The Sky is Falling Complaint Thread



  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited January 26

    Sfariah D said:

    Sfariah D said:

    I am trying to load a scene into DS, but it is taking a long time to load.  Don't know what is going on.

    My computer doesn't have enough ram.  Wonder if there is a way to upgrade the ram on it? much does it have and is it a desktop or a notebook? 

    Also what operating system?

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited January 26

    LeatherGryphon said:

    [big snip]  ✂️

    Sounds cozy.yes  I really miss convenient access to supplies, entertainment and culture and good public transportation.sad

    Nostalgia Mode ON:  Yeah, when I lived in the center of Washington DC, back in the '80s, we were a few blocks north of the Chinatown area.  We had a supermarket two blocks west, a METRO station three blocks north, Chinatown restaurants, a major sports arena, and the National Portrait Gallery to the south, and a corner mini-store one block east.   And I could walk more than 200 yards back then.  Walking south to Chinatown area, we could see the dome of the National Gallery of Art (west building) down the hill, on The Mall, 12 blocks away.  But at home we also heard shots in the night, and once had someone wander into our yard and die of a stabbing.frown  The area has gentrified a lot since then.

    ...that still seems to be the case where I am. yes it is  very "walkable" but it's just off Old Town district which it a pretty sketchy. area.  Sometimes denizens of that part of town wander into our neighbourhood occasionally strung out on some illicit substance or just  plain schnockered.  I have heard gunshots on occasion and there have been a couple murders not far away.  Sometimes when I come home I see one of these folks lurking near the front door of my building hoping to "shadow" a tenant in.(this is a secure building that need a special key to enter)

    Transit is fairly good in my area with two tram line stops literally right outside my door along with two LRT and a BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) lines a short walk away. I'm also only a couple blocks away from Union Station (built in the 1890s), handy when I head to Seattle or down south. 


    But speaking of nostalgia, I was (and am) a great fan of the original "The Day the Earth Stood Still" movie from the '50s.  The boy in the movie was about my age at the time and I fantasized about wandering down to The Mall and finding a giant robot and flying saucer, and meeting a great scientist.  But as it's turned out, although I never found a giant robot and flying saucer,  I have, somewhere in my life, wandered down to The Mall, and have met a great scientist (Paul Dirac).  Nostalgia Mode OFF: the original which is one of my top favourites , I was able to see it at an old 1920s cinema palace a few years ago here on the big screen.  Felt like a kid again myself. When I was young, I was frightened by Gort who could melt howitzers and tanks..

    And the only reason I can afford to Uber a couple times a month is that I'm not paying for a car, or its maintenance, or its gas, or its insurance or its parking, and I have a cheap housing arrangement in a deteriorating farming town, in a forgotten corner of NY State.  The cost of an Uber to travel does hurt, but a few considered uses per month are doable, and I treat them as necessary luxury.  Friends and relatives are either far away, too old to drive, unwilling to shovel snow to drive, or otherwise unavailable to drive me anymore.  I'm on my own.  But, I've always been on my own except for the 13 years Max and I lived together.  I've traveled around the US & across Canada on motorcycle, alone.  I find a way to get where I need to be, but yeah, it's getting harder.frown

     ..I haven't driven or owned a car in many, many years,. and the cost of an Uber ride is still too much (meagre SS benefit  that is rather shy of the median amount).. Hence having such good transit access is nice and a bargain with the senior fare.  When  the weather is nice I walk t o downtown or the Northwest district which has lots of shops restaurants and pubs. .

    I used to live in that area decades ago when  it was still affordable, now it's been gentrified and rents are through the roof  I don't even  want to know what the lovely big one bedroom apartment I had there rents for now . It' s a nice old art deco building that was always well maintained. even when I lived there.

    click to see details

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    kyoto kid said:

    Sfariah D said:

    Sfariah D said:

    I am trying to load a scene into DS, but it is taking a long time to load.  Don't know what is going on.

    My computer doesn't have enough ram.  Wonder if there is a way to upgrade the ram on it? much does it have and is it a desktop or a notebook? 

