reading a lot and having lots of head injuries, the information gets all shook up and stuff ends up in other files and folders and then you are like "Wait... who was the guy who used to fly kites in electrical storms... Benjamin Frankfurter or was that Nikola Edison... or Ecoli Teslason...?"

    But anyway the offer is out there, but shipping is not guaranteed.

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited August 2023

    Complaint:  I killed it:frown  Sigh, after the disk scans, the system no longer works.  No errors found during the disk scans, but now the system will POST but won't boot into WinXP anymore.   Says it is missing the "root\system32\ntoskrnl.exe" file.sad  "Oh, you're no fun anymore."angry  I may have to tear the thing apart, check the power supply voltages, check each component separately in another machine, and/or rebuild the WinXP from scratch.  I'm beginning to question my attachment to that  Starting to eye it for 20 year old  spare parts.devil

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625


  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    LeatherGryphon said:

    Complaint:  I killed it:frown  Sigh, after the disk scans, the system no longer works.  No errors found during the disk scans, but now the system will POST but won't boot into WinXP anymore.   Says it is missing the "root\system32\ntoskrnl.exe" file.sad  "Oh, you're no fun anymore."angry  I may have to tear the thing apart, check the power supply voltages, check each component separately in another machine, and/or rebuild the WinXP from scratch.  I'm beginning to question my attachment to that  Starting to eye it for 20 year old  spare parts.devil

    Rebuilding may be hard if not impossible, as MS has removed even all the W7 related fixes and updates from their site, stating something to the effect "W7 was good, but it's time to move on..."

    I wish there was a Linux native version of DS...

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,566

    richardandtracy said:

    I hate this: and I hate the cat that caused this:

    At 2am I went downstairs in the dark because I didn't want to wake anyone up. Our back door was open as happens on hot nights (18C or above) and as I staggered in my pyjamas from one impact with furniture to another, I trod on something. 

    That gurgled and squished under my toes.

    It turned out to be a dead rat left in the middle of the Dining Room floor. A present to us from our cats.

    Deep Joy.




    It could have been  regurgitated dead rodent parts mixed with cat food?  Or it could have been feline waste?

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851

    The best thing for older computers is to keep them offline and they'll be purring along indefinitely. Updates kil computers.  I've got an compaq XP that's 20 years old siting right beside 22 year old original iMac,  and they just keep working.  No updates, no virus protection,  and they continue to work when needed. But why you ask?  retro games that are not emulated. For the kids.

  • Sfariah D said:

    richardandtracy said:

    I hate this: and I hate the cat that caused this:

    At 2am I went downstairs in the dark because I didn't want to wake anyone up. Our back door was open as happens on hot nights (18C or above) and as I staggered in my pyjamas from one impact with furniture to another, I trod on something. 

    That gurgled and squished under my toes.

    It turned out to be a dead rat left in the middle of the Dining Room floor. A present to us from our cats.

    Deep Joy.




    It could have been  regurgitated dead rodent parts mixed with cat food?  Or it could have been feline waste?

    Our current cats don't leave waste around. We once had a Maine Coon kitten that did, but he's not with us any more. The vomit mixed with fur - seen all too much of that, but it's not usually in the walkway. It's much more fun to leave somewhere it's almost impossible to clear up, or over a computer cooling vent. Regards, Richard.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067

    WendyLuvsCatz said:


    Oooh... well, that's a lot less fun.

    I'm guessing you're not interested in an omelette either.

    Well, that's fine... the eggs leaked out of the envelope anyway... I figured I'd pre-scramble them so you wouldn't have to bother and it would save space like when the Amazon driver jumps up and down on the package of fragile plastic parts to flatten them so they ship better...

    But it didn't turn out the way I planned, as apparently those Mylar lined envelopes aren't very waterproof.

    I guess that's why they don't ship tropical fish in them.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067

    DanaTA said:

    McGyver said:

    (those Massachusetts people talk funny)... (don't let Dana know I said that)...

    That's awlrightcheeky  Actually, I was once told that I sounded like I was from Maine.  I'm not typical, I guess.  Considering where I grew up, it's surprising I don't sound Portuguese or Cape Verdian.  Not multilingual, though, except when considering computer programming languages. 

    I've been told I sound like a lot of things too... none of them nice.

    But Maine... Eeeeew... did you properly trounce said individual and explain you aren't one of those lighthouse dwelling, moose riding, maple syrup swilling, flannel wearing, Steven King inspiring citizens of the fog?... Clearly my experience with Maine has been limited to coastal areas and a single moose hoarding club, but I'm sure there are other aspects to Maine I can't quite remember at the moment... actually it was quite nice and their raccoons are quite friendly. But I figured there might be some natural rivalry between Massachusettsians and Mainese... I assume over who got the leftover parts of New Hamster (now New Hampshire) after The Great Hamster War of 1789...

    I'm not multilingual... barely monolingual... I used to learn languages and forget them though...

    I don't even know how I can speak American... I used to speak English, but nobody around here would understand so I had to learn American... occasionally I hear people speaking some foreign language and I realize I know what they are saying, but I'm not entirely sure what language they are speaking... Greek is one of those languages... I probably got yelled at in Greek enough times as a kid, that I subconsciously figured it out... same with mandarin... the language not the oranges... for some reason (probably because of my best friend's dad) I often subconsciously swear in mandarin, but it's not subconsciously it's actually audible and occasionally notice someone hears me grumbling under my breath and I realize they probably understood what I said and I get all embarrassed... which is odd because normally I'm not embarrassed by any of the routine swearing I do.

