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I think I'm mostly pointedly irrelevant.
Non-complaint: I was so disappointed with the breakfast (the place with the mini-menu and the naked metal plates) I had a few days ago, that I've scheduled a bus trip tomorrow morning to a locally famous, long-standing, breakfast/lunch only, hole-in-the-wall restaurant. Great your-style eggs, omelets, pancakes, ham, sausage, bacon, corned beef, real orange juice, english muffins w/peanut butter, etc. Mmmm... country breakfast, not a quiche in sight.
And that restaurant is in the same dated mini-mall as a Subway sandwich shop and a Chinese take-out restaurant. When I get home I'll be loaded with non-canned food for a week. Wheee... real food.
Yeah, yeah, I have to take an UBER back home, but it's on the closer side of the city so I save 10 bucks or more over having to come from the middle or far side of the city. Call it a post holiday treat.
A decent breakfast menu:
One of these pictures is an English Muffin. The other is an English acter named David. Is it English actor or Brittish actor?
"Thomas English Muffins" Invented in NYC ,by a British immigrant. About a $6 for a package of six in grocery stores. As pictured in various google articles. My favorite way of having an "English Muffin" is without butter, but with peanut butter melted into the nooks & crannies instead.
Although, one warm, slightly crispy on the edges, still soft in the center, and slatherered with real butter melting into the nooks & crannies is good too. Significantly more pricy than a slice of bread, but Mmmmm... when heated/toasted & garnished just right.
But dull as dishwater when cold and dry.
Be assured though, an English Muffin is NOT a suitable substitute for a baking powder biscuit used for "Biscuit & Gravy" I kvetched about that a few weeks back. (blech)
Freshly baked baking powder biscuits are soft, flakey, cake-like, and fall apart if you look at them too hard, and are used for things like strawberry shortcake, as well as "biscuit & gravy".
But despite baking powder biscuit's fragility when fresh, they are hockey pucks when cold and stale. 
An English Muffin, on the other hand, is a soft but tough bread used for things like toast and McDonald's Egg McMuffins and similar type sandwiches. Very sturdy and tasty when warmed.
Yes, unless he is Scottish or Welsh
Which he is. (Scottish)
In theory all English Actors are also British Actors and UK Actors. All Scottish Actors are also British Actors and UK Actors. All Welsh Actors are also British Actors and UK Actors. However Actors from Northern Ireland are not British Actors, they are UK Actors. The UK is officially 'The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland', where Great Britain comprises England, Scotland & Wales (ordered alphabetically, by area & by population). Semantics seem to be very important to some people.
Major Complaint: The road to my house still has not been plowed after Tuesday night's snow storm left more than 6 ninches of snow and the tech to repair my heat pump can't get here. I'm having to try and and stay warm on just emergency heat but it isn't keeping up.
Though for some sports people from Northern Ireland are Irish rather than UK.
Agreed. And in some sports NI has its own identity, but that often doesn't disallow a NI origin player from playing for Eire if they wish to. Total mess.
I went outside, but I got cold feet. I went back inside as fast as possible.
Non-complaint: Had a tiny mini-adventure this morning, took bus to breakfast, surprised to discover prices were about 30% higher than on the menu I showed in previous post, but good food still. New generation now running the family owned business, and they're now not just cash only. Joined the new century and finally accept credit cards. Picked two Subway subs for four future meals at home. Ubered home.
Complaint: Finished breakfast at 8:45AM but forgot that the Chinese take-out wouldn't be open until 11:00 AM, so no Sezchuan Chicken.
I considered going farther into town but that would have required either a long walk to a bus stop, or another Uber ride($$) and I'd have to waste 2 hours and take an Uber back to the Chinese take-out and then a final Uber home ($$+$$). So I just slunk home with my two foot-long subs and a belly full of yummy breakfast. Next time I'll plan my rides better.
I have several doctor appointments coming up in a couple weeks. Bus to doctor first, then Uber to Chinese take-out, have lunch at hole-in-the-wall restaurant, go to Subway for subs, then Uber home. Just two Ubers instead of three. Yeah, that's the ticket.
I've discovered that the problem with the in-city bus routes here is that they are all hour-long one-way circuits. If you want to go backwards down a route a stop or two you have to ride the circuit all the way around.
And the taxis in this city are stinky and filthy and just as expensive as Uber.
Ubering is so much more civilized and easier, but not cheap.
I love the Uber App.
