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They don't get a cut of the money you pay for net access, so they need to get money somewhere.
Yeah it's neccesary for the creators to continue making content. I pay for Premium so I don't deal with it. We already have advertisements on the internet, TV, windows, doors, buses, billboards, inside stores, outside stores, people spinning signs, people yelling things, airplanes, radio, on mannequins (who may or may not be real), race cars, wrestlers, flyers, fruit, and all sorts of other things.
I don't want it on YouTube, I get very cranky when I click on a video and it shows me a ad-even waiting 15 seconds to skip is an eternity.
You forgot to mention tee shirts, jackets, hats, shoes... People are living billboards these days!
I think it would be interesting to see how well the actual sorting of the documents matches the memory of sorting the documents.
So true!
I have two working theories-multiverse crossovers or gremlins.
I think it may have something to do with bean-based teleportation. More on that later.
...true but it is just more money per month out of an already tight budget. Still trying to put away what I can for a much needed and long overdue system upgrade..
Yeah, I really dislike having that sub and it's one purely out of impatience. But YouTube is my most used platform across everything so I'm milking it for all it's worth!
YouTube Premium is my favorite of all the subscription services. If I had to get rid of all of them except one, I think I would keep that one. This is because it also includes Youtube Music. It is a bonus that it gets rid of the ads on Youtube too. If I had to get rid of just one of the subscriptions, it would be Youtube TV. I think we watch just one channel and it is a local channel.
To me, the most annoting ads are the ones the media company doesn't consider to be ads but I do. They come when you want to watch a TV show and they decide to show you an advertisement for another TV show. Services like Paramount Plus do this. So the most odd place I've seen an ad is on a service where I'm paying for ad-free TV shows.
I've mentioned this before, but 4KVideoDownloader is very low cost, one time, and can download YouTube videos without the ads. You can always delete them after you watch them. Saves bandwidth usage, and annoyance! I take it the lifetime licence the best of the lot.
Does it download into Windows Media Player?
MP4, I believe, so any player that can play them. As far as I remember, it's all lifetime. I paid a one time fee, I think it was $10. It seems there's maybe another level that has some kind of benefits, but I've never needed it, or missed it. I've done many downloads...a lot of my favorite videos - music, comedy, science, astronomy, documentary. Six minute videos, two hour videos...all without ads!
..the one time is now 25$ while the single year subscription year is 15$ ,
MP4? what happened to MP3? Checking the Microsoft site Media player only supports MP3 or older.
BTW is anyone else getting bad gateway errors? I've had four six just trying to post his reply.
The videos pay in Movies & TV, which comes with Windows 10 (Pro at least). It's on the menu under Microsoft. I wouldn't have purchased it. And it offers you the option of resolutions available (4K, 1080, etc.)
Yes, I just had a Gateway error. What's new?
I used the free version for quite a while. I got the paid one during a sale, I think. It allows more simultaneous downloads, as I remember. But I could still get videos downloaded before I paid for it. for a YouTube video, what is the download format it uses (not up on all that media stuff)? . I just intend to watch them uninterrupted on my computer which has a mini 3 way sound system . Not interested in downloading them to a device like a phone as the screen is too small and the sound quality rather "tinny" as we used to say.
Oh, and I'm also on WIn7 Pro which has the older version of Media Player so not sure if that is outdates with respect to the latest version of 4KVideo.
The app "4k Video Downloader+" (free, or at least it used to be) downloads YouTube videos as MP4 format. If your Win7 native player doesn't handle it, then get "VLC Media Player", also free (or at least it used to be). I use and am happy with both on my systems (Win10)
As usual with free apps, choose your download source carefully, do your homework, and be careful which buttons you push on the "Download" page.
More Info:
I would say yes to VideoLAN VLC Media Player. It is widely known, widely used software that seems to have apps for all platforms and play all media files. I have used it for a long time, and had media files that won't play on anything else and will play with VLC. 4KVideoDownloader is probably the more risky app of the two. However, anything that accomplishes the stated goal with YouTube will require such risk. Maybe it's fine.
Information should be on the website. Always has been safe. Don't remember how long I've had this, but probably used it on Windows 7 Pro. Almost never bother with watching videos on my phone, either. Can't understand how some people can watch movies on a phone! I alway tried to get bigger and bigger screens, not smaller!!!
Just try it!!! If it doens't work for you, delete it. I don't think you'll be disappointed, though.
Stupid Gateway errors!!! Double post!
This is how I feel! I think it is due to the cloudy weather.
Dang, finally got past the gateway Crayola (as the spell correct wants it, my version had a "p" in it) and really have zero to say. Well, hi!
Well I... ordered a shirt. The product description said it was 100% cotton. I had ordered one before. They sent me a shirt whose label said it was 50% cotton and 50% polyester. It was the exact same order and product description as before, but a different product. So I ordered two different shirts from a different online ordering giant. Their product description also said the shirts were 100% cotton. I've looked at the first one and the label says it's 60% cotton and 40% polyester. But it is 100% US cotton.
So the 100% cotton refers to the origin of the cotton rather than the percentage of cotton in the product. Concerning my shirt made of 60% (100% US cotton) and 40% (who knows) polyester, I did have three thoughts:
1. I wanted a completely cotton shirt
2. I don't care where the cotton comes from
3. If I cared where the cotton came from, I would probably want the polyester to come from the same place.
I don't think I'm going to return the shirts. It's a bother, and I kind of like them regardless of the lies.
I did proofread this message 45 times. There will still be a spelling or grammatical error. I suspect they get introduced after the "Post Comment" button is pressed. This is stupid.
Perhaps the catalog page advertisement means that the tag itself is 100% cotton.
(Apologies to Mr. Humphries)
...when it comes to clothing like sweaters, stocking caps, scarves, and winter socks, wool and only wool will do.
I usually compose longer posts on Word and run the spell checker them, then copy/paste into the comment window.
Complaint: downstairs neighbors are becoming intolerable with their loud parties. Any time they have friend sover now it's hours and hours of wub-wub bass and shouting. At least it's Sunday and I can demand a hard stop at 10 if need be (it's a work day tomorrow for some of us). Thinking of moving and/or investing in some kind of noise machine.