The Sky is Falling Complaint Thread



  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited February 28

    ...after a very brief taste of "real winter " here two weeks ago, it's suddenly late spring.. Was 68° today with more of the same tomorrow into Saturday .  Went to my neighbourhood hangout today and sat outside to bask in the sun.  Felt great.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • SilverGirlSilverGirl Posts: 1,197

    The extended forcast here lingers in the 40's... good enough for me. I even heard birds today! Supposed to be 30+ mph winds tomorrow though, which is... less great. Little dude loves the wind, but pushing that stroller uphill against it is not my favorite. That thing catches wind like a sail. And I'm out of shape after a sedentary winter.

    We'll see if it's even an option, though. We might be back to nocturnal. Today he went to bed at 4:30 AM, woke at 10 when I got up to pee, and couldn't get back to sleep. Then he napped from about 1-4 PM... our entire sleep schedule has just gone in the blender. Again.

    So grateful I have the ability to roll with it, but oof. 

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,680
    edited February 28

    carrie58 said:

    Glad you are feeling better LG .

    Thank You.smiley 

    Reduced Mini-adventure:  It was too much.  Was feeling unenergized(like a dead bunny) this morning.  Went to bed 2 hours early last night.  Woke in the middle of the night to cough up more yellow/green goo for an hour.  Feeling weak & blah at bus time.  Decided against laundry, but did get to BurgerKing breakfast and mandatory drugstore visit for prescription pickup, then decided against grocery shopping too, just came home.  Collapsed in recliner and listened to music for an hour, mostly asleep.  Had lunch.  Better now.  Laundry rescheduled for next week's mini-adventure.  Not a spring chicken anymore.frown

    647 x 386 - 64K
    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • We have a Maine Coon cat. He's small by Maine Coon sizes, but he's the biggest cat in our neighbourhood. My complaint is that he's just too nice. We had to rescue him from a cat half his size that had backed him into a corner and was beating him up. Daft Cat. Regards, Richard.
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,680

    richardandtracy said:

    We have a Maine Coon cat. He's small by Maine Coon sizes, but he's the biggest cat in our neighbourhood. My complaint is that he's just too nice. We had to rescue him from a cat half his size that had backed him into a corner and was beating him up. Daft Cat. Regards, Richard. 

    MMA training videos.enlightened 

  • Tried that. He's immune to counselling and training, just like every cat, he knows best. Even when he doesn't.
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    I thought of something to lookup but before I could get to type the query I forgot it.

    Also I noticed that my computer sounds was not working right.  Apparently one monitor has sound issues which caused it not to work.

  • SilverGirlSilverGirl Posts: 1,197

    richardandtracy said:

    We have a Maine Coon cat. He's small by Maine Coon sizes, but he's the biggest cat in our neighbourhood. My complaint is that he's just too nice. We had to rescue him from a cat half his size that had backed him into a corner and was beating him up. Daft Cat. Regards, Richard.

    Never underestimate the little ones. My girfriend in high school had a full-grown cat that had never gotten bigger than a kitten. She had a bell on her collar. She was front-declawed. And she still deposited giant headless bunnies on the front step. It was unreal.

    That said, Maine Coons are just giant love bugs. Mine was an indoor only, but one day when a frog got in the house (still not sure how) he just sang to it and tried to make friends. He'd do the same with the toys we'd get him. About the only thing he ever showed a hunting instinct for was the laser pointer. I'm not sure I ever heard him hiss once at anything.

  • SilverGirlSilverGirl Posts: 1,197

    Looks like 2 PM is our new wakeup time. The winds were fierce, and we went walking anyway, and I think little dude was entirely fine with the fact that it slowed me down because it meant he got to enjoy the wind longer. It was cold enough I actually wore a hoodie; usually I'm the weirdo out there in short sleeves when everyone else is walking in a parka (in my defense, I walk fast and my 5' tall self is pushing 50+ pounds of stroller, often uphill). He was even okay with putting on new, next-size-up shoes for the first time today, which has in the past been a source of great stress. Now he's playing tub toys. It's a good day to be a little dude. And I am grateful for the seemingly small victories in life.