Complaint: after 3-4 years of having OutLook try to take over my calendar and me deleteing it ,I finally had to give in .....don't like it don't want it ,why couldn't they leave my plain calendar alone ......
Complaint: We just had to spend $650+ on a part for the oil furnace and another part for one of the steam radiators.
Bigger Complaint: The furnace is cracked and the exterior box needs replacing. This will be $6400+ that we do not have.
Observation: Apparently I'm done DAZing for the foreseeable future.
Yes, and I think I will also take the opportunity to get more familiar with Blender.
I used AI to make a cake for my 42nd birthday. I probably should have proof read it before saving it with my last and only credit at Adobe Stock. I can't use it for another 2 years it seems.
Looks like we're nearly birthday buddies.
...makes me feel a bit spoiled as I have lot within short walking distance where I am.. There's a Safeway market 3 blocks away. a Subway on the street level corner of my building, several nice cosy coffee houses (all interdentally owned), and two neighbourhood pubs less than a 10 minute walk away
If I need to go on an adventure, bus and tram service is pretty good (which is fortunate as I can't afford Uber on my budget). The only thing we don't have close by is a good place to go for brekkie as most restaurants in the area. are fairly "upscale" and such food is "beneath" them.
The best place is the Hotcake House in southeast on he other side of the river which requires a bus trip (I used to live near it many years ago).
Sounds cozy.
I really miss convenient access to supplies, entertainment and culture and good public transportation.
Nostalgia Mode ON: Yeah, when I lived in the center of Washington DC, back in the '80s, we were a few blocks north of the Chinatown area. We had a supermarket two blocks west, a METRO station three blocks north, Chinatown restaurants, a major sports arena, and the National Portrait Gallery to the south, and a corner mini-store one block east. And I could walk more than 200 yards back then. Walking south to Chinatown area, we could see the dome of the National Gallery of Art (west building) down the hill, on The Mall, 12 blocks away. But at home we also heard shots in the night, and once had someone wander into our yard and die of a stabbing.
The area has gentrified a lot since then.
But speaking of nostalgia, I was (and am) a great fan of the original "The Day the Earth Stood Still" movie from the '50s. The boy in the movie was about my age at the time and I fantasized about wandering down to The Mall and finding a giant robot and flying saucer, and meeting a great scientist. But as it's turned out, although I never found a giant robot and flying saucer, I have, somewhere in my life, wandered down to The Mall, and have met a great scientist (Paul Dirac). Nostalgia Mode OFF:
And the only reason I can afford to Uber a couple times a month is that I'm not paying for a car, or its maintenance, or its gas, or its insurance or its parking, and I have a cheap housing arrangement in a deteriorating farming town, in a forgotten corner of NY State. The cost of an Uber to travel does hurt, but a few considered uses per month are doable, and I treat them as necessary luxury. Friends and relatives are either far away, too old to drive, unwilling to shovel snow to drive, or otherwise unavailable to drive me anymore. I'm on my own. But, I've always been on my own except for the 13 years Max and I lived together. I've traveled around the US & across Canada on motorcycle, alone. I find a way to get where I need to be, but yeah, it's getting harder.
What is the term that means going to a mall to hang out instead of working or going to school?
I am at a mall right now!
I found a way to get a free chicken, but it requires putting in some hours at the Philly place.
Then it is not really free.
I really like geese. Really like them.
Non complaint: I am shocked, something on my wishlist is currently in my lightning deals!
Complaint: They expire in 30 minutes, and I don't have the money to buy it right now.
I am trying to load a scene into DS, but it is taking a long time to load. Don't know what is going on.
My computer doesn't have enough ram. Wonder if there is a way to upgrade the ram on it?
Complaint: Heart attack bills are still dribbling in, apparently I missed a bill for the pharmacy at the hospital in Buffalo for the drugs they issued me to take home. The postal mail notice claimed that I was more than 30 days overdue.
I don't remember getting a bill from them previously. So I went back through all my 3 inches of paperwork and, sure enough, there was a small, narrow adding machine type of receipt with the listed drugs, and a signature line at the bottom, no address, no instructions on how to pay, and the charge was apparently not included in any of the other hospital bills. Grrr.... Not a huge amount but enough for two Uber rides.
Non-complaint: Surprise, surprise! I received a refund check from my eye surgeon for laser cleaning my cataract replacement lenses last fall. Enough refund to pay the Buffalo hospital's drug bill three times over. Wheeee...
Not asking questions, not looking the gift horse in the mouth.