The amount of new PAs coming here is a very welcome sight!

in The Commons
The amount of emails regarding new PAs is incredibly encouraging!
I, for one, am glad to see more and more PAs from rendo making their way over here!
As there were a lot of Rendo-specific vendors that were forever locked from me due to having out-dated account info for rendo, yet I cannot change my account info, **because you have to BUY something at that shopfront in order to be able change your account info!
**(Unless that has changed, which I doubt)
Do you have access to the email associated with your account? Rendo has a standard "forgot password" feature to send a password reset to your email.
If you already have access to your Rendo account but need to change your email, you can change it from Settings (scroll down until you see the Change Email section).
If you have neither your Rendo password nor access to the email associated with your account, you could try contacting their customer service to ask about options for account recovery.
I can't take it any more, if we're not allowed to talk about it openly on the forum for whatever reason, can someone *PLEASE* DM me with the drama that's causing a rendo exodus people keep alluding to?
I'm dying to know what happened. ☕☕☕
@Pancake You've been around here long enough to know that salacious details are not shared on the forum - Against TOS. And maybe nothing happened. The new PAs aren't actually new to Daz - They've mostly already participated on Daz projects. They have moved items over here and still have stores over there. Not all their items moved. Maybe those who moved items will no longer release new work over there. That remains to be seen. If I were to guess, I would go by what I've seen/done as a customer. I've seen Rendo sales and policies get stingier over time, and my interest in spending money there has waned to the point that I've spent $3.64 there this year and $31.34 last year. Those numbers are quite a lot less than I used to spend, and I have transferred that spending to other stores. And overall, my spending is up. I think the folks who moved here did the math and maybe factored in their own needs to do the work they want to do with G9. And now, here they are getting a nice promo push for their official "arrivals."
My understanding is that Rendo changed details of the contract for their top selling vendors - one suggestion that's out there was that they no longer get reduced selling fees for being exclusive to Rendo, but I stress that this is hearsay that I don't have a direct source for.
That's weird. Messed up. You could actually buy... IDK... *something* there. Some time. IDK. They've revived their Bargain Bin promos and that sometimes has something good. And you might have reward points you can convert into Rendo GCs. Up to you.
Those are things that can be checked on Rendo site - Their vendor selling agreement is published online for new vendors. I looked. Nothing in there for exclusive vendors. Vendor ranking determines the split. The doc is dated 12/1/2023.
I would add, I don't really care about the behind-the-scenes drama. It's interesting that we have these promos, and its sort of awkward, too. Times change, vendors move around, it's the way of things.
I assume that's probably supposed to be read as 1st December 2023 (inconsistent date formats - grrr).
Which would add up. Although a lot of these vendors have worked with Daz previously, the first thing I recall from any of them recently was Lilflame releasing a product here on 17th Jan 2024 - - and then it is going to take a long time to get a backlog of thousands of products entered and ready for download.
(The store is a bit muddled about the order of all of these vendors' products, but using the PoserContent search, as far as I can tell, LilFlame's name was last on a product on Daz in 2017:
So I'd say that if it were to do with contract changes, you would indeed expect them to have been around late 2023.
Well, I'm not sure that is really applicable. Many of the vendors in the current 'Welcome' sales have already been selling at DAZ and thus were not exclusive to Renderosity anyway.
For selfish reasons, I like that more vendors sell here at the official store because the discounts are better.
But more generally speaking, more competition would be healthy in a case like this, where DAZ already has a bit of a monopoly. In that sense, Rendo struggling (if that's what's happening) is not a good thing.
If Hivewire had moved their products here instead of to Rendo, I'd probably own all the ones I want by now.
They tried, their big cats were here for a minute. Then something happened, and they went to Rendo instead.
Agreed. Rendo is the official Poser store. Maybe that does something for them. On their forums they recently claimed their difference is that they are more of a community. I met some nice people there. I've met some nice people here, too. I have had contact with actual Rendo site staff - more than at any other site. That part is different, I think. It doesn't answer why so many vendors are doubling down on being here.
It turns out some answers are coming in the Now Selling at Daz thread.
Before or after their site closed down?