  • SilverGirlSilverGirl Posts: 1,197

    LeatherGryphon said:

    carrie58 said:

    Glad you are feeling better LG .

    Thank You.smiley 

    Reduced Mini-adventure:  It was too much.  Was feeling unenergized(like a dead bunny) this morning.  Went to bed 2 hours early last night.  Woke in the middle of the night to cough up more yellow/green goo for an hour.  Feeling weak & blah at bus time.  Decided against laundry, but did get to BurgerKing breakfast and mandatory drugstore visit for prescription pickup, then decided against grocery shopping too, just came home.  Collapsed in recliner and listened to music for an hour, mostly asleep.  Had lunch.  Better now.  Laundry rescheduled for next week's mini-adventure.  Not a spring chicken anymore.frown

    Sorry it was a struggle, but good for you for listening to your limits. I know that can be hard when there's a to-do list involved 

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,680
    edited March 1

    @ SilverGirl:  Thank you.  Yeah, laundry was sacrificial.  That's why I have LOTS of underwear and socks, and I'd just ordered a couple new sheet sets from Amazon.  Also, when you live alone and are not active then sweatpants, jeans and flannel shirts are good for six months anyway.  I do wish I'd done a little grocery shopping though I'm out of fresh stuff like salad makings, fruit, milk & eggs.  But I do have lots of cans of veggies, various fruits, chili, beef stew, soups, Spam, Vienna Sausage, and a couple boxes of Hormel "Compleats" minute meals.  And I'm not yet out of potatoes, onions, frozen ham, frozen chicken, frozen hamburg, and makings for another big pot of goulash including mushrooms.  Mmm... mushrooms.smiley

    Complaint:  I checked in with my symphony buddy.  It's been more than a month since our last joint breakfast out, but discovered that he'd been in hospital with a heart attack.  Bummer.sad  But we discussed possible upcoming symphonies at Chautauqua Institution this summer, so life goes on.  I'm interested in the Beethoven night during Week 6. 

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067

    I'm sooo bored right now... I've been sitting in my daughter's car outside the NYFD's Brooklyn tech center while she is waiting inside to take the physical test... I got here 9:30AM and it's now 1:40 or so...
    Typical NYC efficiency. It's a 15 minute test if even.  
    I made friends with a pigeon in the meantime and after twenty minutes he got bored with me... I think I've read the entire internet. Spoiler: it's stupid.
    Man I used to work in this area and I don't recognize half the streets anymore... it's like midtown manhattan now, all hi-rise condos and offices.  
    Luckily the police stationed outside let me park here otherwise I'd be having to park blocks and blocks and blocks and blocks away.
    I wonder where Mr. Rottywings went...
    That's the name I gave the pigeon... he looked like he had wing mange or was run over by something heavy... like maybe a couple of monster trucks or a smalll armored vehicle... I mean he's a NYC pigeon, so he's probably just fine... they all look a little dead eventually.
    Well before they actually die... it might be a fashion statement of some sort.
    There is a building nearby that looks like Saron's tower...
    I feel like the developer ran an ad for the architects that went something like "Must be well versed in the lore of middle earth and in their dreams stand naked before the unblinking eye of despair and torment" 
    I feel like the Mordor aesthetic might be classic but it's a hard sell... "All the beauty and luxury of Barad-dûr, but with elevators and a view of lower manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge!"
    Oh! Mr. Rottywings is back!

    Nevermind... it was a greasy paper bag blowing by...

    Wait... where the hell did the sun go?... it's all cloudy now and getting colder.

    Friggin' paper bag wouldn't make friends with me... just keeps blowing back and forth so aloofly... like it's all that.
    Stupid stuck up paper bag.

    I just watched som lady across the street walk into a bent over No Parking sign (99% of NYC signs are one form or another of no parking signs)... that looked pretty painful.

    Okay my daughter is back. Gotta go... Cheers!

