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Ignoring the thread is bliss.
say hi to Bliss for me
Thanks for the smiles today. It is much appreciated.
Bliss sends her regards.
This is like the Barbara Streisand effect of threads
My calendar for today has "2:00" written on it. Now you know as much as I do. Like many things, I'm having trouble ignoring it.
There was a great flash of light. Now my "2:00" has disappeared from my calendar, and I'm wondering where it went.
Well, yesterday was the winter solstice and also the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn and millions and millions of people's birthday so perhaps it was a quick note to yourself.
Or, it could have been a virus time bomb and your machine is now implicated in hacking the Pentagon.
Or, a stray few cosmic rays conspired to set your clock but didn't know what to say so left no message.
Or, you have an unrecognized spit-personality and live an alternate life some days.
Computer mysteries: The bane of the modern world.
I had begun to hibernate lately until I realized that I'm not a bear.
cats sleep 18 hours a day
looking at mine I am positive it's more for domestic ones
My son got his telescope out on the beach to see the conjuction, managed to get one picture of it.
I keep telling myself I have a split personality, but I beg to differ.
I had a small telescope in the early '60s sometime while I was in highschool. A toy telescope, but by todays plastic standards it was very nice. Refractor type, all metal tube and focus gears, glass lenses, very little chromatic abberation. What it didn't have was a decent tripod or equatorial mount. I rigged up my own. But it was about 45-60 power. I remember the first night I saw Saturn. Yep, there it was, a tiny little dot in the view but I could definitely see rings around it. That was the highlight of my telescope days. I've always dreamed about having a proper telescope, but gave it up as an impracticability. And once I started seeing images from the Hubble telescope I couldn't see any purpose in having my own telescope of any size. I was interested in the images, not the experience or the struggle.
Although I don't begrudge kids having their own first experience seeing something not otherwise seeable and groking the reality of science. Telescopes, microscopes.
I remember my mother came out that night and I showed her Saturn for the first time in her life. It tickled me to see her realization that yes indeed, it was Saturn and there it was.
...similar situation here. Had an all metal frame 3.5" refractor I received as a combination birthday/Christmas gift in the mid 1960s (about the same power) It only came with a tabletop tripod, however we had an old wooden navy tripod oneof my uncle left that I was able to rig a fitting for to mount the telescope on. No clock drive (those were expensive) but it still gave me countless hours or enjoyment every clear night (including during winter).exploring the wonders of the universe.
When I was in college in Northern Wisconsin, one of my study positions was at the campus observatory where I helped set up and manage public viewing nights. We had a big 16" Celestron "light bucket" under the dome along with several Celestron 8" reflectors and one 10" mounted on pedestal mounts that were fitted for clock drives on the roof of the science building. As the campus was on the north fringe of town we had pretty decent viewing. Spent many winter nights under the dome, bundled up with a big thermos of coffee, as that was when the atmosphere was the most stable doing research (one of my three minors was in Astronomy, the other two, Art and German). Definitely the best college job I even had.
In 1979 the department sponsored a trip to western North Dakota to watch the total solar eclipse that February Chances of a clear sky was about 30% so it was a gamble but even that slim possibility didn't deter us. so for 70$ a bunch of us rode a chartered bus through the cold winter northlands overnight arriving at the site in the very early morning hours. Turned out we were blessed with totally clear skies and were treated to an incredible what, at the time, was a once in a lifetime show. Never forget that.
Had a second chance with the August 2017 great eclipse but it was almost impossible to get into the path of totality as highways leading to the area were backed up and the best viewing spots within a reasonable trip were already taken. So just stayed in Portland where it still was pretty cool seeing the stars out in mid morning.
I am too stupid to use Facebook live
my camera has permissions blocked it says but my settings everywhere allow it
Facerig worked two months ago on live too now won't
Windows update since hosed it all by looks
I ignored the thread and now look what happened!!!
...yeah I keep trying but it keeps popping a notice to my inbox
mann i would love a breakfast burrito, feel free to ignore me, and burritos
trying to bribe my cousins with a tacobell party pack if they take me out for a burrito
no Nexium for a week, my reflux will be awful, bought a big bottle of Gaviscon.
getting Heliobacter breath test Monday so need 7 days free for the test.
I really hope it is positive as would be an easy answer and possible cure but sadly have had reflux all my life so doubtful
also my cholesterol is too high and my blood pressure
For Xmas, I received a gift card to Taco Cabana. Mmmmm.
hhhha le pen yO get the blood circulating
It's Wednesday and I have accomplished nothing.
Full consistancy has been achieved.
Everyone carry on.
Not sure if those dancing robots are amazing or hella-scary!
Skynet Boston Robotics want you to think they are cute/our friends
that is how it begins...
Trust the Computer, The Computer is your friend.
I believe Boston Robotics just got bought out by some Japanese company?
Oops, Korean company. Hyundai. Billion dollar deal.
...[checking to see how many clones I have left]
Do you have clearance for that?