    Also what operating system?

    windows 11 desktop and 8 gb  

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited January 26

    If it's a desktop of median and modern design, it should be able to accept 16 or 32GB of ram.  HOWEVER, that is very dependent on the motherboard.  So, if the desktop was a commercial off-the-shelf model, then the manufacturer and model number specifications should be sufficient to determine the type of RAM required, its speed, and its maximum capacity.  Depending on the age of the system, the RAM type would probably be either DDR3, DDR4, or DDR5, but we need to know the desktop's manufacturer and model number, or the exact model number of the motherboard(sometimes hard to see without tearing the machine apart).  If there are only two memory slots then you'd have to replace both RAM sticks.  If there are four slots with two empty, then you could add another pair that match the two already in there.  Mixing RAM of differing manufacturer and speeds, can be problematic.  Easiest thing to do is just buy a pair of larger RAM sticks to replace your old RAM.

    Here's a typical price on a good grade of recently modern DDR4 type RAM, but you still need to identify the desktop manufacturer and model number, or the motherboard model number to be sure to get the right type of  RAM.  Not saying some other speeds or manufacturers of RAM wouldn't work, but modern computers can be finicky.

    Replacing RAM is easy-peasy if you can get to it without having to remove the CPU cooler, and it's not otherwise obstructed.  If you've not replaced desktop RAM sticks before, check out a YouTube video (basically: turn off & unplug computer, open side panel, open the RAM slot's little retention levers on one or both ends, pop out old memory, orient new memory cutout key notch correctly, insert straight down, use careful, firm, downward pressure, make sure end levers are fully snapped into place.).  However once new memory is in the machine, during the first boot, the BIOS of the computer will take some time to sniff it out, figure out how well it works, and the best way to poke at it.  Once the computer accepts your new RAM you're set to go, but not all done.  You might be able to enhance the speed of the RAM by 20% or so, by turning on the XMP (eXtreme Memory Profile) feature via your motherboard's BIOS (check the manual).  It's not difficult to replace RAM, but do your homework.

    So, what's your desktop's model number?


    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    Es ist zu kalt. 

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  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited January 27

    ...ah, LeatherGryphon beat me to it.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,939

    Well there is quite a ruckus out here. Apparently one of our sporting teams won some big game and is now planning to play some even bigger game. Whatever.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited January 27

    Complaint:  Arghhh..., after the good fortune to have had an unexpected windfall of a significant refund check to easily pay off an unexpected hospital bill, I was happy and semi-secure.  My heart attack had been managed, my uncontrollable bloody nose episodes had been managed and apparently resolved.  The only medical issue left was getting my new prescriptions properly registered, insured and delivered regularly at an affordable price.  It had all been done except for one prescription.  "Xarelto", a blood thinner (anti-coagulant).  I'd been told at the cardiac hospital that not taking my blood thinner would essentially be a death sentence and to not miss even one day for fear of blood clots clogging my new metal mesh stent in my heart vessel.  Um, OK, I promise.surprise  They gave me a 30-day supply as I left the hospital at the end of November and charged me $47.  Ouch, but doable.  I went through the hoops of transferring my six new prescriptions from Buffalo hospital pharmacy to my local CVS pharmacy.  Yay, all successfully transfered and purchased locally at the end of December.  I'm set, I thought.  But no!  Now at the end of January, I find that my insurance company has refused to pay for Xarelto and I've been charged full price of about $550surpriseangry  And I run out of Xarleto on Thursday 1/30/25.sad  I absolutely CANNOT afford an extra $550 every month.  $200 maybe but not $550.crying

    My Options:  Today I must check with the pharmacist to see if there was any foul up of paperwork or authorizing agencies involved. 