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,228

    (Waves goodbye to McGyver)  

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    I did a test last thanksgiving.  I put two cat treats next to my mum.  She was watching football and Oscar was napping on her lap.  I attached a picture of Oscar.

    Oscar smelled the cat treats.  He got up right away so he could eat them.


    1156 x 1280 - 292K
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,680
    edited March 2

    Complaint:  Dead humidifier:  Cold temperatures and dry air have returned.  This dries out my nose and aggravates my bloody nose situation when the humidity gets below 30%.  I had been using one of those ultrasonic humidifiers and it really helped avoid even worse situations.  But now the cheap device has died after only about a month of use (this year).angry  I've ordered another one through Amazon but it won't get here until Tuesday.  Meanwhile my cold keeps soldiering on, producing even more green/yellow goo, and now has invited team "Pink Eye" into the fray.  The last time I had "Pink Eye" (a form of conjunctivitus) was when I was 4, but I remember it.  Yep, it's still the same, milky film, itchy crust, blurry vision.  No more catching than a cold, but I apparently touched something on one of my mini-adventures that had been contaminated and got it near my eyes.  Probably while futzing with my nose.  I'm going to try to get to my Primary Care Physician on Monday for analysis and prescription or OTC advice, then a trip to the drug store.  Not looking forward to up to two weeks of this.frown  Bummer, it's been a miserable/expensive last 4 months starting with the heart attack in October.  Living alone when sick has it's drawbacks.  Try frying chicken with blurry, crusty eyes.indecision

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 4,037

    LeatherGryphon said:

    Complaint:  Dead humidifier:  Cold temperatures and dry air have returned.  This dries out my nose and aggravates my bloody nose situation when the humidity gets below 30%.  I had been using one of those ultrasonic humidifiers and it really helped avoid even worse situations.  But now the cheap device has died after only about a month of use (this year).angry  I've ordered another one through Amazon but it won't get here until Tuesday.  Meanwhile my cold keeps soldiering on, producing even more green/yellow goo, and now has invited team "Pink Eye" into the fray.  The last time I had "Pink Eye" (a form of conjunctivitus) was when I was 4, but I remember it.  Yep, it's still the same, milky film, itchy crust, blurry vision.  No more catching than a cold, but I apparently touched something on one of my mini-adventures that had been contaminated and got it near my eyes.  Probably while futzing with my nose.  I'm going to try to get to my Primary Care Physician on Monday for analysis and prescription or OTC advice, then a trip to the drug store.  Not looking forward to up to two weeks of this.frown  Bummer, it's been a miserable/expensive last 4 months starting with the heart attack in October.  Living alone when sick has it's drawbacks.  Try frying chicken with blurry, crusty eyes.indecision

    LG put a BIG pot of water on the stove on low heat ,that should raise the humidity ,just remember to check on it every so often and turn it off before going to bed .I had to do that during the winter in Alaska ,.....


  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    I went into my room to get something.  I forgot what it was so I got on the computer and checked out the DAZ forum.

  • SilverGirl said:

    richardandtracy said:

    We have a Maine Coon cat. He's small by Maine Coon sizes, but he's the biggest cat in our neighbourhood. My complaint is that he's just too nice. We had to rescue him from a cat half his size that had backed him into a corner and was beating him up. Daft Cat. Regards, Richard.

    Never underestimate the little ones. My girfriend in high school had a full-grown cat that had never gotten bigger than a kitten. She had a bell on her collar. She was front-declawed. And she still deposited giant headless bunnies on the front step. It was unreal.

    That said, Maine Coons are just giant love bugs. Mine was an indoor only, but one day when a frog got in the house (still not sure how) he just sang to it and tried to make friends. He'd do the same with the toys we'd get him. About the only thing he ever showed a hunting instinct for was the laser pointer. I'm not sure I ever heard him hiss once at anything.

    Our super-friendly border collie has been trying for 2+ Years (since we adopted the ditzy boy) to make friends with a pair of black vultures who live in this nearby falling-down shack. Did you know vultures have sufficiently complex body language to convey "WTF!? That dog is crazy!"


