There's Always Another Sale Thread -- Discussions Only Pt 2

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This discussion was created from comments split from: There's Always Another Sale Thread -- Discussions Only.
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My understanding is that they're already discounted (65% off instead of 50%), so no extra discount would be applied after the cart?
My guess is also that they're putting the old items in a separate link, so that people don't have to keep scrolling to figure out where the discount starts, but they're all also available through the main link.
Well with triple tokens on Wednesday it wasn't too hard to stock up
Of course you would know how to get them together! Loved that.
I suppose The Doctor or a Stargate team could also help if you didn't plan on selling the art?
OK. That works out to 65% but that message is certainly not clear and is easily misinterpreted. Better than advertising an extra 30% off would have been to simply state 65% off the legacy items.
What legacy page? Only these items will trigger the discount (9 items)
I was referring to part of the URL for the page for the products from 2021 or earlier:
Not going to lie, the introduction of Daz tokens has almost completely obliterated my spending here. I don’t have much use for the Gen 9 stuff, and there just isn’t enough stuff that I want to maintain any kind of discount. So the increased base prices and weaker discounts just makes very little appealing here.
Add to that the massive Interactive License price which I just assume is plus $20 (on a sale) and suddenly everything here is a horrible deal. Been hard to spend my $6 off Daz coupon, let alone the $6 off $18, which I haven’t spent in months. Also yesterday’s sale really showed me what I could expect price wise going forward with the Interactive Licenses too. Dark times ahead, but a very full wallet. Which I guess isn’t that bad… Actually come to think of it, thanks Daz!
another stoerwide sale? how many did we have this month?
I don't know what makes this sale Store-Wide. What does that even mean? Is every store product supposed to be on sale, because that doesn't seem to be the case?
who knows what the definition is, with this store there seems to be no obligation to stick to consistency
I've seen store-wide sale used in real life and they meant just what is meant here. There are sales everywhere in the store, but it doesn't mean every item. It can, but doesn't have to. While I can understand wanting to be text to be more precise, someone will always find a way to say it doesn't mean what think it means to them.
If Daz is too lazy to figure out how to tag just my wishlist items they will continue to strike out.
The summer flash grabby whatever doohicky sale looked interesting
But there are well over a hundred pages to go through to see what in the various sales... NOPE.
First sale in a long time that looked like I might be able to take advantage of it but I don't have the time that I care to spend or to WORK that hard to spend my money.
is grab bag coupon working ?
Not for me. Another waste of my time.
why are some very new DAZ DO items at 66% off % . Then, I would assume they can be further discounted somewhow or another for good pricing...not including tokens because I dont have any. I think Mira 9 items. not sure if others.
Do you have the required trigger item in the cart?
yea apparently this is the problem - but such a requirment is not stated above the selection and offer itself.
Did I find Easter Eggs?
Sort the list with "Price low to high"
It is said at the top of the page and applies to all the offers on that page.
Well so sorry but I didn't read the whole dam page I just went to the offers I was interesed in. Just another reason to stop shopping here.
I have a question about the Store-Wide Summer Wrap-Up Sale: will it work only one time regardless of the numbers of items per category or can the limits be spread on multiples orders ?
As an example, can I place an order for 5 2023 items, 2 2022 items, 8 2021 items and 12 items from "2020 and before" today, then, decide tomorrow to place an order with 5 2023 items, 8 2022 items, 2 2021 items and 8 items from "2020 and before" ?
In total, it's 10, 10, 10 and 20, in other words, the limit for each category, but spread on two orders: it respects the 'spirit' of the sales, but unlike the coupon at the bottom of the page (which cleary states that it can be used two times per customer, so up to 40 items, but if I use it for 5 items, then 7 items, that's it, I can not use it another time), there is no information for the rest of the sales (and I didn't think about that before, so I had no opportunity to check by myself).
Nice find
The limits are per cart.
As long as you have one 'Summer Wrap Up' New Release in the cart, you can buy as many carts as you want with 10+10+10+20 items from the four categories
The GRAB-N-GO coupon can only be used twice, but that's not that good anyway as it's not stacking with other discounts.
It can get costly very fast
Thank you
Sorry i didn't read the top of the page either
I am so (mad)! I spent half the day looking for the items I could use, checking with another person for what she might like me to include in her book ideas... and now the coupon won't work... I finally think of checking here and find it's a comment AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE that relates to the (darn) sale at the bottom of the page... NO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edit: Just dumped everything in the cart > Went to the freebies section and grabbed some items I'm interested in there, and I feel fine now:-)
Have a great weekend!
(Edited by mod for language)
No triple tokens today?... Might as well save the store credit for the weekend
Aw, bummer, not even double tokens. Today was the first day of the sale that there were new things (aside from the "golden ticket" items) that interested me enough to throw in the cart.
However, most of my tokens expire at the end of Friday, so I'll get motivated before the weekend - or not.
Labor Day is Monday in the US and I was really hoping for triple tokens today so I could build them up for a possible Labor Day sale. I'm not sure what (if anything) DAZ will do for a Labor Day sale with the PA sale already in progress but I wanted to be prepared.
Also I really need a good gift card sale before I can buy much more.
Tokens expire 4 days after you receive them, not on Fridays specifically.
True; but I think Paulawp is simplly saying that most of her tokens exprie in Friday and not that all tokens expire on Friday.