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Of course! I came home and my bed was still not made.
Surprise, surprise, surprise!
Complaint: Ugh, you know you're too sleepy when you label your support ticket: Produce Return. Produce??? I learned a while back that you can't eat pixels.
you can grow 3D produce. A quick search also brought up everyday fruits.
Very nice finds. Yeah, I meant to type Product Return not Produce Return. The joys of insomnia. Maybe both me and my DAZ digital people should eat healthier! I can grow them some 3D produce.
Not yet, but in the not too distant future....
Quantum Pork Chops? That's what I gather from that post. Hmm.
I thought my ride was coming to pick me up at 09:30 but they picked me up earlier. I got a call saying they were on their way and I had to quickly throw on some clothes, get my hat and earbuds then put on my shoes etc etc etc.
non complaint I was ready by time the taxi arrived.
....well made it through the latest heat wave which should be our last of the year (only 93° instead of 99° today) however more humid (real feel was 110°) . Currently still 81° at 22:45 local time ("real feel" in the 90°)
as if the heat and humidity has not been enough, smoke from a large cluster of wildfires east of the mountains today. . Not extremely thick but enough to cause sunlight on the ground to appear yellow-orange in colour and haze at ground level was noticeable
Finally after a bit of wet stuff on Wednesday things will change and temperatures will be more seasonable for September (70s)
Although with how wacky the weather's been lately, it can also suddenly change again like it has already done so a few times so I'm not holding my breath.(we've had temperatures in the 80s as late as the thrid week of October before).
My California cousin said the temperature was 112 degrees there yesterday. This appears to be the second time I've edited a comment after saying I never edit my comments.
I dreamt I was with a group of people exploring a Cold War underground bunker. I left early to get something. When I came back the underground bunker was flooded. My team fortunately got out fine except wet.
I dreamed I was eating a giant marshmallow and when I woke up my pillow was gone. drum roll cymbal crash
Hmmm..., OK, but, a smore likely story is that; then you realized that you were covered in chocolate, and sleeping between two giant graham crackers.
I put two bean and cheese burritos in the oven and turned the oven on. Now the oven is hot. Are the burritos going to be hot?
The "Magic 8-Ball" says Ask Again Later.
Instead of complaining about the weight of lead, why don't you just change the Gravitational Constant of the Universe, as "Q" from Star Trek would suggest.
But, yeah, it is heavier that most other common materials. I have a small mineral collection and have an eggsized piece of Galena (Lead ore), sitting in a bowl with some other similar sized "rocks" of mostly Silicon or Calcium or Carbon, or Chromium. And yeah, the "lead" chunk is WAY heavier than the "normal" rocks. Demonstrating that, is another party trick of mine.
But still..., a lead balloon will float in air.
It takes so long to choose and put in 14 earrings in the 14 open holes in both of my ears! I have 16 total. Thinking of getting my nose done one day., a Le[a]d Zeppelin .
I admit I'm a little envious. I have pierced ears (just one in each), but I can't wear earrings or the pierced parts hurt like the blazes and start bleeding. Stupid things won't close up, though, either. So I'm stuck with useless holes. (So much for everyone warning me they'd close if I didn't wear earrings regularly! It's been 25 years!)
I have 8 holes per ear. They sometimes do bother me. I can't wear them all the time.
I tried changing the gravitational constant, but my cat told me he'd really hate me forever if I suceeded. So, I struggled instead.
Why is it Led Zeppelin and not Lead Zeppelin?
The group dropped the 'a' in lead at the suggestion of Peter Grant, so that those unfamiliar with the term would not pronounce it "leed".
Ah yes, I recall the less famous group, Leed Zeppelin, having a similar issue.
Do you have metal allergies? I do, and I have trouble with my ears if I wear cheap jewelry. I have to either wear real gold (10K+) or surgical steel. I have two piercings in each side. Oddly the upper pair is more sensitive than the original piercings.
I can't compete in the "holes in my body" piercing discussion, I've only had four, only one of which is still active. But I once met somone who could steal the spotlight. Back in the early '80s I was with my gay motorcycle club on a motorcycle "run" from Orlando, down to Ft. Lauderdale and Miami, Florida, while "inspecting" various gay establishments along the way. We spent the better part of the afternoon on the back patio of a then popular gay leather bar in Ft. Lauderdale talking to Sailor Sid, a famously rumored individual in the gay community who claimed an extraordinary number of piercings in hidden places, and was eager to prove it. And, I can confirm that yes indeedy he DID have a lot of metal hanging from hidden hangy-down places.
I myself have four piercings in more easily accessible places, and have no desire for more. But he seemed to revel in the burden he carried and the stories he could tell. Today I Googled his name and found some photos of his hidden areas and its adorning jewelry, but the TOS would probably forbid me from pointing directly to them. Just Google "Sailor Sid". He died in 1990, but his collection of photos and other correspondence were donated to the Leather Archives Museum in Chicago. Not perhaps the most pierced person in the world, but still notable.
I am downloading HP
the whole company?
I've considered that, but the weird thing is I have no issue wearing rings, necklaces, or bracelets -- even cheap ones. And I have a few pairs of high-end earrings that do it to me as bad as the bargain-rack ones. So maybe I do, but just my ears? Which would seem odd, but... shrug.