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No, I only hear this.
what thread?
Of course I'm right in the head! It's the rest of the Bozos in the world that are crazy.
...not what you want to hear on the cabin PA from the pilot of the flight you're on.
Please ignore the temptation to bump threads.
...sometimes you have to bump the Victrola™ when the record keeps skipping.
neighbours are having a full-on screaming match
Start singing opera loudly... that should throw them off.
Is it really bumping a thread if you've forgotten about it for a while and go looking for it to see what's going on, or you find an oldish forum notice in your emails and you click on it to see what was going on and find the compulsion to respond to a post or the thread...?
Is there a reasonable length of time a thread must remain unresponded to for it to be bumping or necroposting?
well I ignored it a whole month before I bumped it
it might still count as a bump
I ignored this thread for years, but finally... Curiosity! And the poor cat.
Don't look in the box, it might be okay.
...particularly Klingon Opera.
Too late. Luckily, cats have 9 lives, or maybe it's a Pet Semetary thing.
I'm glad I don't have that many cats.
Was it because of the cats?
my cats are kept indoors
those neighbours gone TG she just screamed all day, at partner, at kids, I never heard anything else except him tearing off on his motorcycle when she wouldn't stop
Oh my, I think I'm reading that book right now. LOL. Well, that's if he's all hot and sexy....
MMM, cat's aren't in the book although I think I might have me a book about sexy cat motorcycle guys...wait maybe that's lion shifters. Yeah, probably lions.
There's always that one cat (in the middle) that has to stand up and blow the other cats' cover, proving that cats are not actually quadrupeds.
I am being harrassed and trolled on Youtube again by a certain user who creates multiple new accounts and trolls iClone and DAZ users, I cannot name him
(been banned from this forum and others including Unity 3D, Adobe as well as Reallusion)
but from time to time he must google his BVH motions site's name and troll users who comment on videosthat match
Where did the time go?