  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 4,037

    Does anyone else like music playing in the bathroom while they shower?

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,680

    carrie58 said:

    LeatherGryphon said:

    Complaint:  Dead humidifier: ...

    LG put a BIG pot of water on the stove on low heat ,that should raise the humidity ,just remember to check on it every so often and turn it off before going to bed .I had to do that during the winter in Alaska ,.....


    Yep, been doing that during the day today.  But I don't dare leave it on overnight.  Going up and down stairs is not my safest activity, especially when half-awake.  I'd almost rather just deal with a bloody nose at 4:00 AM.  I'm getting pretty good at it.  I keep all the necessary tools at bedside.frown

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    I started watching Severance.  For some reason I thought it was only the first episode for free.  It went right into episode 2.  Is that normal?

  • SilverGirlSilverGirl Posts: 1,197

    carrie58 said:

    Does anyone else like music playing in the bathroom while they shower?

    I do! 

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited 9:49AM

    McGyver said:

    I'm sooo bored right now... I've been sitting in my daughter's car outside the NYFD's Brooklyn tech center while she is waiting inside to take the physical test... I got here 9:30AM and it's now 1:40 or so...
    Typical NYC efficiency. It's a 15 minute test if even.  
    I made friends with a pigeon in the meantime and after twenty minutes he got bored with me... I think I've read the entire internet. Spoiler: it's stupid.
    Man I used to work in this area and I don't recognize half the streets anymore... it's like midtown manhattan now, all hi-rise condos and offices.  
    Luckily the police stationed outside let me park here otherwise I'd be having to park blocks and blocks and blocks and blocks away.
    I wonder where Mr. Rottywings went...
    That's the name I gave the pigeon... he looked like he had wing mange or was run over by something heavy... like maybe a couple of monster trucks or a smalll armored vehicle... I mean he's a NYC pigeon, so he's probably just fine... they all look a little dead eventually.
    Well before they actually die... it might be a fashion statement of some sort.
    There is a building nearby that looks like Saron's tower...
    I feel like the developer ran an ad for the architects that went something like "Must be well versed in the lore of middle earth and in their dreams stand naked before the unblinking eye of despair and torment" 
    I feel like the Mordor aesthetic might be classic but it's a hard sell... "All the beauty and luxury of Barad-dûr, but with elevators and a view of lower manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge!"
    Oh! Mr. Rottywings is back!

    Nevermind... it was a greasy paper bag blowing by...

    Wait... where the hell did the sun go?... it's all cloudy now and getting colder.

    Friggin' paper bag wouldn't make friends with me... just keeps blowing back and forth so aloofly... like it's all that.
    Stupid stuck up paper bag.

    I just watched som lady across the street walk into a bent over No Parking sign (99% of NYC signs are one form or another of no parking signs)... that looked pretty painful.

    Okay my daughter is back. Gotta go... Cheers!

    ... that you stopped by.

    LeatherGryphon said:

    Complaint:  Dead humidifier:  Cold temperatures and dry air have returned.  This dries out my nose and aggravates my bloody nose situation when the humidity gets below 30%.  I had been using one of those ultrasonic humidifiers and it really helped avoid even worse situations.  But now the cheap device has died after only about a month of use (this year).angry  I've ordered another one through Amazon but it won't get here until Tuesday.  Meanwhile my cold keeps soldiering on, producing even more green/yellow goo, and now has invited team "Pink Eye" into the fray.  The last time I had "Pink Eye" (a form of conjunctivitus) was when I was 4, but I remember it.  Yep, it's still the same, milky film, itchy crust, blurry vision.  No more catching than a cold, but I apparently touched something on one of my mini-adventures that had been contaminated and got it near my eyes.  Probably while futzing with my nose.  I'm going to try to get to my Primary Care Physician on Monday for analysis and prescription or OTC advice, then a trip to the drug store.  Not looking forward to up to two weeks of this.frown  Bummer, it's been a miserable/expensive last 4 months starting with the heart attack in October.  Living alone when sick has it's drawbacks.  Try frying chicken with blurry, crusty eyes.