True. And I did not claim they were applicable. I said they could be checked, and that I checked them. That's a dodgy reply. Also true.
Just an FYI - exclusive at Rendo did not mean that the vendors didn't have any older products elsewhere. It meant that from the time they selected to go exclusive they would not broker or do buyouts with their names on it in stores elsewhere. So if a vendor was exclusive at Rendo, back when they had that, it meant that they'd agreed not to market themselves in any other store.
Other things changed as well. But that's to clear up the confusion on what the "Exclusive" agreement was and why you saw that some of us had older items here at DAZ despite that.
My main concern is the ton of products I have bought over there thru the years and a good chunk of those I have not downloaded yet. I hope we do get several months access if things go south over there.
My issue is tied with my debit card number and physical address... I WISH it was a simple password/email issue, however, I shall take your advice and give it another go, thanks very much for the info you provided!
Yeah, admittedly, I haven't tried to buy anything/change account info there ever since I found out that you cannot change your account info, unlike a system that used by literally EVERY SINGLE online shop there is, my issue is that I need to re-enter my debit card info for my old account, so I cannot buy anything even if I wanted to!
I'll give it another go, though I doubt they changed their method as I think I'm the only one with this issue, though I wouldn't be alone once someone else decides to change their account info!
No it would not be a good thing if Rendo were to tank, as they're a pretty significent resource for our hobby!
Rendo has now told their side of it, from their newsletter this morning:
The last eighteen months have been eventful here at Renderosity. Read on for a brief timeline. In Feb ’23 we released an updated version of the Renderosity marketplace. This marked the final phase of a two-year site modernization effort designed to improve the site and streamline future
development work.
Faced with unexpected staff turnover in summer ‘23, we decided to revitalize the business by hiring key new staff, updating business strategy and implementing new processes such as professional customer and vendor support.
In Nov ’23 we implemented new Vendor Terms to ensure the long-term success of the Renderosity business. This created friction with some vendors who preferred the prior terms and that would set the stage for some vendors to migrate to competing sites in Apr ’24.
While we hate to see vendors leave, we ultimately know that competition is a good thing. The alternative is a monopoly with one provider of software and digital content for the community. This doesn’t usually end well.
So, on behalf of the Renderosity team, the best we can do is to ensure Renderosity is a healthy business and that we will be here for buyers and vendors when they need us in the future. We would like to sincerely thank everyone who has tolerated the dust and occasional growing pains
as we have worked to improve the site over the last 18 months. It has been far from perfect and we’re working continuously to improve, but we greatly appreciate the opportunity to serve.
Tim Choate
President/CEO, Bondware, Inc. DBA
I've never left account info on file with them - I rarely do that for anyone. I enter CC info every time I make a purchase. It's never been a problem. Perhaps if you contact their customer service again, they can finally help you? Sounds maddening!
Anyway, on other news and leaving that rant behind, I'm glad seeing Krashwerks made it here. Quite frankly and, probably an unpopular opinion here on the forums, it's gotten pretty boring around here with everyone obsessed with "realism" and 83% of the figures being released having plain and boring body morphs.
Thanks for providing that information from Renderocity, Torquinox. I wish it were available on one of the other "R" forums.
Thanks for the advice!
Yeah, when I originally had this issue, I contacted the staff, and we back and forth'd for a few weeks with nothing to show for it as the standard was already set in stone, but with their restructure of their shopfront, I think I'll give it another go!
Glad to help! :) I was surprised by that, too - I did look. It's interesting.
I hope you get it all resolved.
That's very 1-sided and implies that their changes were policy changes only and doesn't address how those changes affected vendors.
I would like to see Hivewire here too, especially, I think his name is "Ken Gillaland" with the birds & such.
Ken used to have his products here a long time ago.
I understand and I believe you. I'm positive there are more and very good reasons why you and so many Rendo vendors came over here. That doesn't just happen. It's never simple, never easy. I also saw your first reply to me about this. I can't comment on any of that because I'm just a customer - It's like watching a tennis match from a long way out through heavy lenses. I'm seeing obvious stuff and missing all the details. I saw the statement in the newsletter and I thought people here might be interested. So I posted it.
Don't worry, I believe most people can see right through corporate gobbeldygook like this: