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I still don't see an update in DIM.
They aren't there? Hmmm...Let me find out if they were set live. Was supposed to be live days ago.
They've been sitting in my DIM for days. Growing Up for G3F is dated 7/7/2017. Growing up for G3M is dated 7/6/2017. Based on the last few comments, I see these are the updated updates. Right? I guess I should go ahead and download/install them.

Around 7/7/2017 should be correct yes.
Thank you, Zev0.
That's very odd. Nothing in my DIM. I checked the data folder to see what date is on the files and it looks like I have a version from February. I wonder whether there is some confusion in the DIM software between bundle purchases and individual products? OH - I see that date is 2016! Which files should I check?
OK - I think I know what is the problem here but it means that I probably have not been getting any updates for lots of products.
I moved my content from my Mac to my Windows PC sometime around April/May 2016 and in doing so I copied over the Install Manager folders. However, those data records have pointers to wher the packages are installed and, of course, they do not have the same path on a Mac as they do on a PC. I'm now wondering whether I have to unistall and reinstall everything I bought before 05/2016. Oh damn, damn, damn!
I dealt with this recently on my pc, when I moved files from the fast-filling-up c-drive to my 2TB d-drive. I updated DIM to point to the new location, but all the manifest files still pointed to the old one. If I right-clicked on the arrow next to the product and selected "Show Installed Files," everything was listed, but nothing linked to the file. I used a text editor to do a search and replace, replacing all instances of the old path with the new one, on the manifest files. But then none of the older stuff was showing up in Daz Studio, until I updated the metadata via Content DB Maintenance... Anyway, you might give that a try, before you decided to uninstall/reinstall everything.
Good luck.
Well, seems our minds work in similar ways: I also used NotePad++ to search and replace the path thinking that was sure to work but, like you, not quite. I'll try the metadata thing now, thanks.
Nope - it still won't let me re-install Growing Up.
Makes me wonder how people who do a manual install (no DIM or Connect) ever get updates. The only way I know to find or install updates is via DIM.
EDIT: The difference betwen your experience and mine is that I can see the installed products in DAZ Studio - which is why I've been unaware of the problem until now. It is DIM that isn't working properly so I don't see updates for those older products and I can't uninstall them because it won't let me re-install them.
Go to your product library in your account inside Studio site and download from there. You will see manual zips.
Marble I only install manually and I admit sometimes I don't get updates ,but when I notice a PA state there is an update I go check ,then go into my account download the zip and install it ,if I need to I can find all the parts and manually delete them.But for me the plus is I can find things without Smart content .....
That's what I was meaning - without noticing the PA announcement there is not indication that there is an update. Do all PAs announce updates? Now that I know my DIM is broken I'm starting to be wary of buying new products until I know that they will be installed correctly and that I will get updates. At the moment, DIM refuses to re-install Growing Up for G3F as though it doesn't recognise that I purchased it, yet it is there in my product library. I've had to manually install it (as ZEV0 advised above) but I'd rather have DIM fixed becuase I have no idea what other updates I might have missed.
I don't know about your larger issue with not seeing updates in DIM, but for redownloading/reinstalling specific products, have you tried going to where the manifest file (not the downloaded files) is located and moving or deleting that? When I was trying to move some files to get clutter off my hard drive, I found I could move the download files anywhere, but if I moved the manifest files, DIM would think the product was not installed and make it available again on the Ready to Download tab.
Default location for mine is here, if that helps C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\ManifestFiles
If your DIM lists the product as installed though, I don't know why you wouldn't see updates unless you have more than one account on that machine, I move files after installing all the time and haven't run into it not showing updates as far as I know, and I see updates frequently.
Yep. I tried deleting the specific manifest file and moving the whole manifest folder somewhere else. Neither method helped. I don't have more than one account on this PC. I posted a question in the DAZ Studio forum and had some similar suggestions there but, so far, nothing has worked. I've also logged a support ticket a couple of days ago but experience tells me I could be waiting a while for a reply.
Hi, newbie here, is there a way of getting growing up for genesis 3 to work with genesis 8 or do I need to wait for a new product?
When I apply the G3 female morphs to Monique 7 | Daz 3D, nothing happens. Does it work with this G3 character?
They will work on any Genesis 3 Female character, unless it has fancy ERC links to zero them (which Monique certainly doesn't)
I just tried it. it worked fine. I used the Age 9-10 preset. I dialed out Monique 7's body morph (as recommended by Zev0), because the muscularity looks inappropriate on a child.