    ...ugh I've had that (pink eye) and it is not enjoyable.  

    Well our little dose of May weather is over.  3 days close to 70° At least it temps well be more a round nirmal for this time of year, no more big  freeze.  Shows how acclimated I have biome to the climate our here  35 ° is now uncomfortably cold whereas February in in north central Wisconsin where I lived that would feel like spring has arrived.

    Back  during our brief spell pf "real winter", we had 2 - 3' of snow one day and all the schools were closed. as well as even some offices and businesses.   When i grew up in Wisconsin it would take at least a foot and a half (with snow still coming down at about an inch and hour) to close the schools. I still find it a bit amusing when people here freak out over what back in the upper midwest we would call ""a dusting". 

    Year living by oneself does have its perks and also its drawbacks.  Nice to never have to wait to get in the loo, find a pile of dirty dishes cups pots & pans in the sink that I didn't use (one place I where lived with others, I would often wake up to find the sink and every square inch of counter space piled with dishes pots & pans [the annoying part was they had a dishwasher]), or worry about find being stolen, or woken up by loud music at 02:30.   Though yeah, times when you need assistance like recovering from surgery or an injury, it can be a real pain...literally.

    Sad to hear about your concert partner, hope they recover fully.  

    Post edited by kyoto kid at
  • SilverGirlSilverGirl Posts: 1,197

    kyoto kid said:


    Back  during our brief spell pf "real winter", we had 2 - 3' of snow one day and all the schools were closed. as well as even some offices and businesses.   When i grew up in Wisconsin it would take at least a foot and a half (with snow still coming down at about an inch and hour) to close the schools. I still find it a bit amusing when people here freak out over what back in the upper midwest we would call ""a dusting". 

    Yeah... Central MN here, and I feel like there were usually only one or two snow days a year when I was a kid, and more often it was due to dangerous windchills than snow accumulations, which would usually only delay start by a couple hours. 

    The Halloween Blizzard of '91 was epic, though. 

    Year living by oneself does have its perks and also its drawbacks.  Nice to never have to wait to get in the loo, find a pile of dirty dishes cups pots & pans in the sink that I didn't use (one place I where lived with others, I would often wake up to find the sink and every square inch of counter space piled with dishes pots & pans [the annoying part was they had a dishwasher]), or worry about find being stolen, or woken up by loud music at 02:30.   Though yeah, times when you need assistance like recovering from surgery or an injury, it can be a real pain...literally.

    So very depends on the roommates, doesn't it? My ex- would just pile on if I was injured or sick, and then go lock himself in his basement bedroom/man cave to get drunk and play video games for the night, and tell me if I couldn't handle taking care of our toddler, I should call my parents, "because that's what they're there for." The basement was literally 4 feet deep in empty booze bottles, used Kleenex, and worse, and the rest of the house would've been, too, if I hadn't been constantly cleaning it. We had to use snow shovels to deal with it all when I got to change the locks after the divorce went through. 

    My 13-year-old, on the other hand, is the most considerate roommate a person could wish for. Which I figure means full grown adults have no excuse.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    I want to write but I'm getting tired of trying to not offend people who appear to be over sensitive.  I also don't want to be I don't know what it is called.  Maybe use token characters or negative stereotypes that aren't true.

    A negative stereotype of cats could be that they hunt songbirds their caretaker wants to enjoy feeding and watching.  My feline friends Oscar snd Misty have too high of a song bird body count so that is true.

  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,944
    We had a feline who was a spectacularly successful birder. On day we came back from work to a line in size order of 5 birds next to the back door. A pigeon, ring collar dove, blackbird, starling and sparrow. He died of kidney failure, and none of our current cats kill birds. One, a Maine Coon, is good with rats, the other just watches wildlife with some interest from the warm side of a pane of glass. Regards, Richard.
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