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...ugh that's really bad news. That's about 1,200$ per year, In three years time you could have your own standalone version paid for that doesn't have to "phone home". Do they seriously expect graphics production studios would want to deal with the inconvenience of a software by subscription plan?
Of course I'm also hearing that MS is looking to go the same way with Windows as well.
How do these supposedly intelligent people come up such stupid ideas?
I don't know. Apparently the idea of buying software and actually owning it is becoming a thing of the past.
Actually, you never owned the software. What you bought was a license to use the software. What you have in most cases, even something free like Daz Studio, is a perpetual license to use the software. A subscription is a different kind of license, but you never OWNED the software. MS has not said whether or not Windows will go that way, but Office already has. Office 365 is now an annual subscription, has been for a few years.
Yeah, I know we never technically 'owned' the software. But we always had a physical copy of it and we could install and uninstall to our little hearts content and do all sorts of things as if it was actually ours. It certainly let us have the impression that it was ours. I always feel better somehow if I have an actual physical copy that I can feel as if it was mine. It took me a long time to accept services like Steam which my boys love. They don't actually own those games either. I think my age shows at times when I struggle with all of this cloud stuff. I feel as if I'm losing control of my computer and that is mine. I suppose I should stop struggling with the concept of everything going virtual and in the 'cloud', but it is hard for this old doggette to learn new tricks sometimes.
The idea is not stupid seen from their perspective, they wouldn't do it if they didn't profit from it.
Besides, it's probably also partly to protect against piracy.
Studios quite like having a predictable item in their expenditure, that they can drop or add as needed each year. For them the cost of the software is a minor consideration comapred to payroll anyway.
I see everyone is still failing to ignore my thread. Well, hrumph!
Daz 3D needs to find new sources of steady revenue. Daz Connect is just one attempt. If it fails, then they will try something else. Look at the content that came out for Genesis 2 and 3. Mostly it is updates and re-imagining of stuff sold for previous content. All you buy with the new version is some different texture and convience (no need to auto-fit or tweek to fit the new gen). The creation of new users to 3D in general may have slowed to a point where new users is close to the attrition rate of old users so you're not growing the total size of your users year after year. If Autodesk went to subscription software it show they have reached a point where even their big customers are not adopting the latest versions quickly enough because they can do what they need with the existing software. Same with Windows 10 and MS Office. These are mature products. All you see from version to version is incremental updates. So the only way to keep a cash stream and therefore selling the software at a profit is to get a MODEST monthly fee from each user.
The real question is how much does Daz need to get from each user every month to make it worth their while to continue to revise and tweek the software and content? What will they need to dump in terms of development projects to make the cost low enough that the profit is worth it?
I think my roommate sucks her thumb. Either that or my goldfish like to such their fins.
...I just don't care for the statement that says new content may onlt be loaded through Daz Connect.
I'm still rather peeved that 4.7 bork three of my most usefuil tools.: AoA's Atmopsheric Cameras, Grapic Art Cameras. and Advanced lights. Because of this I rarely use 3DL any more.
Also really sounds a lot like an "Auto Update" feature.
I am looking for a police box for either Daz Studio 4.9 or Poser pro 11
why can't I get an animated avatar, Pam can thump her club but I cannot make my torus do this
Because my avatar was animated on the old forum, so the software is referencing that data base, New avatars are hosted on a 3rd party database, which doesn't cater for animated avatars.
Yes, Chohole has apparently been around since the beginning of Medusa so the powers that be have to let her keep her perks like animated avatars and big sticks!
Luckily, she always has great advice and tips and is willing to show all of her impressive works made in Bryce. (<--- Chohole, I got a Bryce plug in there for you)
I found the full version of Cinderella and other movies on YouTube
I typed this just after reading an earlier post and never hit send... But it relates to a previous couple of posts...
I'm no fan of anything cloud related, it just adds one more thing to go wrong, innovation is making things simpler and smoother.
In regards to subscription software.... It's stupid and greedy- period and no matter what the argument anyone makes no one can convince me otherwise, nobody ever owed their software, but nobody owns all their music and movies, but you have the right to store your personal copy of whatever it is where you want and use it whenever you want, independent of the need to pay to use it... and if the owners of said movies were to turn solely to a subscription model, you'd see how quickly people would turn against this idea... The worst part about subscription software, especially creative software is most of these are dependent on some proprietary file format like .max for example, so the moment someone lets their subscription lapse, the use access to their work... In essence it holds an artist's work hostage.
One thing I'm glad to see is some of the newer companies are creating much fairer license policies... Like Indy and Pro licenses, where the software is basically the same, except that you pay more for a Pro license if you make over "X amount" dollars per year. Usually the defining amount is very fair, like $100k... It may be naive, but more people tend to respect that and those that don't, were going to steal anyway... One way or another. You can't reasonably stop the determined thiefs, and it's wrong to penalize everyone. I read an article a while back which I found interesting... Basically it was stating that many companies that find their software pirated and go through elaborate and expensive means to prevent that really don't see any noticeable increase in profits... Yes, they may block the Pirates, but it still doesn't increase sales by any significant degree... But since the pirates eventually defeat the method, the argument remains that the demand for the pirated software never went away and the justification for more drastic measures remains... But always overlooked is the fact that neither the Pirates or their customers were ever going to be actual paying customers from whom they may have see a purchase. It's thinking of software as products with finite numbers... If you only have 100 tomatoes and someone steals 10 you are out that profit... You can only sell the 90 remaining... But if you have virtual tomatoes, there are unlimited numbers, if you lose ten copies you didn't necessarily lose ten sales, because however many customers come to you, you can still sell them a copy... And the more accessible and more affordable the more you will sell. Those with reasonable methods and prices tend to get far more new customers quicker. Granted that may all go out the window because of subscription based software. But it's lure relies heavily on the argument that it is cheaper than a version purchase, you get instant updates and bug fixes, and you can drop and resume at any time... Essentially making it a utility... Like electricity, a phone company or cable TV... I wonder how many of the fans of subscription really love their phone company, power company or even still have cable?
Please stop getting into my head and stealing my thoughts!
Virtual or not, I want you to stop or I'll enforce a subscription model for access to my brain. 
I agree. I have all thoughs for AoA and more. It really pisses me off that they keep deep sixing previous versions. They don't have to support them but they could keep links to htem. Mozilla Firefox can manage to do it without threatening the future of their company. It is not auto-update it's auto-cash pay. This is intended to move to a suscription model. They see people like MS raking in the cash and think that will work for us.
I can ignore others, there is an option for that
I am still ignoring this thread
Just broke my ignoring streak!!!!! I had actually managed to forget about this thread until just now!!!
Ignore a loose thread? You're joking! We are all ready to pounce like kittens. Very scary kittens. can I ignore it when I keep getting reminders?
Where's that Snooze button?
birthday party, was thinkin of makin it a jammie party
52nd orbit
I should be asleep and ignoring this thread
..didn't you just have one a few months ago? Or has the year just flown by that fast?.
Maybe it was twelve months ago?
Ignore it and it'll go away, they said. Well clearly it hasn't.
I now rate that advice along with "don't scratch it" and "If you keep doing that, you'll go blond".