Growing Up for Genesis 3 [Commercial]

Hi Guys. So this is in full production mode. The entire face has been redone from scratch and looks more natural and works better with expressions. Also there was a demand to be able to zero out the head. I have included a more refined option this time, however there is no seperate head and body dial. Instead, the new neutralize head state is a morph that takes into account the strength of the youth morph and will reset it accordingly. It actually works better this way now and adds way more diversity to the figures face when you play with it's values and also improves face blending. I also plan of doing a Skin Merchant resource that will be an addon if it cannot be done in time. Will post more info as I work to finish this. In terms of release, I was hoping for next month, but if all is not complete in time, it will definately be ready for January. Still have loads of jcm's to add and lot's of testing to do. Anyways, here is a sneak peak.

I thought the original version would be hard to beat, but you've done it. Too bad we can't pre-order items. One of the things I like about the Genesis 1 version is how well it works with non-human shapes, but there's really no way to tell with Genesis 3 since all of the shapes so far are human. Do you think this will work well with any future things such as a (currently non-existent) Genesis 3 Creature Creator?
She looks cute, and doesn't come off creepy like I find tj7 for some reason; eyes might be a little large, but is easy to change.
Great job!
Less sneak, less peak and more buy now please...
Looks like you escaped the salt mines again. :)
In theory it should. If not, well thats what updates are for:)
Man, makes me wish I was doing G3. Ah well, I still have a bunch of stuff of yours to buy yet... ;)
I did escape, but my masters found me, now I am back and locked up:( Ah...freedom was so nice....:) I will look into the eyes. I might decrease the iris size slightly.
Adorable! I'm looking forward to it... Will there be separate G3M/G3F versions or just the two in one package?
I'm currently using Growing Up to render my son's kid-superhero 'The Red Ninja', and I'm wishing I could use this already... :)
-- Morgan
I will always offer seperate versions and a bundle with both. I don't want people to be forced into paying for a male version if they don't really do male renders. Lot's of people just buy specific gender versions as well, so it's best to offer it this way.
Thanks dear:) Busy rigging the face. Will have some expression examples tomorrow.
I wasn't being critical btw, with the eyes. Not sure how old the face of the character is meant to represent, so hard to be sure.
She is designed to be between 5-6. However the new neutralize morph has a handy feature that can be dialled in the negative, which can make her look younger if you want. There is very subtle changes in the face between those ages so it all depends on how you portray it I guess. How many times do we get kids ages wrong lol. But according to my research and face age proportions I designed it on, she is between 5-6. The system is flexible enough so you can make adjustments if you want, according to your preference.
Here are some expression tests.
Very cute character :)
I'm rarely convinced by child characters but I really like this one.
Thanks:) It's just a base designed for other characters to be built on or blended in. I guess you can say it is a character in a way lol. She has her own personality even though she doesn't have a name
Very nice Zev. Will the texture you have in your images come with the product?
No that is 3duniverses texture that I tweaked. I do plan on providing a kids skin merchant resouce for it though, since this product is a merchants resource. Will get started on that once the morphing side of the product is complete. But nothing is stopping other PA's else from providing skins as well:) It's designed on the base UV.
That would be really cool since the issue I always have with children is the lack of textures for them.
She looks great! I would have placed her at 4-5 but then I work with 6-7 years olds everyday and I'm probably being a bit picky. Love it...I have your genesis version of this. Never really bought much of gen2's but I really like the gen3 characters.
That would be great...
Looking forward to this; I've got the bundle of the previous versions, as well as the Sisters pack for G2F, so I know the quality of your work. Looking to add a bunch of your other stuff at some point, as well.
LOL love the expressions; top-right especially.
Agree; many are just not right.
Wish this little darling can stay young forever, but at some time she has to grow up
Here is a test of her with the youth morph at a lower value. Anyways, back to testing...
Yup, another couple of years or so, and she'll be out killing Zombies; will probably want to watch Pride, Predjudice and Zombies too. /sign.
The main problem I had when using adults and switching over to kids was indeed the materials. The eyebrows on most the adults are plain wrong for kids. Too plucked, too thin, too arched- very few natural ones. Some PA should do a batch of kids materials- they'd probably rock in sales! So looking forward to the release of this, the kids are going to be adorable.
Zev0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally!
UPDATES!!!!!!! ????????
Busy on promos so it can be submitted and tested. Will show some more pics once those are done. Then I am onto the MR skin for this product. Then I have to do the G3M version. Then....I hope to get some sleep lol. So yeah, gonna be a busy month.....
Epic. Please release on or around payday
Well manicured eyebrows on kids look wierd so thanks!
And you didn't even take Christmas and New Years into account ;D
Pfft! No sleep in the salt mines.