    Must also check with the insurance company to see if this is a "feature" of my new policy for 2025, I'm sorry I didn't read the telephonebook sized list of covered items.frown  Switching to new policy was required by changes in Social Security law that caused the insurance companies to modify their policies, I did some homework and checked into the coverage of the new policy offerings, but I'd thought that I'd picked the same level of coverage as the previous policy, but maybe not, the devil is in the details.frown 

    I can also check with my cardiologist to see if he has any manufacturer's samples to provide me with temporarily for a week or so.  And to see if there's another blood thinner drug that isn't so expensive.  I know that Warfarin is cheap but requires weekly blood tests to monitor levels in the blood.  I am currently taking Clopidigrel (covered completely by insurance) also but don't know if increasing the dosage will work as well as Xarelto, or is advisable.  Eliquis is supposedly very good but is very expensive ($$$$) even if partly covered by insurance.  (*Sigh, life in the modern age.*)sad  Health care was easier back in the old days.  One just learned to not annoy the bear at the back of the cave.indecision

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    NylonGirl said:

    Well there is quite a ruckus out here. Apparently one of our sporting teams won some big game and is now planning to play some even bigger game. Whatever.

    I am thinking football! 

  • Leather Gryphon: My dad was on Rat Poison Warfarin. Dead cheap (cost him nothing - UK has a National Health System [NHS] - but using basic, dead cheap, old fashioned drugs is what keeps the NHS vaguely affordable), and it does the same job. Might be worth asking about if it might be suitable for you.



  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited January 27

    richardandtracy said:

    Leather Gryphon: My dad was on Rat Poison Warfarin. Dead cheap (cost him nothing - UK has a National Health System [NHS] - but using basic, dead cheap, old fashioned drugs is what keeps the NHS vaguely affordable), and it does the same job. Might be worth asking about if it might be suitable for you.



    Thanks for the information.  However, there are two problems with Warfarin for me.

    Transportation: I don't have a car and going into the medical part of the city costs me at least $30 every trip. $2 bus in, and $28 Uber home, unless I want to stick around in the city for 6 hours to get the bus home.  

    Injections:  I have very tiny veins and have run out of places to get poked.  Phlebotomists have trouble poking me and hitting the target.  So, weekly blood tests would be a problem.  However, it would be a last ditch effort, so it's not off the table.  

    I'm hoping my Cardiologist can come up with an affordable solution that doesn't involve poking.  Or better yet, I'm hoping there's something I can do with the insurance company.  Hoping this situation is just an error.  I did call the pharmacist at the drug store and he did say that insurance paid $100 for the Xarleto, so the actual price was $660surprise


    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    My mum puts moist cat food into two bowls and puts them on the ground.  Both Oscar and Misty then gobbles it down from their bowl.

  • butterflyfishbutterflyfish Posts: 1,275
    edited January 27

    @LeatherGryphon is there a program from the manufacturer that can help you pay for it? I was on a free program last year for my MS meds (Kesimpta) that normally cost like $9k/month. My insurance refused to pay for it last year. For some reason they'll cover it this year, though, so I'm getting it through them now.

    Post edited by butterflyfish on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited January 27

    butterflyfish said:

    @LeatherGryphon is there a program from the manufacturer that can help you pay for it? I was on a free program last year for my MS meds (Kesimpta) that normally cost like $9k/month. My insurance refused to pay for it last year. For some reason they'll cover it this year, though, so I'm getting it through them now.

    Thank you for the suggestion.

    I've poked around in my account at the insurance company website and have discovered a $570 deductable for "Tier-3" class of drugs, of which Xarleto is one.  This jibes with what the pharmacist suggested as "possibly a deductable issue".  So, long story short, I believe that I only have to pay the $570 once during the year and then the rest of the year it's covered?  And since this is a brand new insurance policy and this is the first drug order of the year, I think that's the explanation.  Although, I'm still trying to find a human being to talk to at the insurance company.  And I will talk with my Cardiologist about alternatives tomorrow (making a special trip).  Wheee..., an undesired mini-adventure.frown  Regardless, I need a resolution by Friday morning or I'm out of pills.

    Musings:  So, maybe it's a coincidence but I was able to get Xarelto for $47 twice (Nov & Dec) at the end of 2024, and coincidentally, 570 divided by 47 is 12  So, perhaps I was lucky and between the hospital issuing Xarelto and the confusion of tranfering prescriptions at the end of the year, and simultaneous activation of a new policy, my 2024 deductable got lost in the cracks?  Or perhaps, in 2024 they didn't require a deductable at all.  Yeah, that's probably the situation, they now require a deductable on Tier-3 drugs because the new laws require a $50 cap on the cost of Insulin.  Insurance companies are slick, squeeze them in one area and they bulge out in others.angry

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    I found this in one of my pots outside.  What is it?