    One of my daughters is amazing with languages... between her and her sister they'd make a proper Lara Croft... one is fantastically agile and adventurous with the climbing and swinging from things... and the other is fascinated by history and languages and puzzles... they both love escape rooms... it's lots of fun to watch them work together... one of my favorite escape room examples were about twelve, at a room that was supposed to be an abandoned insane asylum... at some point you needed to access a locked hidden room by removing a corpse (a very detailed and grossly realistic silicone dummy) from a morgue drawer and climbing into the coffin and being slid inside so you could climb out the other end... history girl just so matter of factly dragged the body out and climbed into the coffin when the other members of her group (including her sister) were mortified and revolted by the whole thing... her sister on the other hand figured out a gear based mechanism that required found gears to be placed in the right order to operate a sliding door...

    Those were fun times.

  • AgitatedRiotAgitatedRiot Posts: 4,437

    Complaint: Too many PAs use the term Mega.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    AgitatedRiot said:

    Complaint: Too many PAs use the term Mega.

    Try Modern instead 

  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 4,037

    Complaint: I haven't been getting any notification from any of the threads I follow since June ......... I really am PO about it ,it's frustrating ,isolating .....depressing .......

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625

    PerttiA said:

    AgitatedRiot said:

    Complaint: Too many PAs use the term Mega.

    Try Modern instead 

    obviously none I buy from because mega wardrobe my only product result in my library

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    edited August 2023

    carrie58 said:

    Complaint: I haven't been getting any notification from any of the threads I follow since June ......... I really am PO about it ,it's frustrating ,isolating .....depressing .......

    We thought you didn't love us anymore... we were very sad... then someone opened a box of pound cake and we forgot our sorrows... well, while the pound cake lasted... then we lamented some more and eventually our combined mutual senility kicked in and we forgot what we were bummed out about.

    Sorry we were unaware of your frustrating isolation... but honestly, it could be worse... I could have realized it and started PMing you long dissertations on feline nip addicted and historically inaccurate revelations about important world events that shape the present situation we live in today.

    Some of those include Sasquatch.

    Quite a few actually...

    You really dodged a bullet there.

    If you want I could contact you if anything cool or bizarre or interesting occurs... I guarantee that's not a recommended or remotely sane course of action, but it is an option... also I have a terrible memory and would probably forget, so it's probably even more of a moot point.

    I'm also pretty lazy too...

    There's nothing logical in that offer... you shouldn't rely on me... it's a shame this forum's software is hot garbage.

    Well... I'm glad you are okay and don't hate us like I was telling everyone you did... I mean someone else was saying... someone not me... totally different person... I think it was that guy with the weird mustache and the hat... you know... that guy...

    Anyhow, good to see you.

    Well... your words... in a digitally typed format... not actually seeing you... that would be creepy... for you... being stared at from the bushes outside, using binoculars and maybe a camera... 

    We can't see you.

    Not at the moment anyway... 




    Post edited by McGyver on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,566

    Something is wrong with my left ear.  It feels stuffed but not clogged.  I don't know what is wrong!

  • Dig out the contents of your ear, and taste it. If it tastes of onions, that's Sage and Onion stuffing. On the other hand, if it tastes like sawdust and smelly feet, it's down to the clogs the powder was ground from. Not very common footwear these days, are clogs. Means clogged ears are rare, so chances are they're stuffed instead. Regards, Richard.
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited August 2023

    Complaint:  This morning I've watched the DAZ home page change it's menu behavior at least three times.angry  Doesn't anybody test things off-line anymore?  Or has everything gotten so complicated and obtuse that nobody makes a real effort to tidy up their house before inviting people in?  Back in my day, people would get fired (or at least intensly scowled at by management) for showing your dirty undies.cheeky


    'Nother complaint:  My ancient WinXP machine is still dead.  Although after some cable swapping and hitting with an appropriate hammer, there seems to be nothing wrong with either of the CD/DVD drives. Yay!  HOWEVER, the system still doesn't boot, indicating instead that it can't find a file to get started booting XP.sad  So, bold as a bear, I removed the "C\" hard drive to see if I could analyze it or restore the missing file, by attaching it as an exernal drive to one of my modern machines, but rediscovered to my chagrin that it is a PATA drive and I now have to dig into my boxes of parts to try to find my long stored & almost forgotten SATA-->PATA  adapter.  Failing that, I could, of course, test it in my other WinXP machine.enlightened But that entails crawling on the floor, disconnecting wires, opening yet another machine and replacing one of the internal drives. [sigh]  These days the floor is so far away.frown  Also, I could dig in my boxes and find a PCI-bus, PATA controller card, but finding a working one and it's driver, is also problematic.frown  Failing all of that, I could dig out my WinXP CD & major upgrades files, to rebuild the system from scratch, but that also has lurking pitfalls and I still need to verify that the hard drive is completely functional.frown(Although I do have a spare 80GB PATA drive if push came to shove.  Yes, only 80GB, Isn't it amazing how far we've come in 20 years?)

    So much work for so little gain.  I want to say, "Oh, you're no fun anymore."cheeky

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,566

    My phone decided to take a screenshot of this thread.  No clue why.

    Also my iPad condition is getting worse.

This discussion has been closed.