    I was looking at my pots so I could bring some inside.  I wanted to put seeds in them.

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  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681

    Non-complaint:  Made an emergency trip to my cardiologist this morning, and was able to get a few days sample supply of Xarelto to hold me over until I get the insurance issue straightened out.  Stopped into Tim Horton's for breakfast, and picked up a couple plain donuts and a blueberry muffin to take home.  Toddled over to BigLots for a look at what's on sale.smiley  Lots of furniture 40% off.

    Complaint:  The BigLots store is closing.sad  That was a major part of my entertainment when I had to go to the medical center.  But the TimHorton's is still in that area so all is not lost.indecision

    Complaint:  I went ahead and ordered my prescriptions for the month, including the Insurance deductable ($$$) on Xarelto.  But now that the deductable is completely satisfied, the cost per month should be manageable.indecision  I hope.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    .....good that you got the prescription situation sort of sorted out.  Was a bit worried there. 

    Now if only Daz  could get this bad gateway error situation sorted out, I seem to get a lot of them.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681

    Sfariah D said:

    I found this in one of my pots outside.  What is it?


     It's alive, it's ALIVE, it's ALIVE!!!

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited January 30

    kyoto kid said:

    .....good that you got the prescription situation sort of sorted out.  Was a bit worried there. 

    Now if only Daz  could get this bad gateway error situation sorted out, I seem to get a lot of them.

    Thank you.  Although, I won't be happy until I have the newly ordered prescription safely ensconced  in my medicine cabinet, but at least it's ordered & paid for, and supposedly being delivered today or tomorrow (the last day of my pills).  And with the samples I was able to get from my cardiologist, I now have a few spare to tide me over if the pharmacy is slow refilling and/or delivering them at the end of each month. (*phew*)yes

    (And yeah, I've been getting a lot of bad gateway errors too, lately.)

    Complaint:  Two more doctor appointments next week, on Wednesday(Otolaryngologist, i.e. EN&T) & Thursday(GP), and a third one on the next Thursday(Opthomologist) .   So many closely spaced, inconvenient, mini-adventures.  My budget only allows for two Ubers a month, I've already had three in January and one was a double.  It's gittin' 'spensive.frown  (Doctor doctor go away, I'd rather see you another day.)indecision

    Complaint: (Thurs afternoon) Prescription delivery delay.  E-mail from my pharmacy says that my ordered prescription of Xarelto now won't be delivered until tomorrow  Cuttin' it kinda close, 'cause I took my last pill this morning.frown 

    Non-complaint:  I'm so relieved that I was able to get a sample bottle of 7 from my Cardiologist on Tuesday, for just this sort of issue.yes

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    Ich bin müde.  Yawn!

  • FrankTheTankFrankTheTank Posts: 1,238

    Ai makes me question what I want. When I started this some 10 years ago, I wanted to use Daz simply as a posing mannequin for my figure drawing. Then at some point I got hooked on rendering and I started playing with animation, etc. But now because I hate the AI stuff, I'm tempted to go back to actually just hand drawing or real life painting. Maybe I should give up this hobby I think, but then when I look at how much I've spent on product and the PC builds I've done to use it, not to mention the time spent on tutorials and learning this 3D stuff, I think I can't just give it up. It seems a part of me now.

    I guess at the end of day I just wanted a way to illustrate my tales, but I wanted it to be unique and special to me and have my mark on it. But AI has made a mockery of it by spitting out junk in 2 minutes that is better than what I can make spending several days. And if I should ever get to some level of expertise, the AI will have advanced so far by that point that it won't matter. I think it will be very difficult for artists to build their own look now, their own style, since as soon as they do, the AI will just sample your work and now you will no longer be special. So I guess the answer is to burn it all down and leave no surviors. 

    clown kitty oil painting.jpg
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  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,228
    edited January 31

    Hand created art has been around tens of thousands of years (cave oaintings, etc.).

    The desire to create will continue, no matter what new shiny toy comes along. A I art is just computer code imitating human art. Although we may see improvements like better hand imaging, it will never replace hand-created art. A I art programs are fun (I have a Pro account at NightCafe); it's only a toy, but fun to bounce ideas off of. I've gotten ideas for DAZ renders from using A I.  

    A sketch pad and pencil will always be ready wherever one goes, and I believe, be as useful to the artist in the future as they have in the past.

    1792 x 2304 - 351K
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  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    ...I used to be big into painting and drawing (even had major in Art along with Music when I was in college) That was until severe arthritis made it extremely difficult to hold a brush or pencil steady or for very long (I can barely even read my own hand writing anymore and I used to have several styles of hand printing that looked almost as if it was typeset).

    The "need" to create and illustrate stories  and scenarios for gaming is what attracted me into 3D work.  Most of my characters are a bit stylised (not as much as 3D Universe's) but still enough to give them a distinctive look.

    As to AI, I'm with TJohn.  Generative AI it is little more than a toy for amusement.  On the other hand certain AI processes like for denoising I have no issue with  However when it comes to postwork I prefer using 2D software to keep a "personal" touch in my work. Yeah it may not look like every other AI processed render, but that's the point.

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,228

    I have a new recliner. This is not a complaint. 

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    How do zoo vets give a hippo their medicine?  I think that hippos can be very dangerous with their big strong jaws.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited February 3

    TJohn said:

    I have a new recliner. This is not a complaint. 

    Wheee..., personal furniture.  'Twill eventually merge its shape to you and truely become yours. yes 

    I bought a new recliner a year or so ago (old one broke,  although I should have had it fixed).  New recliner looked good but was cheap, and the molding to my shape has evolved beyond comfortable to painful,sad so I have to supplement the once ample cushioning with external pillows on arms and foot rest.  But with those accessories, it has truely become my personalized, overstuffed cloudlike furniture.smiley

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited February 3

    Complaint:  Arghhh..., my bloody nose is back, but this time from the left nostril.frown  Weeks without a continuous drippy nose then out of the blue when I was feeling confident that it was "cured", it burst forth this morning, and it took me 90 minutes to get it under control. sad 

    Non-complaint:  I have a previously scheduled appointment with my EN&T (Ear, Nose & Throat) doctor in two days (Wed 2/5/25) for a checkup on what he did for me last December.  I hope there's something more he can do for it, this is getting annoying.angry

    More non-complaint:  My prescription order for Xarelto (anti-coagulant) came through in time, and is finally safely ensconced in my medicine cabinet.yes

    Complaint:  It's the Xarelto that is complicating the nose recovery.frown   But I need it to avoid clots in my heart veins.sad

    Non-complaint:  On Thursday (day after the EN&T doctor) I have my first appointment with my new GP (General Practitioner  aka: Primary Care Physician).  I chose him from research into local doctors and hope that he is a bit more in sync with modern medicine than my previous GP was.  She was very nice but more of an old timey country doctor, getting old herself, and it was difficult to arrange transportation to her office, even farther outside the city than I am.  My new GP is in the city medical area,  easy bus access, he's younger, and more educated if not more experienced with my particular list of maladies.  I hoping that I can trust him more to give well considered modern advice.indecision

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Sfariah D said:

    How do zoo vets give a hippo their medicine?  I think that hippos can be very dangerous with their big strong jaws.

    My suspicion is that vets five the medicine to the less dangerous end hypodermically while the  hippo is in a hippo crush (like a cattle crush, but fatter). 

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681

    Sfariah D said:

    How do zoo vets give a hippo their medicine?  I think that hippos can be very dangerous with their big strong jaws.

    Hidden in a cabbage or in a jar sized glob of peanut butter tossed into the yawning maw? 

    Baseball sized suppositories?  Delivered by trepidatious subordinates?

  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 4,037

    Complaint : I have gotten 15 SPAM calls since 8 am. What is with that?

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